OpenGL: Draw color with mask on a background image - opengl

I need to draw a color with some shape onto an image. My thought was to supply a mask with the given shape (say, hearts), then fill the rectangular area with the color and use the mask to render it over the final image.
Masked by:
The rectangle color is decided at runtime - that's why I don't draw the colored heart on my own.
The black heart image is transparent (alpha is 0) anywhere except for the heart (alpha is 255).
I tried using:
where the source is the solid color, and the destination is the alpha channel image.
I used for help.
However the bottom image (tree) is being used as the DST image...
Seems like I need an intermediate buffer to first render the blue heart, then do a second render onto the tree.
What is the way to do it?

If the tree is drawn before, it will appear in the dest Color and change your final result.
You are right, you need an intermediate buffer to store which part of the quand should be rendered, with the shape of your heart.
OpenGL provide a perfect tool for this, it's called stencil buffer.
In your case i will render my scene like usual (the tree)
Then i will enable the stencil buffer glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
Disable the write to the colorBuffer glColorMask(false, false, false, false);,
Draw only the heart with the appropriate mask. glStencilMask(0xFF);
Then you draw your colored quad with stencil test enable with glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFF)
Don't forget to clear your stencil buffer each frame glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT);
You can find some good tutorials online:

Here's a very simple way to do this in legacy OpenGL (which I assume you're using) that does not require a stencil buffer:
public void render() {
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
glOrtho(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, -1);
// Regular blending
// Discard transparent pixels. Not strictly necessary but good for performance in this case.
glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.01f);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, treeTexture);
glColor3f(1,0,1); // Your color goes here
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, maskTexture);
private void drawQuad() {
Here, treeTexture is the tree texture, and maskTexture is the white-on-transparent heart shape.
The principle is that in the legacy OpenGL pipeline, you can use glColor* before glVertex* to specify a color that the texture color (in this case white or transparent) is multiplied by component-wise.
Note that with this method you can easily render multiple colored shapes in multiple different colors without needing any (relatively expensive) clears of the stencil buffer. I suggest cropping the mask texture to the boundaries of the actual mask shape, to save the GPU the small effort of discarding all the transparent fragments.


How to mask OpenGL quad with another quad

I am trying to make display a quad, but only when it is over an other quad that I know the position of. I thought about using that quad as a mask for the other quad, but I am unsure about how to do it (I already found this post that talks about masking, however in my case I don't have a mask texture; I only know the X, Y, width and height of the area to mask). The current solution I found is to use glBlendFunc, and it only works if I don't render anything behind it, which won't be the case later on.
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
// draw the background quad, that is acting as the mask...
glBlendFuncSeparate(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ZERO);
// draw the background quad again, this time it will act as a mask...
// draw the quads that will be masked...
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // this is the blend func used for the rest of the rendering
Before drawing each frame, I also have a function that clears the screen:
How could I make it so that whatever it is that I draw before that, it will only mask on the previous quad?
If you want to restrict the rendering to a rectangular area than you can use the Scissor Test.
The scissor test has to be enabled (GL_SCISSOR_TEST) a nd th rectangular area can be set by glScissor. e.g.:
glScissor(x, w, width, height);

OpenGL bitmap alpha buffer

I have two RGBA images (simple 2D raster of type GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, not textures or anything) of the same scene, one sharp, one blurred. With the blurred image displayed, I need to create an effect where the sharp image shows through in one or more (possibly overlapping) circular areas, smoothly blending with the background blurred image around the edges of the circles. I used to do the following.
Call this at the initialization:
For every circle, make a copy of the sharp image, assign new values for their alpha components, starting from 255 at the center of the circle, reducing it to 0 towards the edges. Then rendered them one by one with glDrawPixels(), starting from the blurred image. It works, but as the number of those circular areas grows, it is getting noticeably slow.
I was thinking of using some alpha buffers (don't know the correct term), so that I create a small image with a cut out alpha circle in the middle, render its alpha component at one or several places of the framebuffer, then somehow blend the blurred image and the sharp image with those pre-rendered alpha values. So I wrote this in my display() function:
//render the alpha-mask first, at one place for now
GLfloat rp[4];
glRasterPos2f(0.2f, 0.2f); //just some arbitrary coordinates on the screen
glColorMask(false, false, false, true); //think I only need the alpha-channel
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
glDrawPixels(sharp_mask_width, sharp_mask_height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, alpha_mask);
//render the blurred image, blending the the previously rendered alpha
glRasterPos2f(rp[0], rp[1]);
glColorMask(true, true, true, true); //all channels
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_DST_ALPHA); //make a hole where alpha mask had the maximum alpha
glDrawPixels(g_width, g_height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imageDataBlurred);
glDrawPixels(g_width, g_height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imageDataSharp);
It seems I don't understand something important about all this blending stuff, because nothing is rendered at all, all I get is an empty screen. All I got is an effect remotely similar to what I need, messing with glBlendFunc parameters and blending rgb-s instead of alpha-s.
How, if at all, can it be done?
I know I will probably burn in hell for using outdated OpenGL in the year 2015, when programmable shaders rule the world and cure cancer, but if possible I'd much prefer an answer describing how to do it in old style OpenGL, so I don't have to change that crap of a legacy program too much...

LibGDX texture blending with OpenGL blending function

In libGdx, i'm trying to create a shaped texture: Take a fully-visible rectangle texture and mask it to obtain a shaped textured, as shown here:
Here I test it on rectangle, but i will want to use it on any shape. I have looked into this tutorial and came with an idea to first draw the texture, and then the mask with blanding function:
batch.setBlendFunction(GL20.GL_ZERO, GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA);
GL20.GL_ZERO - because i really don't want to paint any pixels from the mask
GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA - from original texture i want to paint only those pixels, where mask was visible (= white).
Crucial part of the test code:
batch0.draw(original, 0, 0); //to see the original
batch0.draw(mask, width1, 0); //and the mask
batch0.draw(original, 0, height1); //base for the result
batch0.setBlendFunction(GL20.GL_ZERO, GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA);
batch0.draw(mask, 0, height1); //draw mask on result
batch0.setBlendFunction(GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
The center ot the texture get's selected well, but instead of transparent color around, i see black:
Why is the result blank and not transparent?
(Full code - Warning: very messy)
What you're trying to do looks like a pretty clever use of blending. But I believe the exact way you apply it is "broken by design". Let's walk through the steps:
You render your background with red and green squares.
You render an opaque texture on top of you background.
You erase parts of the texture you rendered in step 2 by applying a mask.
The problem is that for the parts you erase in step 3, the previous background is not coming back. It really can't, because you wiped it out in step 2. The background of the whole texture area was replaced in step 2, and once it's gone there's no way to bring it back.
Now the question is of course how you can fix this. There are two conventional approaches I can think of:
You can combine the texture and mask by rendering them into an off-sreen framebuffer object (FBO). You perform steps 1 and 2 as you do now, but render into an FBO with a texture attachment. The texture you rendered into is then a texture with alpha values that reflect your mask, and you can use this texture to render into your default framebuffer with standard blending.
You can use a stencil buffer. Masking out parts of rendering is a primary application of stencil buffers, and using stencil would definitely be a very good solution for your use case. I won't elaborate on the details of how exactly to apply stencil buffers to your case in this answer. You should be able to find plenty of examples both online and in books, including in other answers on this site, if you search for "OpenGL stencil". For example this recent question deals with doing something similar using a stencil buffer: OpenGL stencil (Clip Entity).
So those would be the standard solutions. But inspired by the idea in your attempt, I think it's actually possible to get this to work with just blending. The approach that I came up with uses a slightly different sequence and different blend functions. I haven't tried this out, but I think it should work:
You render the background as before.
Render the mask. To prevent it from wiping out the background, disable writing to the color components of the framebuffer, and only write to the alpha component. This leaves the mask in the alpha component of the framebuffer.
Render the texture, using the alpha component from the framebuffer (DST_ALPHA) for blending.
You will need a framebuffer with an alpha component for this to work. Make sure that you request alpha bits for your framebuffer when setting up your context/surface.
The code sequence would look like this:
// Draw background.
// Draw mask.
// Draw texture.
A very late answer, but with the current version this is very easy. You simply draw the mask, set the blending mode to use the source color to the destination and draw the original. You'll only see the original image where the mask is.
//create batch with blending
SpriteBatch maskBatch = new SpriteBatch();
//draw the mask
//store original blending and set correct blending
int src = maskBatch.getBlendSrcFunc();
int dst = maskBatch.getBlendDstFunc();
maskBatch.setBlendFunction(GL20.GL_ZERO, GL20.GL_SRC_COLOR);
//draw original
//reset blending
maskBatch.setBlendFunction(src, dst);
//end batch
If you want more info on the blending options, check How to do blending in LibGDX

Aliasing issue with SDL + OpenGL masking

I've been trying to make Worms style destructible terrain, and so far it's been going pretty well...
I have rigged it so that the following image is masked onto the "chocolate" texture.
However, as can be seen on Snapshot 1, the "edges" of the CircleMask are still visible (overlapping each other). I'm fairly certain it has something to do with aliasing, as mask image is being stretched before being applied (that, and the SquareMask.png does not have this issue). This is my problem.
My masking code is as follows:
void MaskedSprite::draw(Point pos)
// Our masks should NOT affect the buffers color, only alpha.
// Draw all holes in the texture first.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < masks.size(); i++)
if (>draw(,;
// But our image SHOULD affect the buffers color.
// Now draw the actual sprite.
The draw() function draws a quad with the texture on it to the screen. It has no blend functions.
If you invert the alpha channel on your mask image so that the inside of the circle has alpha 0.0, You can use the following blending mode:
// ...
This means, when the screen is cleared, each pixel will be set to alpha 1.0. Each time the mask is rendered with blending enabled, it will multiply the mask's alpha value with the current alpha at that pixel, so the alpha value will never increase.
Note that using this technique, any alpha channel in the sprite texture will be ignored. Also, if you are rendering a background before the terrain, you will need to change the blend function before rendering the final sprite image. Something like glBlendFunc(GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA) would work.
Another solution would be to use your blending mode but set the mask texture's interpolation mode to nearest-neighbor to ensure that each value sampled from the mask is either 0.0 or 1.0:
My last bit of advice is this: the hard part about destructible 2D terrain is not getting it to render correctly, it's doing collision detection with it. If you haven't given thought to how you plan to tackle it, you might want to.

OpenGL non-square textures

I'm a little new to OpenGL. I am making a 2D application, and I defined a Quad class which defines a square with a texture on it. It loads these textures from a texture atlas, and it does this correctly. Everything works with regular textures, and the textures display correctly, but doesn't display correctly when the texture image is not a square.
For example, I want a Quad to have a star texture, and have the star to show up, and the area around the star image that still lies in the Quad to be transparent. But what ends up happening is that the star shows up fine, and then behind it is another texture from my texture atlas that fills the Quad. I assume the texture behind it is just the last texture I loaded into the system? Either way, I don't want that texture to show up.
Here's what I mean. I want the star but not the cloud-ish texture behind it showing up:
The important part of my render function is:
glVertexPointer(vertexStride, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertexes);
glColorPointer(colorStride, GL_FLOAT, 0, colors);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, uvCoordinates);
glDrawArrays(renderStyle, 0, vertexCount);
It seems like the obvious choice would be to use an RGBA texture, and make everything but the star transparent by setting the alpha channel to zero for those pixels (and enable alpha blending for the texture unit).
Use an image manipulation program. Photoshop is a great one, gimp is a free one. You don't really use OpenGL to crop your textures. Rather, your textures need to be prepared beforehand for your program.
There should be some sort of very easy tool to remove everything outside of the star. By remove, I mean make it transparent, which will require an alpha channel. This means you need to make sure that the way you load your textures in your program takes into account 32-bit colors (RGBA - red, green, blue, alpha), not just 24-bit colors (RGB - red, green, blue).
This will make everything behind your star see-through, or transparent.
Also, just an afterthought, it looks like you could be taking a copyrighted image off the internet and using it in your game/program. If you're doing anything commercial, I'd strongly recommend creating your own textures.
You want to make a call to glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0); after you have mapped your texture
here is an example from some code ive written
// Bind the texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, image.getID());
// Draw a QUAD with setting texture coordinates
// Top left corner of the texture
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex2f(x, y);
// Top right corner of the texture
glTexCoord2f(image.getRelativeWidth(), 0);
glVertex2f(x+image.getImageWidth(), y);
// Bottom right corner of the texture
glTexCoord2f(image.getRelativeWidth(), image.getRelativeHeight());
glVertex2f(x+image.getImageWidth()-20, y+image.getImageHeight());
// Bottom left corner of the texture
glTexCoord2f(0, image.getRelativeHeight());
glVertex2f(x+20, y+image.getImageHeight());
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
I am no expert but this certainly solved what you are experiencing for me.