Why did Windows 10 upgrade break VS 2017 with IIS Express? - visual-studio-2017

Did the latest Windows 10 upgrade on 8/27/2019. That broke Outlook 2016, but an Office Repair tool fixed that.
Now my VS Community 2017 can't run a Web project because IIS Express won't start. Says some other app is using the port, but SysInternals and netstat -ano say otherwise. In the Windows application log, an error for Clr4IntegratedAppPool always fires before the IIS error.
I have tried all of the following:
Repair VS 2017 (took hours to download gigs of stuff; what was this, an entire reinstall?)
Uninstall/reinstall IIS Express and reboot, reboot, reboot.
Delete the folder My Documents/IIS Express.
Delete the hidden project file .vs/config/applicationhost.config.
Changed the port number in the VS project properties, on the Web tab.
Ran this command: netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=::
I created a new web project and it ran fine with IIS Express. But after that, the old project still could not keep IIS Express running.

When I compared the csproj files for the new project that worked and the old one that had stopped working, I found that the new one had a lot of IIS-related stuff that was absent from the old one. I copied it from the old to the new, and it worked. However, it only worked with the new port number. Haven't gotten the old one to work, but I'll gladly settle for that!


Why is the ability to publish not available in VS 2017 on new surface pro

Just setup new surface pro. Moved from Laptop. I installed VS 2017 (even tried 2019) and loaded project from old laptop. Made changes and went to Publish new install and getting 'The publish components are not available. You need to reinstall Visual Studio to publish your application.' under publish tab. Program will build and can run the application from IDE.
Had to save project and publish using old laptop. I searched the internet and seen many posts about this issue but no solutions.
I have uninstalled VS 2017 and reinstalled. Have tried community version and pro version and same issue.
Hopefully someone has seen this and actually found a way to correct issue.
I noticed that my old laptop also had visual studio 2015 installed. I went ahead and installed that on new surface and now the ability to publish is available in vs 2017

Click Once application works when published from Visual Studio 2010 but not Visual Studio 2017

VS2017 publish causes error on startup "cannot load file or assembly ..." Running directly from the build works but not from the deployment in app.publish folder. The error shows even on my development computer. However, opening the same solution in VS2010 and publishing from there, all works as expected. I cannot find this same issue on the web.
After searching for all things Click Once, I came across an answer for a different issue and tried it. I upgraded the target framework to .NET Framework 4.6.1 and updated the NuGet Packages. Afterward, I was able to publish and run the Click Once Application with no errors.

Building Visual Studio project on Windows Server 2012

I have set up a CI server for our .NET projects. To build those projects I want to use the Visual Studio executable devenv.exe.
This worked out perfectly during the "evaluation period". Now these 30 days are over, to keep using Visual Studio on my Desktop computer, I just updated my license with one mouseclick. Doing this on the server allows me to build using the GUI, but when running devenv.exe programatically with the required parameters, I am receiving an error that the evaluation license expired, even though I renewed it.
I have already tried a clean reinstall, which did not fix the issue for me. Visual Studio on the server is connected to the same account I am successfully using on my Desktop PC.
Is there a known fix for this issue?
Figured it out. The license is somehow related to the user that launches Visual Studio. So to to automatically build projects with devenv.exe, the building agent has to run under the same user account, that installed an launched Visual Studio.

Windows server 2012 r2 core interface disable

I successfully installed windows server 2012 R2 .After setting admin password,and login,I am getting command window instead of GUI.
Can anyone please help me come out of this issue.I tried several methods but still in midst of problem.
Waiting for reply..
It seems like you did infact install Windows core version. Make a new installation and select Windows server (with GUI) from the menu. If youre not prompted this during installation, then it is most likely not the correct install media.

Has VS 2010 SP1 changed where the .config file is picked up from in VSTO add ins?

I have an outlook 2010 add-in that has a service reference to a simple web service we have set up.
The config for the service is in the app.config file.
This add-in is deployed using windows installer into the program files folder.
This has been working without a problem until yesterday.
Yesterday I installed VS 2010 SP1 and now when the add-in tries to access the web service it has the error "Could not find default endpoint element that references contract in the ServiceModel client configuration section."
Does anyone know what has changed and what is causing this problem?
If I open the project in VS, build and then run from within VS the config is picked up fine.
The actual solution is more simple. There was a breaking change made to VSTO 4 sp1 in that the manifest has to be a fully qualified URI. So when building your setup project, you must prefix the path to the manifest with file:/// and everything works as you'd expect again. They didn't get the documentation and tutorial pages updated in time for the release. I'm not sure that they have been yet.
Perhaps you're hitting a problem with extensionless services after installing SP1? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2468871 - Issue 16?
I had this exact same problem. After installing Visual Studio sp1 (which installs VSTO 4 sp1), my Outlook addin could no longer find its config file for service endpoints. The only solution I've found so far is to run the VSTO setup (the new one) and choose uninstall, then run the old version that was previously installed and rebuild the setup package. If the new version is installed on the client machine, that machine will have this issue. Your setup may not detect it because typically you specify a minimum version for it to look for. I haven't found any other info about others having this problem besides yourself or anything official from MS about the problem.