So what I've got is a Grid class and a Tile class. ATM Grid contains two dimensional vector of Tiles (vector<vector<Tile>>). These Tiles hold info about their x, y and z (it's a top down map) and f.e. erosion rate etc.
My problem is with that is that I need to effectively access these tiles by their x/y coordinates, find a tile with median (or other 0 to 1 value, median being 0.5) value from all z coordinates (to set sea level) and also loop through all of them from highest z to the lowest (for creating erosion map.
What would you suggest would be the best data structure to hold these in so I can effectively do everything I listed above and maybe something else as well if I find out later I need it. Right now I just create a temporary sorted structure or map to do the thing, copying all the tiles into it and working with it, which is really slow.
The options I've considered are map which doesn't have a direct access and is also always sorted which would make picking tiles by their x/y hard.
Then a single vector which would allow direct access but if I was to sort the tiles the direct access would be pointless because the position of Tile in vector would be the same as it's x + y * width.
Here is a small sample code:
Class Grid {
Class Tile {
unsigned x;
unsigned y;
float z; // used for drawing height map
static float seaLevel; // static value for all the tiles
unsigned erosionLevel; //used for drawing erosion map
void setSeaLevel(float pos) {
// set seaLevel to z of tile on pos from 0 to 1 in tile grid
void generateErosionMap() {
// loop thorugh all tiles from highest z to lowest z and set their erosion
void draw() {
// loop through all tiles by their x/y and draw them
vector<vector<Tile>> tileGrid;
The C++ library provides a basic set of containers. Each container is optimized for access in a specific way.
When you have a requirement to be able to optimally access the same set of data in different ways, the way to do this is to combine several containers together, all referencing the same underlying data, with each container being used to locate a single chunk of data in one particular way.
Let's take two of your requirements, as an example:
Locate a Grid object based on its X and Y coordinates, and
Iterate over all Grids in monotonically increasing or decreasing order, by their z coordinates.
We can implement the first requirement by using a simple two-dimensional vector:
typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Grid>>> lookup_by_xy_t;
lookup_by_xy_t lookup_by_xy;
This is rather obvious, on its face value. But note that the vector does not store the actual Grids, but a std::shared_ptr to these objects. If you are not familiar with std::shared_ptrs, read up on them, and understand what they are.
This is fairly basic: you construct a new Grid:
auto g = std::make_shared<Grid>( /* arguments to Grid's constructor */);
// Any additional initialization...
// g->foo(); g->bar=4;
// etc...
and simply insert it into the lookup vector:
Now, we handle your second requirement: being able to iterate over all these objects by their z coordinates:
typedef std::multimap<double, std::shared_ptr<Grid>> lookup_by_z_t;
lookup_by_z_t lookup_by_z;
This is assuming that your z coordinate is a double. The multimap will, by default, iterate over its contents in strict weak ordering according to the key, from lowest to the highest key. You can either iterate over the map backwards, or use the appropriate comparison class with the multimap, to order its keys from highest to lowest values.
Now, simply insert the same std::shared_ptr into this lookup container:
lookup_by_z.insert(std::make_pair(g->z, g));
Now, you can find each Grid object by either its x/y coordinate, or iterate over all objects by their z coordinates. Both of the two-dimensional vector, and the multimap, contain shared_ptrs to the same Grid objects. Either one can be used to access them.
Simply create other containers, as needed, to access the same underlying objects, in different ways.
Now, of course, all of this additional framework does impose some additional overhead, in terms of dynamic memory allocations, and the overhead for each container itself. There is no free lunch. A custom allocator might become necessary if the amount of raw data becomes an issue.
So after asking this question on my university and getting bit deeper explanation, I've come to this solution.
If you need a data structure that needs various access methods(like in my case direct access by x/y, linear access through sorted z etc.) best solution is to make you own class for handling it. Also using shared_ptr is much slower than uniqu_ptr and shouldn't be used unless necessary. So in my case the implementation would look something like this:
#ifndef TILE_GRID_H
#define TILE_GRID_H
#include "Tile.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using Matrix = std::vector<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Tile>>>;
using Sorted = std::vector<Tile*>;
class TileGrid {
TileGrid(unsigned w, unsigned h) : width(w), height(h) {
// Resize _dA to desired size
for (unsigned j = 0; j < height; ++j)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < width; ++i)
_directAccess[j].push_back(std::make_unique<Tile>(i, j));
// Link _sZ to _dA
for (auto& i : _directAccess)
for (auto& j : i)
// Sorts the data by it's z value
void sortZ() {
std::sort(_sortedZ.begin(), _sortedZ.end(), [](Tile* a, Tile* b) { return b->z < a->z; });
// Operator to read directly from this container
Tile& operator()(unsigned x, unsigned y) {
return *_directAccess[y][x];
// Operator returning i-th position from sorted tiles (in my case used for setting sea level)
Tile& operator()(float level) {
level = fmax(fmin(level, 1), 0);
return *_sortedZ[width * height * level];
// Iterators
auto begin() { return _sortedZ.begin(); }
auto end() { return _sortedZ.end(); }
auto rbegin() { return _sortedZ.rbegin(); }
auto rend() { return _sortedZ.rend(); }
const unsigned width; // x dimensoin
const unsigned height; // y dimension
Matrix _directAccess;
Sorted _sortedZ;
#endif // TILE_GRID_H
You could also use template, but in my case I only needed this for the Tile class. So as you can see, the main _directAccess matrix holds all the unique_ptr while _sortedZ has only raw pointers to data stored in _dA. This is much faster and also safe because of these pointers being tied to one class, and all of them being deleted at the same time. Also I've added overloaded () operators for accessing the data and reused iterators from the _sortedZ vector. And again the width and height being const is only because of the intended usage for this data structure(not resizable, immovable tiles etc.).
If you have any questions or suggestions on what to improve, feel free to comment.
I am relatively new to C++, and I am in need of some advice. I will try to keep it short. What is the simplest and best way of organizing integer values by their size? Then, I want to be able to use that information. My goal is basically, I can get an integer from a source, and then I want to organize the sources by the size of the integer value, and if two different sources has the same value I want the program to perform a bunch of code. Hopefully that made sense.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(By the size I mean the value, sorry for any inconvenience)
I don't have a sample code to show off unfortunately, but I will try to clarify what I am aiming for. I want to compare the speed of between 2-20 "characters" in a game. The fastest one will go first in the next part of the game, followed by the second fastest etc. If 2 "characters" has the same speed I want their starting position to be randomized (between them two). I have most of this pictured in my head, but I am mostly struggling to figure out how to sort the speed and know who had the highest speed value.
If the integers have to be unique (not 2 times the same integer in the container) and sorted, you might want to use a set
The next part of your question isn't very clear, but I'll try anyway.
If you want to know if a certain integer is already in your container, the best way is to go through said container and test every element, to do that a vector would do I guess, but since ordering is important, I would rather use a set or a priority_queue, but those are a little bit more complicated.
Now there's the "source" part. By source, do you mean input from exterior sources ? I think that's what you mean anyway. Basically you want a container storing "sources" by their values in ascending order, and when two get to the same value, do something.
The most natural and optimized way to do this would be to make your sources objects, and to overload the < operator in those objects, and then in that operator you can test if those objects have the same value to execute your 'bunch of code'.
Here a sample :
class Source
int m_value; // The value of this source
Source(int const& v) // setting the source's value
int getValue() // Returns the sources value for comparison
return m_value;
int setValue(int const& v) // Sets the source's value
m_value = v;
// ... [Insert other methods here]
bool operator<(Source const& s) // Testing which source has the lowest value
if(m_value == s.m_value()) // If their values are equal
// Your code
return (m_value < s.m_value()); // Else we test if the other value's bigger
And then you can store these in a set, for example.
Simple usage:
// intArray will be replaced by your collection of integers.
const int SIZE = 7;
int intArray[SIZE] = {5, 3, 32, -1, 1, 104, 53};
std::sort(intArray, intArray + SIZE);
cout << "Sorted Array looks like this." << endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i != SIZE; ++i)
cout << intArray[i] << " ";
This should print: -1 1 3 5 32 53 104
This article might be some help if you are new to stl:
To explain, what I want, let there is a map
std::map<Point, SomeClass> hm_map;
Is there a way to use in a find () of a map the comparator with parameter? - the radius of interesting me Point, so the find () must return the set of proper pairs. I think, I have chosen the incorrect container for it.
comparator::distance = someNumber;
setOfProperPairs = hmap.find (key, comparator);
struct comparator
static double distance;
bool operator()(Point ptg, Point p) const
{ return ptg.Hit (p, distance); }
Do you know what the container to use for it?
std::map supports one-dimensional sorted data.
If you want geometric sorting in two or more dimensions, there is no std support for that.
You will want a quad tree (or oct tree or higher dimensional analogues), or an r tree, or a kd-tree, or similar.
They are a bit tricky to code.
Now, if you know the radius you care about before you build your structure, you can hack a simpler implementation. Create a square n dimensional grid where the spacing between the grid sides is about 1/2 to 2/3 said radius.
Store data in a multimap from grid cell to exact location and data.
Now when doing a lookup, figure out what grid the center is in, work out what grid cells could have hits in them, and search through said grid cells, doing a final check on the location to see if it is a hit.
How can you map negative map coordinates in a 2D tile based game?
ex. (-180,100)
or (10, -8)
i need to access them with O(1). i don't want create a huge 2d vector and consider (500,500) as (0,0) just to call negative coordinates.
kinda of a dumb question, but i really have no clue.
Thank you.
I'm assuming you've got an infinite, procedurally-generated world, because if the world isn't infinite, it's a simple matter of setting the lower bound of the X and Y coordinate at zero, then wrapping a function around your tile map array that automatically returns zero if someone asks for a tile that's out of bounds.
In the case of an infinite world, you're not going to be able to access your tiles in O(1) time -- the best you're going to do is O(log n). Here's how I'd go about it:
Divide your tile map into square chunks of whatever size you find reasonable (we'll call this size S)
Create a hash map of vectors, each vector being one chunk of your map.
When the player moves close to a new chunk, generate it in a background thread and toss it into the hash. The hash should be based on the x, y coordinates of the chunk (x/S, y/S).
If you want to access a map tile at a particular position, grab t.he vector for the appropriate chunk and then access tile (x%S, y%S) in that vector.
If you wrap this inside a class, you can add features to it, such as loading and saving chunks to disk so you don't have to hold the entire map in memory. You can also write a getTile function that can take arbitrary coordinates, and takes care of picking the correct chunk uand position inside that chunk for you.
Your vector is always accessible in O(1) time, and the hash should be accessible in O(log n) time. Furthermore, as long as you choose a sane chunk size, the size of your hash won't get out of hand, so the performance impact will be essentially nil.
If you data is dense (all or most of the points in a known 2D range are used), nothing will beat a 2D array (O(1)). Accept the coordinate shift.
If your data is sparse, how about a hash table on the coordinate pairs. Close to O(1).
std::map or hash_map doesnt seem to suit my needs. they are overly complex and not flexible enough.
i decided go for std::vector and accept high memory usage
i'll leave how i did it here for future reference
const uint Xlimit = 500;
const uint Ylimit = 500;
class Tile
void *someGameData;
class Game
tiles.resize(Xlimit, std::vector<Tile>(Ylimit, Tile()));
inline Tile* GetTileAtCoord(int x, int y)
return &tiles[x+Xlimit][y+Ylimit];
std::vector<std::vector<Tile>> tiles;
Using C++ (and Qt), I need to process a big amount of 3D coordinates.
Specifically, when I receive a 3D coordinate (made of 3 doubles), I need to check in a list if this coordinate has already been processed.
If not, then I process it and add it to the list (or container).
The amount of coordinates can become very big, so I need to store the processed coordinates in a container which will ensure that checking if a 3D coordinate is already contained in the container is fast.
I was thinking of using a map of a map of a map, storing the x coordinate, then the y coordinate then the z coordinate, but this makes it quite tedious to use, so I'm actually hoping there is a much better way to do it that I cannot think of.
Probably the simplest way to speed up such processing is to store the already-processed points in Octree. Checking for duplication will become close to logarithmic.
Also, make sure you tolerate round-off errors by checking the distance between the points, not the equality of the coordinates.
Divide your space into discrete bins. Could be infinitely deep squares, or could be cubes. Store your processed coordinates in a simple linked list, sorted if you like in each bin. When you get a new coordinate, jump to the enclosing bin, and walk the list looking for the new point.
Be wary of floating point comparisons. You need to either turn values into integers (say multiply by 1000 and truncate), or decide how close 2 values are to be considered equal.
You can easily use a set as follows:
#include <set>
#include <cassert>
const double epsilon(1e-8);
class Coordinate {
Coordinate(double x, double y, double z) :
x_(x), y_(y), z_(z) {}
double x_;
double y_;
double z_;
friend bool operator<(const Coordinate& cl, const Coordinate& cr);
bool operator<(const Coordinate& cl, const Coordinate& cr) {
if (cl.x_ < cr.x_ - epsilon) return true;
if (cl.x_ > cr.x_ + epsilon) return false;
if (cl.y_ < cr.y_ - epsilon) return true;
if (cl.y_ > cr.y_ + epsilon) return false;
if (cl.z_ < cr.z_ - epsilon) return true;
return false;
typedef std::set<Coordinate> Coordinates;
// Not thread safe!
// Return true if real processing is done
bool Process(const Coordinate& coordinate) {
static Coordinates usedCoordinates;
// Already processed?
if (usedCoordinates.find(coordinate) != usedCoordinates.end()) {
return false;
// Here goes your processing code
return true;
// Test it
int main() {
assert(Process(Coordinate(1, 2, 3)));
assert(Process(Coordinate(1, 3, 3)));
assert(!Process(Coordinate(1, 3, 3)));
assert(!Process(Coordinate(1+epsilon/2, 2, 3)));
Assuming you already have a Coordinate class, add a hash function and maintain a hash_set of the coordinates.
Would look something like:
struct coord_eq
bool operator()(const Coordinate &s1, const Coordinate &s2) const
return s1 == s2;
// or: return s1.x() == s2.x() && s1.y() == s2.y() && s1.z() == s2.z();
struct coord_hash
size_t operator()(const Coordinate &s) const
union {double d, unsigned long ul} c[3];
c[0].d = s.x();
c[1].d = s.y();
c[2].d = s.z();
return static_cast<size_t> ((3 * c[0].ul) ^ (5 * c[1].ul) ^ (7 * c[2].ul));
std::hash_map<Coordinate, coord_hash, coord_eq> existing_coords;
Well, it depends on what's most important... if a tripple map is too tedious to use, then is implementing other data structures not worth the effort?
If you want to get around the uglyness of the tripple map solution, just wrap it up in another container class with an access function with three parameter, and hide all the messing around with maps internally in that.
If you're more worried about the runtime performance of this thing, storing the coordinates in an Octree might be a good idea.
Also worth mentioning is that doing these sorts of things with floats or doubles you should be very careful about precision -- if (0, 0, 0.01) the same coordinate as (0, 0, 0.01000001)? If it is, you'll need to look at the comparison functions you use, regardless of the data structure. That also depends on the source of your coordinates I guess.
Are you expecting/requiring exact matches? These might be hard to enforce with doubles. For example, if you have processed (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) and you then receive (0.9999999999999, 1.0, 1.0) would you consider it the same? If so, you will need to either apply some kind of approximation or else define error bounds.
However, to answer the question itself: the first method that comes to mind is to create a single index (either a string or a bitstring, depending how readable you want things to be). For example, create the string "(1.0,1.0,1.0)" and use that as the key to your map. This will make it easy to look up the map, keeps the code readable (and also lets you easily dump the contents of the map for debugging purposes) and gives you reasonable performance. If you need much faster performance you could use a hashing algorithm to combine the three coordinates numerically without going via a string.
Use any unique transformation of your 3D coordinates and store only the list of the results.
md5('X, Y, Z') is unique and you can store only the resulting string.
The hash is not a performant idea but you get the concept. Find any methematic unique transformation and you have it.
Use an std::set. Define a type for the 3d coordinate (or use a boost::tuple) that has operator< defined. When adding elements, you can add it to the set, and if it was added, do your processing. If it was not added (because it already exists in there), do not do your processing.
However, if you are using doubles, be aware that your algorithm can potentially lead to unpredictable behavior. IE, is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) the same as (1.0, 1.0, 1.000000001)?
How about using a boost::tuple for the coordinates, and storing the tuple as the index for the map?
(You may also need to do the divide-by-epsilon idea from this answer.)
Pick a constant to scale the coordinates by so that 1 unit describes an acceptably small box and yet the integer part of the largest component by magnitude will fit into a 32-bit integer; convert the X, Y and Z components of the result to integers and hash them together. Use that as a hash function for a map or hashtable (NOT as an array index, you need to deal with collisions).
You may also want to consider using a fudge factor when comparing the coordinates, since you may get floating point values which are only slightly different, and it is usually preferable to weld those together to avoid cracks when rendering.
If you write a helper class with a simple public interface, that greatly reduces the practical tedium of implementation details like use of a map<map<map<>>>. The beauty of encapsulation!
That said, you might be able to rig a hashmap to do the trick nicely. Just hash the three doubles together to get the key for the point as a whole. If you're concerned about to many collisions between points with symmetric coordinates (e.g., (1, 2, 3) and (3, 2, 1) and so on), just make the hash key asymmetric with respect to the x, y, and z coordinates, using bit shift or some such.
You could use a hash_set of any hashable type - for example, turn each tuple into a string "(x, y, z)". hash_set does fast lookups but handles collisions well.
Whatever your storage method, I would suggest you decide on an epsilon (minimum floating point distance that differentiates two coordinates), then divide all coordinates by the epsilon, round and store them as integers.
Something in this direction maybe:
struct Coor {
Coor(double x, double y, double z)
: X(x), Y(y), Z(z) {}
double X, Y, Z;
struct coords_thesame
bool operator()(const Coor& c1, const Coor& c2) const {
return c1.X == c2.X && c1.Y == c2.Y && c1.Z == c2.Z;
std::hash_map<Coor, bool, hash<Coor>, coords_thesame> m_SeenCoordinates;
Untested, use at your own peril :)
You can easily define a comparator for a one-level std::map, so that lookup becomes way less cumbersome. There is no reason of being afraid of that. The comparator defines an ordering of the _Key template argument of the map. It can then also be used for the multimap and set collections.
An example:
#include <map>
#include <cassert>
struct Point {
double x, y, z;
struct PointResult {
PointResult point_function( const Point& p ) { return PointResult(); }
// helper: binary function for comparison of two points
struct point_compare {
bool operator()( const Point& p1, const Point& p2 ) const {
return p1.x < p2.x
|| ( p1.x == p2.x && ( p1.y < p2.y
|| ( p1.y == p2.y && p1.z < p2.z )
typedef std::map<Point, PointResult, point_compare> pointmap;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
pointmap pm;
Point p1 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
Point p2 = { 0.1, 1.0, 1.0 };
pm[ p1 ] = point_function( p1 );
pm[ p2 ] = point_function( p2 );
assert( pm.find( p2 ) != pm.end() );
return 0;
There are more than a few ways to do it, but you have to ask yourself first what are your assumptions and conditions.
So, assuming that your space is limited in size and you know what is the maximum accuracy, then you can form a function that given (x,y,z) will convert them to a unique number or string -this can be done only if you know that your accuracy is limited (for example - no two entities can occupy the same cubic centimeter).
Encoding the coordinate allows you to use a single map/hash with O(1).
If this is not tha case, you can always use 3 embedded maps as you suggested, or go towards space division algorithms (such as OcTree as mentioned) which although given O(logN) on a average search, they also give you additional information you might want (neighbors, population, etc..), but of course it is harder to implement.
You can either use a std::set of 3D coordinates, or a sorted std::vector. Both will give you logarithmic time lookup. In either case, you'll need to implement the less than comparison operator for your 3D coordinate class.
Why bother? What "processing" are you doing? Unless it's very complex, it's probably faster to just do the calculation again, rather then waste time looking things up in a huge map or hashtable.
This is one of the more counter-intuitive things about modern cpu's. Computation is fast, memory is slow.
I realize this isn't really an answer to your question, it's questioning your question.
Good question... it's one that has many solutions, because this type of problem comes
up many times in Graphical and Scientific applications.
Depending on the solution you require it may be rather complex under the hood, in this
case less code doesn't necessarily mean faster.
"but this makes it quite tedious to use" --- generally, you can get around this by
typedefs or wrapper classes (wrappers in this case would be highly recommended).
If you don't need to use the 3D co-ordinates in any kind of spacially significant way (
things like "give me all the points within X distance of point P") then I suggest you
just find a way to hash each point, and use a single hash map... O(n) creation, O(1)
access (checking to see if it's been processed), you can't do much better than that.
If you do need more spacial information you'll need a container that explicitly takes
it into account.
The type of container you choose will be dependant on your data set. If you have good
knowledge of the range of values that you recieve this will help.
If you are recieving well distributed data over a known range... go with octree.
If you have a distribution that tends to cluster, then go with k-d trees. You'll need
to rebuild a k-d tree after inputting new co-ordinates (not necessarily every time,
just when it becomes overly imbalanced). Put simply, Kd-trees are like Octrees, but with non uniform division.