Setting a value for when value isn't present - django

Using request.POST.get you can do this:
token = request.POST.get('token', False)
Is there a way to do the same thing using['token']

Figured it out.
Axios was serializing the object to JSON by default while I needed to send the data in the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format. I used the 'qs' library to achieve this.
var qs = require('qs');'/foo', qs.stringify({ 'bar': 123 });
Thought it was a Django issue but it was actually Axios.

The HttpRequest object doesn't have a 'data' attribute, but depending on what you are looking for there are other attributes, such as 'body', 'FILES', 'META'. Full details in the documentation:


Django Rest Framework - Object of type <> is not Json seralizable

I'm new to django rest framework and need some help.
I have ApiView:
class SomeApiView(APIView):
def get_url(self, some_id):
return generate_url(Choices.BOOK, some_id)
def get(self,request):
id = request.query_params.get("some_id")
result_url = self.get_url(id)
return Response({'result_url': result_url})
here when sending request I get next error:
Object of type Choices is not Json serializable.
Choices looks like this:
class Choices(Enum):
how can I fix this error? Thank you in advance
The error is saying that Choice is not able to be converted to json. Your ideal outcome is {'result_url': 'book'} for example (I assume), but right now it's {'result_url': Choice} which cannot be converted to json.
My point is that instead of Choice you need to return something json serializable (like a string). My best guess is that you need {'result_url': result_url.value}, but I do not know if this will work as I do not know the rest of your code.

Validate custom field with Flask-RESTPlus

I'm trying to create a custom field for validating POSTed JSON in my API using Flask-RESTPlus 0.10.1
Below is the basic setup...
from flask_restplus import fields
import re
EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile(r'\S+#\S+\.\S+')
class Email(fields.String):
__schema_type__ = 'string'
__schema_format__ = 'email'
__schema_example__ = ''
def validate(self, value):
if not value:
return False if self.required else True
if not EMAIL_REGEX.match(value):
return False
return True
I like the way the above documents in Swagger UI, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually use the validate method on it.
Here's how I'm using the custom field.
Json = api.model('Input JSON', {
'subscribers': fields.List(Email),
#api.expect(Json) // validate is globally set to true
def post(self):
I've had luck using
'subscribers': fields.List(fields.String(pattern='\S+#\S+\.\S+')) instead, but this doesn't give me the control to customize the error message, where'd I'd like it to return that the field is not of the email type.
I've also gone on and added a custom validate_payload function (found within that I call again within my POST method (instead of api.expect). This requires me to duplicate some core functionality and call it every time in addition to api.expect to output the proper Swagger documentation and a little bit of finesse to get it to work within nested fields.
It's my understanding that this should work out of box? Am I wrong? What am I missing here?
I appreciate this is a little old but just had the same issue.
It looks like the "validate" actually sat over a python jsonschema impl, if you're still interested in digging, it's available here
That aside - you can configure restplus API to use a better formatchecker as follows: (I also validate date-time and date)
format_checker = FormatChecker(formats=["date-time", "email", "date"])
api_v1 = Api(
app, version='1.4',
description='[Anon] API for developers',

Get value in a post request, Django

am getting the following post data in my django app
Variable Value
csrfmiddlewaretoken u'LHM3nkrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdd'
id u'{"docs":[],"dr":1, "id":4, "name":"Group", "proj":"/al/p1/proj/2/", "resource":"/al/p1/dgroup/4/","route":"group", "parent":null'
am trying to get the id value in variable id i.e "id":4 (the value 4). When I do request.POST.get('id')I get the whole json string. u'{"docs":[],"dr":1, "id":4, "name":"Group", "proj":"/al/p1/proj/2/", "resource":"/al/p1/dgroup/4/","route":"group", "parent":null' How can I get the "id" in the string?
The data you are sending is simply a json string.
You have to parse that string before you can access data within it. For this you can use Python's json module (it should be available if you're using Python 2.7).
import json
data = json.loads( request.POST.get('id') )
id = data["id"]
If you somehow don't have the json module, you can get the simplejson module.
For more details, refer this question : best way to deal with JSON in django
That's happening because id is string, not dict as it should be. Please provide your template and view code to find source of problem.

Django: How to access the model id's within an AJAX script?

I was wondering what is the correct approach,
Do I create HiddenInput fields in my ModelForm and from the
View I pass in the primaryKey for the models I am about to edit into
the hiddenInput fields and then grab those hiddenInput fields from
the AJAX script to use it like this?
"/bookmark/save/" + hidden_input_field_1,
function () {
Or is there is some more clever way of doing it and I have no idea?
It depends upon how you want to implement.
The basic idea is to edit 1. you need to get the existing instance, 2. Save provided information into this object.
For #1 you can do it multiple ways, like passing ID or any other primary key like attribute in url like http://myserver/edit_object/1 , Or pass ID as hidden input then you have to do it through templates.
For #2, I think you would already know this. Do something like
inst = MyModel.objects.get(id=input_id) # input_id taken as per #1
myform = MyForm(request.POST, instance=inst)
if myform.is_valid():
saved_inst =
I just asked in the django IRC room and it says:
since js isn't processed by the django template engine, this is not
Hence the id or the object passed in from django view can't be accessed within AJAX script.

Importing django model methods in json

I am trying to output a set of database records in JSON as follows:
def json_dbtable(request, p):
t = MyModel.objects.filter({some query})
s = serializers.get_serializer("json")()
re = s.serialize(t, ensure_ascii=False)
return HttpResponse(re, mimetype="application/json")
However, one of the fields i'm trying to return needs to change if it is null, and to remedy this the model has a definition that is used as a property .e.g:
name = property(_get_useful_name)
So, to get to the crux of the question. How can I include this "name" property in my json serialization as well as the raw field data?
The short answer is no, the long answer, is you could serialize your MyModel instance yourself:
simplejson.dumps([{'pk':, 'name':} for m in MyModel.objects.filter(...)])
I have written a serialization framework for Python called any2any
which include (de)serializers for Django
and which allows you to do that easily.
It will be way cleaner than the DIY way.
Hope that helps !