I want to configure Azure Search instead of the default Solr search engine in Sitecore 9.2 as PaaS. I am getting following exception while accessing the Sitecore Indexing Manager:
Could not resolve type name: Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure.CloudSearchDocumentBuilderOptions,Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure (method: Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.CreateFromTypeName(XmlNode configNode, String[] parameters, Boolean assert)).
I have verified the entry in ConnectionStrings.config and also the showconfig.
Earlier we have to add these settings for Habitat Sitecore Content Search –
Class File -
Sitecore.Foundation.Indexing.Infrastructure.Fields.AllTemplatesComputedField, Sitecore.Foundation.Indexing
Settings in Config -
<field fieldName="all_templates" storageType="no" indexType="untokenized">Sitecore.Foundation.Indexing.Infrastructure.Fields.AllTemplatesComputedField, Sitecore.Foundation.Indexing</field>
To resolve the issue:
We have to remove both the class and config settings and enable which is recommended below.
Check the latest installation folder 9.x.x. folder you will find “Example” folder “App_Config\Include\Examples” they have provided new config file called “Sitecore.ContentSearch.Azure.DefaultIndexConfiguration.AllTemplates.config.example”
We just have to activate above config to resolve the issue.
After that Azure Search will work and all the search fields will be appearing on Sitecore.
We are using Lucene index instead of Solr. We are currently facing an issue with our List Manager in CD server. The below code throws an exception in CD server as it's unable to instantiate List Manger from Sitecore Configuration Factory.
newsRecipientList = listRepository.GetEditableRecipientCollection("{my list guid }");
I've already gone through the Sitecore documentation for List Manager in a scaled environment, but it only talks about Solr.
Any guidance on Sitecore configuration for List Manager using Lucene is much appreciated.
Sitecore Exception Stacktrace
Value can not be null : listManager
configurationPath, Func1 defaultInstanceBuilder) at
if you followed the guide to the Delivery environment, ListManager is disabled and that might be the reason why you see that error. Does the same code work on CM? (where LM is enabled)
Since List Manager is not available in CD environment we need to call Sitecore API to update/add contacts. Below class has api's to modify contact list.
We need to add connection string in CD server in order to call this api's.
<add name="EmailCampaignClientService" connectionString="url=http://<Your CM Server host>/sitecore%20modules/web/emailcampaign/ecmclientservice.asmx;timeout=60000" />
I am working on multisites and I want to open experience editor for the context site, but sitecore doesn't resolve the context site and it always takes me to the default website, there is a setting in sitecore.config file i set it to "true", but still it takes me to the default website :
here is the setting in sitecore.config, my sitecore version is 8.1 (Update 2)
If false, the Preview.DefaultSite setting specifies the context site to use when a user previews an item.
If true, when a user previews an item, Sitecore tries to resolve the root item and the context site based on the current content language
and the path to the item. If Sitecore cannot resolve the context site, it uses the site that is specified in the Preview.DefaultSite setting.
Default value: false (use the value of the Preview.DefaultSite setting)
<setting name="Preview.ResolveSite" value="true"/>
I have also face this issue before and it is known bug in sitecore. I have tried approach mentioned in below article. (However I am still facing this issue intermittently whenever I copy new dll in sitecore website.)
I have already placed all the files at my one drive link. Please take a backup of your existing file ("WebEditRibbon.aspx ) before replacing
This Reported as bug in Sitecore 8.1 (Update 2), and this is the fix from support team :
Open the “/sitecore/client/Applications/Launchpad/PageSettings/Buttons/ContentEditing/ExperienceEditor” item in the core database
Change the “Link” field value to:
Updated Answer :
For multi-sites, you need to apply anothor fix I did not find its number on https://kb.sitecore.net/ so i uploaded the required files on dropbox :
Download Sitecore.Support.88883.zip, from this Link
Copy the attached Sitecore.Support.88883.dll file to the /bin folder of your website;
Copy the attached Sitecore.Support.88883.config file to App_Config/Include folder of your website;
Open the "/sitecore/client/Applications/Launchpad/PageSettings/Buttons/ContentEditing/ExperienceEditor" item in the core database
Change the “Link” field value to: /?sc_mode=edit&sc_resolvelanguage=1
Clear the browser cache.
I am getting this error
Required license is missing: Runtime
I have checked datafolder path
<sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="C:\Path\Data" />
and license file settings
<setting name="LicenseFile" value="$(dataFolder)/license.xml" />
also checked permission all is correct but still it is giving error.
The most likely cause is a patch file in the include folder that is changing your path. Sometimes this is called "DataFolder.config" and may have the default path set in it, which will overwrite the setting value you might have in another patch config or in the Web.config file.
There are some tools that let you track down config settings without having a working Sitecore instance. I would try out the Config Builder (https://marketplace.sitecore.net/Modules/Sitecore_ConfigBuilder.aspx) which should be able to load up all your config settings and help you track down the problem.
I know it is a pretty late to answer, but for folks who end up here - this might be helpful.
There could be couple of reasons why you get this error. Since OP had already mentioned that his license file has not expired - Another viable reason is
The datafolder path is wrong. the first line of the Sitecore.config line defines the datafolder path. For eg: something like this:
<sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sitecoredev\Data\"/>
if you have any developer create a different instance name or folder and checks it in, it will not find the path and hence you will get this error.
Check if the licence file has expired:
Confirm that the expiration date in the licenses has not been reached or passed. Open the license.xml file with a text editor and search for “expires”; find the line corresponding to the “20060319”. If the date has been reached or passed (for instance, if it is March 19, 2006 or later), the license will not work; obtain an updated license.
I have installed 8.2 update 5 on my local machine. The default installation adds a folder called 'zzz' in App_config/include folder and creates DataFolder.config in that folder and references the data folder name from that config file. My publish overwrote/deleted that folder and i got the error 'Required license is missing: Runtime Sitecore'.
Adding that folder 'zzz' from my backup site resolved that issue.
I have also noticed that even if after fixing the path you may still see this error. Once you fix path with valid license, DON'T forget to reset IIS/ Apppool.
Below are the possibilities for the error.
Verify if the license file is present - You can check this in the default data directory of the Sitecore installation path. If the file is not there add it here and restart the IIS.
The path of the License file is wrong - The default path of the Sitecore license file will be specified in the “web.config,” and if you are using the Sitecore 8+ version, then verify Sitecore.config file(App_config/Sitecore.config) where LicenseFile settings are provided
Overriding the License file path - If you are using any Patch files or thrid-party libraries like brainjocks then make sure the patch file is not overriding the default path.
License expired - Don't forget the check if you provided license is been still active or expired. You can do this by opening the license.xml in editor and verifying the field "expiry" and the date.
Config File settings
<sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="/data" />
<setting name="LicenseFile" value="$(dataFolder)/license.xml" />
Source - Sitecore Required license is missing: Runtime [Solved]
Something to watch out for: I had multiple config files for different environments (e.g. DataFolder.QA.config, DataFolder.Live.config) which were overriding my DataFolder.config with values that were incorrect for my local environment. Deleting the unneeded environment configs got this working.
if you have doubt whether sitecore is looking into correct place, check out /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx page. this is what sitecore really uses after combining all configurations. You can chekc both <sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="C:\Path\Data" /> and <setting name="LicenseFile" value="$(dataFolder)/license.xml" /> there. Of course this page only shows <sitecore>...</sitecore> part of configuration.
Also make sure that NETWORK SERVICE account or <your IIS app pool name here> account (depending on which Identity is bound to your App Pool instance) has full access to Data folder and also App_Data subfolder inside webroot, just to rule out any read/write access issue
I installed a fresh Sitecore 7.0 instance on my local. I created an Item bucket. I thought of creating folder structure on the basis on name like pages starting with alphabet should go in a folder named A as the page names are not supposed to change. I found many articles where I found that there are 3 default rules: CreateDateBasedPath, CreateIDBasedPath and CreateItemNameBasedPath. I have following two questions:-
In my Sitecore instance I opened the /sitecore/system/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings item. I can't see "Rules for Resolving bucket folder path". Am I supposed change any configuration for this or sitecore 7.0 does not support applying rules?
My assumption is CreateItemNameBasedPath will create folder structure as A/Apage and B/Bpage. Is my understanding correct?
Sitecore 7 does not allow using the Rules Engine for bucket folders. That was new in Sitecore 8.
To change the bucket path you will need to implement a custom BucketFolderPathResolver. There is a good post on how to do that here: http://www.brimit.com/blog/custom-bucket-structure
I tried an web service example from the below mention link
In the example when we generate the client code using wsdl2java the url used is as mention in title i.e. http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/ Is there any way by which i can use custom name insted of axis2/services for ex. ponds/accounts
I tried with packages, keeping the aar file in newly created folder in services directory but not working
Try this
in the axis2.xml you'll see
<parameter name="contextRoot">axis2</parameter>
Its usually commented out and I suspect axis just uses axis2 by default. but try changing it and see if that fixes it
I don't think you're using eclipse but if you are it has an easier way of changing the context root through Project Properties -> Web Project Settings