Elastic Beanstalk with Classic Load Balancer working with HTTP but not HTTPS - amazon-web-services

I have set up a load Balancer to my elastic beanstalk app. It has provided a DNS / URL which works on http.
I have set up my domain on Route 53. I'm trying to make it work with HTTPS for a subdomain app.example.com
I have set up a wildcard certificate using ACM *.example.com.
I have enable HTTPS and port 443 on the loadBalancer. But I can't access it using the domain name https://app.example.com but works with http://app.example.com
In Route 53, I have created an A record with Alias set to the load Balancer DNS Name.
I have gone through tonnes of answers on stackoverflow but nothing worked for me. No idea what I'm missing.

You do not need to map 443 of the target as the TLS will terminate before sending the request to target.
Map 8080 port of the target to 443 of the load balancer.
Below diagram show SSL/TLS termination work with ALB.
SSL Certificates
To use an HTTPS listener, you must deploy at least one SSL/TLS server
certificate on your load balancer. The load balancer uses a server
certificate to terminate the front-end connection and then decrypt
requests from clients before sending them to the targets.

This is what worked for me. Changing Instance Protocol to HTTP in first row and changing Instance Port to 80.


Can't access server since switching to https on aws

I am deploying a MERN stack using EC2 on AWS.
I have created SSL certificates for the following domains:
The cname and cvalue for example.com and *.example.com are identical but they are different for www.example.com
I have set up target groups and a load balancer and edited the listener to redirect from http to https.
I have set up 3 different records in the hosted zone of route 53 so that www.example.com, *.example.com and example.com are directed to the loadbalancer
I can load https://example.com
http://example.com directs to https://example.com
When the website loads (either by typing http or https) it does not connect to the server.
I am getting the following error in the console:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://example.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. is the site's IP and 5000 is the server's port. This is hard coded in the front end.
How should I get the client to send requests to the server for a https connection?
It sounds like you have two services running, a front-end service that you have correctly configured to run behind a load balancer, and a back-end service that you are connecting directly to via the server's IP address on port 5000.
Your backend on port 5000 is not secure, and that is exactly what the web browser's error is telling you. You need to configure all your services to run behind the load balancer. You need to create a second target group that sends traffic to port 5000 on your server, and setup a routing rule on the load balancer's listener to send all traffic for api.ticketglen.com to that target group. Then you need to change your hard-coded values in from to https://api.ticketglen.com.
What worked for me was to create the SSL certificates from the server and delete them and the load balancer altogether from the AWS platform.
Process is outlined here

HTTP connection working on Elastic Load Balancer (Classic Load Balancer) but not on HTTPS

I am trying to set up an Elastic Load Balancer to be in front of my EC2 instance and redirect the traffic to it. My web app on EC2 is running HTTPS on port 3000. My ELB works nice when I start the web app over HTTP on port 3000 and I set up the ELB's port 80 to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTP 3000 of my instance. But when I start my app over HTTPS on port 3000 and then change the ELB's listeners, so it redirects HTTPS requests to port 80 to HTTPS 3000 of my instance, then the webpage does not work.
I have already created the SSL certificates, they are validated, uploaded to AWS Certificates Manager and my ELB is already taking them when serving HTTPS. My web app also has the certificate, so it's taking it to create the HTTPS environment on its side.
Also, my security group has connections on port 443 over HTTPS allowed.
Any suggestions, please?
Thanks in advance!

Gatsby site serving on EC2 with pm2 node with aws classic load balancer needs https

I am running a Gatsby site in development mode as a dev server on EC2 with a loadbalancer pointing from port 80 to 8000. I have setup a cname on my domain dns to point to the load balancer this works fine. However I need to display this page as an iframe in sanity.io as a web preview and it requires https.
I've read through this https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/classic/elb-create-https-ssl-load-balancer.html and most of it is pretty straight forward for the most part.
What I have done so far is created a listener for 443 https on the loadbalancer and added https 443 to the security group. i have succsufully issued a certificate to the subdomain I am using with aws and attached it to the loadbalancer listener.
Gatsby has a article about custom certs for development mode here https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/local-https/#custom-key-and-certificate-files What I am looking for is the cert file, the authority file and the key file in order to pass this command below
Where in the aws certificate manager do I find these files. I think that is the last piece I need to get https working, correct me if I am wrong.
thanks ahead of time.
gatsby develop --https --key-file ../relative/path/to/key.key --cert-file ../relative/path/to/cert.crt --ca-file ../relative/path/to/ca.crt
This is the process I used to request my certficate and it says it's issued
But how do I use it with the custom https command with gatsby?
There is a export option but it says only for private keys. Do I need to create a private key and then I can export these files I need?
Do I even need to run https on gatsby's side. I watched a video using apache and no change was made to the apache server to get https working with the loadbalancer.
Here is a screenshot of my loadbalancer listenr
Here is a image of my security groups
If I run the --https for gatsby develop it breaks my site I can no longer visit it via the loadbalancer or port 8000. So not sure what to do here.
I would suggest not to encrypt the connection between your ELB and the EC2 instances. If your EC2 instances are not publicly reachable, but only through the load balancer instead, it is best practice to terminate the SSL connection on the load balancer. No need to encrypt HTTP requests inside an AWS VPC (i.e. between ELB and target instances).
You can create a load balancer that listens on both the HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports. If you specify that the HTTPS listener sends requests to the instances on port 80, the load balancer terminates the requests and communication from the load balancer to the instances is not encrypted. [1]
There is some discussion (e.g. on the blog of Kevin Burke) whether it is necessary to encrypt traffic inside a VPC. [2] However, most people are probably not doing it.
What it means for you: Use the same instance protocol for your targets as before: HTTP via port 8000 for both listeners. Do not set up SSL for your Gatsby service. Use a plain HTTP server config instead. No changes are necessary to ELB targets when using SSL termination on the load balancer.
[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/classic/elb-create-https-ssl-load-balancer.html
[2] https://acloud.guru/forums/aws-certified-security-specialty/discussion/-Ld2pfsORD6ns5dDK5Y7/tlsssl-termination?answer=-LecNy4QX6fviP_ryd7x

AWS Aplication Load Balancer HTTP to HTTPS with EC2 instance

I have a EC2 instance running a Node.Js server on Ubuntu.
My goals are:
Connect my hosted zone to the EC2 instance
Route all incoming traffic from port 80 to port 3000 (because my server runs on port 3000)
and most importantly Use an Application Load Balancer to forward all requests to HTTPS (I already created a SSL Certificate in the Certificate Manager).
Currently, I am only able to open the website with the EC2 intances' Public Ip on port 3000 (http://prntscr.com/livali). Https requests or Http to port 80 don't work (http://prntscr.com/livau2). Altought a made an A record on my hosted zone with the instances' Public Ip, it's not possible to open the instance via the hosted zone (http://prntscr.com/liv9no).
I am really confused, as I am somehow not able to get this up and running. I would really appreciate a step by step guide on how to set this whole thing up.
If you already have a SSL certificate it is secure to use only port 443 instead of port 80.
Create an internet facing Application Load Balancer that listens on port 443 and routes traffic to your EC2 instance on port 3000.
Redirect users to HTTPS when accessing your domain on HTTP
See Docs > Load Balancer Listeners > Redirect Actions
Add an A record to point your domain name to the Load Balancer's public DNS.
These are web server concerns rather than DNS concerns. You'll need to set up something like NGINX or Apache to proxy port 80 to port 3000. See Apache redirect to another port for information.
You can also force HTTPS with a rewrite rule in Apache: https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/RewriteHTTPToHTTPS
Another option for forcing HTTPS is to create a CloudFront distribution and use that. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/using-https.html

How to run my website as https which is running as Docker swarm cluster in AWS?

I am working on docker swarm and aws. I am not having much idea in it.
Please correct me if my question is wrong and kindly help me to solve my problem.
I have my docker swarm cluster running in AWS under a loadbalancer.
I created a certificate from Amazon certificate Manager for https to my load balancer.
In loadbalancer tab under listener if I set https for load balancer protocol and http to instance protocol like below, when I type https://website-url in the browser it automatically redirects to http.
LoadBalancerProtocol LoadBalancerPort InstanceProtocol InstancePort Cipher SSL Certificate
HTTPS 443 HTTP 80 Change 6e7528d6-8261-4d61-b1d3-3c2548e1b575 (ACM) Change
But I want the website to be run as https not as http.
So I changed like below. That is making Instance port and its protocol as 443 and https.
LoadBalancerProtocol LoadBalancerPort InstanceProtocol InstancePort Cipher SSL Certificate
HTTPS 443 HTTPS 443 Change 6e7528d6-8261-4d61-b1d3-3c2548e1b575 (ACM) Change
But After this https://website-url is continuously running without any response in the browser.
After doing some search, I came to know that ACM certificate only works for load balancer not for backend instance.
That is for instance level I need to enable https for apache.
The docker swarm cluster has 1 manager and 3 worker nodes. All the host instance OS is Alpine OS. The containers inside the nodes are Centos-7.
The containers are running as a service in the cluster.
Please guide me on this,
Do I need to configure self signed certificate for apache inside the container or on the host instance.
I want my website to be run as https not http.
Kindly show me What are the steps required.
The load balancer port is what people talk to your load balancer on, so load balancer port 80 and 443 is correct.
The instance port is what port the load balancer talks to your webserver on. In this case for you both should be 80, unless your webserver is listening on 443 with a valid SSL cert (Not the case as you are using an AWS cert.)
Then in your code or your webserver what you need to do is check the X-Forwarded-Proto header http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/classic/x-forwarded-headers.html and if it's not https re-direct to https.
https://www.allcloud.io/how-to/how-to-force-https-behind-aws-elb/ has a couple examples.