Why isn't my CodeDeploy to a lambda working? - amazon-web-services

I'm using Visual Studio 2019, but a standard serverless .NET core Web API project. I published it to a lambda just fine from Visual Studio with the CloudFormation stack, etc. It all works.
So moving along, I checked it into CodeCommit. That all works. Added a buildspec.yml and set it up in CodeBuild. That all works. The project builds fine.
Now I'm trying to setup CodeDeploy... can't for the life of me get this working. I added this appspec.yml:
version: 0.0
- myStack-AspNetCoreFunction-1HPKU...6GFW:
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Name: "myStack-AspNetCoreFunction-1HPKU...6GFW"
Alias: "AWSServerless1"
CurrentVersion: "1"
TargetVersion: "2"
I keep getting a CodeDeploy error about the function name and/or alias not being found. I'm not sure what else to put in there?
Any ideas what's wrong? My current error is:
The deployment failed because either the target Lambda function myStack-AspNetCoreFunction-1HPKU...6GFW does not exist or the specified function version or alias cannot be found
The screen is also showing BeforeAllowTraffic succeeded, but AllowTraffic failed.

does your IAM role you have with your CodeDeploy have the correct IAM allow to deploy Lambda?
Are you running the correct Lambda API call to update or create the Lambda?


How to fix the AWS Lambda nodejs8.10 is no longer supported error

I have the following error message when my deployment script runs to deploy to aws lambda. I've updated the node version as shown in the screen shot below, it confirms I've changed node to version 12.x.
Not sure why I'm still getting this error message? :-(
error message
Error: deploying: eu-west-1: updating function config: InvalidParameterValueException: The runtime parameter of nodejs8.10 is
no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We
recommend you use the new runtime (nodejs12.x) while creating or
updating functions.
deployment script
# deploy
/tmp/up/up deploy staging
possible solution?
I've seen this in documentation but having done the above I was under the impression I don't need to do this..?
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name
--runtime provided
Documentation available here -> https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/node-js-6-is-approaching-end-of-life-upgrade-your-aws-lambda-functions-to-the-node-js-10-lts/
are you using up( docs ), if you are can you check the runtime in your lambda settings and change the runtime there.

Ec2TagFilters in deployment group for ComputePlatform: Lambda

I'm trying to work my way through a Cloud Formation stack creation. The stack includes an AWS::CodeDeploy::Application using CodePlatform: Lambda. It also has an AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.
If I run create-stack without the deployment group present, everything seems to work. I can then go into the web UI, and add the deployment group by hand.
But if I describe the deployment group in the template, and run create-stack, the create of the deployment group fails, and the stack gets rolled back. The error message looks like:
For Lambda deployment group, ec2TagFilters can not be specified (Service: AmazonCodeDeploy; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidEC2TagException; Request ID: c4347652-c755-11e8-b8f1-6f54b77ae7fe)
... but my template's description of the deployment group doesn't include Ec2TagFilters
Ran into the same thing. No reference to the parameter, still errors. Added a Null Ec2TagFilters parameter and no luck. Weirdly, I then added a Deployment Style parameter, tried again, and it succeeded. Here's the CFN I ended with:
Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup
Condition: InPrimaryRegion
ApplicationName: !Ref TestSSHConnectivityCodeDeployApplication
DeploymentGroupName: Lambda-TestSSHConnectivity
DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.LambdaAllAtOnce
DeploymentType: BLUE_GREEN
ServiceRoleArn: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/AWS-CodeDeploy-Service
I had this error happening in only 1 of my stacks in us-west-2. It was only a gamma environment so I deleted the stack, re-created it and everything was fine.
That won't work for everyone, but it did work in my case.

How do I get Cloud Formation to create a changeset to update my Lambda functions?

I have a Lambda function which I've verified to work correctly. I'm able to update the function by hand on the command line using "update-function-code" but I've been trying to get it working with Code Pipeline and Cloud Formation.
Here are the steps I have so far:
Source - fetch the code from github. This works correctly.
Build - test the code in Solano (3rd party CI). This works too and on the last stage it zips up the repo and uploads it to my S3 bucket.
Deploy - This is the "deploy" action category with the action mode "create or replace a change set". This doesn't work if the Lambda function already exists.
Beta - Execute the changeset. This works if the change set was generated correctly.
My samTemplate.yml looks like this:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: My Lambda function
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
FunctionName: MyLambdaExecute
Description: My Lambda function
Handler: myhandler.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
CodeUri: s3://mybucket/mydirectory/mylambdacode.zip
AutoPublishAlias: Staging
Timeout: 30
Type: AllAtOnce
If the lambda function with the name "MyLambdaExecute" doesn't exist and I push up code to github, it works perfectly. But if I modify some code and push again it runs the first two steps, but then generates an empty change set with the status:
FAILED - No updates are to be performed.
I'm not sure what I have to do to get it to publish a new version. How do I get it to realize it needs to create a new changeset?
I believe you are receiving the "No updates" message because technically nothing is changing in your CloudFormation template. When attempting to build the changeset, the contents of the S3 file are not examined. It just sees that none of the CloudFormation resource properties have changed since the previous deployment.
Instead, you may use a local relative path for the CodeUri, and aws cloudformation package can upload the file to a unique S3 path for you. This ensures that the template changes each time and the new Lambda code is recognized/deployed. For example:
aws cloudformation package --template-file samTemplate.yml --output-template-file sam-output-dev.yml --s3-bucket "$CodePipelineS3Bucket" --s3-prefix "$CloudFormationPackageS3Prefix"
This command can be put into the build step before your create/execute changeset steps.
To see an demonstration of this entire flow in practice, you can look at this repository, although I will warn that it's a bit outdated thanks to the new features released at the end of 2017. (For example, I was publishing Lambda aliases manually via extra steps because it was written pre-AutoPublishAlias.)

CodeDeploy can't find my AWS Lambda Function

I have an Issue with CodeDeploy and AWS Lambda when they work inside AWS CodePipeline. This is my setup:
Source GitHub
AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodeDeploy
The Issue
Step 1. and 2. work without a problem, but when it comes to CodeDeploy I get the following error:
Action execution failed BundleType must be either YAML or JSON
If I unzip the Artifact generated by CodeBuild all the files are in place.
If I try to manually deploy to AWS Lambda from CodeDeploy I then get a different message...
Deployment Failed The deployment failed because either the target
Lambda function FUNCTION_NAME does not exist or the specified function
version or alias cannot be found
This is very confusion as to which Error message is valid, or if they are the same but have a different Error message.
The Setup
The ARN of the function is:
The ARN for the Alias is:
And my appspec.yml file has the following content
version: 0.0
- email_submition:
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Name: "email_submition"
Alias: "default"
CurrentVersion: "1"
TargetVersion: "2"
And the folder structure of the project is:
What am I missing in this configuration?
So really this should be a comment not an answer. I do not have 50 rep yet so it's here.
I am having the same issues as you. I'm not sure if you found a solution or not. I was able to successfully execute a deployment with the following appspec.yml:
version: 0.0
- mylambdafunction:
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Name: "mylambdafunction"
Alias: "staging"
CurrentVersion: "2"
TargetVersion: "3"
Both the current version and target version had to exist before CodeDeploy would work. Of course I've tested this by doing a manual deployment.
I think what is needed here is something that actually updates the code and creates a new version. Which is what I would have thought CodeDeploy would do.
Edit: Further research has yielded information about CodePipeline I hadn't realized.
Per here it looks like to run through the Pipeline you need your buildspec, appspec, and a cft. The reason the pipeline fails is because you need to include a CloudFormation Template for the lambda function, this is what deploys the actual code. The appspec.yml is there to migrate traffic from the old version to the new version but the cft is what does the deployment of new code.
Edit2: This example app got me squared away.
Use CodeBuild to build your app but also to generate your CFT for doing actual deployment. This means you build your CFT with the lambda resource.
This removes appspec completely from the resources and instead you use a CFT to define the Lambda function. Here is a link to the SAM docs.
I can not help you with the CodeBuild part as I use a 3rd party CI solution but maybe I can help with the rest.
I think there is a mistake in the AWS documentation as I've never been able to get this to work either. They say to call "aws deploy push" on the command line and give it your appspec.yml file instead of a zip for Lambda, but no matter what you do, you will always get the error:
Action execution failed BundleType must be either YAML or JSON
I think this is because push automatically calls "register-application-revision" after it uploads. If you split this into separate parts, this will work.
Your appspec.yml should look like the
version: 0.0
- YourFunctionName:
Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function"
Name: "YourFunctionName"
Alias: "YourFunctionNameAlias"
CurrentVersion: "CurrentAliasVersionGoesHere"
TargetVersion: "NewlyPublishedVersionGoesHere"
The version you use should be the version the current alias is attached to. The target version should be the new version you just published (see below) This part still confusing me a bit. I don't understand why it can't figure out what the current version the alias is pointing to by itself.
Also, note that you can always just upload new code for your Lambda code with update-function-code and it will overwrite the latest version. Or you can publish which will create a new version and always just call the latest version. CodeDeploy is only necessary if you want to do some fancy gradually deployment or have different versions for test and live code.
I'd try the following:
Publish your lambda function:
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name YourFunction --zip-file fileb://~/your-code.zip --publish
Take note of the version number it created
Upload your appspec.yml file to S3
aws s3 cp appspec.yml s3://your-deploy-bucket/your-deploy-dir/appspec.yml
Register your application revision:
aws deploy register-application-revision --application-name YourApplcationName --s3-location bucket=your-deploy-bucket,key=your-deploy-dir/appspec.yml,bundleType=YAML
From the CLI this won't appear to do anything, but it did.
Get the application revision to make sure it worked
aws deploy get-application-revision --application-name YourApplcationName --s3-location bucket=your-deploy-bucket,key=your-deploy-dir/appspec.yml,bundleType=YAML
Create a deployment to deploy your code
aws deploy create-deployment --s3-location bucket=your-deploy-bucket,key=your-deploy-dir/appspec.yml,bundleType=YAML

No integration defined for method - Choose a stage where your API will be deployed

I'm working with AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda. Often I face this type of error message when attempt to deploy API. The error message says to select a deployment stage. But I still selecting and trying to deploy! but same error occur!
In this API I have multiple resources with multiple methods. Previously I succeed to deploy this same API with the same way. But now I can't deploy it.
Please anyone help me to fix it. For addition: I don't use AWS CLI tool, just use AWS web dashboard.
I talked with customer service center of AWS. The problem was:
In this API there was an unintegrated method. Suppose there are a resource image and I create a POST method for this resource. But I forgot to integrate it to any AWS Lambda Function or HTTP. So the API cannot be deployed.
If the method is unnecessary then delete the method. OR you can integrate it as Mock endpoint. You can change this endpoint anytime.
Note: For this unintegration problem AWS gives this type of wrong error message. They should update their message to save developer's time.
I was getting same error but when creating API using CloudFormation.
It turned out that in my AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment resource, I needed to include DependsOn attribute that "depends" on all my API methods.
For example, when building API with two AWS::ApiGateway::Method resources, AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment needs to depend on both these methods:
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method
<your properties>
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method
<your properties>
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment
DependsOn: [MyFirstApiMethod, MySecondApiMethod] # <-- REQUIRED
RestApiId: !Ref MyRestApi
Without the DependOn attribute on all the API methods, CloudFormation may be
creating them after the deployment resource, resulting in No integration defined for method error.
If you have another resource which is not completed to configuration it will read as well. In short, if you haven't given them a lambda function, the api itself is not allowed to be deployed until you finish the rest.
I encountered the same error with deploying via Terraform. The reason was I defined an IAM role for my API and I didn't include the role resource to triggers when deploying the API. Just make sure all resources that are defined before deploying are included in triggers.
Just integrate Lambda function in every method you created.
Make sure every resource and method is configured properly.
Let's say your api-gateway is hierarchy is like:
so every resource(R1,R2,R3) and every method(M1,M2,M3) should be configured properly.
I deployed using CDK with --no-rollback (this should work for any cloudformation though)
In my case, the API was created and I could inspect it in the AWS Console, and only the "AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment" failed to create. It turns out I had a bad value for service attribute (I was using StepFunctions, which was not working)
THEN I see that I have a dangling resouce/method that is broken - so my deployment was failing due to garbage in AWS, not my CDK/template.