http load balancer and health check - google-cloud-platform

I found this question..
You want to configure autohealing for network load balancing for a group of Compute Engine instances that run in multiple zones, using the fewest possible steps. You need to configure recreation of VMs if they are unresponsive after 3 attempts of 10 seconds each. What should you do?
A. Create an HTTP load balancer with a backend configuration that references an existing instance group. Set the health check to healthy(HTTP)
B. Create an HTTP load balancer with a backend configuration that references an existing instance group. Define a balancing mode and set the maximum RPS to 10.
C. Create a managed instance group. Set the Autohealing health check to healthy(HTTP)
D. Create a managed instance group. Verify that the auto scaling setting is on.
Which is the correct answer? I think is A

To configure the recreation of VMs, you need Autohealing. So not B and D.
A: Load balancing health checks help direct traffic away from non-responsive instances and toward healthy instances; these health checks do not cause Compute Engine to recreate instances.
C: Application-based autohealing improves application availability by relying on a health checking signal that detects application-specific issues such as freezing, crashing, or overloading. If a health check determines that an application has failed on an instance, the group automatically recreates that instance.
So the answer is C.

You want to configure autohealing for network load balancing for a
group of Compute Engine instances that run in multiple zones, using
the fewest possible steps. You need to configure recreation of VMs if
they are unresponsive after 3 attempts of 10 seconds each. What should
you do?
Let's analyze each possible answer to determine the best answer. Note that this question has a key phrase "using the fewest possible steps". This phrase will bias selecting the best answer.
A. Create an HTTP load balancer with a backend configuration that
references an existing instance group. Set the health check to
This is a possible answer. This answer assumes that the existing backend is configured correctly.
B. Create an HTTP load balancer with a backend configuration that
references an existing instance group. Define a balancing mode and set
the maximum RPS to 10.
This is a possible answer. This answer assumes that the existing backend is configured correctly. This answer adds an additional step over answer A.
C. Create a managed instance group. Set the Autohealing health check
to healthy(HTTP)
This is only a partial solution. The default configuration is auto scaling enabled. You still need to create the HTTP Load Balancer.
D. Create a managed instance group. Verify that the auto scaling
setting is on.
This is only a partial solution. Creating a Managed Instance Group with Auto Scaling is required, but you still need to create the HTTP Load Balancer.
Drumroll Please ....
Therefore the best answer is A in my opinion.


AWS ECS Fargate dynamically register IP to target group

I use AWS at work and I am fairly new to this.
I have multiple Services with one Task/Container running. Each Container is fundamentally the same with a few changes, it's basically for different stages/deployments. I have one target group for each, so my load balancer routes requests from specific domains to each.
For example: if host is then forward to exampleTargetGroup1 and so on.
The Problem
As you may know each time a container is updated, its IP changes, hence I have to re-register the new IP to the target group
I have found several approaches to this problem. Most of them suggest to use a Network Load Balancer for a static IP, but this doesn't work because, as I understand it, it registers the containers automatically on updates.
Another solution is to trigger a Lambda function on a cloud watch events when the Task is being updated. The function grabs the IP and updates the Route53 record. My Idea was to take this approach and deregister the old IP in the target group and register the new one.
My Questions
Is there a better solution to this or did I understand the first solutions wrong? If the last solution is optimal for my problem is there maybe a code sample so I won't need to figure it out?
Thanks to Mark B I now know, you should preferably use the AWS API or a tool like Terraform to create an ECS Service and associating a target group to it.
"but this doesn't work because, as I understand it, it registers the
containers automatically on updates."
I think you are misunderstanding something here. Each ECS service should be associated with a load balancer Target Group. Whenever the service creates a task, the service will automatically add that task's IP to the target group. Whenever the service removes a task, it will also remove that task's IP from the target group. This works with both Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers.
You stated the following:
"I have multiple Services with one Task/Container running"
So you have one task per service, and one service per target group. From your description, your architecture should look like this:
One load Balancer with multiple domains pointing at it.
In the Load Balancer listener configuration, you have each domain configured to route to a different target group.
Each ECS service configured with a task count of 1
Load balancer -> domain name 1 -> target group 1 -> ECS service 1 -> ECS task 1
Load balancer -> domain name 2 -> target group 2 -> ECS service 2 -> ECS task 2
Load balancer -> domain name 3 -> target group 3 -> ECS service 3 -> ECS task 3
In the above scenario, as long as you have each ECS service configured with the appropriate target group, each time that service redeploys a task it will automatically update the target group to point to the updated task.
In other words ECS will "dynamically register the IP to target group", exactly like you are wanting.

Why is Elastic Beanstalk Traffic Splitting deploy strategy ignoring HTTP errors?

I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. In there, I selected a Traffic Splitting deploy strategy, with a 100% split (so that 100% of new instances will have the new version and have their health evaluated).
Here's how (according to their documentation) that is supposed to work:
During a traffic-splitting deployment, Elastic Beanstalk creates a new set of instances in a separate temporary Auto Scaling group. Elastic Beanstalk then instructs the load balancer to direct a certain percentage of your environment's incoming traffic to the new instances. Then, for a configured amount of time, Elastic Beanstalk tracks the health of the new set of instances. If all is well, Elastic Beanstalk shifts remaining traffic to the new instances and attaches them to the environment's original Auto Scaling group, replacing the old instances. Then Elastic Beanstalk cleans up—terminates the old instances and removes the temporary Auto Scaling group.
And more specifically:
Rolling back the deployment to the previous application version is quick and doesn't impact service to client traffic. If the new instances don't pass health checks, or if you choose to abort the deployment, Elastic Beanstalk moves traffic back to the old instances and terminates the new ones.
However, it seems silly that it only looks at my internal /health health checks, and not the overall health status of the environment, from the HTTP status codes, that it already has information on.
I tried the following scenario:
Deploy a new version.
As soon as the "health evaluation period" begins, flood the server with error 500s (from an endpoint I made specifically for this purpose).
AWS then moves all my instances into "degraded" state, and "unhealthy", but then seems to ignore it, and goes on anyway.
See the following two log dump screenshots (they are oldest-first).
Is there any way that I can make AWS respect the HTTP status based health checks that it already performs, during a traffic split? Or am I bound to only rely on custom-developed health checks entirely?
Update 1: Even weirder, I tried making my own healthchecks fail always too, but it still decides to deploy the new version with the failed healthcheck!
Update 2: I noticed that the temporary auto scaling group that it creates while assessing health does only have an "EC2" type health check, and not "ELB". I think that might be the root cause. If I could only get it to use "ELB" instead.
That is interesting! I do not know if setting the health check type to "ELB" may do the job because we use CodeDeploy, which has far better rollback capabilities than AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
However, there is a well-document way in the docs [1] to apply the setting you are looking for:
[...] By default, the Auto Scaling group, created for your environment uses Amazon EC2 status checks. If an instance in your environment fails an Amazon EC2 status check, Auto Scaling takes it down and replaces it.
Amazon EC2 status checks only cover an instance's health, not the health of your application, server, or any Docker containers running on the instance. If your application crashes, but the instance that it runs on is still healthy, it may be kicked out of the load balancer, but Auto Scaling won't replace it automatically. [...]
If you want Auto Scaling to replace instances whose application has stopped responding, you can use a configuration file to configure the Auto Scaling group to use Elastic Load Balancing health checks. The following example sets the group to use the load balancer's health checks, in addition to the Amazon EC2 status check, to determine an instance's health.
Example .ebextensions/autoscaling.config
Type: "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup"
HealthCheckType: ELB
HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
It does not mention the new traffic splitting deployment feature, though.
Thus, I cannot confirm this is the actual solution, but at least you can give it a shot.
Once upon a time I thought that the Immutable Deployment option in Elastic Beanstalk was a holy panacea -- but it only works when a deployment involves no changes to the application's database schema.
We've now resorted to blue-green deployments. However, this only works if you control the DNS. If you are a SaaS solution and you allow customers to create a CNAME then B/G is often a spectacular failure as the enterprise: a) sets a very high TTL, and/or b) their internal DNS or firewalls caches the underlaying IP addresses of the ALB (which are dynamic and, of course, replaced when you swap the URL of the blue and green environments).
Traffic splitting is written as an option in the Elastic Beanstalk documentation.
But it's not actually an option in the configuration section in the console.
This wouldn't be the first time I've seen Elastic Beanstalk's docs are out of date so it could be AWS have removed that feature.
Since AWS introduced CodeStar I suspect Elastic Beanstalk is getting the cold shoulder.

Health check with VMs

I have this question
You need to create an autoscaling managed instance group for an HTTPS web application. You want to make sure that unhealthy VMs are recreated. What should you do?
A. Create a health check on port 443 and use that when creating the Managed Instance Group.
B. Select Multi-Zone instead of Single-Zone when creating the Managed Instance Group.
C. In the Instance Template, add the label ‘health-check’.
D. In the Instance Template, add a startup script that sends a heartbeat to the metadata server.
Which is the correct answer?
You need to create an autoscaling managed instance group for an HTTPS
web application. You want to make sure that unhealthy VMs are
recreated. What should you do?
Let's analyze each possible answer to determine the best answer. There are two types of health checks, one for load balancers and the second for auto-healing. My comments below are for auto-healing.
This question is sort of a trick question. Depending on how you "read" the question, the answer can be different.
A. Create a health check on port 443 and use that when creating the
Managed Instance Group.
This is a possible answer. You can detect the health of an instance on port 443 if HTTPS is running on the instances. However, this is not the normal case. Usually, SSL offload is performed at the load balancer with backend traffic being HTTP. However, the question states "HTTPS web application". This is a key point. In order to have auto-healing, you must have or create a health check and apply it to the Managed Instance Group.
B. Select Multi-Zone instead of Single-Zone when creating the Managed
Instance Group.
This is a possible answer. If all of your instances are running in a single zone, the loss of a zone means the loss of all instances. In this case, auto-healing will not work. Using a multi-zone architecture adds zone fault tolerance. However, the loss of a zone does not mean new instances will be created in the other zones unless you also have auto-scaling enabled. Selecting multi-zone will not meet the objective of auto-healing failed VMs in all cases. You would also need to create/assign a health check.
C. In the Instance Template, add the label ‘health-check’.
This is not a possible answer. Specifying a label for an Instance Template means that the label will be applied to each instance that is created. This does nothing for health checks. This is a trick answer.
D. In the Instance Template, add a startup script that sends a
heartbeat to the metadata server.
This is not a possible answer. The metadata server does not provide health check features.
Drumroll Please ....
Therefore the best answer is A in my opinion. A is the only answer that actually does a health check.
B is a trick answer that I think will fool many people.
The best answer is a combination of A and B plus auto-scaling, but that is not an option for this question.

Can't register EC2 instance in ELB

I'm trying to set up an AWS environment for the first time and have so far got a DNS entry pointing to a Classic ELB. I also have an EC2 instance running but I don't seem to be able to add the EC2 instance to the ELB in the UI. The documentation says that I can do this in the "Instances" tab in Load balancer screen but I don't have the tab at all. All I can see is Description | Listeners | Monitoring | Tags.
Does anyone have any ideas why the "Instances" tab night be missing from the UI?
There are now two different types of Elastic Load Balancer.
ELB/1.0, the original, is now called a "Classic" balancer.
ELB/2.0, the new version, is an "Application Load Balancer" (or "ALB").
They each have different features and capabilities.
One notable difference is that ALB doesn't simply route traffic to instances, it routes traffic to targets on instances, so (for example) you could pool multiple services on the same instance (e.g. port 8080, 8081, 8082) even though those requests all came into the balancer on port 80. And these targets are configured in virtual objects called target groups. So there are a couple of new abstraction layers, and this part of the provisioning workflow is much different. It's also provisioned using a different set of APIs.
Since the new Application Load Balancer is the default selection in the console wizard, it's easy to click past it, not realizing that you've selected something other than the classic ELB you might have been expecting, and that sounds like what occurred in this case.
It might be possible that you have selected Application Load Balancer instead of selecting Classic Load Balancer.
If that is the case, then you need to add your instance in Target Group as Instances tab is not available in the Application Load Balancer.
I hope above may resolve your case.

ECS tasks desired count not working

I have three EC2 instances, with a classic load balancer. Ideally I should have two tasks running in two instances. So when creating the service I made the desired count of the tasks to 2.
My problem arises when I try to run new version of the task definition. I update the service to run the new task definition. So it should theoretically run two updated tasks replacing the old ones, since i have three ec2 running.
What happens actually is only one updated task is running together with the old tasks. So altogether 3 tasks running even though the desired count is set to 2, as you are able to see in the given image.
Does anyone know a solution for this ?
When using a classic load balancer, you can only map static ports on the ec2 instance.
Your deployment settings are:
min-health: 100%
max-healthy: 200%
The new version of the service would require two more hosts available with the free tcp port you requested. Since you only have 3 servers in the cluster, this condition will not be satisfied. You can either add more servers to your cluster, or use the Application Load Balancer (ALB) which will integrate with docker dynamic port mapping.
Update regarding security groups:
To manage security groups, you can tag a security group with another. For example, tag your ALB with 'app-gateway-alb' which allows specific ports from outside your network, then on the container have a security group which allows ANY TCP from 'app-gateway-alb' this is achieved by putting the security group ID in the text box where you would generally put the CIDR rule.