Error while running omnet++ after implementing a new physical propagation model - veins

I added new .cc and header files describing a new propagation and fading model on the analoguemodel folder. I also made the changes to PhyLayer80211p files.
I run "make -j 4 MODE=release" and it executes without problems.
When I try to run veins on the omnet++ gui the follow error comes up:
Error: Cannot load library '../../src//': ../../src// undefined symbol: _ZTVN5Veins16HighwayPropModelE.

After adding a new .cc file (or removing one) you need to re-run the configure script, so the command line build process knows to include/exclude it.


LNK1181 Error while compiling the core after adding a module

I'm trying to compile my core with some modules but i'm getting the following error when building worldserver:
cannot open input file '..\..\..\modules\RelWithDebInfo\modules.lib' worldserver
This error only happens when compiling with the mod-gain-honor-guard module. I've installed a repack before that came with this module pre-installed, which makes me think that i'm the one missing something.
Any ideas?
I've compiled the core succesfully with only one module, then i've added the one mentioned before and that error came up. CMake didn't show me any error when i regenerated the source for building after adding the module
You always need to regenerate the source in CMake when you add or remove any files to the source.
Did you get the module via git clone? If not, and it's a direct download, you need to remove the -master or any other branch name from the folder name.

"symbol lookup error:" when executing from different directory, otherwise working as intended when executed from build directory

I have a weird problem on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 that appeared after having run pytest a couple of times. The project is mostly c++, but it also generates pybind11 bindings and generates library files via CMake.
My goal is to force a program to output its files into a specific directory within the project folder, i.e. not in the same directory where the executable file is. I used to achieve that by running this command:
user#computer_name:~/Dev/project$ (cd /home/user/Dev/project/unittests/test_output && "/home/user/Dev/project/./executable" -pdbin /home/user/Dev/project/unittests/test_data/3v8x.pdb -mtzin /home/user/Dev/project/unittests/test_data/3v8x_phases.mtz && cd /home/user/Dev/project)
This command used to work as intended, until today, when I ran some instances of pytest. While pytest is able to complete all tests successfully, my aforementioned command does not work anymore and gives me this error:
user#computer_name:~/Dev/project$ /home/user/Dev/project/./executable: symbol lookup error: /home/user/Dev/project/./executable: undefined symbol: _ZN7library7Class11functionEv
However, when I try to execute the executable in the build directory, like this:
user#computer_name:~/Dev/project$ ./executable
There is no error whatsoever and if I try to give the program its input, the program works as intended without any errors. However, it outputs the files in the build directory - the place where I don't want the output to go.
For further confirmation, I tried to execute the program from another directory again without giving it any input:
user#computer_name:~/Dev/project/unittests$ .././executable
to be greeted yet again with this error:
.././project: symbol lookup error: .././project: undefined symbol: _ZN7library7class11functionEv
So far I've tried to rebuild entire project, generate new Makefiles etc.
I also confirmed that there are no issues with the program itself. Any ideas on how to fix this issue or alternative ways to direct output to different folder without having to pass specific output arguments to the program itself?
If you want executable to pick up the next to it, you have two options:
Configure LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain /home/user/Dev/project.
This will make the dynamic linker search there before any other configured directories.
Either do this globally or in a wrapper script.
Compile executable with an rpath. This will make library lookups by executable look in the rpath first. If you pass the -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN'/.. flag (note the single quotes around $ORIGIN!), the dynamic linker will always find next to executable first.

(C++) How can I test the new application in MOOS-ivp?

I've got a problem with compiling my basic code with MOOS-ivp.
I made main.cpp, simpleApp.cpp and simpleApp.h from documentation, where should I put it to build it with moos? In docs there is note about launching MOOSDB and uMS - ok, but there is not any option to find path to my .cpp file. Is there any default path? Maybe should I compile it firstly with gcc?
I'll assume you know some basic information about MOOS or are taking the MIT 2.680 course and know some of the terminology talked about in the introduction lab.
The recommended way to build external MOOS is to have moos-ivp and moos-ivp-extend in a directory next to each other. You should run GenMOOSApp_AppCasting in the moos-ivp-extend/src directory and add your new project to the CMakeLists.txt file in the same directory. Then, use the included ./ script to build your executables, and add the directory it makes to your $PATH.
Finally, you should be able to run your mission with your new MOOS app.

Ns3 adding a new module-- gcc not finding included headers

I am trying to add a new custom module to NS3Network Simulator 3 and I am having trouble making the header files of the module visible to the compiler.
Here is what I did:
1.I followed thisguide to add a new noc module using the createModule script.
2.I went on and copied my module files into the new created noc directory and made waf(the build system ns3 uses) aware of my new files through editing the wscript file.
3.It is my understanding that with all this set up(I probably wrong) that with this set up,running the waf commands to rebuild ns3 should rebuild ns3 with my new module.
To build I give the following commands:
./waf clean
./waf configure --enable examples
./waf build
The system goes on and builds ns3 and when it gets to my noc module it throws errors about objects of a Scalar Class not being defined in the scope.This usually means that I haven't included the header files but I have tried to copy them with other module files and included them with statements like #include "nstime.h" .With this the problem persisted. I tried copying the header with the definition of my class in the /usr/include directory and inlcuded it with #include and the problem is still there.
I realize this is a long post ,I am sorry but I would really appreciate it if somebody helped point out what I am missing.Thank you for your time.
You should also make sure in your wscript file that you add the dependencies of your module to other ns-3 modules as explained here.

Changing name of application file (.C file)

I changed the name of an modified application to seperate it from the basic application. Lets say the .C file of the old application is "OldApplication.C" and of the new modified one is "NewApplication.C" Unfortunately, when trying to start the new modified application in terminal by typing "NewApplication" I get:
NewApplication: command not found
Two Question:
How can I make my new application executeable?
Can someone give me a brief overview about the files of a project/application and their functions?
greetings, streight
The mistake of this kind
make: * No rule to make target OldApplication.dep', needed byMake/linuxGccDPOpt/dependencies'. Stop.
often occurs in situation when the Makefile ceases to comply with the structure of the whole project.
In your case make script obviously trying to find the file that was renamed by you and therefore it fails with en error. I think that you should explore the structure of your Makefile and replace all the changed file names with its new versions.
Also you say the you are refused to launch your new executable, but what else could be expected since the project was not compiled?