I'm evaluating Wagtail to see if I can find a place for it along side Wordpress and Drupal in my company. So far I think it's interesting and really like a lot of it, but there's one thing I would really like and can't find a way to do it.
My shop uses a pattern library (a la Atomic Design) and initially I was excited by the StreamField and it's ability to tie directly in to a pattern library, including creating nested patterns (a reusable button class that can be put in a CTA and a Hero Widget. But the stream field doesn't work for required page elements that have to be in a certain location, possibly outside the content flow (hero content, calls to action...).
I found this issue: https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/issues/2048
But it doesn't seem to be resolved and hasn't had activity in a long time.
Right now I've found two possible solutions:
A stream field with only one block possible, and a min and max of one of them.
The drawback is that the UI doesn't seem to be aware of the min/max and you have to save the page before you're told. Also, the form isn't automatically visible, you still have to click the CTA button. This would be too confusing for my users (and I can't make the case to my shop since this isn't a problem in WP and Drupal).
A Foreign Key to a Django Model, using the InlinePanel and requiring a single instance.
The drawback here is that the user still sees a grayed out add button and still sees the delete button for the field data, which they can do, then the page doesn't validate on save.
I've seen a BlockField in the source code, but there's absolutely no docs on how to use it, it seems like such a thing would solve my problems, but I can't get it to work.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to create a reusable set of fields that I can easily attach to page types, and cause the fields to be visible on page load and presented in a way that users will understand right away?
Define your common fields in an abstract base model, and inherit from that in your page classes whenever you want to use them:
from django.db import models
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import FieldPanel
from wagtail.core.fields import RichTextField
from wagtail.core.models import Page
class HeroFields(models.Model):
hero_image = models.ForeignKey('wagtailimages.Image', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='+')
hero_url = models.URLField()
hero_field_panels = [
class Meta:
abstract = True
class HomePage(Page, HeroFields):
body = RichTextField()
content_panels = Page.content_panels + HeroFields.hero_field_panels + [
I have a medium size Django REST app that I'm looking to add gamification features to.
The application in question is a school webapp where students can create mockup quizzes, participate in exams that teachers publish, and write didactical content that gets voted by other students and teachers.
I want to add some gamification features to make the app more interesting and to incentivize participation and usage of the various features: for example, each student will have a personal "reputation" score, and gain points upon completing certain actions--a student may gain points when completing a quiz with a high score, when submitting some content, or when receiving upvotes to such content.
The tricky part is I want to be able to have this logic be as separate as possible from the existing codebase, for various reasons: separation of concerns, ability to plug the engine in/out if needed, ability to easily deactivate features for certain groups of users, etc.
What I'm looking for here is some software engineering advice that's also Django-specific. Here's a high level description of what I'm thinking of doing--I'd like some advice on the approach.
create a new gamification app. Here I will have models that describe a change in reputation for a user and possibly other related events. The app should also send notifications when gamification-related events occur
from the gamification app, expose a callback-based interface, which the other primary app can call into to dispatch events
use the django-lifecycle package to call the callbacks from gamification when triggers occur.
This way, my existing models would only get touched to register the triggers from django-lifecycle (similar to signals). For example, let's say I want to give students points when they turn in an assignment. Let's say I have an AssignmentSubmission model to handle assignment submissions. With the added lifecycle hook, it'd look like this:
class AssignmentSubmission(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(user)
assignment = models.ForeignKey(assignment)
state = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=STATES, default=NOT_TURNED_IN)
#hook(AFTER_UPDATE, when="state", was=NOT_TURNED_IN, is_now=TURNED_IN)
def on_turn_in(self):
The on_assignment_turn_in method might look something like:
def on_assignment_turn_in(user):
ReputationIncrease.objects.create(user, points=50)
notifications.notify(user, "You gained 50 points")
This is pretty much just a sketch to give an idea.
I am unsure how get_gamification_interface() would work. Should it return a singleton? Maybe instantiate an object? Or return a class with static methods? I think it'd be best to have a getter like this as opposed to manually importing methods from the gamification app, but maybe it could also create too much overhead.
What's a good way to handle adding "pluggable" features to a project that are inherently entangled with existing models and business logic while also touching those as little as possible?
The foreign key approach is fine. You can easily chain and link queries using information from existing tables and you could even avoid touching the original code by importing your models to the new app. You can use Django signals in your new app and ditch the django-lifecycle extension to avoid adding lines to your core models. I used the following approach to keep track of modified records in a table; take a TrackedModel with fields field_one, field_two, field_n... which will be tracked by one of your new app's model, namely RecordTrackingModel:
from parent_app.models import TrackedModel # The model you want to track from a parent app.
from django.db.models.signals import post_save # I'm choosing post_save just to illustrate.
from django.dispatch import receiver
from datetime import datetime
class RecordTrackingModel(models.Model):
record = models.ForeignKey(TrackedModel, verbose_name=("Tracked Model"), on_delete=models.CASCADE)
field_one = models.TextField(verbose_name=("Tracked Field One"), null=True, blank=True) # Use same field type as original
field_two = models.TextField(("Tracked Field Two"))
field_n = ...
notes = models.TextField(verbose_name=("notes"), null=True, blank=True)
created = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=("Record creation date"), auto_now=False, auto_now_add=True)
#receiver(post_save, sender=TrackedModel) # Here, listen for the save signal coming from a saved or updated TrackedModel record.
def modified_records(instance, **kwargs):
record = instance
tracked_field_one = instance.field_one
tracked_field_two = instance.field_two
tracked_field_n = another_function(instance.field_n) #an external function that could take a field content as input.
note = 'Timestamp: ' + str(datetime.now().isoformat(timespec='seconds'))
track_record = RecordTrackingModel.objects.create(record=record, field_one=tracked_field_one, field_two=tracked_field_two, field_n=tracked_field_n, ..., notes=note)
return track_record
There's no need to add functions to your pre-existing models as the signal dispatcher triggers whenever a save or delete signal appears at TrackedModel. Then you could place "if" statements for wether or not to perform actions based on field values, i.e.: just pass if an AssignmentSubmission record has a "Not Turned In" status.
Check Django signals reference for more information about when they trigger.
Additionally, I would suggest to change the "state" field to boolean type and rename it to something more explicit like "is_turned_in" for ease of use. It will simplify your forms and code. Edit: For more than 2 choices (non-boolean), I prefer using ForeignKey instead. It will let you modify choices over time easily from the admin site.
Another approach could be mirroring the original models in your gamification app and call for a mirror record update when a save method is used in the original model.
from parent_app.models import OriginalModel # The model you want to track from a parent app.
from django.db.models.signals import post_save # I'm choosing post_save just to illustrate.
from django.dispatch import receiver
from datetime import datetime
def gamification_function(input, parameters):
output = *your gamification logic*
return output
class MirrorModel(models.Model):
original_model = (OriginalModel, verbose_name=("Original Model"), on_delete=models.CASCADE)
field_one = ... #Same type as the original
field_two = ...
field_n = ...
#hook(AFTER_UPDATE, when="field_n", was=OPTION_1, is_now=OPTION_2)
def on_turn_in(self):
gamification_function(self.field, self.other_field)
#receiver(post_save, sender=OriginalModel) # Here, listen for the save signal coming from the original app change record.
def mirror_model_update(instance, **kwargs):
pk = instance.pk
mirror_model = []
if MirrorModel.objects.get(original_model.pk=pk).exists():
mirror_model = MirrorModel.objects.get(original_model.pk=pk)
mirror_model.field_one = instance.field_one # Map field values
*other logic ...*
mirror_model.save() # This should trigger your hook
mirror_model = MirrorModel(original_model = instance, field_one = instance.field_one, ...)
mirror_model.save() #This should trigger your hooks as well, but for a new record
This way you can decouple the gamification app and even choose not to keep a record of all or the same fields as the original model, but fields specific to your functionality needs.
Your idea was good.
In the gamification app add your views, protect it with LoginRequiredMixin, and extend it with a check if a related record in the AssignmentSubmission table exists and is turned on.
In this way you have a 100% separated gamification views, models, logic, ecc...
In the existing views you can add a link to a gamification view.
Having a lot of models, I have started to factor out common blocks with the aim of my database reaching second normal form. As the application should be used by a sales team, most entries are some kind of orders. An excerpt from my models file looks like this:
class Order(models.Model):
dl = models.CharField(max_length=100)
cl = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Setup(models.Model):
order = models.ForeignKey(Order) # could be OneToOneField()
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
package = models.CharField(choices=(
('S', 'Small'),
('M', 'Medium'),
('L', 'Large'),
('XL', 'Extra large'),
('C', 'Custom')
), max_length=2)
server = models.ForeignKey(Webserver)
While it does not make any logical sense to keep the order details out of the model for a setup order, it helps to keep the project maintainable, since setup orders are not the only things coming in and this way you can change the order model and all other models/orders are updated too.
Here comes the problem. For attributes like Setup.server Django's default behaviour of creating a dropdown with all web servers the company can offer is totally fine. If the team decides to add another one, it can simply create another server option on another page. But for order, I would like that the OrderForm is included on the same page as the SetupForm, ideally as a separate Fieldset. After submitting the form, the new order should be added to the database and Setup.order is to be filled. I know that I can code it for this special case, but the application will contain numerous forms, so a generic solution would be better.
A possible solution could be to create a custom models.ForeignKey or models.OneToOneField with a custom option and a generic view that than renders a template with two forms and links the objects afterwards.
Did anyone have a similar problem? Does anyone know a simple, maybe even builtin solution to that?
I have thought about inline formsets which were the solution to a similar question which used this example
class Contact(models.Model):
class Communication(models.Model):
contact = models.ForeignKey(Contact)
and by using a communication fieldset. However, this treats the class containing as the child, which is not the case in my example. But it still is an option, even if it would still have to be automated so it can be used quickly for all links between the other models.
So I've got a UserProfile in Django that has certain fields that are required by the entire project - birthday, residence, etc. - and it also contains a lot of information that doesn't actually have any importance as far as logic goes - hometown, about me, etc. I'm trying to make my project a bit more flexible and applicable to more situations than my own, and I'd like to make it so that administrators of a project instance can add any fields they like to a UserProfile without having to directly modify the model. That is, I'd like an administrator of a new instance to be able to create new attributes of a user on the fly based on their specific needs. Due to the nature of the ORM, is this possible?
Well a simple solution is to create a new model called UserAttribute that has a key and a value, and link it to the UserProfile. Then you can use it as an inline in the django-admin. This would allow you to add as many new attributes to a UserProfile as you like, all through the admin:
class UserAttribute(models.Model):
key = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="i.e. Age, Name etc")
value = models.TextField(max_length=1000)
profile = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile)
class UserAttributeInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = UserAttribute
class UserProfile(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [UserAttibuteInline,]
This would allow an administrator to add a long list of attributes. The limitations are that you cant's do any validation on the input(outside of making sure that it's valid text), you are also limited to attributes that can be described in plain english (i.e. you won't be able to perform much login on them) and you won't really be able to compare attributes between UserProfiles (without a lot of Database hits anyway)
You can store additional data in serialized state. This can save you some DB hits and simplify your database structure a bit. May be the best option if you plan to use the data just for display purposes.
Example implementation (not tested)::
import yaml
from django.db import models
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField('auth.User', related_name='profile')
_additional_info = models.TextField(default="", blank=True)
def additional_info(self):
return yaml.load(self._additional_info)
def additional_info(self, user_info_dict):
self._additional_info = yaml.dump(user_info_dict)
When you assign to profile.additional_info, say, a dictionary, it gets serialized and stored in _additional_info instead (don't forget to save the instance later). And then, when you access additional_info, you get that python dictionary.
I guess, you can also write a custom field to deal with this.
UPDATE (based on your comment):
So it appears that the actual problem here is how to automatically create and validate forms for user profiles. (It remains regardless on whether you go with serialized options or complex data structure.)
And since you can create dynamic forms without much trouble[1], then the main question is how to validate them.
Thinking about it... Administrator will have to specify validators (or field type) for each custom field anyway, right? So you'll need some kind of a configuration option—say,
'name': 'user_ip',
'validators': ['django.core.validators.validate_ipv4_address'],
And then, when you're initializing the form, you define fields with their validators according to this setting.
[1] See also this post by Jacob Kaplan-Moss on dynamic form generation. It doesn't deal with validation, though.
In my Django admin, when I try to view/edit objects from one particular model class the memory usage and CPU rockets up and I have to restart the server. I can view the list of objects fine, but the problem comes when I click on one of the objects. Other models are fine. Working with the object in code (i.e. creating and displaying) is ok, the problem only arises when I try to view an object with the admin interface. The class isn't even particularly exotic:
class Comment(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
thing = models.ForeignKey(Thing)
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
content = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
approved = models.BooleanField(default=True)
class Meta:
ordering = ['-date']
Any ideas? I'm stumped. The only reason I could think of might be that the thing is quite a large object (a few kb), but as I understand it, it wouldn't get loaded until it was needed (correct?).
It's not really a question of how big the Thing object is, but rather of how many you have in your database. That's because for a ForeignKey, by default Django's admin gives you a drop-down list containing all the existing items. If you've got lots and lots, then Django will load them all in order to populate that list. The same is true here of User.
The best way round this is to add the offending field to the raw_id_fields in your ModelAdmin subclass. That will change the representation to a simple textfield for the id, with a pop-up lookup window.
I'm writing a simple real-estate listing app in Django. Each property needs to have a variable number of images. Images need to have an editable order. And I need to make the admin user-proof.
So that said, what are my options?
Is there a ImageList field that I don't know about?
Is there an app like django.contrib.comments that does the job for me?
If I have to write it myself, how would I go about making the admin-side decent? I'm imagining something a lot slicker than what ImageField provides, with some drag'n'drop for re-ordering. But I'm a complete clutz at writing admin pages =(
Variable lists, also known as a many-to-one relationship, are usually handled by making a separate model for the many and, in that model, using a ForeignKey to the "one".
There isn't an app like this in django.contrib, but there are several external projects you can use, e.g. django-photologue which even has some support for viewing the images in the admin.
The admin site can't be made "user proof", it should only be used by trusted users. Given this, the way to make your admin site decent would be to define a ModelAdmin for your property and then inline the photos (inline documentation).
So, to give you some quick drafts, everything would look something like this:
# models.py
class Property(models.Model):
address = models.TextField()
class PropertyImage(models.Model):
property = models.ForeignKey(Property, related_name='images')
image = models.ImageField()
# admin.py
class PropertyImageInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = PropertyImage
extra = 3
class PropertyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [ PropertyImageInline, ]
admin.site.register(Property, PropertyAdmin)
The reason for using the related_name argument on the ForeignKey is so your queries will be more readable, e.g. in this case you can do something like this in your view:
property = Property.objects.get(pk=1)
image_list = property.images.all()
EDIT: forgot to mention, you can then implement drag-and-drop ordering in the admin using Simon Willison's snippet Orderable inlines using drag and drop with jQuery UI
Write an Image model that has a ForeignKey to your Property model. Quite probably, you'll have some other fields that belong to the image and not to the Property.
I'm currently making the same thing and I faced the same issue.
After I researched for a while, I decided to use django-imaging. It has a nice Ajax feature, images can be uploaded on the same page as the model Insert page, and can be editable. However, it is lacking support for non-JPEG extension.
There is a package named django-galleryfield. I think it will meet your demand.