I'm running the below command to connect to vCloud Director using PowerShell
Connect-CIServer -Server "company.com.au" -User "username" -Password "password" -Org "testorg"
However, it is giving me error like below:
Connect-CIServer : 20/09/2019 2:13:12 PM Connect-CIServer
Unable to connect to vCloud Server 'https://company.com.au:443/api/'. The
server returned the following: Unauthorized: ''.
At line:1 char:1
+ Connect-CIServer -Server "company.com.au" -User "username" -Pas ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Connect-CIServer], CIException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Cloud_ConnectivityServiceImpl_ConnectCloudServer_ConnectError,VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Commands.Cmdlets.ConnectCIServer
Unfortunately, not much information is given, I can login to the UI by the same credentials but not on command line?
I had similar issue when I was trying to login to VCentre, I got it working by ignoring certificates. Not sure if for VCloud Server,I am facing same issue?
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -Confirm:$false
Works well when I drop -Org parameter! so the command which worked for me to login to Cloud Director is as below:
Connect-CIServer -Server "company.com.au" -User "username" -Password "password"
I've installed the gcloud CLI according to https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install.
When using cloud shell on browser, I could simply paste a script and it would work. But it won't do the same when using cloud CLI on Powershell.
# List Projects accessible to these credentials
gcloud projects list `
# Iterate over each Project
echo "Project: ${PROJECT}"
# Check Compute Engine service
gcloud services list `
--project=${PROJECT} `
--filter=config.name=compute.googleapis.com `
# Is it enabled?
if [ "${ENABLED}" = "ENABLED" ]
# Enumerate Disks that have `users` and output `name`
gcloud compute disks list `
--project=${PROJECT} `
--filter="-users:*" `
Result on browser cloud shell: successfully iterated through projects and listed disks in that project.
Result on Powershell:
PS C:\WINDOWS\System32> C:\Users\minh.tran\Documents\Get Disk.ps1
At C:\Users\minh.tran\Documents\Get Disk.ps1:7 char:4
+ ~
Missing opening '(' after keyword 'for'.
At C:\Users\minh.tran\Documents\Get Disk.ps1:8 char:3
+ do
+ ~
Missing statement body in do loop.
At C:\Users\minh.tran\Documents\Get Disk.ps1:17 char:5
+ if [ "${ENABLED}" = "ENABLED" ]
+ ~
Missing '(' after 'if' in if statement.
At C:\Users\minh.tran\Documents\Get Disk.ps1:17 char:7
+ if [ "${ENABLED}" = "ENABLED" ]
+ ~
Missing type name after '['.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingOpenParenthesisAfterKeyword
PS C:\WINDOWS\System32>
The comment from #John Hanley is the correct answer. I tried to use a Linux shell script as a PowerShell script on a Windows machine.
The simplest solution for my case is to convert the shell script to a PowerShell script and run the converted script from PowerShell.
Converted script can be found here: GCP | disks.list method returning error when ran as part of a script . Despite working, it is still throwing some errors.
API Manager 3.0.0 and Analytics 3.0.0
Actually API-M I changed to hostname with any problems. When I change to hostname of Analytics some erros to login:
Only I change in [API-Analytics]/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml
## Authentication configuration
type: apim
ssoEnabled: true
adminScope: apim_analytics:admin_carbon.super
allScopes: apim_analytics:admin apim_analytics:product_manager apim_analytics:api_developer apim_analytics:app_developer apim_analytics:devops_engineer apim_analytics:analytics_viewer apim_analytics:$
adminServiceBaseUrl: https://myhostname:9443
adminUsername: admin
adminPassword: admin
kmDcrUrl: https://myhostname:9443/client-registration/v0.15/register
kmTokenUrlForRedirection: https://myhostname:9443/oauth2
kmTokenUrl: https://hostname:9443/oauth2
kmUsername: admin
kmPassword: admin
portalAppContext: analytics-dashboard
businessRulesAppContext : business-rules
cacheTimeout: 900
baseUrl: https://myhostname:9643
grantType: authorization_code
publisherUrl: https://myhostname:9443
#storeUrl: https://myhostname:9443
If I have this error in terminal, after to start dashboard server.
<ip adress> != <localhost>
But I change myhostname to localhost no sends this errors but in login page of Dashboard sends:
So, how fix or changed hostanem correctly?
I change only kmTokenUrlForRedirection,kmTokenUrl and baseUrl from deplymento.yaml and dashboard page I have:
I search the error and found this link https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-invalid-callback-error/
But I try put somo regexp similar to:
But nothing.
My new question is:
Where is a correct form of regexp of dashboard?
Change your analytics_dashboard sp's regex to following and try.
I have to invoke a webservice of our client. I have the end URL and the secret key. I passed the secret key in the header section. I invoked the webservice. Response from the
service is "Your Authorization secret was not set" and response status is "400 Bad Request". So I strongly suspect that syntax is an issue. I only have the end url
and the secret key. So I tried passing secret key in header section and parameters section but I am getting the same response.
Client has given an example of how to do this on shell script.
(Key and URL are changed for privacy)
*curl -s --data-urlencode 'secret_key=nJ2RoMRYKzBVQz0AAn1Gvnw5Zb41PE0Wgf4buXKYh9t7ebicC9P1L1Spxx911Rbj4khhhhhhhhhhhgfddssreser'
So I executed it on power shell and the response is:
Invoke-WebRequest : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument
At line:1 char:1
+ curl -s --data-urlencode 'secret_key=nJ2RoMRYKzBVQz0AAn1Gvnw5Zb41PE0Wgf4buXKY...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Invoke-WebRequest], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand*
How to fix this?
I have a list of VCenter servers. They are on different locations and of different customers. I have created a text file with all the vcenter servers and credentials like below..I have more than 20 Vcenter Servers. I need to collect information of VM, Datastores, etc.(for which I have scripts).
Connect-VIServer vcenter0001 -User vcenter0001\sysdep -Password "Passwowrd1"
Connect-VIServer vcenter0002 -User vcenter0002\sysdep -Password "Passwowrd2"
I want to connect to each VCenter server and execute my scripts. Please help me. Thanks in Advance.
There's a couple ways to accomplish this, first you need to make sure that your configuration is set to allow for multiple connections. This is done with the following:
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Multiple
Note: It may also be necessary to run the following to enforce the change against all session scopes:
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Multiple -Scope User
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Multiple -Scope Session
Afterwards, you can pass multiple vCenter server names in string format or array format to the Connect-VIServer cmdlet to the 'Server' parameter.
Example using strings:
Connect-VIServer -Server vcenter0001,vcenter0002,vcenter0003 -User sysdep -Password "Password"
Example using an array:
$vCenterNames = #('vcenter0001','vcenter0002','vcenter0003')
Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterNames -User sysdep -Password "Password"
Lastly, since it looks like you may be using local accounts instead of a single domain account, you could look at integrating the VICredentialStore. This saves your credentials in an XML file that will be referenced automatically at time of authentication.
Example Usage:
New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host vcenter0001 -User vcenter0001\sysdep -Password "Password"
New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host vcenter0002 -User vcenter0002\sysdep -Password "Password"
New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host vcenter0003 -User vcenter0003\sysdep -Password "Password"
Connect-VIServer -Server vcenter0001,vcenter0002,vcenter0003
Suppose you have a top secret csv file where you store the connection info (i.e. vi server fqdn, logon user name and passwords) that looked like this:
viserver, username, password
myfav.cust1.org, cust1usr, cust1pw
my2fav.cust2.net, cust2usr, cust2pw
myleastfav.cust3.com, cust3usr, cust3pw
and it was saved in: c:\mysecretdocs\custviservers.csv
you could use import-csv and a foreach statement to do your inventory dirty work with a function that looked something like this:
function get-vminventory
$viCntinfo = Import-Csv c:\mysecretdocs\custviservers.csv
foreach ($vi in $viCntInfo)
$convi = connect-viserver -server $vi.viserver -username $vi.username -password $vi.password
$vms = get-vm
$vms | select name, MemoryGB, NumCpu,
#{ n = "hostname"; e = { $_.guest.hostname } },
#{ n = "ip"; e = { $_.guest.ipaddress -join ", " } },
#{ n = "viserver"; e = { $convi.Name } }
$discvi = disconnect-viserver -server * -force -confirm:$false
You can run any of the PowerCLI inventory or custom commands there and select whatever output you want, that's just an example using Get-VM. Either dot source the function or just paste it into your shell. Then execute it and put the output in a csv like this:
get-vminventory | Export-Csv c:\mycustomerdata\vminfo.csv
I'm executing the following:
Set-AzureRmVMExtension `
-VMName 'servername' `
-ResourceGroupName 'rgname' `
-Name 'JoinAD' `
-ExtensionType 'JsonADDomainExtension' `
-Publisher 'Microsoft.Compute' `
-TypeHandlerVersion '1.0' `
-Location 'West Europe' `
-Settings #{'Name' = 'domain.com'; 'OUPath' = 'OU=Server 2012 R2,OU=Servers,DC=domain,DC=com'; 'User' = 'domain.com\username'; 'Restart' = 'true'; 'Options' = 3} `
-ProtectedSettings #{'Password' = 'password'}
and get this error:
Set-AzureRmVMExtension : Long running operation failed with status
'Failed'. StartTime: 18.04.2016 18:03:30 EndTime: 18.04.2016 18:04:50
OperationID: 76825458-6c50-404d-bb1a-b27c722b1760 Status: Failed
ErrorCode: VMExtensionProvisioningError ErrorMessage: VM has reported
a failure when processing extension 'JoinAD'. Error message: "Join
completed for Domain 'ddomain.com'". At line:1 char:1
+ Set-AzureRmVMExtension `
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Set-AzureRmVMExtension], ComputeCloudException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.SetAzureVMExtensionCommand
What am I missing?
Kept having trouble with extension, therefore opted to perform the domain join using PowerShell Add-Computer without extensions.
One possibly cause might be that NSG configurations block connectivity to the internet and with that to services running in the Azure data center.