I wish to generate a unique product ID using IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management Collaborative Edition (MDM CE). Has anyone had such scenarios in any other implementation and if so how they have done that?
The requirements are as follows:
MDM CE has to generate a unique product ID for a "live product" and not for "testing products". This ID should be same for the product across environments (Dev, Testing, QA, Prod) as some of the systems still hard code the Product ID to make their functionalities work.
Not every environment needs to follow the workflow once its done in lower environments.
Testing, QA environments data then can't be cleaned up as live products are also existing and being worked upon in there.
We do still have enhancements to the model and functionalities going on in parallel every 2-4 weeks sprints.
What are the possibilities here to use different companies in a same environment. Lets say each environment having 2 different companies i.e. One for live products creation and other for testing products/testing new functionalities. What are the challenges in doing so:
a. From a code perspective (How do we achieve this when we using devops model to have single jar file and deploy it via automated process in each env)?
b. From a data perspective
c. From access perspective (Can we enable different LDAP roles per company ?)
a. From a code perspective (How do we achieve this when we using devops model to have single jar file and deploy it via automated process in each env)?
you can automate the deployment using CM or EDP Jenkins
b. From a data perspective
you can try using itemObj.getPipeDelimitedCSVRepresentation() which will return the entire Item data as | deliminator
and then you can parse this data and create a brand new item in nay environment
c. From access perspective (Can we enable different LDAP roles per company ?)
Yes you can enable multiple roles on LDAP and the name of the MDM CE roles and the role created in LDAP must be same
Taking the following service description:
X is a platform matching buyers and sellers.
Buyers can join the platform by creating a buyer account and browse seller shops, buy, manage their account, ..., on the Buyers client application.
Sellers can join the platform by creating a seller account and manage their shops and orders, ..., on the Buyers client application.
I am still confuse about the right approach to adopt.
Here I represented the organization X (the platform). I assume that a buyer is not considered as an organization but rather a user of X. So every time a buyer create an account, I register a user under X, save email and password on an external database and link this entry to a user in X's wallet.
A seller can be considered as an organization (at least to me but happy to debate on that). So every time a seller create an account, I have to create an add a new organization to the existing network. They will however share the same "Seller application", also using a email/password approach.
In most of the sample under the Hyperledger Fabric repo, there is like 3-4 organizations at the start of the network and it is quite painful to add one more to an existing network. In my case, I could end up with 1 million organization or an infinite if the service is a success. Can this scale?
Is it the correct approach for this kind of use case? Any feedback or resource related to this use case is welcome.
This doesn't look like a valid use of hyper-ledger fabric. The blockchain is optimized to store transactional information. It isn't a regular DB, if you try, for instance, to store "user profiles" you will have a hard time trying so. For instance, each member for the blockchain network (again, hyper-ledger fabric) is meant to keep a copy of the ledger. Thus, everyone would get access to all user profiles. You can play around with PDC (private data), or as you mention, having virtually infinite users created on a single organization, but that isn't really how it's supposed to be used..
So, again, hyper-ledger fabric is meant to store transactional information (ledger relates to transaction). I think whatever strategy you try to implement for your use case, you should keep buyer/seller profiles/information off chain, and use the ledger only for transactional information that members of the network can see. In this scenario Fabric would server as an audit trail system, adding trust to each operation between buyers/sellers.
I have 2 companies with different application and function. But they share same customer database. Should i create one google cloud account and create 2 seperate project or should i using 2 google account for 2 companies?
Unsure of the structure or nature of the work but if you take the scenario of you being a freelancer and creating two projects that happen to use the same DB (lets say owned by you or someone else), I would do the following:
3 projects in total under 3 different Organizations.
Each company will have there own ORG with their own project/application (Project A & B).
Then the third project(Project C) contains the DB they are using, couple of reasons why this useful:
You can grant each project different access/roles to the DB allowing them to do specific queries, limit resources, track costs, or even force costs onto Projects A & B.
You could instead set up an API in Project C that handles all needed DB interactions and give those Endpoints to Projects A & B.
Unsure what you meant about Google Cloud Account but this normally refers to the individual as in johndoe#gmail.com. You can have access to all three projects with one account and then get removed by admins once the work is done. Similarly you can great all three projects and then transfer them to their respective ORGs after but that is slightly more complicated and can cause issues.
I want to build a blockchain application for users to check the authenticity of data on my product.
I am planning to put a QR code on my products for users to scan it and reach my blockchain application (e.g. website) to check the production date for the product.
Since I know people will trust my product when I applied blockchain (immutable) concept.
However I have researched blockchain app development tutorials for a period of time. Those tutorials are teaching with transaction and requiring to use plugin like meta-mask. My project doesn't involved any transaction, just require to store the production date data to database. But I don't know what framework or language that I should use.
Should the project involve Ethereum? Smart contract? or other concepts?
The main purpose of my project is to build a blockchain database that cannot be modify once wrote. And then allow the users to reach my application to see the production date of the product make sure the authenticity.
Your customers will not need meta-mask or transactions to see the production date of the products.
But to build the product and production date mapping you need to use transaction. Storing something in blockchain means changing it. For that you must create a transaction and pay some transaction fee.
As for your customers, they will not change the blockchain. They will just view some data on the chain. Its free to view data of a blockchain and it does not require transactions.
I am pretty new to Hyper Ledger Composer. I understand the way it works.But my interest is to build a blockchain application for digital identity management.I have seen that Hyper Ledger is coming up with Indy project, but I wanna start things with the composer.
Where does per ledger composer stores assets and participants?
what if my assets and participants are outnumbered?
Differences between hyper ledger fabric and composer.
How to design a blockchain for storing students records in an institution which contains details such as his CGPA?
See https://github.com/mahoney1/composer-knowledge-wiki/blob/latest/knowledge.md#information_source--blockchain-recap
Not sure what the context of this question is - outnumbered by what ? In the context of your topic heading ; self-sovereign ID is a digital identification that can use 'consolidated bits of information' about the student and could be stored as a means of establishing the true identity captured in your model - in Composer, an identity that is transacting (creating, updating, querying) is known because it is registered on the business network, so as to access it in the first place (Certificate Authorities from 'whichever organisation' that's on that permissioned blockchain network, issues digital certificates for the transacting identities, in their own organisation/institution - they then connect to the network using that identity, obviously organisations will know who it is issued to).
See Difference between hyperledger composer and hyperledger fabric? and What are the functional differences between Fabric Javascript SDK and Hyperledger Composer? - also you see an introduction here -> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/next/introduction/introduction.html
CGPA meaning : the average of grade points obtained in all the subjects ? Normally you wouldn't store sensitive information on a blockchain that's shared with other institutions, ie something like a StudentID / Surname might suffice? The records are the 'assets' and obviously the student is the participant in your model business network (simplistic). You can see more on sample business networks, with sample models and sample transaction code and ACLs here -> https://github.com/hyperledger/composer-sample-networks/tree/master/packages
Hello I'm having a problem where i can not select individual as my payment profile and I'm forced to use business profile but I'm not able to create one since i don't have a tax ID how do i select a individual profile?
I ran into the same issue, are you by any chance in the EU? Sounds bizarre but looks like they only offer the service to those using it "for business purposes" in this region and that if you are using it without any potential economic benefit you should stop!
Source: https://cloud.google.com/free/docs/frequently-asked-questions