Passing object to a function in QT causes Segmentation Fault - c++

Thanks in advance for your time. I'm still new to the coding world, so excuse me if I ask something silly or obvious.
I'm coding a small program with QT for manipulating data of a data base. To represent the data I'm using QTableViews. I have a few of them with the same configuration, so I made a function to configure them:
QT 5.12
void MainWindow::configureTableView(QSqlTableModel *model, QTableView *table, QString DBTable)
//Pacients table.
model = new QSqlTableModel(this);
I have some QSqlTableModel defined in the mainwindow.h as:
QSqlTableModel *PatientsTable;
I call the function with:
configureTableView(PatientsTable, ui->ClientsTabTableView, "Pacientes");
Program starts and shows OK, but as soon as I try to do anything with the view like set a filter
where Search is a QString configured by other function based on user input, the program crashes and QT tells me it received a signal from the operative system: SIGSEGV (segmentation fault).
Now when is was coding all of this, at some point I had:
void MainWindow::configureTableView(QTableView *table, QString DBTable)
PatientsTable = new QSqlTableModel(this);
which works with no issues at all.
What am I missing? I've been digging for a while now and the code and explanations I found on Internet aren't working.
Thanks again for your time!

The problem is that your function does not modify the PatientsTable variable. Just passing a pointer to a function does not let you modify the pointer itself (only what it's pointing to). Simple solution, pass the pointer by reference.
void MainWindow::configureTableView(QSqlTableModel *&model, QTableView *table, QString DBTable)
The alternative (better in my view) would be to return the pointer from the function
QSqlTableModel *MainWindow::configureTableView(QTableView *table, QString DBTable)
QSqlTableModel *model = new QSqlTableModel(this);
return model;
PatientsTable = configureTableView(ui->ClientsTabTableView, "Pacientes");
It's a very common beginner misunderstanding. Pass pointers to modify what is being pointed to. The pointer itself cannot be modified. In this regard pointers are just like any other kind of variable.


Get object from signal function being called

Is possible to get the object of the control (button, checkbox, etc) which belongs
to the function being called other than declaring her 'type' ?
void Main::on_toolButton_pressed()
QToolButton *btn = qobject_cast<QToolButton*>(sender());
To something like:
void Main::on_toolButton_pressed()
auto *btn = qobject_cast<??>( sender() );
where ?? is something containing the button type.
You want to have a mix of compile time knowledge with runtime knowledge. That is not possible. What you can do is perform some "reflection stuff" using qt meta functionality like calling invokeMethod Check QMetaObject class and what you can do. Basically if you have QObject there is a possibility to query class name, members, fields etc. If you are willing to write a code that will then cast your pointer to specific class based on moc introspection, then you will have perfectly working c++ code.

Qt: How to pass variable value betweeen QWizardPages with registerField()

I'm working on Qt 4.8.5. I'm using a QWizard structure with its QWizardPages (lets name them wp1, wp2, wp3,...). I need to pass one value from wp2 to wp4 but every time I try it, I get an empty string :(
The value I need is on a variable (QString sVar;) so not a widget and I've tried some things:
Using RegisterField with the wizardpage itselfs (as its still a type of qwidget) like this: registerField("myField",this); but ofcourse when i go to wp4 and try to qDebug()<< "data: " << field("myField").toString();it is empty.
I've see in some forums ppl saying that you can create a Q_PROPERTY and then use the register field. I've set it as Q_PROPERTY sData READ getData() WRITE setDATA() and then with registerField("myfield, this, ...and here I have a problem because i expect sData to apear but it doesn't.
So... any idea about how can I achieve this using registerField (I know I can also create my own slot and signal, emit it from wp2 and catch it up on wp4 but I would like to avoid it if possible)
Added the solution:
Class A.h:
class ClassA: public QWizardPage
QString getAP() const {return AP;}
void setAP(QString s){AP=s;};
QString AP;
Class A constructor:
registerField("AP_field",this, "sAP", SIGNAL(APChanged()));
Class A ::initializePage() function:
case 0 :...
case 1:
emit APChanged();
And then in Class B (Where you need to know that data):
qDebug() << " AP QPROPERTY = " <<field ("AP_Field").toString();
According to the docs:
When we create a field using QWizardPage::registerField(), we pass a
unique field name and a widget. We can also provide a Qt property name
and a "changed" signal (a signal that is emitted when the property
changes) as third and fourth arguments; however, this is not necessary
for the most common Qt widgets, such as QLineEdit, QCheckBox, and
QComboBox, because QWizard knows which properties to look for.
So you still need a signal, but Qt will handle necessary connections for you and will catch your new value as you change it. You have to register like this:
registerField("myField", this, "myProperty", SIGNAL(myPropertyChanged()));
Then you have to remember to emit the signal each time you change your variable, and of course register it as a property.
This works from some but not all widgets that emit a signal. For QDoubleSpinWidgets,
QWizard::setDefaultProperty("QDoubleSpinBox", "value", SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)));
This is because the valueChanged() is for QString and double....does not know which value to take without the parameter specifying:
"Every time the value changes QDoubleSpinBox emits two valueChanged() signals, one taking providing a double and the other a QString. The QString overload provides the value with both prefix() and suffix(). The current value can be fetched with value() and set with setValue()." I hope this never troubles others and this complete solution, no warnings, errors nor unpredictable behaviour.

Replace QWidget with a new QWidget

This questions to me reeks of maybe a lack of understanding of C++, as the possibilities I've considered for my problem all seem to make no sense on why this could be occuring. Feedback appreciated.
I'm using the form designer to create a form class with a table in it. I'm trying to replace the table with another table generated in a helper class. I'm only doing this so I can (hopefully) maintain the nice grid layout I've designed, and through pointer manipulation, get the replacement I desire. Here's some code snippets from the table form constructor and relevant calls :
//tableData is defined in the header file as a QTableWidget*
tableData = this->findChild<QTableWidget *>("tableData");
void setup(){
tableData = Utilities::createTable(this->file, tableDelim);
//createTable returns QTableWidget*
... other assignments, and label text updates, which seem to all work
My understanding is that tableData is a pointer, and if printed, will give the address of the QTableWidget from the layout. So then if I create a QTableWidget* and then assign tableData to that, tableData should now point to the new widget. Instead, I see only a blank screen.
I tried checking what the tableData pointer is before I assign it to the new QTableWidget*, and after. The second pointer shown is what is generated by createTable() :
QTableWidget(0x101272d40, name = "tableData") QTableWidget(0x10127b3b0, name = "test_sample2.nuc.stats")
QTableWidget(0x10127b3b0, name = "test_sample2.nuc.stats") QTableWidget(0x10127b3b0, name = "test_sample2.nuc.stats")
It seems the pointer is being reassigned, but the table drawn isn't the right one.
What gives?
My understanding is that you want to design the table layout in designer but fill in the data from an external source.
I would suggest, to just use the QTableWidget that is created in setupUi() and modify Utilities::createTable() such that it becomes Utilities::populateTable(QTableWidget & table, <all the other parameters you need>). (Or use QTableWidget * if you prefer - however I like putting the non-zero assertion responsibility on the caller...)
Apart from that, I agree with Sebastian Lange.
You are right with your assumption. You do set a variable to be a pointer to a object and next you set the variable to be a pointer to another object. You never change any objects, just your variable which is not used to display anything.
You would need to do something like:
//tableData is defined in the header file as a QTableWidget*
tableData = this->findChild<QTableWidget *>("tableData");
parentLayout = tableData->parent()->layout(); //Get the parent widget to add another table.
delete tableData;
You need to use pTheContainerOfTheOriginalTableWidget->addWidget(tableData); See here:
Be sure you remove the original tableWidget so you don't have two (I assume you don't want two).
If I understand you correctly we have such situation.
call of setupUi (which generated by qt tootls),
there there is something like this(pseudo code):
oldTablePtr = new QTableWidget(parent);
So parent and layout hold value of oldTablePtr.
And if you set variable oldTablePtr nothing changed.
parent send QPaintEvent to oldTablePtr.
So you need call delete oldTablePtr, that remove this widget from list of childs of parent, and move newTablePtr to the same layout.
There's no need to replace it in code, you can do it in Qt Designer. Just place QTableWidget on form, then rightclick it and choose Promote widget in menu, then you will need just enter your classname.
Currently I don't have Qt Designer near me, so edits will be appreciated.

Passing QSqlQueryModel through control class

How would I go about passing QSqlQueryModel from a class that connects and queries the database through the control class or QMainWindow in my attempt and back to the widget needing the information?
I thought I could pass the reference location to the QSqlQueryModel object, but this is not working or I am doing something wrong.
I haven't found any examples showing what I am doing on the Qt Developer page.
Looks like these are just compiler errors, nothing specifically to do with Qt.
In short you are getting your pointers and references mixed up.
Error #1:
cardList = new List(sqlModel->getListModel());
You are passing a reference when the List takes a pointer. Fix your return type from getListModel or fix the above line.
Next, you are not specifying the second argument, i.e. the parent QWidget. Either specify your MainWindow as the parent, pass 0, or fix your constructor's signature to provide a default (generally 0).
Error #2:
List::List(QSqlQueryModel *model, QWidget *parent) : ListUI(parent){
You receive the model as a pointer and then attempted to take the address of the pointer. I.e. You're making a double pointer. Change the line to
Hope that helps.

How to use QMetaMethod with QObject::connect

I have two instances of QObject subclasses and two QMetaMethod instances of signal in one of objects and slot in another object. I want to connect this signal and slot with each other.
I've looked through the qobject.h file and find that SIGNAL() and SLOT() macro are just add "1" or "2" character to the beginning of method signature so it looks like it should be possible to add the same character to the beginning of string returned by QMetaMethod::signature() but this approach depends on some undocumented internals of toolkit and may be broken at any time by a new version of Qt.
Does anybody know reliable way to connect signals and slots through their QMetaMethod reflection representation?
I've created suggestion in Qt issue tracker:
If anybody also interested in this feature you can vote for this ticket there.
This has been fixed as of Qt 4.8.0:
Suppose we have a QObject* m_subject, and wish to connect the change-notification signal of a property to a propertyChanged() slot:
const QMetaObject* meta = m_subject->metaObject();
QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(meta->indexOfProperty("myProperty"));
if (prop.hasNotifySignal()) {
QMetaMethod signal = prop.notifySignal();
QMetaMethod updateSlot = metaObject()->method(
connect(m_subject, signal, this, updateSlot);
I successfully used this to make a QWidget subclass which finds all the properties of any QObject and creates a QLineEdit for each of them, with a connection to keep the QLineEdit updated whenever the corresponding property changes. (Because I didn't find a way to pass a propertyID value to propertyChanged() though, it was necessary to make a subclass of QLineEdit and implement propertyChanged() there. QSignalMapper didn't help, because all the properties are in the same object.)
Thanks to MBack, I now use metamethods to connect my view to my model's properties dynamically for MVVM or MVC pattern.
In order to respect DRY, a boilerplate is required with something like this :
void MyClass::connectSignalToSlot(QObject* sender, std::string signalName, QObject* receiver, std::string slotName)
int sigIdx = sender->metaObject()->indexOfSignal(signalName.c_str());
auto signal = sender->metaObject()->method(sigIdx);
int slotIdx = receiver->metaObject()->indexOfSlot(slotName.c_str());
auto slot = receiver->metaObject()->method(slotIdx);
void MyClass::connectPropertyChangedToSlot(QObject* sender, std::string propName, QObject* receiver, std::string slotName)
int sigIdx = sender->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(propName.c_str());
auto signal = sender->metaObject()->property(sigIdx ).notifySignal();
int slotIdx = receiver->metaObject()->indexOfSlot(slotName.c_str());
auto slot = receiver->metaObject()->method(slotIdx);
return connect(sender, signal, receiver, slot);
It looks like there is no way to make it work without relying on internal implementation. If I were you, I'd submit feature request to Qt bug tracker, write a code that mimics current behavior SIGNAL/SLOT macros and add unit test that will fail when SIGNAL/SLOT behavior changes.
There might be a simpler solution to the problem you're trying to solve: describe what exactly are you trying to do without any implementation details.
If signature method is public in QMetaMethod then the result shouldn't be broken by trolls and it's safe to use it (documentation says nothing about "dangers" when using QMetaMethod::signature method). I think you can safely use it. Just to be sure, what version of Qt you are using right now ?