How to reserve a multi-dimensional Vector without increasing the vector size? - c++

I have data which is N by 4 which I push back data as follows.
vector<vector<int>> a;
for(some loop){
N would be less than 13000. In order to prevent unnecessary reallocation, I would like to reserve 13000 by 4 spaces in advance.
After reading multiple related posts on this topic (eg How to reserve a multi-dimensional Vector?), I know the following will do the work. But I would like to do it with reserve() or any similar function if there are any, to be able to use push_back().
vector<vector<int>> a(13000,vector<int>(4);
vector<vector<int>> a;
How can I just reserve memory without increasing the vector size?

If your data is guaranteed to be N x 4, you do not want to use a std::vector<std::vector<int>>, but rather something like std::vector<std::array<int, 4>>.
It's the more semantically-accurate type - std::array is designed for fixed-width contiguous sequences of data. (It also opens up the potential for more performance optimizations by the compiler, although that depends on exactly what it is that you're writing.)
Your data will be laid out contiguously in memory, rather than every one of the different vectors allocating potentially disparate heap locations.
Having said that - #pasbi's answer is correct: You can use std::vector::reserve() to allocate space for your outer vector before inserting any actual elements (both for vectors-of-vectors and for vectors-of-arrays). Also, later on, you can use the std::vector::shrink_to_fit() method if you ended up inserting a lot less than you had planned.
Finally, one other option is to use a gsl::multispan and pre-allocate memory for it (GSL is the C++ Core Guidelines Support Library).

You've already answered your own question.
There is a function vector::reserve which does exactly what you want.
vector<vector<int>> a;
for(some loop){
This will reserve memory to fit N times vector<int>. Note that the actual size of the inner vector<int> is irrelevant at this point since the data of a vector is allocated somewhere else, only a pointer and some bookkeeping is stored in the actual std::vector-class.

Note: this answer is only here for completeness in case you ever come to have a similar problem with an unknown size; keeping a std::vector<std::array<int, 4>> in your case will do perfectly fine.
To pick up on einpoklum's answer, and in case you didn't find this earlier, it is almost always a bad idea to have nested std::vectors, because of the memory layout he spoke of. Each inner vector will allocate its own chunk of data, which won't (necessarily) be contiguous with the others, which will produce cache misses.
Preferably, either:
Like already said, use an std::array if you have a fixed and known amount of elements per vector;
Or flatten your data structure by having a single std::vector<T> of size N x M.
// Assuming N = 13000, M = 4
std::vector<int> vec;
vec.reserve(13000 * 4);
Then you can access it like so:
// Before:
int& element = vec[nIndex][mIndex];
// After:
int& element = vec[mIndex * 13000 + nIndex]; // Still assuming N = 13000


Performance impact when resizing vector within capacity

I have the following synthesized example of my code:
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <cstdlib>
#define CAPACITY 10000
int main() {
std::vector<std::vector<int>> a;
std::vector<std::array<int, 2>> b;
a.resize(CAPACITY, std::vector<int> {0, 0})
b.resize(CAPACITY, std::array<int, 2> {0, 0})
for (;;) {
size_t new_rand_size = (std::rand() % CAPACITY);
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_rand_size; ++i) {
a[i][0] = std::rand();
a[i][1] = std::rand();
b[i][0] = std::rand();
b[i][1] = std::rand();
process(a); // respectively process(b)
so obviously, the array version is better, because it requires less allocation, as the array is fixed in size and continuous in memory (correct?). It just gets reinitialized when up-resizing again within capacity.
Since I'm going to overwrite anyway, I was wondering if there's a way to skip initialization (e.g. by overwriting the allocator or similar) to optimize the code even further.
so obviously,
The word "obviously" is typically used to mean "I really, really want the following to be true, so I'm going to skip the part where I determine if it is true." ;) (Admittedly, you did better than most since you did bring up some reasons for your conclusion.)
the array version is better, because it requires less allocation, as the array is fixed in size and continuous in memory (correct?).
The truth of this depends on the implementation, but the there is some validity here. I would go with a less micro-managementy approach and say that the array version is preferable because the final size is fixed. Using a tool designed for your specialized situation (fixed size array) tends to incur less overhead than using a tool for a more general situation. Not always less, though.
Another factor to consider is the cost of default-initializing the elements. When a std::array is constructed, all of its elements are constructed as well. With a std::vector, you can defer constructing elements until you have the parameters for construction. For objects that are expensive to default-construct, you might be able to measure a performance gain using a vector instead of an array. (If you cannot measure a difference, don't worry about it.)
When you do a comparison, make sure the vector is given a fair chance by using it well. Since the size is known in advance, reserve the required space right away. Also, use emplace_back to avoid a needless copy.
Final note: "contiguous" is a bit more accurate/descriptive than "continuous".
It just gets reinitialized when up-resizing again within capacity.
This is a factor that affects both approaches. In fact, this causes your code to exhibit undefined behavior. For example, let's suppose that your first iteration resizes the outer vector to 1, while the second resizes it to 5. Compare what your code does to the following:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> a;
a.resize(CAPACITY, std::vector<int> {0, 0});
std::cout << "Size " << a[1].size() <<".\n";
The output indicates that the size is zero at this point, yet your code would assign a value to a[1][0]. If you want each element of a to default to a vector of 2 elements, you need to specify that default each time you resize a, not just initially.
Since I'm going to overwrite anyway, I was wondering if there's a way to skip initialization (e.g. by overwriting the allocator or similar) to optimize the code even further.
Yes, you can skip the initialization. In fact, it is advisable to do so. Use the tool designed for the task at hand. Your initialization serves to increase the capacity of your vectors. So use the method whose sole purpose is to increase the capacity of a vector: vector::reserve.
Another option – depending on the exact situation — might be to not resize at all. Start with an array of arrays, and track the last usable element in the outer array. This is sort of a step backwards in that you now have a separate variable for tracking the size, but if your real code has enough iterations, the savings from not calling destructors when the size decreases might make this approach worth it. (For cleaner code, write a class that wraps the array of arrays and that tracks the usable size.)
Since I'm going to overwrite anyway, I was wondering if there's a way to skip initialization
Yes: Don't resize. Instead, reserve the capacity and push (or emplace) the new elements.

Fast way to push_back a vector many times

I have identified a bottleneck in my c++ code, and my goal is to speed it up. I am moving items from one vector to another vector if a condition is true.
In python, the pythonic way of doing this would be to use a list comprehension:
my_vector = [x for x in data_vector if x > 1]
I have hacked a way to do this in C++, and it is working fine. However, I am calling this millions of times in a while-loop and it is slow. I do not understand much about memory allocation, but I assume that my problem has to do with allocating memory over-and-over again using push_back. Is there a way to allocate my memory differently to speed up this code? (I do not know how large my_vector should be until the for-loop has completed).
std::vector<float> data_vector;
// Put a bunch of floats into data_vector
std::vector<float> my_vector;
while (some_condition_is_true) {
for (i = 0; i < data_vector.size(); i++) {
if (data_vector[i] > 1) {
// Use my_vector to render graphics on the GPU, but do not change the elements of my_vector
// Change the elements of data_vector, but not the size of data_vector
Use std::copy_if, and reserve data_vector.size() for my_vector initially (as this is the maximum possible number of elements for which your predicate could evaluate to true):
std::vector<int> my_vec;
std::copy_if(data_vec.begin(), data_vec.end(), std::back_inserter(my_vec),
[](const auto& el) { return el > 1; });
Note that you could avoid the reserve call here if you expect that the number of times that your predicate evaluates to true will be much less than the size of the data_vector.
Though there are various great solutions posted by others for your query, it seems there is still no much explanation for the memory allocation, which you do not much understand, so I would like to share my knowledge about this topic with you. Hope this helps.
Firstly, in C++, there are several types of memory: stack, heap, data segment.
Stack is for local variables. There are some important features associated with it, for example, they will be automatically deallocated, operation on it is very fast, its size is OS-dependent and small such that storing some KB of data in the stack may cause an overflow of memory, et cetera.
Heap's memory can be accessed globally. As for its important features, we have, its size can be dynamically extended if needed and its size is larger(much larger than stack), operation on it is slower than stack, manual deallocation of memory is needed (in nowadays's OS, the memory will be automatically freed in the end of program), et cetera.
Data segment is for global and static variables. In fact, this piece of memory can be divided into even smaller parts, e.g. BBS.
In your case, vector is used. In fact, the elements of vector are stored into its internal dynamic array, that is an internal array with a dynamic array size. In the early C++, a dynamic array can be created on the stack memory, however, it is no longer that case. To create a dynamic array, ones have to create it on heap. Therefore, the elements of vector are stored in an internal dynamic array on heap. In fact, to dynamically increase the size of an array, a process namely memory reallocation is needed. However, if a vector user keeps enlarging his or her vector, then the overhead cost of reallocation cost will be high. To deal with it, a vector would firstly allocate a piece of memory that is larger than the current need, that is allocating memory for potential future use. Therefore, in your code, it is not that case that memory reallocation is performed every time push_back() is called. However, if the vector to be copied is quite large, the memory reserved for future use will be not enough. Then, memory allocation will occur. To tackle it, vector.reserve() may be used.
I am a newbie. Hopefully, I have not made any mistake in my sharing.
Hope this helps.
Run the code twice, first time only counting, how many new elements you will need. Then use reserve to already allocate all the memory you need.
while (some_condition_is_true) {
int newLength = 0;
for (i = 0; i < data_vector.size(); i++) {
if (data_vector[i] > 1) {
for (i = 0; i < data_vector.size(); i++) {
if (data_vector[i] > 1) {
// Do stuff with my_vector and change data_vector
I doubt allocating my_vector is the problem, especially if the while loop is executed many times as the capacity of my_vector should quickly become sufficient.
But to be sure you can just reserve capacity in my_vector corresponding to the size of data_vector:
while (some_condition_is_true) {
for (auto value : data_vector) {
if (value > 1)
If you are on Linux you can reserve memory for my_vector to prevent std::vector reallocations which is bottleneck in your case. Note that reserve will not waste memory due to overcommit, so any rough upper estimate for reserve value will fit your needs. In your case the size of data_vector will be enough. This line of code before while loop should fix the bottleneck:

trim array to elements between i and j

A classic, I'm looking for optimisation here : I have an array of things, and after some processing I know I'm only interested in elements i to j. How to trim my array in the fatset, lightest way, with complete deletions/freeing of memory of elements before i and after j ?
I'm doing mebedded C++, so I may not be able to compile all sorts of library let's say. But std or vector things welcome in a first phase !
I've tried, for array A to be trimmed between i and j, with variable numElms telling me the number of elements in A :
A = &A[i];
numElms = i-j+1;
As it is this yields an incompatibility error. Can that be fixed, and even when fixed, does that free the memory at all for now-unused elements?
A little context : This array is the central data set of my module, and it can be heavy. It will live as long as the module lives. And there's no need to carry dead weight all this time. This is the very first thing that is done - figuring which segment of the data set has to be at all analyzed, and trimming and dumping the rest forever, never to use it again (until the next cycle where we get a fresh array with possibily a compeltely different size).
When asking questions about speed your millage may very based on the size of the array you're working with, but:
Your fastest way will be to not trim the array, just use A[index + i] to find the elements you want.
The lightest way to do this would be to:
Allocate a dynamic array with malloc
Once i and j are found copy that range to the head of the dynamic array
Use realloc to resize the dynamic array to the size j - i + 1
However you have this tagged as C++ not C, so I believe that you're also interested in readability and the required programming investment, not raw speed or weight. If this is true then I would suggest use of a vector or deque.
Given vector<thing> A or a deque<thing> A you could do:
A.erase(cbegin(A), next(cbegin(A), i));
A.resize(j - i + 1);
There is no way to change aloocated memory block size in standard C++ (unless you have POD data — in this case C facilities like realloc could be used). The only way to trim an array is to allocate new array. copy/move needed elements and destroy old array.
You can do it manually, or using vectors:
int* array = new int[10]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
std::vector<int> vec {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
//We want only elements 3-5
int* new_array = new int[3];
std::copy(array + 3, array + 6, new_array);
delete[] array;
array = new_array;
vec = std::vector<int>(vec.begin()+3, vec.begin()+6);
If you are using C++11, both approaches should have same perfomance.
If you only want to remove extra elements and do not really want to release memory (for example you might want to add more elements later) you can follow NathanOliver link
However, you should consider: do you really need that memory freed immideately? Do you need to move elements right now? Will you array live for such long time that this memory would be lost for your program completely? Maybe you need a range or perharps a view to the array content? In many cases you can store two pointers (or pointer and size) to denote your "new" array, while keeping old one to be released all at once.

Multidimensional vector bus error

I have a 11663 Bus Error when I attempt to do the following;
std::vector< std::vector<int> > bullets;
std::vector<int> num;
num[0] = 7;
I thought this would work as the vector bullets's type is a vector. Why doesn't this work as expected? Also, the following works;
std::vector< std::vector<int> > bullets;
std::vector<int> num (4, 100);
And I don't know why this works, but not my other code.
std::vector<int> num;
num[0] = 7;
num has not yet allocated storage for anything. Only use the indexing syntax [] if you know an element exists at that index. Otherwise, use push_back, which grows the vectors storage capacity if needed. The second example works because you used the constructor which reserves a certain amount of space for elements (4 in this case, all with the value 100).
std::vector<int> num;
On a side note, "this doesn't work" is not a very helpful problem description. Also, note that a vector of vectors used as a matrix is not a good idea in performance critical code should you need to iterate over each element.
Don't scrap it just yet and don't worry abut it unless you know for a fact that it will be a problem, but realize that you lose locality of data with this approach because each vector will allocate its storage separately. If this data is being iterated over in a tight loop you are better off allocating one big vector and calculating the offset to each individual position manually.
num[0] = 7;
should be

Delete parts of a dynamic array and grow other

I need to have a dynamic array, so I need to allocate the necessary amount of memory through a pointer. What makes me wonder about which is a good solution, is that C++ has the ability to do something like:
int * p = new int[6];
which allocates the necessary array. What I need is that, afterwards, I want to grow some parts of this array. A(n flawed) example:
int *p1 = &p[0];
int *p2 = &p[2];
int *p3 = &p[4];
// delete positions p[2], p[3]
delete [] p2;
// create new array
p2 = new int[4];
I don't know how to achieve this behavior.
EDIT: std::vector does not work for me since I need the time of insertion/deletion of k elements to be proportional to the number k and not to the number of elements stored in the std::vector.
Using pointers, in the general case, I would point to the start of any non continuous region of memory and I would keep account of how many elements it stores. Conceptually, I would fragment the large array into many small ones and not necessarily in continuous space in the memory (the deletion creates "holes" while the allocation does not necessarily "fill" them).
You achieve this behavior by using std::vector:
std::vector<int> v(6); // create a vector with six elements.
v.erase(v.begin() + 2); // erase the element at v[2]
v.insert(v.begin() + 2, 4, 0); // insert four new elements starting at v[2]
Really, any time you want to use a dynamically allocated array, you should first consider using std::vector. It's not the solution to every problem, but along with the rest of the C++ standard library containers it is definitely the solution to most problems.
You should look into STL containers in C++, for example vector has pretty much the functionality you want.
I'd advise against doing this on your own. Look up std::vector for a reasonable starting point.
another option, besides std::vector is std::deque, which works in much the same way, but is a little more efficient at inserting chunks into the middle. If that's still not good enough for you, you might get some mileage using a collection of collections. You'll have to do a little bit more work getting random access to work (perhaps writing a class to wrap the whole thing.