I'm passing in a USERID into what I believe to be either a SOAP request. I've never worked with SOAP and not quite sure where to start so if my question doesn't quite make sense, let me know and I'll try to fill in missing details.
Context for question:
I'm converting an excel macro (the macro will query pass the userid to the server and the server will return employee details such as name, email, address, etc.) and turning into a web lookup.
I have the following code:
variables.sso = '55555';
variables.serverURL = "http://search.corporate.ge.com/ldq/Query";
variables.queryString = "?serverID=ssoprod&searchBase=ou=domainWorker,+o=domain.com&Prebuilt=true&scope=2&filter=(domainoraclehrid=#variables.sso#)";
variables.webservice = "#variables.serverURL##variables.queryString#";
<cfdump var="#variables.webservice#">
<cfhttp url="#variables.webservice#" method="get" result="response"></cfhttp>
<cfdump var="#response.fileContent#" label="soap content">
When I take the value from the dump of variables.webservice, and paste it directly into a browser, I get the following (assume userID of 55555):
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:dsml="http://www.dsml.org/DSML">
<dsml:dsml xmlns:dsml="http://www.dsml.org/DSML">
<dsml:entry dn="domainssouid=1D8B0D04-91F0-1CAE-9BD7-002128B20D70,ou=domainWorker, o=domain.com">
<dsml:attr name="employeetype">
<dsml:attr name="givenname">
<dsml:attr name="postalcode">
<dsml:attr name="domainoraclehrid">
<dsml:attr name="mail">
<dsml:attr name="cn">
<dsml:value>Doe, John</dsml:value>
BUT when I dump of #response.fileContent#, I get something different, I get:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:f="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/soap-faults">
<SOAP-ENV:faultstring>ou=domainWorker,+o=domain.com: [LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN], Name Not valid - ou=domainWorker,+o=domain.com - filter -(domainoraclehrid=55555) </SOAP-ENV:faultstring>
Ultimately what I'd like to do is parse out the "cn", and "mail" details. What am I missing here? I suspect it might have something to do with ME accessing the URL directly (logged in user) where as the request is being made from a server and isn't "authenticated". If that is the case, how can I resolve this?
(Originally, I was a little perplexed about why I couldn't reproduce your results with CF2018, but now that I know you're using Lucee, the difference makes sense.)
Looking over the successful response, I noticed it doesn't contain a +, before the "o" (organization Name):
<dsml:entry dn="domainssouid=xxxx,ou=domainWorker, o=domain.com">
Which means the VBA call is treating the + as an encoding for a space, but CFHTTP is encoding it as a literal plus sign instead, causing an error because it breaks the LDAP query:
[LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN], Name Not valid - ou=domainWorker,+o=domain.com
The solution is to get rid of the plus sign + and replace it with a space:
searchBase=ou=domainWorker, o=domain.com
Interestingly, dumping the http request data shows that apparently CF2018 does things differently. Unlike Lucee, CF2018 treats the plus sign as a space.
CF2018 => %20 (space)
Lucee => %2B (plus sign)
I am trying to extract NetSuite saved search results using webservices. In the response I am only seeing the normal fields(entered in the Results section) but not the Formula (Text) field.
Below is the image of the saved search results section.
Below is the request sent to NetSuite.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:tns="urn:platform_2014_2.webservices.netsuite.com" xmlns:platformMsgs="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com" xmlns:platformFaults="urn:faults_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">
<urn5:preferences xmlns:urn5="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">
<urn6:warningAsError xmlns:urn6="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">false</urn6:warningAsError>
<urn7:disableMandatoryCustomFieldValidation xmlns:urn7="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">false</urn7:disableMandatoryCustomFieldValidation>
<urn7:ignoreReadOnlyFields xmlns:urn7="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">false</urn7:ignoreReadOnlyFields>
<urn8:searchPreferences xmlns:urn8="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">
<urn9:bodyFieldsOnly xmlns:urn9="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">true</urn9:bodyFieldsOnly>
<urn10:pageSize xmlns:urn10="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">1000</urn10:pageSize>
<urn11:returnSearchColumns xmlns:urn11="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">true</urn11:returnSearchColumns>
<platformMsgs:search xmlns:platformMsgs="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com" xmlns="urn:messages_2014_2.platform.webservices.netsuite.com">
<platformMsgs:searchRecord xsi:type="ns1:CustomerSearchAdvanced" xmlns:ns1="urn:relationships_2014_2.lists.webservices.netsuite.com" savedSearchId="2469"/>
The response I am seeing is below.
<platformCore:status isSuccess="true"/>
<platformCore:searchRow xsi:type="listRel:CustomerSearchRow"
<platformCore:searchValue>test c 97161</platformCore:searchValue>
<platformCore:searchValue internalId="13"/>
<platformCore:searchValue internalId="59951"/>
<platformCore:searchRow xsi:type="listRel:CustomerSearchRow"
<platformCore:searchValue>test c 97162</platformCore:searchValue>
<platformCore:searchValue internalId="13"/>
<platformCore:searchValue internalId="59952"/>
I don't see any explanation/examples related to this in NetSuite help guide as well.
Is there any other way that we need to trigger the request for extracting formula fields? Any pointers would be greatly helpful.
I've been looking into this same topic and I don't believe Web Services supports formula fields in the result set. There appears to be no mechanism for returning them in a statically defined SOAP response. In my case, I needed the following formula.
It existed in my saved search and did not throw an error when referenced from SuiteTalk. However, the formula field was not present as a column in my result set. I had to include each individual field used in my formula in the saved search and then recreate the formula in code.
If you need to use a formula as part of your filter criteria (to apply to a saved search), it will need to be defined in the saved search itself. You will not be able to apply formula based filters via the SuiteTalk API.
TransactionSearchAdvanced customSearch = new TransactionSearchAdvanced()
savedSearchScriptId = "customsearch_[Your ID here]"
criteria = new TransactionSearch()
[Formula fields are NOT supported here]
We have integrated Fedex API in a ruby on rails application .
We need nearest drop off locations . We want to filter locations by DANGEROUS_GOODS_SERVICES.
We have checked the fedex locationService pdf file and we found the following xml request format that we are requesting .
<SearchLocationsRequest xmlns="http://fedex.com/ws/locs/v3">
<StreetLines>811 E 1950 N</StreetLines>
<City>Spanish Fork</City>
{"SearchLocationsReply"=>{"HighestSeverity"=>"ERROR", "Notifications"=>{"Severity"=>"ERROR", "Source"=>"prof", "Code"=>"1000", "Message"=>"Authentication Failed"}, "Version"=>{"ServiceId"=>"locs", "Major"=>"1", "Intermediate"=>"0", "Minor"=>"0"}}}
Authentication failed message we are getting, while the same credentails are working for getting rates and labels.
I had the same problem than you, after several hours I discovered that the problem was some invisible characteres copied from the fedex email confirmation. In a text editor was possible to see them:
Be careful with the strange characters at the begin and at the end of the key/passwords.
The problem was solved after strip those characters.
I am developing a SOAP client in Matlab for connection a Web Service. What I am doing is the following script:
obj = iLON100
With the next result:
Methods for class iLON100:
Clear Get List Set display
Delete InvokeCmd Read Write iLON100
Then, I am editing for example the method List in order to request the list of Items for the service. The dot m file is:
% Build up the argument lists.
values = { '','//Item[#xsi:type="Dp_Cfg"]'};
names = { 'iLonItem','xSelect'};
types = {};
% Create the message, make the call, and convert the response into a variable.
soapMessage = createSoapMessage('http://wsdl.echelon.com/web_services_ns/ilon100/v4.0/message/',
'List', values, names, types, 'document');
I have also a SOAP tester from the vendor of the device. Then, if I compare both XML requests, they differ as you can see in the next example (firstly the original request and secondly the Matlab one):
<List xmlns="http://wsdl.echelon.com/web_services_ns/ilon100/v4.0/message/">
<soap:Body soap:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
<List xmlns="http://wsdl.echelon.com/web_services_ns/ilon100/v4.0/message/">
As you can observe, the tags are not included as sub-tags. I would like to know how to do it and generate the same structure of XML for sending the SOAP request correctly.
Thank you so much,
At the end, I have solved it by creating a structure as follows:
myStruct = struct('iLonItem',struct('xSelect','//Item[#xsi:type="Dp_Cfg"]'))
This structure is inserted into "values" and the method's name "iLONItem".
I would appreciate any help with following:
XML Response:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns3:GetSeatPlanAvailabilityResponse xmlns:ns2="http://stagecoach.com/schemas/engine/common" xmlns:ns3="http://stagecoach.com/schemas/engine/seat">
<ns2:description>Memphis, TN</ns2:description>
<ns2:description>Austin, TX</ns2:description>
XML Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:bas="http://stagecoach.com/schemas/engine/basket" xmlns:com="http://stagecoach.com/schemas/engine/common">
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
My requirement is such that I need to pass <ns2:seatId> to another request, first it should look for condition when <ns2:availableForSelection> is TRUE, or else it should skip to 'FALSE' and select `and pass it to request
Could some one please provide groovy script for above logic?
You will need to adjust the below code for your exact needs, as there is still information missing in your question.
// to read a node from your Response
def grUtils = new com.eviware.soapui.support.GroovyUtils(context)
// depending on when / how your are doing this, you will need to provide the exact test step name
def xmlHolder = grUtils.getXmlHolder("${context.currentStep.name}#Response")
def seatIdNode = xmlHolder.getDomNode("//*:singleSeat[availableForSelection='true']/seatId")
// if nothing was found
if(seatIdNode == null) {
testRunner.cancel("seatId was not found!")
// you can store this in a testcase property
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("seatId", seatId.firstChild.nodeValue)
// and use it in your next Request as '${#TestCase#seatId}'
There is a way to write the seatId directly into the next Request. If you wish to go that route, I have a blog entry that describes how to generate XML requests.
Lastly, all of this could also be done with pure SoapUI test steps, without the use of Groovy. A Conditional GoTo step would check if the XPath above exists, and bypass your next Request if it is not. A Transfer Property step using the same XPath as above would transfer the value of seatId to your next Request.
I am trying to consume a TxServer web service, but I'm getting the error response
Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri: "http://txserver.sut.softekpr.com/1", local:"transaction"). Expected elements are<{}transaction>`.
I found out the XML that Delphi generates does not work with the service,
but if I add xmlns="" to the transaction tag, it works.
Can anyone help me to add xmlns="" to the transaction tag?
I'd like to have: <transaction xmlns="">.
BTW I tried changing: InvRegistry.RegisterInvokeOptions(TypeInfo(TxServer), ioDocument); to all the io.. Options, but it doesn't work.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<requestIVULoto xmlns="http://txserver.sut.softekpr.com/1">
RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(InstitutionCode, #0, 'InstitutionCode');
where InstitutionCode is some node name, #0 empty char, simply empty string '' not working it is replaced by generated name.
It can be problem with widestring, but you can use TXSString instead
Use an OnBeforePost event on the RIO object, and simply edit the outgoing string. It's dirty, but it works.
procedure TMyHandler.RIO_BeforeExecute(const MethodName: string; var SOAPRequest: WideString);
SOAPRequest := StringReplace(SOAPRequest,'<transaction>','<transaction xmlns="">',[]);
Here is an example of hooking the RIO via the GUI way:
Here is discussion on doing it in code:
THttprio onBeforeExecute changing the soapRequest
Then try to use THTTPRIO component, if you have it in your Delphi distribution and try to pass it into the GetTxServer method call.
var MyTxServer: TxServer;
MyTxServer := GetTxServer(True, '', HTTPRIO1); // HTTPRIO1 is your component
And as Chris mentioned before you can change the request in OnBeforeExecute event (of that HTTPRIO component); I have D2009 so you will probably have different parameters if you have it at all.
procedure TForm10.HTTPRIO1BeforeExecute(const MethodName: string;
SOAPRequest: TStream);
var MyStringList: TStringList;
MyStringList := TStringList.Create;
SOAPRequest.Position := 0;
MyStringList.Text := StringReplace(MyStringList.Text, '<transaction>', '<transaction xmlns="">', [RfReplaceAll]);
SOAPRequest.Position := 0;