How many EC2 instances can be created for free tier account - amazon-web-services

I am using AWS free tier to create EC2 instances(OS: Linux). Its' root volumes must be greater than snapshot size. As far as I know, it should be bigger than 8 GB for Linux EC2. But I only have 30 GB EBS free volumes size.
Does it mean I can create 3 Linux EC2(8+8+8 < 30 GB) maximally?
Is there any way to get around the limit size of 8GB? For example, I would like to create 5GB EC2(Linux), So I can create 6 EC2 instances(30GB / 5GB = 6) with Linux.
ADD Volumes pic:

You may create as many EC2 as you want, AWS will charge you by the time you keep them running.
If you check this link, you'll see that AWS calculates the EBS pricing considering the time you keep it running:
For example, let's say that you provision a 2000 GB volume for 12 hours (43,200 seconds) in a 30 day month. In a region that charges $0.10 per GB-month, you would be charged $3.33 for the volume ($0.10 per GB-month * 2000 GB * 43,200 seconds / (86,400 seconds/day * 30 day-month)).
Besides EBS, you must consider EC2 hours too. If you run X EC2 instances which support Free Tier by H hours, you won't be charged if X*Y < 750 in a month period. For instance, if you have 3 instances, the maximum time you should run them is 750 / 3 = 250 hours in a month.
About the EBS size, I've never tried to decrease EBS size, but you may find some articles that explain how to to that: link 1 and link 2.

You can calculate the prices using AWS Calculator.
To apply free tier, don't forget to enable the option on top FREE USAGE TIER: New Customers get free usage tier for first 12 month


Do I incur charges when downloading on an EC2 instance?

I use AWS free tier to spin up t2.micro boxes and use it to practice Docker since the download speed is vastly great when pulling large images in mere seconds.
I am assuming download is free and upload -pushing images for example- is chargeable although not sure the exact amount.
How much are the costs here?
You incur upload costs when you exceed more than 1 GB upload per month. Please see:
Note that I'm providing a link here rather than providing values because the costs may differ from Region to Region, and from year to year.
For more information on the Free tier limits have a play with:
Also, remember that it is 750 hours of t2.micro or t3.micro a month. You could spend all these 750 hours with 1 instance and that would take 750 hours. If however you decided to run 750 instances then you would use up your whole months 750 hours in 1 hour.
Lastly remember your EBS limit is 30 GiB. If you launched 4 Ubuntu instances with 4 root volumes of 8 GiB then you would be exceeding your free tier limit by 2 GiB.
Data Transfer IN To Amazon EC2 From Internet: No charge
Data Transfer OUT From Amazon EC2 To Internet is charged at 9c/GB (in US regions).
Also: "As part of AWS’s Free Usage tier, new AWS customers will receive free 15 GB of data transfer out each month aggregated across all AWS services for one year except in the AWS GovCloud region."

Amazon EC2 Free Tier when will "COMPUTE" exceeds its limitation?

I'm new to AWS and trying to learn its concepts. This one is really confusing to me about the AWS Free Tier.
This says 750 hours of free COMPUTE each month, (24 hours * 31 days = 744 hours).
My question is when will I end up overusing it? As I don't want to pay any money in first year.
The full description is:
750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES t2.micro instance usage
This can be used as one instance running all the time, or two instances running for 375 hours or 10 instances running for 75 hours, etc. It is applied as a billing discount, giving the first 750 hours at no charge.
If you run ONE t2.micro instance, then there will be no charge for the instance during the first year.
However, there might be some associated charges such as Amazon EBS Volumes, Elastic IP addresses (if not attached to a running instance), data transfer, snapshots and T2 Unlimited. There is a free tier for each of these, but charges will apply if the free tier is exceeded.

How is Amazon Ec2 running usage counted if I'm hosting a website?

I'm set a website using the Amazon free tier in an EC2 instance. The free tier is giving me 750 hours of EC2 Linux t2.micro instance usage. I would like to know how the instance hours are counted to ensure the usage doesn't exceed the free tier limit.
I suppose if my website is not down the instance should be running 24 hours a day which will result in a maximum of 24 hours x 31 days = 744 hours per month usage.
Is that the case?
The AWS Free Tier provides 750 hours per month for a t2.micro Linux instance.
Therefore, if you keep one t2.micro Linux instance running for an entire month, then there is no charge for Amazon EC2.
You could, alternatively, run two instances for half a month each, since that would combine to the same total hours.
EC2 instance usage is calculated by the second or by the hour, depending on which AMI you're using:
per-second for most Linux distributions
per-hour for Windows, and for Linux distributions that have a separate hourly charge
If your instance is per-second, then you're billed a minimum of 60 seconds each time an instance starts.
If your instance is per-hour, then you're billed a minimum of one hour each time an instance starts.
An instance is considered to be 'started' when it enters the running state.

AWS Tier Limit Alert

recently I recive this email with an alert from AWS EC2 instance (its an free tier elegible with T2.Micro). I really do not understand this alert since no content that has been uploaded to the server weighs more than several megabytes. Thanks for your help!
The email alert from AWS:
enter image description here
This alert is about Elastic Block Storage. This means it is related to the sum of provisioned disk capacity multiplied by the running time of your instances/volumes. To get more details how it is calculated, see here:
30GB-Mo under free tier means: You could provision a drive with 30GB and let it run continuously for an entire month.
The warning indicates, that the sum of all provisioned storage of your instances and volumes is higher than 30GB.
Note: The actual data uploaded and/or how much is free, is irrelevant. So for example a micro instance with default settings counts 8GB towards your limit and it does not matter that the fresh Linux without any data is only a couple hundred megabyte.
i asked this in support, this is the answer
When calculating the charges for EBS volume storage, your charges
depend on the size of the volume you've provisioned and the length of
time the volume is provisioned in a month.
1) where that usage comes from? The most important thing to keep in
mind is that you are not billed for actual usage-- instead, you're
billed for the provisioned size of the volume. For example, if you
create a 1 TB volume and only use 1 GB of it in a month, you will be
billed for the full 1 TB.
To take another example, if you had a 31 GB volume that was only
active for 24 hours in the month of December (a 31 day month,
comprised of 744 hours), you'd only be billed for 1 GB-month. If you
had a 1 GB volume active for 744 hours in December, you'd be billed
the same amount.
2) how can i see it? If you'd like to look at a more in-depth report
of your EBS usage, you can download a usage report here:
The usage reports can be used to help figure out billing for EBS. Make
sure to change the usage value given in the report into GB-months,
since the data is presented in byte-hours. You can convert the data
into GB-months by dividing the figure presented in byte-hours by
1024^3, then divide this figure by the number of hours in the month.
You can also find information on EBS charges here
3) the 30GB EBS free tier is for each EBS instance or is the sum of
all the EBS that i could create? The EBS free tier limit is calculated
for the total number of volumes provisioned in your account and not
per instance. For example, if you simultaneously run a Windows
instance and a Linux instance with an attached EBS storage of 30GB
volume each, it will intuitively exceed your Free Tier limits, as the
total of the volumes would be 60GB.

EC 2 free tier charges

I have an Amazon AWS account, with a few EC2 running instances (3) in different locations. I subscribed the 12 month trial. Suddenly, my billing dashboard started to stack up costs, updating every day.
The instances are virtual machines with windows server 2012, all configured under the free tier settings. I use them mainly form testing, with few downloads/uploads and streaming.
They Are charging for a few bucks for data transfer,and also a reasonable amount described as EC2.
I've read somewhere that one could create more than one EC2, and for what i supposed, the 750 hours limit is for each instance, But this probably is Wrong.
So, what can one do and not do, under the free Absolutely free tier limit ?
Based on the documentation you can run 750 hours of a Linux t2.micro or t1.micro instance plus 750 hours of a Windows t2.micro or t1.micro instance each month for the first 12 months under the free tier. So in your case you have exceeded the free tier limitations, by starting 3 Windows Server 2012 instances and keep them running more than 2/3 of the month.
Since AWS Free Tier involves 750hrs of Free Time per month, you could ideally start 750 EC2 instances, 1 hour/per month.