constructor without initializer list having objects with deleted constructors - c++

I used to have my CameraMill class check if the size of the input params vector is correct and then initialize my cameras m_cam0 and m_cam1
CameraMill::CameraMill(std::vector<camera::Params> params)
if (params.size() == 2)
m_cam0 = Camera(params[0]);
m_cam1 = Camera(params[1]);
A recent change to the Camera class has deleted the constructor. So this fails with error: use of deleted function. I could initialize them in the initializer list but then I can't check the size...
CameraMill(std::vector<Params> params)
: m_cam0(params[0])
, m_cam1(params[1])
// if (params.size() == 2)
// {
// m_cam0 = Camera(params[0]);
// m_cam1 = Camera(params[1]);
// }
How do I go about without using initializer list?

You can use a helper function to get the right Param object.
CameraMill(std::vector<Params> params) :
m_cam0(CameraMill::getParam(params, 0)),
m_cam1(CameraMill::getParam(params, 1))
Params const& CameraMill::getParam(std::vector<Params> const& params, size_t i)
return (i < params.size()) ? params[i] : Params();
The above function results in undefined behavior. The temporary is destroyed at the end of the function call. Thanks, #Jarod42.
Other options:
Make the return type an object instead of a reference.
Params CameraMill::getParam(std::vector<Params> const& params, size_t i)
return (i < params.size()) ? params[i] : Params();
Have a function static variable and return it instead of a default constructed temporary object.
Params const& CameraMill::getParam(std::vector<Params> const& params, size_t i)
static Params p;
return (i < params.size()) ? params[i] : p;

I could initialize them in the initializer list but then I can't check the size...
A workaround would be to call a function in the initializer list to perform the check and/or construct the objects, although that usually looks quite bad.
It would be simpler to simply call .at() instead, and then inside the body of the constructor check if the size was bad to begin with:
CameraMill(std::vector<Params> params)
: m_cam0(
, m_cam1(
if (params.size() != 2)
Not a great solution either, but works.
The best, of course, is to either fix your constructor signature, revert the Camera class, or simply setup the m_cam objects after creating them "empty" (assuming you have a constructor for that).


proper way to return a large object or indicate that it is not found

What is the idiomatic C++ way of doing this?
I have a method which looks like this:
LargeObject& lookupLargeObject(int id) {
return largeObjects[id];
This is wrong, because if you call this with a non-existent id it will create a new instance of large object and put it into the container. I don't want that. I don't want to throw an exception either. I want the return value to signal that object wasn't found (as it is a more or less normal situation).
So my options are either a pointer or an optional. Pointer I understand and like, but it feels like C++ doesn't want to me use pointers any more.
So on to optionals. I will return an optional and then the caller looks like this:
std::optional<LargeObject> oresult = lookupLargeObject(42);
LargeObject result;
if (oresult) {
result = *oresult;
} else {
// deal with it
Is this correct? It feels kind of crappy because it seems that I'm creating 2 copies of the LargeObject here? Once when returning the optional and once when extracting it from optional into result. Gotta be a better way?
Since you don't want to return a pointer, but also don't want to throw an exception, and you presumably want reference semantics, the easiest thing to do is to return a std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<LargeObject>>.
The code would look like this:
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<LargeObject>> lookupLargeObject(int id) {
auto iter = largeObjects.find(id);
if (iter == largeObjects.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
} else {
return std::ref(iter->second);
With C++17 you can even declare the iter variable inside the if-condition.
Calling the lookup function and using the reference then looks like this (here with variable declaration inside if-condition):
if (auto const lookup_result = lookupLargeObject(42); lookup_result) {
auto& large_object = lookup_result.value().get();
// do something with large_obj
} else {
// deal with it
There are two approaches that do not require use of pointers - using a sentinel object, and receiving a reference, instead of returning it.
The first approach relies on designating a special instance of LargeObject an "invalid" one - say, by making a member function called isValid, and returning false for that object. lookupLargeObject would return that object to indicate that the real object was not found:
LargeObject& lookupLargeObject(int id) {
if (largeObjects.find(id) == largeObjects.end()) {
static LargeObject notFound(false);
return notFound;
return largeObjects[id];
The second approach passes a reference, rather than receiving it back:
bool lookupLargeObject(int id, LargeObject& res) {
if (largeObjects.find(id) == largeObjects.end()) {
return false;
res = largeObjects[id];
return true;
If default constructed LargeObject is unwanted from lookupLargeObject, regardless of whether it is expensive or it does not make semantic sense, you can use the std:map::at member function.
LargeObject& lookupLargeObject(int id) {
If you are willing to live with use of if-else blocks of code in the calling function, I would change the return type of the function to LargeObject*.
LargeObject* lookupLargeObject(int id) {
auto it = largeObjects.find(id);
if ( it == largeObjects.end() )
return nullptr;
return &(it->second);
Then, client code can be:
LargeObject* result = lookupLargeObject(42);
if (result) {
// Use result
} else {
// deal with it

c++ remove custom object from vector : std::remove_if': no matching overloaded function found

In my project there is a vector
Which I want to delete elements from if they meet the criteria.
Method to delete elements:
void GameWorld::catchBees()
auto q = std::remove_if(bees.begin(), bees.end(), beeToClose);
Method beeToClose:
bool GameWorld::beeToClose( const MovingEntity & bee)
std::shared_ptr<Beekeeper> keeper = std::static_pointer_cast<Beekeeper>(m_beekeeper);
if (bee.getConstPosition().distanceTo(m_beekeeper->getPosition()) > keeper->getCatchDistance())
return true;
return false;
When I try to compile the code I get some errors which I tried to understand:
'GameWorld::beeToClose': non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a
Not sure why this message is given
'std::remove_if': no matching overloaded function found
I did not declare beeToClose right?
'q': cannot be used before it is initialized SDLFramework
q is not initialized because:
std::remove_if(bees.begin(), bees.end(), beeToClose);
does not run correct?
How can I remove a std::shared_ptr correctly from a vector correctly when meeting some criteria?
The syntax for forming a pointer to member function is &ClassName::FunctionName. So you need &GameWorld::beeToClose for a pointer to the beeToClose member function. In your case, you should use a lambda from which you call that function
auto q = std::remove_if(bees.begin(), bees.end(),
[&](shared_ptr<MovingEntity> const& bee){ return beeToClose(bee); });
Also, you're using the wrong vector::erase overload, you want the one that erases a range of elements, not the one that erases a single element.
bees.erase(q, bees.end());
The vector contains std::shared_ptr<MovingEntity> elements, so beeToClose() needs to accept a const std::shared_ptr<MovingEntity> & parameter as input, not a const MovingEntity & parameter. Also, beeToClose() appears to be a non-static class method that accesses a non-static class member (m_beekeeper), so you can't just pass beeToClose() directly to std::remove_if() as it does not have access to the calling object's this pointer, but you can wrap it in a lambda to capture the this pointer.
Try this:
void GameWorld::catchBees()
auto q = std::remove_if(bees.begin(), bees.end(),
[this](const const std::shared_ptr<MovingEntity> &bee) {
return this->beeToClose(bee);
bees.erase(q, bees.end());
bool GameWorld::beeToClose(const std::shared_ptr<MovingEntity> &bee)
std::shared_ptr<Beekeeper> keeper = std::static_pointer_cast<Beekeeper>(m_beekeeper);
return (bee->getConstPosition().distanceTo(m_beekeeper->getPosition()) > keeper->getCatchDistance());
You might also consider moving the distance calculation into Beekeeper instead:
bool GameWorld::beeToClose(const std::shared_ptr<MovingEntity> &bee)
std::shared_ptr<Beekeeper> keeper = std::static_pointer_cast<Beekeeper>(m_beekeeper);
return !keeper->isInCatchDistance(bee);
bool Beekeeper::isInCatchDistance(const std::shared_ptr<MovingEntity> &bee)
return (bee->getConstPosition().distanceTo(getPosition()) <= getCatchDistance());

Problems with nested object in functional object of the tbb::flow::graph

I have a functional object that I'm using as body for multifunction_node:
class module
bool valid;
QString description;
bool hasDetectionBranch;
tDataDescription bufData;
void* dllObject; //<-- This is a pointer to an object constructed with help of the external dll
qint64 TimeOut;
module(const QString& _ExtLibName);
virtual ~module();
void operator() (pTransmitData _transmitData, multi_node::output_ports_type &op);
'dllObject' is created at construction time of the object 'module':
module::module(const QString& _ExtLibName) :
valid(true), hasDetectionBranch(false)
GetObjectDescription = (tGetObjectDescription)QLibrary::resolve(_ExtLibName, "GetObjectDescription");
CreateObject = (tCreateObject)QLibrary::resolve(_ExtLibName, "CreateObject");
DestroyObject = (tDestroyObject)QLibrary::resolve(_ExtLibName, "DestroyObject");
if (!CreateObject || !DestroyObject || !GetObjectDescription)
valid = false;
description = QString(GetObjectDescription());
dllObject = CreateObject();
And this is when 'dllObject' is destroyed:
if (valid)
I've built a little graph:
void MainWindow::goBabyClicked(void)
module mod(QString("my.dll")); //<-- Here is OK and mod.dllObject is correct
if (!mod.isValid())
qDebug() << "mod is invalid!\n";
first fir(input);
folder fol(QString("C:/out"), 10000);
graph g;
source_node<pTransmitData> src(g, fir, false);
multi_node mnode(g, tbb::flow::serial, mod); //<-- WTF? ~module() is executed!
function_node<pTransmitData> f(g, tbb::flow::serial, fol);
make_edge(src, mnode);
make_edge(mnode, f);
So I have 2 questions:
1) Why ~module() is executed and how to prevent this?
2) How to keep pointer for nested object correctly?
UPDATE Added some dummy code to prevent destroying dllObject at first time like:
bool b = false;
if (valid && b)
if (!b)
b = true;
valid = false;
Now it works as expected but looks ugly :/
I assume you have a typedef of multi_node which is similar to the one in the reference manual example.
The constructor for the multifunction_node has the following signature:
multifunction_node( graph &g, size_t concurrency, Body body );
The body object is copied during the parameter passing and also during the construction of the node, so there are two copies of mod created during construction (actually three, as an initial copy of the body is also stored for re-initializing the body when calling reset() with rf_reset_bodies). The destructor calls you are seeing are probably those used to destroy the copies.
The body object should also have a copy-constructor defined or be able to accept the default-copy-constructor to make copies of the body. I think the QString has a copy-constructor defined, but I don't know about fields like tDataDescription. (I thought we had covered the basic requirements for Body objects in the Reference Manual, but I am still looking for the section.) In any case, the Body class must be CopyConstructible, as it is copied multiple times.

C++ vector remove_if pairs

Im trying to remove pairs from vector with remove_if, but im getting errors
bool MyClass::isSingleTag(const pair<int,string> & val) {
string tag = val.second;
int posImg, posBr;
posImg = tag.find("<img");
posBr = tag.find("<br");
if (posImg == -1 && posBr == -1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
void MyClass::deleteSingleTags() {
vector<pair<int,string>>::iterator last_iter;
last_iter = remove_if(allTags.begin(), allTags.end(), &MyClass::isSingleTag);
allTags.erase(last_iter, allTags.end());
A pointer to a member function isn't callable without an object of the class the function is member of.
Make isSingleTag static - taking its address results in a plain function pointer. Alternatively, make it a free function, since it looks like it's got no bussiness being a member function in the first place (it doesn't access any other members, does it?).
The other option (for when you legitimately need to be a member function) is to bind it to a class object, using std::bind:
MyClass obj;
auto func = std::bind(&MyClass::isSingleTag, obj);
Now func is a callable that you can pass to the algorithm.

RAII way to choose between two constructors

I have a class that holds a large table of data, with a constructor that takes all of the parameters needed to calculate that data. However, it takes a long time to run, so I've added a constructor that takes a stream, and reads the data in from that stream. I'm having trouble coming up with a RAII way of designing this class though, since I have two constructors, and at run time I need to choose between them. This is what I've come up with:
std::string filename; // Populated by command line arguments
DataTable table; // Empty constructor, no resource acquisition or initialization
if( filename.empty() ) {
table = DataTable(/*various parameters*/);
} else {
std::ifstream filestream(filename);
table = DataTable(filestream); // Reads from file
That looks pretty fragile to me. The default constructor will leave the object in a valid state, but a useless one. The only use of it is to create a "temporary" object in the outer scope, to be assigned to in one of the branches of the if statement. Additionally, there's a flag "inited" behind the scenes to manage if the object was default-constructed or fully initialized. Is there a better way to design this class?
Maybe like this:
DataTable foo = filename.empty()
? DataTable(x, y, z)
: DataTable(std::ifstream(filename));
Move the file test code that decides which way to init into the ctor, move the ctors into two private init functions, call one of these from the ctor or throw an exception if everything fails.
Some thoughts:
Get rid of the "inited" flag.
Get rid of the default constructor if it can't sensibly construct the object
use this kind of construct to get you a DataTable:
DataTable get_me_my_data_fool(ParameterTypes... params, const string& filename = "")
return DataTable(std::ifstream(filename)); // check if file exists!
return DataTable(params...);
Actually, now that I think about it, it would be better to just put this logic into the DataTable constructor.
If the class supports copy, then Kerrek SB's solution is the way
to go. From what you say, however, copying is expensive. In
that case, and you can use C++11, you might try adding a move
constructor, in order to avoid the deep copy. Otherwise, you're
probably stuck allocating dynamically:
std::auto_ptr<DataTable> fooPtr( filename.empty()
? new DataTable( x, y z )
: new DataTable( filename ) );
DataTable& foo = *fooPtr;
Here's another idea for completeness sake:
template<typename T>
class uninitialised
if (alive_) {
operator T&().~T();
template<typename... Ts>
void create(Ts&&... args)
assert(!alive_ && "create must only be called once");
void* const p = obj_;
::new(p) T(std::forward<Ts>(args)...);
alive_ = true;
operator T&()
assert(alive_ && "T has not been created yet");
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(obj_);
bool alive_ = false;
alignas(T) unsigned char obj_[sizeof(T)];
// ...
std::string filename;
uninitialised<DataTable> table;
if (filename.empty()) {
table.create(/* various parameters */);
} else {
std::ifstream filestream(filename);
DataTable& tbl = table;