how to send 16bit audio data to server using libwebsocket - c++

I want to send the audio data to server using libwebsocket.
audio data is 16bits, 16Khz format.
But ws_service_callback on the server side is like below:
static int ws_service_callback(
struct lws *wsi,
enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user,
*void *in*, size_t len)
Here ws_service_callback is the callback function of server when server receives something from client side.
*void *in* is the data from client side, and it is 8 bit format.
(here 8 bit and 16 bit mitmatch)
Should the client side split the audio data to two 8 bits, then send it to the server side??
Then the server side needs to sum the two 8bit to one 16bit?

Usually the 16b audio data are stored in memory as continuous block of bits (and also bytes then), so whether you treat them as 16b or 8b doesn't matter during transmission of the whole block (or save/load to disc, etc). I.e. 1234 16b values can be treated as 2468 8b values in this context the network layer doesn't need to care.
But then processing the data on the server side, when it will treat the two consecutive 8 bit values as single 16b value, needs to know how the original data should be treated, because there are two common ways (and infinite amount of uncommon/custom including things like compressed data or specifically designed order of bits, delta encoding, etc... none of that supported by the CPU on single machine instruction level, i.e. these need implementation in the code), little-endian vs big-endian (one of these is for sure supported in "native" way by the CPU, some CPUs even support both and can be switched at boot time).
For example Intel CPUs are "little-endian", so when you write 16b value 0x1234 into memory in the "native" way, it will occupy two bytes in this order: 0x34, 0x12 (lower 8 bits are stored first, then higher 8 bits), or 32b value 0x12345678 is stored as four bytes 78 56 34 12.
On big-endian platforms the order is opposite, so high-order bytes are stored first, and 32b value 0x12345678 is stored (in CPU "native" way) as four bytes 12 34 56 78.
As you can see, two platforms talking through network layer, must be aware of the endian-ness of each, and convert such data to interpret them correctly.
As you are basically designing binary network protocol for this service, you should define what is the expected order of the bits. If both client and server are expected to be of particular platform, for best performance a simplest implementation you can define the protocol to follow the native way of those plaftorms. Then if you will implement this protocol on platform which has different native way, you will have to add conversion of the data before sending it to server. (or if you expect the clients to be low-power devices and server to have abundance of power, you can define protocol which supports both common ways by having some flag, and do the conversion on server side for the "other" one).


Is it normal memcpy overwrites data it just wrote?

I use memcpy() to write data to a device, with a logic analyzer/PCIe analyzer, I can see the actual stores.
My device gets more stores than expected.
For example,
auto *data = new uint8_t[1024]();
for (int i=0; i<50; i++){
memcpy((void *)(addr), data, i);
For i=9, I see these stores:
4B from byte 0 to 3
4B from byte 4 to 7
3B from byte 5 to 7
1B-aligned only, re-writing the same data -> inefficient and useless store
1B the byte 8
In the end, all the 9 Bytes are written but memcpy creates an extra store of 3B re-writing what it has already written and nothing more.
Is it the expected behavior? The question is for C and C++, I'm interested in knowing why this happens, it seems very inefficient.
Is it the expected behavior?
The expected behavior is that it can do anything it feels like (including writing past the end, especially in a "read 8 bytes into a register, modify the first byte in the register, then write 8 bytes" way) as long as the result works as if the rules for the C abstract machine were followed.
Using a logic analyzer/PCIe analyzer to see the actual stores is so far beyond the scope of "works as if the rules for the abstraction machine were followed" that it's unreasonable to have any expectations.
Specifically; you can't assume the writes will happen in any specific order, can't assume anything about the size of any individual write, can't assume writes won't overlap, can't assume there won't be writes past the end of the area, can't assume writes will actually occur at all (without volatile), and can't even assume that CHAR_BIT isn't larger than 8 (or that memcpy(dest, source, 10); isn't asking to write 20 octets/"8 bit bytes").
If you need guarantees about writes, then you need to enforce those guarantees yourself (e.g. maybe create a structure of volatile fields to force the compiler to ensure writes happen in a specific order, maybe use inline assembly with explicit fences/barriers, etc).
The following illustrates why memcpy may be implemented this way.
To copy 9 bytes, starting at a 4-byte aligned address, memcpy issues these instructions (described as pseudo code):
Load four bytes from source+0 and store four bytes to destination+0.
Load four bytes from source+4 and store four bytes to destination+4.
Load four bytes from source+5 and store four bytes to destination+5.
The processor implements the store instructions with these data transfer in the hardware:
Since destination+0 is aligned, store 4 bytes to destination+0.
Since destination+4 is aligned, store 4 bytes to destination+4.
Since destination+5 is not aligned, store 3 bytes to destination+3 and store 1 byte to destination+8.
This is an easy and efficient way to write memcpy:
If length is less than four bytes, jump to separate code for that.
Loop copying four bytes until fewer than four bytes are left.
if length is not a multiple of four, copy four bytes from source+length−4 to destination+length−4.
That single step to copy the last few bytes may be more efficient than branching to three different cases with various cases.

Why is the CAN BUS Frame ID backwards when reading from a Socket?

So I have a Raspberry Pi reading CAN Data from a vehicle. If I use the candump program included in canutils I get a bunch of data, an example look like:
can0 1C4 [8] 03 F3 26 08 00 00 7F 70
I then wrote a simple C++ app to open a socket to the can0 bus and read some data into a char buffer. If I loop through each character of the buffer after a read and convert each char to an int in hex format (and put a pipe in between each char) I get the following:
My question is, why is the ID byte reversed when I read the data using a socket and a char buffer? This behavior is consistent with all CAN ID's. The Data Length code and the Data is in the correct format/order but the ID backward.
Congratulation, you just discovered endianness.
Endianness refers to the sequential order in which bytes are arranged into larger numerical values, when stored in computer memory or secondary storage, or when transmitted over digital links. Endianness is of interest in computer science because two conflicting and incompatible formats are in common use: words may be represented in big-endian or little-endian format, depending on whether bits or bytes or other components are ordered from the big end (most significant bit) or the little end (least significant bit).
As a convention, network (including bus) data is big endian. Your PC architecture is probably little endian.
In order to fix this, pass your data to ntoh*() functions to reverse its byte order (if necessary) from network (n) to host (h) endianness.

C++ - Creating an integer of bits and nibbles

For a full background (you don't really need to understand this to understand the problem but it may help) I am writing a CLI program that sends data over Ethernet and I wish to add VLAN tags and priority tags to the Ethernet headers.
The problem I am facing is that I have a single 16 bit integer value that is built from three smaller values: PCP is 3 bits long (so 0 to 7), DEI is 1 bit, then VLANID is 12 bits long (0-4095). PCP and DEI together form the first 4 bit nibble, 4 bits from VLANID add on to complete the first byte, the remaining 8 bits from VLANID form the second byte of the integer.
11123333 33333333
1 == PCP bits, 2 == DEI bit, 3 == VLANID bits
Lets pretend PCP == 5, which in binary is 101, DEI == 0, and VLANID == 164 which in binary is 0000 10100011. Firstly I need to compile these values together like to form the following:
10100000 10100101
The problem I face is then when I copy this integer into a buffer to be encoded onto the wire (Ethernet medium) the bit ordering changes as follows (I am printing out my integer in binary before it gets copied to the wire and using wireshark to capture it on the wire to compare):
Bit order in memory: abcdefgh 87654321
Bit order on the wire: 8765321 abcdefgh
I have two problems here really:
The first is creating the 2 byte integer by "sticking" the three smaller ones together
The second is ensuring the order of bits is that which will be encoded correctly onto the wire (so the bytes aren't in the reverse order)
Obviously I have made an attempt at this code to get this far but I'm really out of my depth and would like to see someone’s suggestion from scratch, rather than posting what I have done so far and someone suggestion how to change that it to perform the required functionality in a possibly hard to read and long winded fashion.
The issue is byte ordering, rather than bit ordering. Bits in memory don't really have an order because they are not individually addressable, and the transmission medium is responsible for ensuring that the discrete entities transmitted, octets in this case, arrive in the same shape they were sent in.
Bytes, on the other hand, are addressable and the transmission medium has no idea whether you're sending a byte string which requires that no reordering be done, or a four byte integer, which may require one byte ordering on the receiver's end and another on the sender's.
For this reason, network protocols have a declared 'byte ordering' to and from which all sender's and receivers should convert their data. This way data can be sent and retrieved transparently by network hosts of different native byte orderings.
POSIX defines some functions for doing the required conversions:
#include <arpa/inet.h>
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint16_t htons(uint16_t hostshort);
uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong);
uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t netshort);
'n' and 'h' stand for 'network' and 'host'. So htonl converts a 32-bit quantity from the host's in-memory byte ordering to the network interface's byte ordering.
Whenever you're preparing a buffer to be sent across the network you should convert each value in it from the host's byte ordering to the network's byte ordering, and any time you're processing a buffer of received data you should convert the data in it from the network's ordering to the host's.
struct { uint32_t i; int8_t a, b; uint16_t s; } sent_data = {100000, 'a', 'b', 500};
sent_data.i = htonl(sent_data.i);
sent_data.s = htons(sent_data.s);
write(fd, &sent_data, sizeof sent_data);
// ---
struct { uint32_t i; int8_t a, b; uint16_t s; } received_data;
read(fd, &received_data, sizeof received_data);
received_data.i = ntohl(received_data.i);
received_data.s = ntohs(received_data.s);
assert(100000 == received_data.i && 'a' == received_data.a &&
'a' == received_data.b && 500 == received_data);
Although the above code still makes some assumptions, such as that both the sender and receiver use compatible char encodings (e.g., that they both use ASCII), that they both use 8-bit bytes, that they have compatible number representations after accounting for byte ordering, etc.
Programs that do not care about portability and inter-operate only with themselves on remote hosts may skip byte ordering in order to avoid the performance cost. Since all hosts will share the same byte ordering they don't need to convert at all. Of course if a program does this and then later needs to be ported to a platform with a different byte ordering then either the network protocol has to change or the program will have to handle a byte ordering that is neither the network ordering nor the host's ordering.
Today the only common byte orderings are simply reversals of each other, meaning that hton and ntoh both do the same thing and one could just as well use hton both for sending and receiving. However one should still use the proper conversion simply to communicate the intent of the code. And, who knows, maybe someday your code will run on a PDP-11 where hton and ntoh are not interchangeable.

Does endianness have an effect when copying bytes in memory?

Am I right in thinking that endianess is only relevant when we're talking about how to store a value and not relevant when copying memory?
For example
if I have a value 0xf2fe0000 and store it on a little endian system - the bytes get stored in the order 00, 00, fe and f2. But on a big endian system the bytes get stored f2, fe, 00 and 00.
Now - if I simply want to copy these 4 bytes to another 4 bytes (on the same system), on a little endian system am I going to end up with another 4 bytes containing 00, 00, fe and f2 in that order?
Or does endianness have an effect when copying these bytes in memory?
Endianness is only relevant in two scenarios
When manually inspecting a byte-dump of a multibyte object, you need to know if the bytes are ordered in little endian or big endian order to be able to correctly interpret the bytes.
When the program is communicating multibyte values with the outside world, e.g. over a network connection or a file. Then both parties need to agree on the endianness used in the communication and, if needed, convert between the internal and external byte orders.
Answering the question title.
Assume 'int' to be of 4 bytes
unsigned int i;
char a[4];
// elsewhere
i = 0x12345678;
cout << a[0]; // output depends on endianness. This is relevant during porting code
// to different architectures
So, it is not about copying (alone)? It's about how you access?
It is also of significance while transferring raw bytes over a network!.
Here's the info on finding endianness programatically
memcpy doesn't know what it is copying. If it has to copy 43 61 74 00, it doesn't know whether it is copying 0x00746143 or 0x43617400 or a float or "Cat"
no when working on the same machine you don't have to worry about endianess, only when transferring binary data between little and big endian machines
Basically, you have to worry about endianess only when you need to transfer binary data between architectures which differ in endianess.
However, when you transfer binary data between architectures, you will also have to worry about other things, like the size of integer types, the format of floating numbers and other nasty headaches.
Yes, you are correct thinking that you should be endianness-aware when storing or communicating binary values outside your current "scope".
Generally you dont need to worry as long as everything is just inside your own program.
If you copy memory, have in mind what you are copying. (You could get in trouble if you store long values and read ints).
Have a look at htonl(3) or books about network programming for some good explanations.
Memcpy just copies bytes and doesn't care about endianness.
So if you want to copy one network stream to another use memcpy.

Python and C++ Sockets converting packet data

First of all, to clarify my goal: There exist two programs written in C in our laboratory. I am working on a Proxy Server (bidirectional) for them (which will also mainpulate the data). And I want to write that proxy server in Python. It is important to know that I know close to nothing about these two programs, I only know the definition file of the packets.
Now: assuming a packet definition in one of the C++ programs reads like this:
unsigned char Packet[0x32]; // Packet[Length]
int z=0;
Packet[0]=0x00; // Spare
Packet[1]=0x32; // Length
Packet[2]=0x01; // Source
Packet[3]=0x02; // Destination
Packet[4]=0x01; // ID
Packet[5]=0x00; // Spare
return 1;
return 0;
What would be the easiest way to receive that data, convert it into a readable python format, manipulate them and send them forward to the receiver?
You can receive the packet's 50 bytes with a .recv call on a properly connected socked (it might actually take more than one call in the unlikely event the TCP packet gets fragmented, so check incoming length until you have exactly 50 bytes in hand;-).
After that, understanding that C code is puzzling. The assignments of ints (presumably 4-bytes each) to Packet[9], Packet[13], etc, give the impression that the intention is to set 4 bytes at a time within Packet, but that's not what happens: each assignment sets exactly one byte in the packet, from the lowest byte of the int that's the RHS of the assignment. But those bytes are the bytes of (int)(720000+armcontrolpacket->dof0_rot*1000) and so on...
So must those last 44 bytes of the packet be interpreted as 11 4-byte integers (signed? unsigned?) or 44 independent values? I'll guess the former, and do...:
import struct
f = '>x4bx11i'
values = struct.unpack(f, packet)
the format f indicates: big-endian, 4 unsigned-byte values surrounded by two ignored "spare" bytes, 11 4-byte signed integers. Tuple values ends up with 15 values: the four single bytes (50, 1, 2, 1 in your example), then 11 signed integers. You can use the same format string to pack a modified version of the tuple back into a 50-bytes packet to resend.
Since you explicitly place the length in the packet it may be that different packets have different lenghts (though that's incompatible with the fixed-length declaration in your C sample) in which case you need to be a bit more accurate in receiving and unpacking it; however such details depend on information you don't give, so I'll stop trying to guess;-).
Take a look at the struct module, specifically the pack and unpack functions. They work with format strings that allow you to specify what types you want to write or read and what endianness and alignment you want to use.