With Mermaid flowchart, I want to change the size of Note - flowchart

I use Vim with the mermaid flowchart plugin. The code I'm trying to fix is below.
A ->> B: Hello!
The resulting flowchart is here:
If I use </br> to align the sentence, the string CCCCC protrudes from the yellow node box. So, I want to enlarge the yellow node box. How can I do that?


RegEx to capture everything between two strings but avoid capturing commas

Hello StackOverflow Community Kindly review the following print:
As you can see with I'm capturing everything between <title> and </title> brackets, but I want to avoid capturing any commas that might exist in the text.
Currently I get:
Kincrome K1500G - Tool Workshop Contour 472 Piece 15 Drawer 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2" Drive Monster Green
what I want to get:
Kincrome K1500G - Tool Workshop Contour 472 Piece 15 Drawer 1/4" 3/8" & 1/2" Drive Monster Green
I need a one line regex command that does that for me. Any ideas?
This is the regex command that I use:
Sample text is:
<title>Kincrome K1500G - Tool Workshop Contour 472 Piece 15 Drawer 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2" Drive Monster Green</title>
I'm using Kantu Browser Automation to extract the title of some webpages. Bear in mind that I'm scraping the whole web page HTML.
If is not possible to do this, then what about matching until the first comma and then return, for example return this:
Kincrome K1500G - Tool Workshop Contour 472 Piece 15 Drawer 1/4"
Thank you for your time.
As mentioned in comments, a regular expression can't alter the text that was matched, it just matches something or not.
If you're willing to stop the match at the first comma, rather than including all the rest with the commas removed, you can use this:

How to fix word HTML tabs?

When Microsoft Word saves document as HTML the tabs are aligned using spaces.
This results in a web page in which the text is not properly aligned.
Does anyone have an idea how to use .XSLT to fix this?
Such code might look like this:
<p><span>Open log ing screen </span><span>(Opens log in screen)</span></p>
<p><span>Enter Username: </span><span>ivor</span></p>
<p><span>Password: </span><span>Bbb</span></p>
Is it possible to calculate the length of the string in pt or cm or em, so that I could align the second span to the closest grid/tab value?

Multiple Insertion Points wxWidgets

Basically, I want to make something similar to "Split into lines" in sublime using wxWidgets. So say our textCtrl contains text
what I want is when user selects all these lines and uses that feature (with everything highlighted - like Select All), he should get something like
Where | are the carets. So basically, I want to have multiple carets in one wxRichTextCtrl. Any idea how can I achieve that?
wxRichTextCtrl doesn't support this, but wxStyledTextCtrl does, see Scintilla documentation.

How to command with Notepad++ to organize a huge list?

Hey i would like to know if there a kind of command may organize a huge list, for example below:
This example explains removing : and add a line after of this character. I couldn't do it by my hands because it contains more than 12,000 lines
If is not possible with Notepad++. Then other tools are welcome.
Use find/replace in extended mode in which you can specify \r\n. Ie, replace ':' with '\r\n'.

c++ create text fits edit box

Well.. I know that title is not that clear, I couldn't think of better one.
I wanna know how to do this...
when you have edit box and it only can show 10 characters.
Something like this
let just say i have more than 10 characters. Some of them will go in the back.
Like we have this string "123456789010" it will show just these ones "3456789010".
My problem is that some characters are small and don't take that much space and some do.
So i can't find a way to break the string and get some characters in the back.
any idea?
Try this in Style type in edit box use ES_MULTILINE for use multiple lines.
edit1=CreateWindowA("edit","edit box",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER|ES_MULTILINE,120,160,200,200,hWnd,(HMENU)IDI_EDIT,hInstance,0);
You can calculate the display-length of the string in your control (there are several function for that) and adjust the size of the control accordingly.
you only want to see the far left or far right?
here is your string "0123456789"
you can only display 5 values due to pixel size of box....
do you want it to be "...56789" more like "56789"
or "01234..." more like "01234"?