DAX PowerBI: Replaced blank values with zero and issue with chart - powerbi

I tried to create report in Power BI with sales month by month for last 20 months, when sales is blank I want to see month with 0 value.
I decided to change Blank() values with zero adding a 0 at the end of calculation.
It works great, however I have an issue with limitaton date hierarchy, because now my chart contains a lot of months without value (first value begins in 2017, date hierarchy first value begins in 2000).
SUM( quantity ),
flag = 1,
title = "WEEKS"
) + 0

Instead of a plain 0, you could add an IF to specify to only add that after the first value. Something like this:
VAR FirstDate = CALCULATE ( MIN ( date ), ALL( Dates ), quantity > 0 )
SUM( quantity ),
flag = 1,
title = "WEEKS"
) + IF( date > FirstDate, 0 )
If the condition is false, the IF returns a blank and it shouldn't show up.


Power BI, Line Chart with Base Value 100

I need to build a line chart that is supposed to show the cumulative increase from Day 1 to the End.
An Example would be like this:
Date Capital Value
31-Jan 237 100.00
28-Feb 250 105.48
31-Mar 210 88.60
30-Apr 300 126.58
In other words, is dividing every value by the first value, not of the whole table but the dates that are been displayed in the chart. The first date is dynamically changed as time passes, making it impossible to fix the formula to 31-Jan for example
Kind Regards
Try this measure:
% Capital running total in Date =
VAR runtotal =
SUM ( 'YourTable'[Capital] ),
ALLSELECTED ( 'YourTable'[Date] ),
ISONORAFTER ( 'YourTable'[Date], MAX ( 'YourTable'[Date] ), DESC )
VAR baseval =
SUM ( 'YourTable'[Capital] ),
FIRSTDATE ( ALL ( YourTable[Date] ) )
DIVIDE ( runtotal, baseval )
Note that for calculating the Running Total Power BI can help you with a Quick Measure.

How to get the value at the latest date, where values are not null?

I have a table like this. Notice the blank values towards the bottom.
I would like to get the value of the latest date, but the value can't be null.
My DAX formula is bringing back the value of the latest date (19/12/2021) which is nullhowever I want to bring back the latest non-null value, which is for the date 21/11/2021.
Here is what I have tried so far:
Latest Value =
// get sum of value column
// where value is not blank, and date is max date
'Table1'[Value] <> BLANK() && Table1[Date] = MAX(Table1[Date])
I thought this should bring back the figure 305? Because my conditions are:
where value is not null AND where date = max date
Shouldn't the max date now be 21/11/21 because the nulls have been removed?
Another piece of DAX I've tried, using the fiter function.
Latest Value = CALCULATE(
'Table1'[Value] <> BLANK()
'Table1'[Date] = MAX('Table1'[Date]))
Where am I going wrong? I think it's something to do with my max date section.
Unfortunately all file hosters are blocked in work, so I can't share this dummy file.
The idea is to filter the table first and get the max value from the date column. In my case, I saved that date in a variable last_date. Then we just select a value from the Value column using filter by last_date.
LatestValue =
VAR last_date =
CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Table1'[Date] ), 'Table1'[Value] <> BLANK () )
CALCULATE ( SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Table1'[Value] ), 'Table1'[Date] = last_date )
or the same expression with SUM:
LatestSumOfValues =
VAR last_date = CALCULATE(MAX('Table1'[Date]),'Table1'[Value] <> BLANK())
CALCULATE(SUM('Table1'[Value]),'Table1'[Date] = last_date)

Sum of the total count (Running total based on User Count) - Is it possible?

I am trying to do the cumulative count for the users first time access the web page.
Table looks like,
UserID , Initial Access Date
100, 2019-05-10
200, 2019-05-20
100, 2019-05-21
100, 2019-05-25
200, 2019-05-30
300, 2019-06-01
Current Expression:
Cumulative Total =
This only returns cumulative total count, How would I get the running total based on this count of Users.
Expected Results:
1 - Upload your Fact table in Power Bi
2 - Create a Date Table
Year = Year('Date'[Date])
Month = MONTH('Date'[Date])
YEAR_MONTH = VALUE('Date'[Year])*100+VALUE('Date'[Month])
3 - Set relationships
4 - You can compute a set of two measures :
InitialAccess =
VAR InitialAccessInCurrentPeriod =
Then :
InitialAccessCumulated =
VAR MaxDateInPeriod = MAX('Date'[Date]) // Retrieve the last date in current filter context
VAR StartingDate = MINX(ALLSELECTED('Date');[Year]) // Retrieve the lowest year selected on slicer
[InitialAccess]; // Compute the number of initial access
FILTER( // In a nex filter context where all the dates
ALL('Date'); // Equal or superior to the lowest date selected
'Date'[Date]<= MaxDateInPeriod // Until the last date visible in the current row context
You can see the final result here :
I have added to row to your fact table to have several years
Here is the Fact table used :
UserID Initial Access Date
50 12/12/2018
100 10/05/2019
200 20/05/2019
100 21/05/2019
100 25/05/2019
200 30/05/2019
300 01/06/2019
400 04/02/2020
Finally I got it working without creating extra columns or measures,
Cumulative Total =
IF ( DISTINCTCOUNT ( Table[UserID] ) > 0, 1, 0 )
<= MAX ( Table[InitialAccessDate] )

Is there a way to create measure using variable to return last month Base size in power BI or DAX

I'm creating a report in Power BI, and want to return the last month Size.
I have a table with 4 columns named as Name, Size, Connections, Disconnections. The values on these columns are for the last 12 months. For example, Name column has A, B, C; Size column has 3608445, 2839945,874434; Connections column has 66875,85632,19237 and Disconnections column has 52658,61529 and 15832 values. These values are for the last 12 months. See screenshot below.
The code I used to created the expected table is
last_month_size =
VAR current_month =
'Monthly Calendar_Lookup',
MONTH ( 'Monthly Calendar_Lookup'[Dates] ) = current_month - 1
I want to create a measure that will return last month Size column but the Connections and Disconnections remains the same. For example, the Size value changes while the connections and disconnections values remains the last 12 month values.
I find it difficult because the columns are on the same table.
I have researched about the question I have posted and I have found a solution.
This solution to the problem is creating measures and not using variables.
First, I created a measure called Total Size
Total Size = Sum ( Tablename [Size] )
Then, created another measure called prev_month size using DATEADD function with number_of_intervals as 0
prev_month size = CALCULATE ( [Total Size], DATEADD ('Monthly Calendar_Lookup'[Dates], 0, MONTH ) )
Next, I created measures of total connections and total disconnections
Total Connections = Sum ( Tablename [Connections] )
Total Disconnections = Sum ( Tablename [Disconnections] )
Also, I created two measures of rolling 12 months Connections and Disconnections each.
Rolling_Connections_12_months =
CALCULATE ( SUMX ('Tablename', [Total Connections] ),
DATESINPERIOD ('Date'[Month], LASTDATE ( 'Date'[Month] ), -12, MONTH ) )
Rolling_Disconnections_12_months =
CALCULATE ( SUMX ('Tablename', [Total Disconnections] ),
DATESINPERIOD ('Date'[Month], LASTDATE ( 'Date'[Month] ), -12, MONTH ) )
Drag the Name, prev_month size, Rolling_Connections_12_months, and Rolling_Disconnections_12_months on the canvas as a table visualization.
Then finally, I drag a relative Date slicer and set it as Last 1 Month.
This produces the expected results

Cumulative number of entries in dates range

I'm trying to get cumulative number of unique IDs in given timeframe.
My DAX look like this:
Cumulative = CALCULATE(SUM(Data[ID]));DATESBETWEEN(Data[ack_date];DATE(YEAR(NOW());4;1);DATE(YEAR(NOW());11;30)))
There is similar measure for Year-1: [YEAR(NOW())-1]
What I want to achieve is area chart showing growing number od IDs in time comparing same periods this and previous year. When I give those measures as Values for chart and "ack_date" as its Axis what I get is values comparison month by month but not cumulative, just value for certain month.
Try this code. Adjust for year -1.
ALL ( Data ),
Data[Ack_date] <= MAX ( Data[Ack_date] ),
Data[Ack_date] <= DATE ( YEAR ( NOW () ), 11, 30 ),
Data[Ack_date] >= DATE ( YEAR ( NOW () ), 4, 1 )