Can we remove Loading bar or 8thWall in a WebAR 8thWall App? - amazon-sumerian

On making a javascript node application with 8thwall and sumerian you get a loading animation of 8thWall logo , how to replace that with something your own. the project doesnot seem to have any assets of it in the folder

I've not done anything with Sumarian bu that shouldn't impact this answer. is the file that contains the details to allow you to update some of the 'free' UX elements that you get with 8th Wall like the spinning logo and the message on the screen.
You want to save the file and serve it from your own hosting, and then look for
<img src="//" id="loadImage" class="rotate-center" />
... and replace it with your own logo (it will still flip it, so you probably want something mirrored like the 8 logo).


Sitecore 9 - Add an Image to a Link in the Footer

A client is using Sitecore 9 - we are not Sitecore developers.
We've been asked a simple thing: add social media links to the Footer of their Sitecore site.
Its proving more difficult than expected.
I've added the links on other pages by editing the HTML directly via the WYSWIG editor.
But the Footer appears more restricted, only accepting the addition of templates like 'Link'.
The 'Link' template has an option to add an external URL but doesn't have an option to add an image.
The CMS looks like this:
Is there any way to add a link, with an image, via the CMS (without the need to write Sitecore code), so the page chnages from this:
to this:
If you dont want to write Sitecore code, maybe you should think about using frontend.
Find the views that holds the footer (probably Foundation/Footer.cshtml) or something like that.
-To easily find where it is, follow these steps
Go to a content page Presentation Details that has footer (probably any)
Go to Controls
Find the footer rendering in there
Click on it
Grab the Datasource's value
Go to the Datasource's path
There should be a field holding the value of the view.
Add some css class on the div that holds those items, and do your frontend stuff in there...
It is not a scalable solution, so I would highly recommend updating the Footer rendering by adding new fields and adapting the model/view. So that way a content editor could easily add a new value for each socials.

How to add href link to bootstrap rollover image?

Warning: I'm a noob. The little I know comes from fiddling around.
I maintain a hobby website of images created in bootstrap 3 and I would like to have a responsive rollover image that also links to the full size image.
I have been able to complete the responsive rollover part, but I can't figure out how to add the link to display the full image.
Here's what I have so far:
<div class="rollover-wrapper-1"><div class="rollover-image-1"></div>
I can't post the CSS because I don't have reputation points yet.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Put href before the div and make sure you close the parent div too. Like this
<div class="rollover-wrapper-1"><div class="rollover-image-1"></div></div>
Well I've run into another problem. I have the rollover image working properly including linking to the full size image. But for some reason whenever I add the code to the webpage and the style sheet, somehow the webpage is looking for the style sheet in the wrong place on my website.
I have a style sheet "default.css" that I use for all my webpages. This css sheet is in the root of the website. But for some reason the webpage with the rollover image will not display the image, and when I inspect the element within Chrome it gives me 404 error stating that the default.css is not found in a certain folder on the website. I've never had the default.css in any folder besides the root.
So somehow the webpage is looking for a style sheet in a place where none exists, and I have no idea why.
If I copy the default.css style sheet from the root into the folder it's looking for then the webpage loads properly, but I don't want to have to maintain two identical style sheets. I just don't know how the style sheet got attached to the webpage.
I'm sorry for the vagueness of this problem, but I don't know enough to make a more informed question.

Webview Swipe issue - Appcelerator Titanium

Right now I am using one webview to show data from my aplicationDatadirectory, here everything is working fine, I get content when user click next back respectively. Now what I am doing is in onload of webview I register "touchevent" and "touchmove" in webview's html like this :-
$.webview.evalJS('document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].addEventListener("touchstart", function mytouch(){Ti.App.fireEvent("touch", {X:event.touches[0].pageX,Y:event.touches[0].pageY,length:event.touches.length});}, false);');
$.webview.evalJS('document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].addEventListener("touchmove", function mymove(){Ti.App.fireEvent("move", {X:event.touches[0].pageX,Y:event.touches[0].pageY,length:event.touches.length});}, false);');
on the basis of this I find swipe event. I get correct html in webview(I can see images). But I am unable to get touchstart and move call. I dont know what is the problem here. I set data in webview using url here.
Now when I set data in webview using html(I used data of my html file(given below) in one var) now I am unable to see images it just shows me one black border(empty) but here my touchstart and touchmove events are firing also my swipe is also working as expected. I am checking this functionality in iPhone.
Can any one find the issue what is going wrong here? Thanks.
I think that this depends on the time when you apply
$.webview.evalJS('document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].addEventListener("touchstart", function mytouch(){Ti.App.fireEvent("touch", {X:event.touches[0].pageX,Y:event.touches[0].pageY,length:event.touches.length});}, false);');
$.webview.evalJS('document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].addEventListener("touchmove", function mymove(){Ti.App.fireEvent("move", {X:event.touches[0].pageX,Y:event.touches[0].pageY,length:event.touches.length});}, false);');
If you use the html property data is loaded immediately and you can use the code exactly after setting html content. If you use the url (even if it is located locally, which might be difficult for android) then you need to wait a short time until the page is loaded. There is also an event listener for that (web view-event load) but i can't say if that works for local resources but i don't think so.
In this case you should apply your javascript snippet into your html resources (if they are locally) instead of manually adding it using evalJS.
Please note that there is an issue on android that you can't use local images (resources folder) in your webview when you provide the content via html property.
I made it swipe working in iOS(in android it was working).
I did not expect this thing to be a reason but I do not know logic behind it. I was accessing .xhtml files from application data directory and it was working without any issue in android but in iOS it was not.
I just change(rename in my code) .xhtml file to .html and now it is working. :)
Hope this can help someone who is looking for the same.(or just for his interest)

Caching data (image, rss) with django

That's my first question in here, I've been looking through old questions, but nothing matched with my problem. Here it is.
I'm creating some site with one main functionality. We want this site to display content of other sites, but in a specific way. User chooses let's say two pages from five and want to see their content. He clicks button 'Display' and goes to next page where he finds let's say view from web cam, and here comes problem.
I want to cache image that is hidden behind the url from which image was downloaded, so after refresh image won't be downloaded again, but browser will get it from cache.
I've been looking through documentation of Django, but nothing seemed to be useful.
I know that I should:
1) create table which stores cache
2) add to some CACHE_BACKEND = ...
3) use #cache_page(300) before declaration of function which returns content which should be cached,
but... it doesn't seem to work.
I will be greateful if someone tells how to solve that problem, maybe with some sort of code showing the mechanism.
I think that right way to do this will be to store image somewhere on your server and delete it later with cron or something similar.
Django cache framework wasn't created for the purpose you are trying to use it.

Importing HTML into TinyMCE using ColdFusion

Hey everyone, I would appreciate a pointing in the right direction with the problem I'm having. In short, I'm working on an application that will create PDFs using TinyMCE and ColdFusion 8. I have the ability to create a PDF by just entering in text, pictures, etc. However, I want to be able to import an html template and insert it into the TinyMCE .
Basically, I have a file directory code snippet that lets me browse through my 'HTMLTemplates' folder, and am able to select an HTML document. Now, I want to be able to take all the code from that selected HTML document and insert it into my TinyMCE box. Any tips on how I might do this, maybe?
If I understood you correctly, you already have a TinyMCE plugin which pops up a window and allows you to browse the certain directory using existing cfm page which you render within the popup window. Right?
If not, you should start with this. Not sure how easy it is done in current version, but in the older TinyMCE I've created the custom upload plugin (needed to track the site security permissions for current user) pretty quickly.
Next, I can see two quick ways to pass the server file contents to the client-side:
Make it available via HTTP so you can make the GET request and read contents into the variable.
Output it on the page using CF (say, on form submit when file selected) and grab using JavaScript.
I'd personally tried the second option. After you grab the text into the variable you can put it into the TinyMCE using it's API.
It can be as simple as output escaped text into the hidden div with known ID and read it using DOM operations (assuming that there is cfoutput around):
<div id="myTemplate">#HTMLEditFormat(myFileContents)#</div>
Also you can output the text directly into the JavaScript variable (of cource, with accurate escaping), maybe like this.
<script type="text/javascript">
var text = '#HTMLEditFormat(myFileContents)#';
Most advanced and possibly better for performance (and definitely "cooler") way is to use the concept of script tags as data containers, like this:
<script type="text/plain">
Last time I've seen this in Nadel's blog, I think. Read it, pretty interesting.
Hope this helps.