Error while submitting my google action assistant app to release - action

I am trying to submit my google action to alpha release. Its throwing 500 error. No idea what to do. All the mandatory information is filled up.
dialogflow app is created and integrated with google home. A version is created and published in dialogflow. Now while trying to publish in google assistant alpha, its not getting through.


Google Fit API Sign in works only on one device

After getting the Google Fit API to authenticate user and read data on the phone I use for debugging, I sent the debug.apk to my friend's phone to test it. I checked the Cloud Platform console, the API dashboard shows the requests.
However, it is not working on any device except mine. I tried with testing mode on google cloud(all the emails were added as testers), it did not worked. When I publish the app on google cloud, nothing changes, same problem again, getting result code 0.
I would like to know if problem is with google cloud platform or I should wait some time...

Google Cloud Platform: Verify Application (OAuth)

On Google Cloud Platform I created a project and OAuth 2.0 Client IDs. Everything works fine (register/login with Google Account) but I have a concern with the following screen at "OAuth consent screen"
It says that it needs verification, and that I should prepare my app to submit such a request. Everything is okay but when I click on "prepare your app" (from the picture above) it gives me the following screen
Would you please be so kind and let me know what are my next steps to verify my app and how can I do that?

Error submitting google assistant app

Error Message: Error submitting assistant app
I have an assistant app published and wanted to update the app. That is the reason, why I want to publish a new version of my google action. But I can't understand why I get this error message: Error submitting assistant app. Can anyone help me?
Previously, I never had any issues completing and publishing the app for production.

Facebook API page feed didn't send information to my webhook?

I'm admin of my test app, and my test page.
Now I'm doing a function get page's feed realtime by webhook, just only on development mode.
When I click test button on App's Dashboard, It has been sent to my webhook. But when I comment or like ... the post, facebook doesn't send even though I subscribed feed webhook.
With Messages, it has been sent successfully, but Feed doesn't.
I ask facebook support, so they said that:
"Applications will only be able to receive test webhooks sent from the
app dashboard while they are in development. No production data,
including that of app admins, developers, and testers, will be
delivered unless the app is live. In order to receive feed webhooks,
your app needs to be live and has to go through app review for
necessary permissions."
I understand that I can not get data from facebook even though it is under development mode.
So how can I get data returned by facebook to develop, test... apps in development mode.
Thanks so much.
It is not possible to run this service without an app review, since it is not possible to add the 'mange_pages' permission to a (test-)user within a development app. At the same time it is not possible to turn a testapp into live-mode. As the same is true vice versa the only solution is the app review to get information from a specific (test-)page.
For live testing i suggest to create a testuser and subscribe for information about the "user" to test your webhook.
You can check with GET, if your app is successfully subscribed to "page information". Graph API Documentation
As you already mentioned you can also send "page information" test calls to your endpoint.
UPDATE 18th Nov 2018
If you go to Webhook -> pages in your App Dashboard on you are able to notice, that Webhooks in dev mode do not work.
I've submitted a Bug report to Facebook for this issue, as there is no proper solution.
You can check it at :
I also don't get the fact that you can't test webhooks in dev mode, and you can't do the app review because you can't develop your app and show them for review.
Just a chicken and egg issue.

Access Not Configured. Gmail API has not been used in project ********* before or it is disabled. (Python, Gmail API)

I am having this error
<"Access Not Configured. Gmail API has not been used in project ********* before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting********* then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.">
I know Im having problem with the product ID. Couple of days ago my friend was running calendar API with my Pycharm and then he verified with his account with all the credentials. But I also created a new project>created new Credential. Downloaded the secret Json file and replaced with previous. I also checked the Json file, and the client ID was mine. But still Pycharm is still looking for that client ID which was my friends client ID. How do I resolve it?
I also tried opening new projects in Pycharm but still having same problem. I am new to python and Google APIs. If my question was too simple/obvious please pardon and help me out with the solutions.
The code I am using is given in this link, by Google developer page.
I finally solved the issue. I didn't enabled the gmail API from the console page. In the console page go to dashboard, next enable API and choose which API you want to enable. In my case it was Gmail.