What is the most memory efficient way to join a list into a string in micropython? - list

What is the most memory-efficient way to join a list into a string in MICROPYTHON?
the list object in MICROPYTHON doesn't have the 'join' function, so I would like to know if there's any memory-efficient way to do so

As with standard Python, join is a method of strings not of lists. See:
Python join: why is it string.join(list) instead of list.join(string)?

I overlooked, there's indeed a join function from the str class to join the list


substitution of union in haskell

I'm looking for a way to alter union in Haskell. The thing is I want to union two list of strings, but we are not allowed to use Import Data.List to use union.
What other way can we use to union two lists?
a `union` b
Thank you!
Looks like a h/w problem. So here is a hint:
assuming unique entries in the lists, take one list as the base, iterate over the other list and check whether each element exists in the base list if not add to the base.

Why does scalaz.NonEmptyList not support common list operations like "find"

I have a NonEmptyList instance and I want to find (in order) the first element that matches a predicate. With scalas List I can do myList.find(predicate), however scalaz NonEmptyList does not support such an operation, so this is not working here.
Why is that?
Is there a better way than doing myNonEmptyList.toList.find(predicate)?
You can use findLeft or findRight.

Efficiently searching a Linked List of Objects for a String

For certain reasons, I have a linked list of objects, with the Object containing a string.
I might be required to search for a particular string, and in doing so, retrieve the object, based on that string.
The starting header of the list is the only input I have for the list.
Though the number of objects I have, is capped at 3000, and that's not so much, I still wondered if there was an efficient way to do this, instead of searching the objects one by one for a matching string.
The Objects in the list are not sorted in any way, and I cannot expect them to be sorted, and the entry point to the linked list is the only input I have.
So, could anyone tell me if there's an efficient way ( search algorithm perhaps ) to achieve this?
Separately for this kind of search, if required, what would be the sort of data structure recommended, assuming that this search be the most data intensive function of the object?
Use a std::map<std::string, YourObjectType>. You can still iterate all objects. But they are sorted by the string now.
If you might have multiple objects with the same string, use a multimap instead.
If you can't switch to any different structure/container, then there is no way to do this better than linear to size of list.
Having 3000 you would like to use a unordered map instead of a linked list, which will give you average O(1) lookup, insertion, and deletion time.

When to use a sequence in F# as opposed to a list?

I understand that a list actually contains values, and a sequence is an alias for IEnumerable<T>. In practical F# development, when should I be using a sequence as opposed to a list?
Here's some reasons I can see when a sequence would be better:
When interacting with other .NET languages or libraries that require
Need to represent an infinite sequence (probably not really useful in practice).
Need lazy evaluation.
Are there any others?
I think your summary for when to choose Seq is pretty good. Here are some additional points:
Use Seq by default when writing functions, because then they work with any .NET collection
Use Seq if you need advanced functions like Seq.windowed or Seq.pairwise
I think choosing Seq by default is the best option, so when would I choose different type?
Use List when you need recursive processing using the head::tail patterns
(to implement some functionality that's not available in standard library)
Use List when you need a simple immutable data structure that you can build step-by-step
(for example, if you need to process the list on one thread - to show some statistics - and concurrently continue building the list on another thread as you receive more values i.e. from a network service)
Use List when you work with short lists - list is the best data structure to use if the value often represents an empty list, because it is very efficient in that scenario
Use Array when you need large collections of value types
(arrays store data in a flat memory block, so they are more memory efficient in this case)
Use Array when you need random access or more performance (and cache locality)
Also prefer seq when:
You don't want to hold all elements in memory at the same time.
Performance is not important.
You need to do something before and after enumeration, e.g. connect to a database and close connection.
You are not concatenating (repeated Seq.append will stack overflow).
Prefer list when:
There are few elements.
You'll be prepending and decapitating a lot.
Neither seq nor list are good for parallelism but that does not necessarily mean they are bad either. For example, you could use either to represent a small bunch of separate work items to be done in parallel.
Just one small point: Seq and Array are better than List for parallelism.
You have several options: PSeq from F# PowerPack, Array.Parallel module and Async.Parallel (asynchronous computation). List is awful for parallel execution due to its sequential nature (head::tail composition).
list is more functional, math-friendly. when each element is equal, 2 lists are equal.
sequence is not.
let list1 = [1..3]
let list2 = [1..3]
printfn "equal lists? %b" (list1=list2)
let seq1 = seq {1..3}
let seq2 = seq {1..3}
printfn "equal seqs? %b" (seq1=seq2)
You should always expose Seq in your public APIs. Use List and Array in your internal implementations.

String concatenation from within a single list

Scala is new to me so I'm not sure the best way to go about this.
I need to simply take the strings within a single list and join them.
So, concat(List("a","b","c")) returns abc.
Should I first see how many strings there are in the list, that way I can just loop through and join them all? I feel like that needs to be done first, that way you can use the lists just like an array and do list[1] append list[2] append list[3], etc..
Here's my idea, of course with compile errors..
def concat(l: List[String]): String = {
var len = l.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
val result = result :: l(i) + " "
How about this, on REPL
List("a","b","c") mkString("")
or in script file
Some options to explore for you:
imperative: for-loop; use methods from the List object to determine
loop length or use for-each List item
classical functional: recursive function, one element at the time using
higher-order functions: look at fold.
Given the basic level of the problem, I think you're looking at learning some fundamentals in programming. If the language of choice is Scala, probably the focus is on functional programming, so I'd put effort on solving #2, then solve #1. #3 for extra credits.
This exercise is designed to encourage you to think about the problem from a functional perspective. You have a set of data over which you wish to move, performing a set of identical operations. You've already identified the imperative, looping construct (for). Simple enough. Now, how would you build that into a functional construct, not relying on "stateful" looping?
In functional programming, fold ... is a family of higher-order
functions that iterate an arbitrary function over a data structure in
some order and build up a return value.
That sounds like something you could use.
As string concatenation is associative (to be exact, it forms a monoid having the empty String as neutral element), the "direction" of the fold doesn't matter (at least if you're not bothered by performance).
Speaking of performance: In real life, it would be a good idea to use a StringBuilder for the intermediate steps, but it's up to you if you want to use it.
A bit longer that mkString but more efficient:
s.foldLeft(new StringBuilder())(_ append _).toString()
I'm just assuming here that you are not only new to Scala, but also new to programming in general. I'm not saying SO is not made for newbies, but I'm sure there are many other places, which are better suited for your needs. For example books...
I'm also assuming that your problem doesn't have to be solved in a functional, imperative or some other way. It just has to be solved as a homework assignment.
So here are the list of things you should consider / ask yourself:
If you want to concat all elements of the list do you really need to know how many there are?
If you think you do, fine, but after having solved this problem using this approach try to fiddle around with your solution a little bit to find out if there is another way.
Appending the elements to a resulting list is a thought in right direction, but think about this: in addition to being object-oriented Scala is also a full-blown functional language. You might not know what this means, but all you need to know for now is this: it is pretty darn good with things like lists (LISP is the most known functional language and it stands for LISt Processing, which has to be an indication of some kind, don't you think? ;)). So maybe there is some magical (maybe even Scala idiomatic) way to accomplish such a concatination without defining the resulting list yourself.