I am running superset on docker and created new mssql database connection and able to view schemas , tables and preview the table in SQLlab
however , now able to run the sql queries . I am getting following error “Results backend isn’t configured.”
can anyone help me on this ?
This is the type of error you'd get when trying to run an async query but the Results backend for your Celery workers isn't configured properly.
The easiest way to double check this is the issue, and get your query working, is to go back into your database configuration in superset, and set async processing off: navigate to Source > Databases > [click on the DB you want to run the query against] and check off "Asynchronous Query Execution".
You should then be able to run your query.
To setup Celery workers for real, see the instructions at https://superset.incubator.apache.org/installation.html#celery-tasks
I am receiving a error when running postgres, pgadmin and django.
Port is already in use. I know how to use the sudo command to kill the server, however I am not being shown my databases in postgres. It just shows running when I start the server. When I create a new port database shows but doesn't migration the data. Also when I run migrations to django I get error, table already exist and or table doesn't exist. This happens everytime as if there is a duplicate database and it's not connected to the one showing in pgadmin. I tried dropping and deleting tables in pgadmin, and still get table exist.
How do i fix this? How do I show all databases connected and delete the one that overrides my default port and have postgres show database servers in the app.
Thank you in advance. Long post but I'm stressing and cant find a solution.
Deleting tables in pgadmin, change port number, open postgres first than start pgadmin.
Hi I am the beginner developer, I am trying to send my data to sql from VS and I did Migration process. in packing manager console I wrote enable-migration and now I got configuration file also and after than I changed the value from false to true and wrote update-database I am not getting error its just says
PM> update-database
Specify the '-Verbose' flag to view the SQL statements being applied to the target database.
No pending explicit migrations.
Running Seed method.
and when I checked sql there is no my database also any tables
I am trying to make travel website and there are some page exist and I got some models files of them and I guess I need to create connection between sql and vs I had the code in vstudio but when I try to create database and tables with my datas in studio, its not happening
We have noticed that if a table is empty in SQL Server, the empty table does not come via DMS. Only after inserting a record it starts to show up.
Just checking, is there a way to get the schema only from DMS?
You can use Schema conversion tool for moving DB objects and Schema. Its a free tool by AWS and can be installed on On-Prem server or on EC2. It gives a good report before you can actually migrate the DB schema and other DB objects. It shows how many Tables, SP's Funcs etc can be directly migrated and shows possible solutions too.
In wso2am/repository/conf/datasources/*.xml, I can see 5 datasources :
But in wso2am/dbscripts, I can find only 4 scripts for 4 databases (no script for WSO2AM_STATS_DB).
Is WSO2AM_DB supposed to stay an H2 database in production ? or should it point to an existing database ?
You don't need to create tables in WSO2AM_STATS_DB manually. Just creating a database is enough. Tables are automatically created by analytics scripts.
Table creation of the statistics database is handled by the Analytics
scripts when you configure APIM Analytics, so you will create the
statistics database in this step but will not specify a source script.
Ref: https://docs.wso2.com/display/CLUSTER44x/Clustering+API+Manager+2.0.0
I have configured API Manager 2.0.0 & API Manager Analytics Pack to use MySQL databases.
For each server, there exists a WSO2AM_STATS_DB. I have given these differing names on my MySQL server. I have also pointed my datasources in master-datasources.xml(for APIM) & stats-datasources.xml(for Analytics) to the relevant databases.
I couldn't find any relevant schema(dbscripts) for these databases in their respective packs.
On running, the Analytics database is populated but the APIM database isn't and throws an exception. The Analytics database not only gets the schema but also the invocation details of my API.
I am unable to get the stats on my dashboard though.
Previously, I (unwittingly) configured the h2-repository stats database to be the same for both servers (due to the folder structure) and was able to get all the statistics on my dashboard in the publisher.
Other configurations I have tried :
On the MySQL Server, pointed it to the same database (the Analytics one with the schema) but with no results on my dashboard (after waiting for a while).
Both datasources (WSO2AM_STATS_DB) in 2 servers should be pointed to the same database. There are no database scripts for this. Tables are created automatically.
By default in both servers, Stats DB path comes like this. (note ../ part)
So if you extract both servers to the same directory as mentioned in this doc, both datasources will be pointing to the same database (inside tmpStatDB) like this.
So, what happens here is, wso2am-analytics writes stats data to shared database, then apim reads it and shows data on its databases.