Apollo: Refetch Queries with Delay - apollo

Can I use refetchQueries with some delay. Can I set a delay or can I call refetchQueries in a function?

I was unable to find an elegant way to delay refetchQueries. Instead, I just modify the cache directly as mentioned farther down this section of the documentation. https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/caching/advanced-topics/#updating-after-a-mutation
Here's a snippet from my solution. The reason I loop through sortPermutations is that the query may have cached data for different sets of variables. This solution loops through all of them.
const [createUser] = useMutation<AddUser, AddUserVariables>(ADD_USER, {
update: (cache, { data }) => {
if (!data?.addUser) return
const cachedUsers = cache.readQuery<GetUsers>({
query: GET_USERS,
variables: sortedColumn,
sortPermutations.forEach(({ sortBy, sortOrder }) => {
const users = [data.addUser, ...(cachedUsers?.users ?? [])].sort(
sortUsers(sortBy, sortOrder),
cache.writeQuery<GetUsers, GetUsersVariables>({
data: { users },
query: GET_USERS,
variables: { sortBy, sortOrder },


Apollo: Using executor function server side removes operation names

I currently have the following code in a codebase using "#apollo/client": "^3.4.17",
const getFrontEndApiSchema = async (authToken: string, hostname: string) => {
const executor = async ({
}: Parameters<Parameters<typeof introspectSchema>[0]>[0]) => {
const fetchResult = await crossFetch(`${resolveApiUri(hostname)}/graphql`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authentication-Token': authToken,
body: JSON.stringify({ query: print(document), variables }),
return fetchResult.json()
return makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: wrapSchema({
schema: buildClientSchema(await unzipSchema()),
export const getSchema = async () => {
const frontEndSchema = await getFrontEndApiSchema()
return stitchSchemas({
subschemas: frontEndSchema ? [frontEndSchema, schema] : [schema],
mergeDirectives: true,
const apolloClient = createApolloClient(
rootValue: { request: req },
Which works and fires off requests. However we noticed during a Telemetry exercise (whereby we are trying to track traces through individual operations in DataDog / NewRelic) that a single operation is effectively being split up into it's constituent queries and sent without it's parent operation name.
It's not so clear to me from reading the docs why I would need to this executor function for graphql queries rather than the standard Apollo link chain (similar to what i'm using for the client side apollo client).
So I removed the unneeded executor function to the following.
typeDefs: wrapSchema({
schema: buildClientSchema(await unzipSchema()),
This worked in so far as the operations where being made and return a result, however ostensibly it was returning results which matched those which would be returned if unauthenticated, (i.e. no authentication token set in the header).
I've checked my error link and have logged context headers and it appears to have the token.
I've also tried swapping the Schemalink for a normal link with no success.
export default function createApolloClient(
schema: SchemaLink.Options,
token: string,
isTest?: boolean,
) {
const link = from([
...(__DEV__ ? [logLink(true)] : []),
new SchemaLink(schema),
return new ApolloClient({
cache: createCache(),
ssrMode: true,
queryDeduplication: true,
...(!isTest && {
defaultOptions: {
watchQuery: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
query: { fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' },
A typical graphql operation I'm sending
query myOperationName{
user {
When I do print(document) in the body of my original executor function I am getting
So my question is how server side do I construct the correct Apollo client/ link chain combo such that operations are not stripped of their operation names? And any additional clarity on whether it's necessary to use the SchemaLink at all if my express server is on a different box to the api it talks to would be helpful

How to delete cache record from Apollo GraphQL client with readQuery and writeQuery

The Apollo GraphQL team says that readQuery and writeQuery are good for 95% of the use cases. I am using useMutation and update and want to remove an item from a cache without having to call refetchQueries. My code is as follows:
const [deleteSpeaker] = useMutation(DELETE_SPEAKER, {
update(cache, { data: {deleteSpeaker}}) {
const { speakers} = cache.readQuery({query: GET_SPEAKERS});
data: { speakers: speakers.filter(speaker => speaker.id !== deleteSpeaker.id) }
What gets returned from readQuery leads me to think I should be filtering for speakers.datalist but when I do that, the cache does not update.
What is the correct way to update cache to reflect a removed record from the GET_SPEAKERS query.
export const DELETE_SPEAKER = gql`
mutation DeleteSpeaker($speakerId: Int!) {
deleteSpeaker(speakerId: $speakerId) {
export const GET_SPEAKERS = gql`
query {
speakers {
datalist {
reading apollo docs, this should be something lke:
const [deleteSpeaker] = useMutation(DELETE_SPEAKER, {
update(cache, { data: {deleteSpeaker}}) {
id: cache.identify(deleteSpeaker.id),
fields: {
comments(existingSpeakerRefs, { readField }) {
return existingSpeakerRefs.filter(
speaker => deleteSpeaker.id !== readField('id', speakerRef)

Optional FilterExpression AWS

I am currently working on an AWS project, the following issue came up:
export async function main(event, context, callback) {
const params = {
FilterExpression: 'parent_id = :parent_id',
TableName: 'product',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':parent_id': event.queryStringParameters.parent_id
try {
const result = await dynamoDbLib.call("scan", params);
callback(null, success(result.Items));
} catch (e) {
callback(null, failure({ status: false }));
This all works fine. But I want to be able to NOT give an expressionattribute, so that it returns ALL of my objects instead of just the ones with the matching parent_id.
Any help is much appreciated!
Thank you in advance,
You are using a FilterExpression, thus you have to provide ExpressionAttributeValues for the filter expression. You simply need to remove the FilterExpression and ExpressionAttributeValues parameters if you want the Scan operation to return all table items.

Optimistic UI Not Updating - Apollo

After making a mutation the UI does not update with a newly added item until the page is refreshed. I suspect the problem is in the update section of the mutation but I'm not sure how to troubleshoot further. Any advice is much appreciated.
Query (separate file)
export const AllItemsQuery = gql`
query AllItemsQuery {
allItems {
import {AllItemsQuery} from './List'
const AddItemWithMutation = graphql(createItemMutation, {
props: ({ownProps, mutate}) => ({
createItem: ({name, type, room}) =>
variables: {name, type, room},
optimisticResponse: {
__typename: 'Mutation',
createItem: {
__typename: 'Item',
update: (store, { data: { submitItem } }) => {
// Read the data from the cache for this query.
const data = store.readQuery({ query: AllItemsQuery });
// Add the item from the mutation to the end.
// Write the data back to the cache.
store.writeQuery({ query: AllItemsQuery, data });
Looks promising, one thing that is wrong is the name of the result of the mutation data: { submitItem }. Because in the optimistic Response you declare it as createItem. Did you console.log and how does the mutation look like?
update: (store, {
data: {
submitItem // should be createItem
}) => {
// Read the data from our cache for this query.
const data = store.readQuery({
query: AllItemsQuery
// Add our comment from the mutation to the end.
data.allItems.push(submitItem); // also here
// Write our data back to the cache.
query: AllItemsQuery,
I'm not entirely sure that the problem is with the optimisticResponse function you have above (that is the right approach), but I would guess that you're using the wrong return value. For example, here is a response that we're using:
optimisticResponse: {
__typename: 'Mutation',
updateThing: {
__typename: 'Thing',
thing: result,
So if I had to take a wild guess, I would say that you might want to try using the type within your return value:
optimisticResponse: {
__typename: 'Mutation',
createItem: {
__typename: 'Item',
item: { // This was updated
As an alternative, you can just refetch. There have been a few times in our codebase where things just don't update the way we want them to and we can't figure out why so we punt and just refetch after the mutation resolves (mutations return a promise!). For example:
... // variables go here
}).then(() => this.props.data.refetch())
The second approach should work every time. It's not exactly optimistic, but it will cause your data to update.

How to observe store collection

I have code for generate checkboxes list:
accountsCheckboxes: Ember.computed('accountsCheckboxes.#each', function(){
return this.model.accounts.map(row => {
return {
label: row.get('name'),
value: row.get('id')
but after modify accounts collection, add or remove, this computed property doesnt refresh. I tried find how to do it with events, or how to observe store collection, but without success.
I modyfy this model collection in others controllers.
Its a little confusing what you're trying to do by observing the same property you're defining:
// accountsCheckboxes observes accountsCheckboxes?
accountsCheckboxes: Ember.computed('accountsCheckboxes.#each', ...)
This won't work and will probably result in an infinite chain of lookups.
Did you mean to observe model.accounts instead? If so, this is what you could've done:
accountsCheckboxes: Ember.computed('model.accounts.#each.name', function() {
return this.get('model.accounts').map(row => {
return {
label: row.get('name'),
value: row.get('id')
Note that you must call this.get('model'), not this.model to make sure you always get the proper data.
Alternatively, you might use Ember.computed.map:
accountsCheckboxes: Ember.computed.map('model.accounts.#each.name', function(row) {
return {
label: row.get('name'),
value: row.get('id')