How do i use Vue templates in Django? - django

This is my index page in django
{% load render_bundle from webpack_loader %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My test</title>
<div id="app">
{% render_bundle 'main' %}
And this is a standard Vue navbar.
<v-app id="sandbox">
:permanent="primaryDrawer.type === 'permanent'"
:temporary="primaryDrawer.type === 'temporary'"
v-if="primaryDrawer.type !== 'permanent'"
#click.stop="primaryDrawer.model = !primaryDrawer.model"
The code is working, and i can see Vue being loaded when i open my Django site.
The problem with this is that i don't know how to get them along. For example, i added a <h1>TEST</h1> but it does not appear when i load Vue, since the Vue part covers it. I also don't understand, if i have a conditional on my Django template, such as {% if user.is_authenticated %} i can't use it on Vue, because it won't be loaded by it.
For example, i have a navbar. Instead of that navbar i want to use the below Vue navbar but i can't, because the current navbar has some links to parts of my site, and since the links are made in Django template language, they won't be loaded by Vue.

You should understand that Vue is a frontend framework that is agnostic to the backend, and Django is, in contrast a backend framework (that can be used in such way to be agnostic to the frontend, I assume this is what you are trying to do).
The way Vue works is that it renders the content inside the div#app tag in index.html, that's why your h1 tag doesn't work. you will have to include that h1 tag inside your vue app in the right component in order to work (don't forget to recompile your components after editing, in case you are using smthng like webpack...etc).
Regarding the Django conditionals part, the point is that now, your Vue app is a seperate application than the Django App (and they will have to communicate through an API using HTTP calls). So in order for authentication to work (or any other logic), you will have to handle that logic both in your Vue app and your Django app


How can I add tailwind css to an existing django app

I already have a Django project with many apps and one of them is demo_app. I have some views and templates added to the demo app but I want to start using tailwind in the demo_app templates. I have seen that to add tailwind I need to create the theme app using tailwind but I want to add it to the already existing demo_app. How can I do that?
You can create the theme app just like the documentation says and add the tags to your existing app. I followed the process in this link. The js config in the app already looks for the tailwind tags in other apps. The tags I used are
{% load static tailwind_tags %} and {% tailwind_css %}. I added them to the html template in my existing app.
{% load static tailwind_tags %} at the top of the template and {% tailwind_css %} in the <head>
What I did that worked for me was install tailwind-cli in the static folder of my Django app, check out the tailwind-cli installation guide Tailwind Documentation. And then load the CSS in the HTML template. Below is how I referenced the tailwind CSS.
{% load static %}
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link href="{% static 'main.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
<h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">
Hello, world!

Django 3.0: How to use different Boostrap versions in same template

I have made a template (Base.html) in my django project, of Bootstrap 4 which working is fine independently.
I have also made another template (Child_Base.html) which is made with Bootstrap 3 and supposed to be injected in Base.html.
But what happening here is, when I include BS3 template in first one it is ruining many things. So, I am looking for a solution in which both co-exist and doesn't spoil other one.
Code of Base.html is supposed as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src=""></script>
{% block bodyblock %}
Hello World!
{% include "Child_Base.html" %}
{% endblock %}
Code of Child_Base.html is supposed as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src=""></script>
{% block bodyblock %}
Good Morning!
{% endblock %}
In actual scenario, there is product page, displaying all the books available for user to add in cart (made in BS4) in which I want to include search box (made in BS3). But code is tangled and not so self-elaborated so I have used above examples. Thanks.
why you want this?
you either include CSS files in your templatename.html file or in a different name.css file that is linked to your template, when you include bt3 and bt4 browser DOM looks like this:
and then it gets crazy cause two different CSS files with same tags are in browser DOM.
I'm not telling this is not possible cause in frontend frameworks like vue.js you can config it to use CSS locally just for one component, but Django doesn't generate files like that so you can't have two different CSS files isolated from each other for one HTML page.
on second Thought:
maybe if you make your page.html with a scheme like this:
headers and other head tags...
include the entire bootstrap 4 css here
enter your bt4 elements here
include entire bootstrap 3 css here
enter your bt3 elements here
you should put .min.css in this may cause the browser to render the page with your desired styles as always CSS files are overwritten by lower CSS's in the file.

Django + React production setup

It looks like a very basic question and I'm confused by the fact that I cannot find any sensible tutorial on that. I'm trying to setup Django + React production build. After running all kinds of transpilation, minification etc. I end up having .js and .css bundles, index.html and several other files like favicon, service-worker.js etc. Now I need to serve this with Django.
All of these files are static files and should probably be served as static files by the http server (nginx in my case). The variant I came up with was to modify index.html to make it a valid Django template: {% load static %} in the beginning, replace all hardcoded links with {% static 'filepath' %} and serve it using TemplateView, other files are served by nginx. This works fine, however, modifying build results looks like a bad idea. Generated bundles contain a unique hash for each build and I would need to replace that hash in the template after each build. I obviously can automate it but it looks weird. I would prefer not to touch build results at all, but how should I serve static files then? nginx is configured to serve static files under /static/ path and cannot serve files like service-worker.js as static files.
So the question is how do I configure Django + React for production so that I don't have to manually modify build results and can serve static files properly using nginx?
The main problem to combine React and Django is that Django wants to render the templates by itself, but React wants also to execute the render, since it has been created for that. That's why there a lot of approximations that use django just as as REST API when working with react.
But, if you want django to Render the templates to avoid having a Single Page Application (as react provides) and to use all the other tools from django, the main flow that we use in our company is:
You create your components, in js files. For example: component.js
You use babel to compile the JSX files to native Javascript, and babels creates, for example, Django will serve this compiled files, so react is going to be used only in develop tasks because all React code will be transformed to JS before moving to production. For django, all the react components will be just JS code already compiled.
You can use Webpack to automatically move to a folder where django can serve them, for example your_project/static/your_app/component.buid.js
You create a django template base.html which will be used as the base template that all your templates will extend. Here you put the header and all your common scripts and styles. For example, bootstrap should be here if used. Remember to leave blocks in this base template to use them in the templates that are going to extend the base.html. Here is the base.html that we use:
{% with version="2.0" %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% load static %}
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!-- base styles goes here -->
<!-- include here bootstrap or styles that are common to all your website -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="{% static 'favicon.ico' %}"/>
<!-- custom styles for each app go into this block-->
{% block app_styles %}
<!-- here will go the apps local styles -->
{% endblock %}
{% block app %}
<!-- This block will be used by the apps to load their react components -->
{% endblock %}
<!-- base js go here -->
<script src="{% static 'common/pluggins/jquery3.4.1.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'common/pluggins/fontawesome.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'common/scripts/base.js' %}?v={{version}}"></script> <!-- File for common utils -->
<!-- custom js for each app go here. You should define your Content() here -->
{% block local_scripts %}
<!-- here will go the app local scripts -->
{% endblock %}
{% endwith %}
Create the templates for each of your django apps, by extending the base.html. Remember to include here the <div> that is going to be used by react to render the content. Aslo, remember that this is the place to include the compiled JS file that bable created before. Here there is an example that we use to build a dashboard.html in our website:
{% extends 'common/base.html' %}
{% load static %}
{% block app_styles %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'dashboard/styles/dashboard.css' %}?v={{version}}">
{% endblock %}
{% block app %}
<!-- Here is the div used by react -->
<div id="myreact-content"></div>
{% endblock %}
{% block local_scripts %}
<!-- IMPORTANT: Import here the compiled file -->
<script src="{% static '' %}"></script>
{% endblock %}
Set the correct in your projects and in your app
Set the correct configuration in to make accesible the static js/css files and the templates
Run your django server and You're done!
In this video you have a small guide on how to configure npm, babel and django. With a correct configuration, everything will be updated automatically when you change some code in your JSX (not compiled) files, so the develop tasks will be more friendly.

Django base template files

I would like to ask a question about django base templates. How do they exactly work..What do I mean.
I have a base file that lets say has a static conten and a block content that changes in templates that extend the base file.
<script src="main.js"></script>
<div class="side-nav">
<!--static content here-->
<div class="content">
{% block "content"%} {%endblock%}
I have three templates that extend base.html, e.g t1.html, t2.html and t3.html. All of them have some dom elements that are edited by the main.js file importedn in base.html. My question is the following. Does it load all the page its time i render a template and thus main.js is run again or does it only render the "dynamic" content of the base file? Will the code of main.js run everytime I load a template that extends base.html?
You basically have to understand a basic difference:
Rendering in done on the Server Side
JavaScript works on Clent side.
So if JS is sent again to Client side than it will definitely run again
You can read more about Templates in Django here :
Django put together all templates at first. After that completed page will be send to browser. Your javascript code run in browser with full page.

How to join(nest) django apps in site

Last time i make my way through python library - django. I have idea how MVC model works and other basics about creating django projects. I'm going to create site in django but there is one thing that loom large in my mind.
After i will create apps for managing articles, polls, and other likely to change content of site, i have to join it together on one page. By lack of knowledge it looks awful for me.
To make index page, i mind to create app and connect it in URLconf to '^$'. Then, i will have large template containing everything in html - head, meta, includes(js, css) etc. It doesn't sounds good for me(probably lack of knowledge). Look..
How i will be able to get link to specific content on site(i.e. article) to give it to somebody? I need /article/2013/02/55 show specific article but it needs to use my index page for meta, includes, entire structure of site etc. I can't imagine how I will be able to connect it together.
I'm in the course of "The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right" book. Maybe i will get answer later but I'm nervous and impatient. It would be great to make use of ajax and some jquery-ui on site but i can't even imagine how to do static site with nested apps!
You just need to extend the base template and use blocks.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="...">
{% block content %}
Content from the base template
{% endblock content %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
Content from the app template to replace other content
{% endblock content %}
See the docs for more info on template inheritance.