range based for loop with an auto reference to a pointer - c++

With regard to the following code I would like to have some clarification. We have an array of pointers to a class. Next we loop over the array using a range based loop. For this range based loop auto& is used. But next when we use the element a we can use the arrow operator to call a function.
This code is compiled using C++ 11.
// Definition of an array of pointers to some class.
some_class* array[10];
// The array of pointers is set.
// Loop over the array.
for(auto& a : array)
// Call some function using the arrow operator.
Is my understanding correct that auto& a is a reference to a pointer? Is this not a bit over kill. Would using auto a not create a copy of the pointer and take up the same amount of memory?

Your code compiles fine.
Nevertheless, there is not really a point using a reference here, if you don't like to change it.
Best practise here is
Use const auto &T if the content shall not be changed. The reference is important, if the type T of auto is large. Otherwise you will copy the object.
Use auto & T if you like to change the content of the container you are iterating.

Is my understanding correct that auto& a is a reference to a pointer?
Yes that's correct
Would using auto a not create a copy of the pointer and take up the same amount of memory
Think of references as an alias for the variable, that is, think of it as a different name.
as for this -> not create a copy of the pointer`
A pointer is very light weight and copying a pointer is relatively cheap (that's how views are implemented, pointers to sequences). If the object underline the container you are iterating is a fundamental type or a pointer to some type, auto is enough. In cases where the underline object of a container is a heavy weight object, then auto& is a better alternative (and ofc you can add const qualifier if you don't want to modify it).


Does using std::move on pair.first invalidate pair.second?

I have the following code in my project at the moment :
std::vector<int> vectorOfFirsts;
std::set<double> setOfSeconds;
std::list<std::pair<int,double>> cachedList;
// do something to fill the list
for (const auto& pair : cachedList)
This list will be very big, and is only necessary for filling the vector and the set (i.e. its content can be invalidated). My question now is, if the following optimization is a good idea:
for (const auto& pair : cachedList)
Will calling std::move on pair.first somehow invalidate pair.second? And will this code provide any speedup for the loop? I know that it would probably be a good idea to fill the vector/set instead of the list, but the list is filled via some legacy code I have no control over / no time to dig in.
Will calling std::move on pair.first somehow invalidate pair.second?
No. first and second are completely different variables happening to reside in some class object. Moving one does not affect the other.
And will this code provide any speedup for the loop?
It depends on the types. The point of move-ing something is to transfer resources, basically. Since the pairs here are of ints and doubles, there are no resources involved, so there is nothing to transfer. Had it been a pair of some matrix type and some tensor type, each with some internal dynamically-allocated buffer, then it might have improved performance.
Take a moment to think about this code. Comments inline
// step one - iterate through cachedList, binding the dereferenced
// iterator to a CONST reference
for (const auto& pair : cachedList)
// step 2 - use std::move to cast the l-value reference pair to an
// r-value. This will have the type const <pairtype> &&. A const
// r-value reference.
// vector::push_back does not have an overload for const T&& (rightly)
// so const T&& will decay to const T&. You will copy the object.
// ditto
It needs to be:
for (auto& pair : cachedList)
And yes, this then becomes a valid and legitimate use of move.

for(auto &pointer : vectorOfPointers) vs for(auto pointer : vectorOfPointers)

I was wondering... is there any real difference between:
for(auto &pointer : vectorOfPointers){pointer->fun();}
for(auto pointer : vectorOfPointers){pointer->fun();}
where vectorOfPointers is declared as simple vector of normal, old-school pointers:
std::vector<SomeType *> vectorOfPointers;
I know that & in for(auto &o : objects) stands for reference, while for(auto o : objects) is the loop on the values. But the "values" in my examples are pointers themselves - I can access the objects to which they point and modify them with both loops.
So, is there any difference? If "not really" (in both the usage and in what the compiler would generate from them), maybe one of those 2 options is an commonly used/approved one?
Lets not add smart pointers to that discussion, I'm rather interested in that precise situation.
So, is there any difference?
In this specific example, no; both loops do the same thing, and should produce (more or less) the same code.
More generally, a non-const reference allows you to modify the vector elements. A copy doesn't, but (for complex types) might be less efficient, and requires the type to be copyable.
maybe one of those 2 options is an commonly used/approved one?
I use the same rule of thumb as for function parameters: by non-const reference only if I want to allow modification; otherwise, by value for simple types or by const reference for complex or non-copyable types.
In the first case you have references to the pointers in your vector. In the second case you have copies of the pointers from your vector. If you were to modify pointer, only in the first case would the pointers inside your vector also be modified.
The fact that your vector contains pointers is really besides the point. This behaviour is the same regardless.

Pass vectors by pointer and reference in C++

A quick question about how to safely pass and use vectors in c++.
I know that when using vectors you have to be very careful with addresses to them and their elements because when you dynamically change their size they may change their address (unless you use reserve etc. but I'm imagining I will not know how much space I will need).
Now I want to pass an existing vector (created elsewhere) to a function which adapts it and changes it size etc. but I'm a little unclear as to what is safe to do because I would normally achieve all of this with pointers. On top of this there is using references to the vector and this just muddies the water for me.
For instance take the two following functions and comments in them
void function1(std::vector<int>* vec){
std::cout<<"the size of the vector is: "<<vec->size()<<std::endl; //presumably valid here
for (int i=0;i<10;i++){
(*vec).pushback(i); //Is this safe? Or will this fail?
// Or: vec->pushback(i); Any difference?
std::cout<<"the size of the vector is: "<<vec->size()<<std::endl; //Is this line valid here??
void function2(std::vector<int>& vec){
std::cout<<"the size of the vector is: "<<vec.size()<<std::endl; //presumably valid here
for (int i=0;i<10;i++){
vec.pushback(i); //Is this safe? Or will this fail?
std::cout<<"the size of the vector is: "<<vec.size()<<std::endl; //Is this line valid here??
Is there any difference between the two functions, both in terms of functionality and in terms of safety?
Or in other words, if I only have a pointer/reference to a vector and need to resize it how can I be sure where the vector will actually be in memory, or what the pointer to the vector really is, after I operate on it. Thanks.
In term of functionality, in the very limited context you gave us, they are essentially the same.
In more general view, if you want to write generic code, consider that operation and operators bind directly to reference, but not to pointers
a = b + c;
To compile requires
A operator+(const B&, const C&);
A* operator+(const B*, const C*);
is all a different beast.
Also, an expression taking reference and taking value have the same syntax, but an expression taking pointers require pointers to be deference to provide equal semantics, but this leads to different expression syntax ( *a + *b against a+b ) thus leading to "less general code".
On the counterpart, if you are writing a class that have runtime polymorphism (and lyskov substitution in mind), you will most likely treat dynamically allocated object, and hence, manipulating them through pointers may be more natural.
There are "grey areas" where the two things mesh, but -in general- pointer taking function are more frequent in runtime based OOP frameworks, while reference taking functions are more frequent in "value based generic algorithms", where static type deduction is expected, and on-stack based allocation is most likely wanted.

What is the difference between these two parameters in C++?

I am new to C++ and currently am learning about templates and iterators.
I saw some code implementing custom iterators and I'm curious to know what the difference between these two iterator parameters is:
iterator & operator=(iterator i) { ... i.someVar }
bool operator==(const iterator & i) { ... i.someVar }
They implement the = and == operators for the particular iterator. Assuming the iterator class has a member variable 'someVar', why is one operator implemented using "iterator i" and another with "iterator & i"? Is there any difference between the two "i.someVar" expressions?
I googled a little and found this question
Address of array - difference between having an ampersand and no ampersand
to which the answer was "the array is converted to a pointer and its value is the address of the first thing in the array." I'm not sure this is related, but it seems like the only valid explanation I could find.
Thank you!
operator= takes its argument by value (a.k.a. by copy). operator == takes its argument by const reference (a.k.a. by address, albeit with a guarantee that the object will not be modified).
An iterator may be/contain a pointer into an array but it is not itself an array.
The ampersand (&) has different contextual meanings. Used in an expression, it behaves as an operator. Used in a declaration such as iterator & i, it forms part of the type iterator & and indicates that i is a reference, as opposed to an object.
For more discussion (with pictures!), see Pass by Reference / Value in C++ and What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value? (this one is language agnostic).
the assignment operator = takes the iterator i as value, which means a copy of the original iterator is made and passed to the function so any changes applied to the iterator i inside the operator method won't affect the original.
the comparison operator == takes a constant reference, which denotes that the original object can't/shouldn't be changed in the method. This makes sense since a comparison operator usually only compares objects without changing them. The reference allows to pass a reference to the original iterator which lives outside the method. This means that the actual object won't be copied which is usually faster.
First, you don't have an address of an array here.
There's no semantic difference, unless you try to make a local change to the local variable i: iterator i will allow a local change, while const iterator & i will not.
Many people are used to writing const type & var for function parameters because passing by reference can be faster than by value, especially if type is big and expensive to copy, but in your case, an iterator should be small and cheap to copy, so there's no gain from avoiding copying. (Actually, having a local copy can enhance locality of reference and help optimization, so I would just pass small values by value (by copying).)

Why does std::vector transfer its constness to the contained objects?

A const int * and an int *const are very different. Similarly with const std::auto_ptr<int> vs. std::auto_ptr<const int>. However, there appears to be no such distinction with const std::vector<int> vs. std::vector<const int> (actually I'm not sure the second is even allowed). Why is this?
Sometimes I have a function which I want to pass a reference to a vector. The function shouldn't modify the vector itself (eg. no push_back()), but it wants to modify each of the contained values (say, increment them). Similarly, I might want a function to only change the vector structure but not modify any of its existing contents (though this would be odd). This kind of thing is possible with std::auto_ptr (for example), but because std::vector::front() (for example) is defined as
const T &front() const;
T &front();
rather than just
T &front() const;
There's no way to express this.
Examples of what I want to do:
//create a (non-modifiable) auto_ptr containing a (modifiable) int
const std::auto_ptr<int> a(new int(3));
//this works and makes sense - changing the value pointed to, not the pointer itself
*a = 4;
//this is an error, as it should be
//create a (non-modifiable) vector containing a (modifiable) int
const std::vector<int> v(1, 3);
//this makes sense to me but doesn't work - trying to change the value in the vector, not the vector itself
v.front() = 4;
//this is an error, as it should be
It's a design decision.
If you have a const container, it usually stands to reason that you don't want anybody to modify the elements that it contains, which are an intrinsic part of it. That the container completely "owns" these elements "solidifies the bond", if you will.
This is in contrast to the historic, more lower-level "container" implementations (i.e. raw arrays) which are more hands-off. As you quite rightly say, there is a big difference between int const* and int * const. But standard containers simply choose to pass the constness on.
The difference is that pointers to int do not own the ints that they point to, whereas a vector<int> does own the contained ints. A vector<int> can be conceptualised as a struct with int members, where the number of members just happens to be variable.
If you want to create a function that can modify the values contained in the vector but not the vector itself then you should design the function to accept iterator arguments.
void setAllToOne(std::vector<int>::iterator begin, std::vector<int>::iterator end)
std::for_each(begin, end, [](int& elem) { elem = 1; });
If you can afford to put the desired functionality in a header, then it can be made generic as:
template<typename OutputIterator>
void setAllToOne(OutputIterator begin, OutputIterator end)
typedef typename iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::reference ref;
std::for_each(begin, end, [](ref elem) { elem = 1; });
One big problem syntactically with what you suggest is this: a std::vector<const T> is not the same type as a std::vector<T>. Therefore, you could not pass a vector<T> to a function that expects a vector<const T> without some kind of conversion. Not a simple cast, but the creation of a new vector<const T>. And that new one could not simply share data with the old; it would have to either copy or move the data from the old one to the new one.
You can get away with this with std::shared_ptr, but that's because those are shared pointers. You can have two objects that reference the same pointer, so the conversion from a std::shared_ptr<T> to shared_ptr<const T> doesn't hurt (beyond bumping the reference count). There is no such thing as a shared_vector.
std::unique_ptr works too because they can only be moved from, not copied. Therefore, only one of them will ever have the pointer.
So what you're asking for is simply not possible.
You are correct, it is not possible to have a vector of const int primarily because the elements will not assignable (requirements for the type of the element contained in the vector).
If you want a function that only modifies the elements of a vector but not add elements to the vector itself, this is primarily what STL does for you -- have functions that are agnostic about which container a sequence of elements is contained in. The function simply takes a pair of iterators and does its thing for that sequence, completely oblivious to the fact that they are contained in a vector.
Look up "insert iterators" for getting to know about how to insert something into a container without needing to know what the elements are. E.g., back_inserter takes a container and all that it cares for is to know that the container has a member function called "push_back".