event hub capture data backlog - azure-eventhub

I would like to capture the metric for and EventHub, capture data backlog . Is there a rest api to get the reault . I am developing a .Net application to monitor azure resource.

You can use the Azure Metrics Restapi or the .NET SDK. Read more about metrics in Azure Monitor Here
Github Sample for monitor-dotnet-metrics-api


How can i use the Google Cloud IoT data direct in the server based app?

I am new to Google Clout Iot core. I just tried the iot core, registered the device and published some data on a topic.
Now i am wondering is only Google functions are used to get/subscribe data from it? or can i also used the data published from a device directly into my applications e.g. node.js or python? like it is usually subscribed through a normal MQTT topic? I dont need a serverless architecture i want to use the data from google iot into my server and store/use it from there..
thanks a lot!
When a message arrives over MQTT or HTTP from a device over IoT Core, that message is published on a GCP Pub/Sub topic using the GCP Pub/Sub infrastructure. What this means is that you can develop a consuming application however you like as long as that application consumes the message from Pub/Sub.
The diagram shown here from the documentation is a good reference.
GCP exposes the API for Pub/Sub to be a subscriber. There are language bindings for a variety of languages.
Cloud Functions is typically seen as a serverless consumer of Pub/Sub messages as it scales to zero and can scale up if there is bursty load. However, there is nothing to prevent you from writing Compute Engine hosted applications or Container hosted applications which can act as subscribers.
Cloud Pub/Sub documentation
Cloud Pub/Sub Client Libraries
I think your question is more on the architectural side of things. You can use IoT Core with something like Pub/Sub and write the data to Cloud Storage in order to later consume it with an application.
I would recommend you to check some of the diagrams from this page if you are interested in knowing which products you could use to best fit your needs.
I hope you find this useful!

How to make an IoT Framework on Cloud

I have started looking into IoT and interested to know how to make IoT framework especially for a manufacturing process on cloud computing environment. I am not sure how to make a IoT framework , suppose i have four or five IoT sensors are being used in a manfucturing environment than how can i use them to create a framework on cloud such google or Azure etc.
Can anybody comment on it . much appreciated
I think that there should be some explanation - let me prepare it for you.
There are different cloud providers which offers services dedicated for IoT solutions, for instance:
Microsoft Azure cloud offers: Azure IoT Hub
Amazon offers: AWS IoT
Google offers: Google Cloud IoT
Now each of theese service offers some tools to integrate them with IoT devices. This is I think what you are talking about. For instance Microsoft provides Azure IoT Hub SDK so you can use it to send data from your device to the cloud and from the cloud to the device.
Now if you have devices and sensors you can intgrate them with cloud services mentioned above. Here you can see how I integrated Raspberry PI2 device and motion sensor with Azure IoT Hub from Microsoft:

What azure/aws services to use to be able to subscribe to particular IoT device

Say I have 1000 IoT devices. Each device sends telemetry data to the Azure cloud each second. There is mobile app which displays that telemetry data. Mobile user can see data from specific IoT device only, based on his login. It's not an issue to receive all those d2c messages in the cloud, for example with Event Hubs (initially i wanted to use IoT Hub, but it's pretty expensive with huge amount of messages). It's also clear how to get general event stream (for example, by listening to events endpoint in IoT hub). However, this stream gives all messages, from all devices. Receiving all messages in mobile app and filtering them there does not look like right choice. How can I subscribe to events from specific IoT device only? Can I do this with Event Hubs and/or IoT Hub only, or do I need to utilize other Azure services? If yes, what will be the most cheap solution.
Original question was just about Azure. But is it possible to achieve what I need with AWS without requiring adding multiple parts to the system. Is Message Broker for AWS IoT what I need here (as I understood, this is built in functionality of AWS IoT Core)?

Real time dashboard with aws services

I am building real-time dashboard using aws services, currently my application using MySQL database(RDS), which service and how would be designed real-time dashboard using Amazon web service, currently my approach is to use kinesis with redshift and connect my application via JDBC connector or use kinesis with s3 and use Athena to show real-time aggregators.
please help.
Thanks in advance.
Although the Amazon Kinesis Docs mention that Kinesis streams can be used to send updates to dashboards, Kinesis has no native mechanism to do this alone. For some very good security reasons it's unwise to allow clients (i.e. from a webpage you serve) to access backend services like Kinesis directly.
Instead, you'll want to set up your application layer (Java, in this case) to listen to the Kinesis streams and expose any relevant events to your client, storing any changes you need to keep track of in your database (RDS, in this case). For a real-time dashboard I'd recommend using something like WebSockets to send events in real time to your webpage from your server, as they're widely supported and easy to use. Heres a tutorial on how to implement WebSockets on GlassFish

Using Amazon SNS with Delphi FireMonkey

I'm trying to create push notifications for my mobile application.
Is it possible integrate Delphi FireMonkey with Amazon SNS services?
(Using Delphi 10 Seattle)
The Amazon APIs are REST based. You can simply use the INDY component library or maybe even the Rest Client that shipped recently with Delphi. Also, Delphi has built in classes for talking to many of the AMAZON services like S3. You can use those as an example.
Amazon Integrator from n/software makes it easy to access Amazon Web Services from Delphi
Easy-to-use components can be used to add, modify and delete objects stored on S3 or SimpleDB, add or remove messages from SQS, integrate with ASW e-commerce services, or control EC2 instances. As well as SNS
Short answer is Yes.
Its possible to use Amazon Cloud API with Delphi. Extending Cloud API, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) let you send notifications using different protocols including email, http and push notifications. (TAmazonSNS Service)
There are 3 provided classes to access Amazon Web Services with Cloud API:
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Simple Database Service (SimpleDB)
Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Also you can check Paweł Głowacki's Amazon Web Services Delphi CodeRage X demos from here.