How to create subdomain on aws and point that from godaddy dns domain - amazon-web-services

I have followed the below link instructions:
The server is nodejs it is running on AWS server 80 port.
I have a domain on GoDaddy and want to point that nodejs server as a subdomain from GoDaddy DNS.
Follow the link above and set up the things accordingly.
Using only node server neither Apache or Nginx
but nothing helps me to get out of the issue

Assuming your domain is and you have it on GoDaddy, follow the steps below:
Create a public hosted zone on Route53. This will create a record-set of type NS with 4 values.
On GoDaddy, create a record-set of type NS called pointing to all 4 names you got from the 1st step.


Redirect a AWS static IP to domain

I have deployed a django based website on my AWS lightsail instance. the web address has a port 8000 (:8000). I own a domain on (host I have created a hosted zone on AWS and pasted the ns values to my provider(factor)'s Nameservers values. In the amazon route53, I have created a new record with a simple redirect A ipv4 and entered the resolver IP address value - my web address with port value. it doesn't work.
Also, I have read that the redirect will not work for its with port numbers. I have tried redirecting my domain to the static ip, then created another hosted zone record trying to redirect the static ip to the ip+port value - error pops up saying it is not a valid address.
I currently use the development server provided by django as it is a personal website and currently it will not have a lot of traffic - portfolio website.
Also, on my domain settings, the Nameservers are updated and in the whois values, new Nameservers are seen. I have only added the 4 NS values. AWS also created SOA ip values but I was not able to add them to the domain (Inputs were not taken by fatcow ).
In the NSLookup website, I can see NS values and SOA values which are on the AWS hosted zone but A records show none.
Edit: sorry for the confusion. my domain is I'm not a web dev but I'm trying to deploy a django based portfolio website. I have added Amazon Lightsail DNS nameservers to my domain ( the web address is :8000 port. Without the port number, the website isn't loading at all. Only with the port number along the static IP, the website loads. 'A' record isn't taking the port number. I did add a SRV record with the port number(in AWS route 53) but still doesn't work. when checked from the website, the nameservers are updated correctly
Not reproduceable.
> host has address mail is handled by 10
Most probably your changes in DNS have already propagated.
Steps to successfully deploy one or more websites on lightsail AWS when the domain is on another website like godaddy/fatcow.
Create a dns zone in the networking section of the lightsail instance.
Copy the name servers from the dns zone and paste it in the name servers section of the domain provider (fatcow/godaddy) - it might take upto a day for the values to get updated - i used to see if my nameservers were updated.
Create 'A' records and SRV records pointing to the static ip of the lightsail instance.
Install Nginx
Create a simple script with the (name of the website).conf in the conf.d folder/available sites folder
Add the following script:
listen 80;
location / { proxy_pass http://ipAdd:PortNum;
Repeat the same code block with different domains and redirect ports. I guess we can also use 301 redirect to achieve the same.
This might or might not be the proper way of achieving what I required but it'll work.

how to point AWS Route53 subdomain to AWS Lightsail instance?

I have setup a Wordpress on Lightsail, and have created a static IP which I can access WP ok.
I have migrated my domain across to Route53 from another provider and am trying to point to my Lightsail instance.
In Lightsail I have setup a DNS record like this:
It then lists these DNS servers in Lightsail:
I've taken those DNS servers and set on the root of my domain in Route 53 under Domains > Registered Domains
I am not sure if that was the correct thing to do, as I will have other subdomains eventually that will point elsewhere, should the Lightsail DNS servers be added at that level? If not, what do I set them back to be?
I have also created a Route53 Hosted Zone, and have created an "A" entry that links to, is that required?
As mentioned in the comments, I was facing the same challenge.
What ended up working for me was simply creating an Alias Record (A) for my subdomain,, that points to the static IP of my Lightsail instance.
I did not add Lightsail's DNS servers anywhere on Route53.
I made sure that the NS entries for my root domain – – pointed to the Name servers entries on my registered domain in Route53.
You can find the name servers associated with your Route53 registered domain by going to Registered domains >; they're located on the upper-right corner.

ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Route 53 / Elastic Beanstalk

I have been trying to connect my domain with my elastic beanstalk instance.
My domain was purchased off GoDaddy and I have updated the nameservers to point to AWS and verified through dig. If dig comes up with the NS, it means GoDaddy is properly configured to point to the DNS right?
The Test Record Set function also does not show any error and has a proper response returned which has NOERROR
Problem is I still receive an ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED everytime I try to load the website on browsers even tried on different devices
I have also checked the alias used in my Hosted Zone and its up and running
What I have already done:
Initialized and created Beanstalk environment - Up and Running
Public Hosted Zone - Created A record for
GoDaddy DNS NS - updated with AWS 4 nameservers
Checks I have done:
Internal Test Record for A
Dig Command
What could I be missing?
So I figured "' was working but '' alone was not. I'm assuming route53 will automatically use the www A record? But seems like its not?
Hope ya'll could help
Got it to work.
Looks like besides creating a www A record, I had to create a record for the root domain i.e in the Record Set of my Hosted Zone

sub domain dns delegation from AWS Route 53 to somewhere else

Let's say I have domain called registered through AWS Route 53.
And I want to create subdomain called
But I want to use custom dns server running on AWS EC2
I created following Records
1. NS
2. A X.X.X.X
3. DNS is up and running on X.X.X.X
When I do dig and nslookup I am getting error.
What should it be the SOA section?
and how can I make it to work?

route53 naked domain not reaching amazon elastic load balancer

I`m currently using route53 for 2 domains that points to the same website.
Lets assume they are and, I`ve created 2 hosted zones and maintained the configuration created by default. So, initially I had entries for NS an SOA in each hosted zone.
My EC2 instances are behind Elastic Load Balancer, so my first step was to create aliases for both domains and it naked domains, having the following scenario:
name type value NS Generated value SOA Generated value A ALIAS to my ELB
* A ALIAS to my ELB A ALIAS to my ELB
name type value NS Generated value SOA Generated value A ALIAS to my ELB
* A ALIAS to my ELB A ALIAS to my ELB
Both domains are pointing to the same ELB, where Apache configs to Then, my Django app subdomain middleware redirects to if request.get_host contains the .com.xx substring.
It is working perfect for both and as for, my problem is with that never reaches my server.
I`ve already tried to make a PTR entry ->, but it was not the solution.
Anyone can point where my DNS config for this naked domain is failing?
Thank you
Firstly lets worry about [ we will take later]
Did you made changes on ur Domain registrar; so as to give DNS servers as that of Amazon ? What is the output you are getting when u do :
also what is the output for
Yesterday night I was able to redirect my naked domain properly, it was a bug in my brazilian provider that was dealing with the registrar. Actually, I just gave them back the control of the DNS table and took it away (returning it to route53).
Anyway, they were being used as a bridge to the registrar since I was migrating. Now I`m dealing directly with and the problem is gone.