How to Implement Collision Detection - c++

I'm creating a program which simulates a robot moving around a map. I have an environment class which holds the robot and obstacles the robot could run into. At the moment I have class objects for my robot, and obstacles and I have a function which tells me if they collide (returns true/false). I am just not sure how to put it into the movement function for the robot.
The robot is a square and has a center point (x,y) a width, length and some orientation in degrees (fyi, the environment class is a friend of the robot class). The obstacles are circles with a center point (x,y) and a radius.
class Environment{
Robot robot;
vector<Obstacle> obstacles;
//random obstacle generation function
bool collision_circle(Obstacle obstacle) {
//Check if the circle intersects any of the corners of the robot
std::vector<Point> points;
Point obst_center(obstacle.return_x(), obstacle.return_y());
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
if (points[i].distance <= obstacle.return_radius()) { return true; }
//Sort the points by distance away from the obstacle
std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(), less_than());
//Use the two closest to the obstacle to create a line
double m = (points[0].x - points[1].x) / (points[0].y -
double b = points[0].y - (m * points[0].x);
//Determine a line perpendicular which intersects the obstacle's
double m_perp = 1 / m;
double b_perp = obst_center.y - (m * obst_center.x);
Point on Robot closest to obstacle
double new_x = (b - b_perp) / (m_perp - m);
double new_y = m_perp * new_x + b_perp;
distance between points
double diff_x = obst_center.x - new_x;
double diff_y = obst_center.y - new_y;
double distance = sqrt(pow(diff_x, 2) + pow(diff_y, 2));
if (distance <= obstacle.return_radius()) { return true; }
else { return false; }
Environment(Robot& t_robot): robot(t_robot) {}
void forward(double num_inches){
robot.y += num_inches * sin(robot.orientation * convert_deg);
//Convert_deg is a global variable = PI/180
robot.x += num_inches * cos(robot.orientation * convert_deg);
//void backward, left, right, etc.
I tried having the forward function check for intersection with each obstacle (up to 15 on the map) after a certain increment of distance, but that froze up my program or would have required thousands of calculations for each inch covered. Am I even on the right track in how to execute this? I am also using SFML for graphics, but, from what I know, it only supports bounding box collision detection. Also, I want the graphics to be something secondary to the program. I am writing this so that I can create and test an program for the robot's movement and would eventually like to just run the sample and be told if it worked and watch the replay if I want.


Sorting RHS/LHS Objects in Vehicle Path C++

So I currently am trying to create some method which when taking in a simulation vehicles position, direction, and an objects position, Will determine whether or not the object lies on the right and side or left hand side of that vehicles direction. An image will be shown here,Simple Diagram of Problem Situation
So far I have tried to use the cross product and some other methods to solve the problem i will include relevant code blocks here:
void Class::sortCones()
// Clearing both _lhsCones and _rhsCones vectors
for (int i =0; i < _cones.size(); i++)
if (indicateSide(_x, _y, _cones[i].x(), _cones[i].y(), _yaw) > 0)
if (indicateSide(_x, _y, _cones[i].x(), _cones[i].y(), _yaw) == 0)
double Class::indicateSide(double xCar, double yCar, double xCone, double yCone, double yawCar)
// Compute the i and j compoents of the yaw measurment as a unit vector i.e Vector Mag = 1
double iOne = cos(yawCar);
double jOne = sin(yawCar);
// Create the Car to Cone Vector
double iTwo = xCone - xCar;
double jTwo = yCone - yCar;
//ensure to normalise the vCar to Cone Vector
double magTwo = std::sqrt(std::pow(iTwo, 2) + std::pow(jTwo, 2));
iTwo = iTwo / magTwo;
jTwo = jTwo / magTwo;
// - old method
// Using the transformation Matrix with Theta = yaw (angle in radians) transform the axis to the augmented 2D space
// Take the Cross Product of < Ex, 0 > x < x', y' > where x', y' have the same location in the simulation space.
// double Ex = cos(yawCar)*iOne - sin(yawCar)*jOne;
// double Ey = sin(yawCar)*iOne + cos(yawCar)*jOne;
double result = iOne*jTwo - jOne*iTwo;
return result;
The car currently just seems to run off in a straight line and one of the funny elements is the sorting method of left and right any direction is GREATLY appreciated.

Function that finds the specified distance from a point to any part of a rectangle

Write a function that tests if a point is within a specified distance of any part of a filled rectangle. The rectangle is specified by its center point, extents and rotation.
struct s_Vector
float x;
float y;
struct s_Rectangle
s_Vector center; // center of the rect in world space
s_Vector localX; // local space X direction vector, normalized
s_Vector localY; // local space Y direction vector, normalized
float fExtentsX; // distance from the rect center to the right edge
float fExtentsY; // distance from the rect center to the top edge
bool IsPointWithinDistOfRectangle(s_Rectangle & rect, s_Vector & point, float distance);
So I am so confused on how to use the localX and localy for the rotation of the triangle and then how to use that to fnd if the point is at a specified distance from the rectangle or not.
For an arbitrary rectangle, we can determine if a point is inside the rectangle as follows:
bool IsPointWithinRectangle(s_Rectangle & rect, s_Vector & point) {
s_Vector dist = abs(point -;
float dist_x = dot(dist, rect.localX);
float dist_y = dot(dist, rect.localY);
return dist_x <= rect.fExtentsX && dist_y <= rect.fExtentsY;
This uses the dot function to project the distance onto the local X and Y vectors. The extents of the rectangle are defined in terms of multiples of these local X and Y vectors, so we test against these extents.
If we now want to add the "within distance" constraint as well:
bool IsPointWithinDistOfRectangle(s_Rectangle & rect, s_Vector & point, float distance) {
s_Vector dist = abs(point -;
float dist_x = dot(dist, rect.localX) - rect.fExtentsX;
float dist_y = dot(dist, rect.localY) - rect.fExtentsY;
if (dist_x <= 0 && dist_y <= 0)
return true; // In the rectangular area
// If one of the two distances is negative (ie in the rectangle),
// put it on the edge by setting distance to 0.
dist_x = max(dist_x, 0);
dist_y = max(dist_y, 0);
// Finally, check if we are within a distance of the rectangle.
// If the point is along one of the sides, one of dist_x and dist_y is 0,
// so compare the (squared) distance to `distance`.
// Otherwise the point must be in a radius around the corner.
return (dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y) <= distance * distance;

SFML 2.1 how to make one sprite face another sprite

I am trying to make a shooter game, and while trying to code the enemies
to face towards the player, I tried to use trigonometry to find the necessary rotation, but the code didn't work, and the enemy rotated erratically. This is the code:
void face(sf::Sprite& target, sf::Sprite& subject){
int adjacent = subject.getPosition().x - target.getPosition().x;
int opposite = target.getPosition().y - subject.getPosition().y;
if (opposite == 0){
if (adjacent == 0){
//if (adjacent < 0){
//adjacent += 180;
float result=atan(/*opposite / adjacent*/adjacent/opposite)*180/PI;
Any advice would be appreciated!
You must use float with adjacent and opposite. And change result with this:
float angle = atan(adjacent / opposite) * 180 / PI;
if (opposite > 0)
angle += 180;

Intersection problems with ray-sphere intersection

I'm writing a simple ray tracer and to keep it simple for now I've decided to just have spheres in my scene. I am at a stage now where I merely want to confirm that my rays are intersecting a sphere in the scene properly, nothing else. I've created a Ray and Sphere class and then a function in my main file which goes through each pixel to see if there's an intersection (relevant code will be posted below). The problem is that the whole intersection with the sphere is acting rather strangely. If I create a sphere with center (0, 0, -20) and a radius of 1 then I get only one intersection which is always at the very first pixel of what would be my image (upper-left corner). Once I reach a radius of 15 I suddenly get three intersections in the upper-left region. A radius of 18 gives me six intersections and once I reach a radius of 20+ I suddenly get an intersection for EACH pixel so something is acting as it's not supposed to do.
I was suspicious that my ray-sphere intersection code might be at fault here but having looked through it and looked through the net for more information most solutions describe the very same approach I use so I assume it shouldn't(!) be at fault here. So...I am not exactly sure what I am doing wrong, it could be my intersection code or it could be something else causing the problems. I just can't seem to find it. Could it be that I am thinking wrong when giving values for the sphere and rays? Below is relevant code
Sphere class:
Sphere::Sphere(glm::vec3 center, float radius)
: m_center(center), m_radius(radius), m_radiusSquared(radius*radius)
//Sphere-ray intersection. Equation: (P-C)^2 - R^2 = 0, P = o+t*d
//(P-C)^2 - R^2 => (o+t*d-C)^2-R^2 => o^2+(td)^2+C^2+2td(o-C)-2oC-R^2
//=> at^2+bt+c, a = d*d, b = 2d(o-C), c = (o-C)^2-R^2
//o = ray origin, d = ray direction, C = sphere center, R = sphere radius
bool Sphere::intersection(Ray& ray) const
//Squared distance between ray origin and sphere center
float squaredDist = glm::dot(ray.origin()-m_center, ray.origin()-m_center);
//If the distance is less than the squared radius of the sphere...
if(squaredDist <= m_radiusSquared)
//Point is in sphere, consider as no intersection existing
//std::cout << "Point inside sphere..." << std::endl;
return false;
//Will hold solution to quadratic equation
float t0, t1;
//Calculating the coefficients of the quadratic equation
float a = glm::dot(ray.direction(),ray.direction()); // a = d*d
float b = 2.0f*glm::dot(ray.direction(),ray.origin()-m_center); // b = 2d(o-C)
float c = glm::dot(ray.origin()-m_center, ray.origin()-m_center) - m_radiusSquared; // c = (o-C)^2-R^2
//Calculate discriminant
float disc = (b*b)-(4.0f*a*c);
if(disc < 0) //If discriminant is negative no intersection happens
//std::cout << "No intersection with sphere..." << std::endl;
return false;
else //If discriminant is positive one or two intersections (two solutions) exists
float sqrt_disc = glm::sqrt(disc);
t0 = (-b - sqrt_disc) / (2.0f * a);
t1 = (-b + sqrt_disc) / (2.0f * a);
//If the second intersection has a negative value then the intersections
//happen behind the ray origin which is not considered. Otherwise t0 is
//the intersection to be considered
//std::cout << "No intersection with sphere..." << std::endl;
return false;
//std::cout << "Intersection with sphere..." << std::endl;
return true;
#include "Sphere.h"
#include "Ray.h"
void renderScene(const Sphere& s);
const int imageWidth = 400;
const int imageHeight = 400;
int main()
//Create sphere with center in (0, 0, -20) and with radius 10
Sphere testSphere(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -20.0f), 10.0f);
return 0;
//Shoots rays through each pixel and check if there's an intersection with
//a given sphere. If an intersection exists then the counter is increased.
void renderScene(const Sphere& s)
//Ray r(origin, direction)
Ray r(glm::vec3(0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f));
//Will hold the total amount of intersections
int counter = 0;
//Loops through each pixel...
for(int y=0; y<imageHeight; y++)
for(int x=0; x<imageWidth; x++)
//Change ray direction for each pixel being processed
r.setDirection(glm::vec3(((x-imageWidth/2)/(float)imageWidth), ((imageHeight/2-y)/(float)imageHeight), -1.0f));
//If current ray intersects sphere...
//Increase counter
std::cout << counter << std::endl;
Your second solution (t1) to the quadratic equation is wrong in the case disc > 0, where you need something like:
float sqrt_disc = glm::sqrt(disc);
t0 = (-b - sqrt_disc) / (2 * a);
t1 = (-b + sqrt_disc) / (2 * a);
I think it's best to write out the equation in this form rather than turning the division by 2 into a multiplication by 0.5, because the more the code resembles the mathematics, the easier it is to check.
A few other minor comments:
It seemed confusing to re-use the name disc for sqrt(disc), so I used a new variable name above.
You don't need to test for t0 > t1, since you know that both a and sqrt_disc are positive, and so t1 is always greater than t0.
If the ray origin is inside the sphere, it's possible for t0 to be negative and t1 to be positive. You don't seem to handle this case.
You don't need a special case for disc == 0, as the general case computes the same values as the special case. (And the fewer special cases you have, the easier it is to check your code.)
If I understand your code correctly, you might want to try:
Right now, you've positioned the camera one unit away from the screen, but the rays can shoot as much as 400 units to the right and down. This is a very broad field of view. Also, your rays are only sweeping one octent of space. This is why you only get a handful of pixels in the upper-left corner of the screen. The code I wrote above should rectify that.

Sporadic Collision Detection

I've been working on detecting collision between to object in my game. Right now everything tavels vertically, but would like to keep the option for other movement open. It's classic 2d vertical space shooter.
Right now I loop through every object, checking for collisions:
for(std::list<Object*>::iterator iter = mObjectList.begin(); iter != mObjectList.end();) {
Object *m = (*iter);
for(std::list<Object*>::iterator innerIter = ++iter; innerIter != mObjectList.end(); innerIter++ ) {
Object *s = (*innerIter);
if(m->getType() == s->getType()) {
if(m->checkCollision(s)) {
Here is how I check for a collision:
bool checkCollision(Object *other) {
float radius = mDiameter / 2.f;
float theirRadius = other->getDiameter() / 2.f;
Vector<float> ourMidPoint = getAbsoluteMidPoint();
Vector<float> theirMidPoint = other->getAbsoluteMidPoint();
// If the other object is in between our path on the y axis
if(std::min(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius) <= theirMidPoint.y &&
theirMidPoint.y <= std::max(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius)) {
// Get the distance between the midpoints on the x axis
float xd = abs(ourMidPoint.x - theirMidPoint.x);
// If the distance between the two midpoints
// is greater than both of their radii together
// then they are too far away to collide
if(xd > radius+theirRadius) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
The problem is it will randomly detect collisions correctly, but other times does not detect it at all. It's not the if statement breaking away from the object loop because the objects do have different types. The closer the object is to the top of the screen, the better chance it has of collision getting detected correctly. Closer to the bottom of the screen, the less chance it has of getting detected correctly or even at all. However, these situations don't always occur. The diameter for the objects are massive (10 and 20) to see if that was the problem, but it doesn't help much at all.
EDIT - Updated Code
bool checkCollision(Object *other) {
float radius = mDiameter / 2.f;
float theirRadius = other->getDiameter() / 2.f;
Vector<float> ourMidPoint = getAbsoluteMidPoint();
Vector<float> theirMidPoint = other->getAbsoluteMidPoint();
// Find the distance between the two points from the center of the object
float a = theirMidPoint.x - ourMidPoint.x;
float b = theirMidPoint.y - ourMidPoint.y;
// Find the hypotenues
double c = (a*a)+(b*b);
double radii = pow(radius+theirRadius, 2.f);
// If the distance between the points is less than or equal to the radius
// then the circles intersect
if(c <= radii*radii) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Two circular objects collide when the distance between their centers is small enough. You can use the following code to check this:
double distanceSquared =
pow(ourMidPoint.x - theirMidPoint.x, 2.0) +
pow(ourMidPoint.x - theirMidPoint.x, 2.0);
bool haveCollided = (distanceSquared <= pow(radius + theirRadius, 2.0));
In order to check whether there was a collision between two points in time, you can check for collision at the start of the time interval and at the end of it; however, if the objects move very fast, the collision detection can fail (i guess you have encountered this problem for falling objects that have the fastest speed at the bottom of the screen).
The following might make the collision detection more reliable (though still not perfect). Suppose the objects move with constant speed; then, their position is a linear function of time:
our_x(t) = our_x0 + our_vx * t;
our_y(t) = our_y0 + our_vy * t;
their_x(t) = their_x0 + their_vx * t;
their_y(t) = their_y0 + their_vy * t;
Now you can define the (squared) distance between them as a quadratic function of time. Find at which time it assumes its minimum value (i.e. its derivative is 0); if this time belongs to current time interval, calculate the minimum value and check it for collision.
This must be enough to detect collisions almost perfectly; if your application works heavily with free-falling objects, you might want to refine the movement functions to be quadratic:
our_x(t) = our_x0 + our_v0x * t;
our_y(t) = our_y0 + our_v0y * t + g/2 * t^2;
This logic is wrong:
if(std::min(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius) <= theirMidPoint.y &&
theirMidPoint.y <= std::max(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius))
// then a collision is possible, check x
(The logic inside the braces is wrong too, but that should produce false positives, not false negatives.) Checking whether a collision has occurred during a time interval can be tricky; I'd suggest checking for a collision at the present time, and getting that to work first. When you check for a collision (now) you can't check x and y independently, you must look at the distance between the object centers.
The edited code is still not quite right.
// Find the hypotenues
double c = (a*a)+(b*b); // actual hypotenuse squared
double radii = pow(radius+theirRadius, 2.f); // critical hypotenuse squared
if(c <= radii*radii) { // now you compare a distance^2 to a distance^4
return true; // collision
It should be either this:
double c2 = (a*a)+(b*b); // actual hypotenuse squared
double r2 = pow(radius+theirRadius, 2.f); // critical hypotenuse squared
if(c2 <= r2) {
return true; // collision
or this:
double c2 = (a*a)+(b*b); // actual hypotenuse squared
double c = pow(c2, 0.5); // actual hypotenuse
double r = radius + theirRadius; // critical hypotenuse
if(c <= r) {
return true; // collision
Your inner loop needs to start at mObjectList.begin() instead of iter.
The inner loop needs to iterate over the entire list otherwise you miss collision candidates the further you progress in the outer loop.