How to make DRF with aliready exists Django app? - django

I would like to create DRF api.
In my case, I have already existing Django app.
I would like to add api to this existing app.
But I don't know how can I define DRF's models.
There is a using table in the existing app.
So, I run following command
python3 inspectdb
I think that I'll reuse those models, but I have a complicated custom user model.
How to create DRF app with already existing Django app ?


Django create and register model backed by mongo

I am using Django with pymongo and there are reasons within the team to not use Djongo for MongoDb.
Currently I am stuck at registering a model and set that in AUTH_USER_MODEL.
I have created a custom user to handle auth via Mongo but I am not sure how to register it as AUTH_USER_MODEL as Django needs a real model there.
What is the workaround if any on this?

Detect database DDL schema changes with Django

Let's say that we have a Django app that looks on a legacy database.
If someone make changes on some database tables from a db client as DBeaver for example and not through Django models, is there a way to identify these changes?
You can do in a terminal, inside your Django project directory : python inspectdb >
You will have models related to your tables.
By default, inspectdb creates unmanaged models. That is, managed = False in the model’s Meta class tells Django not to manage each table’s creation, modification, and deletion.
If you do want to allow Django to manage the table’s lifecycle, you’ll need to change the managed option above to True (or remove it because True is its default value).

Is there a way to automatically generate objects in a Django Model?

I am making a model that generates 100 code automatically as a task
Django inspectdb command
Once you have set up the database connection in Django, you can auto-generate the models. Yes you heard it correctly! Django provides a utility to auto-generate models from an existing database via inspectdb command.
Django Docs

is there any way can i use the Django for existing database? if yes how to use models?

I am working on already existing data on relational database. Now question is that how to build models and how to update the tables with new data coming from user (technically django forms)?
Django natively supports creating models for and working with existing data. From the documentation:
Integrating Django with a legacy database
Django will still need to create several of its own tables, but will adapt to use your existing tables. From the doc, you can auto-create models like this:
python inspectdb >
You'll need to determine whether you want to manage updates to the table structure, but that's getting into details that will be specific to your project.

Migrate models outside current app

I'm using django-modeltranslation in a Django 1.8 project. This app generates fields on the fly to store translations. It's possible to mark models as translatable by creating an Options class, like registering models with the Django admin.
I marked a model from a third party app as translatable. Django's migrations system picks up the changes and generates migrations in the app outside of my project. I want to store these migrations in an app in my project, how can I do that? I can only give a model name to migration operations, not a fully qualified app name.model name string.