When unit testing my ViewModel, list always returns empty - unit-testing

I'm trying to learn unit testing, I have my code factored into an MVVM(i) architecture, but when I run my testParseToList() test function, it always comes back with an empty list and I can't figure out why. I fear it may have something to do with the i part of the MVVM(i) and whether or not I'm correctly mocking my viewmodel. I'm starting with my most simple viewmodel in hopes to get a grasp of the concepts before moving onto my more complex ones.
class OfflineViewModelUnitTest {
val rule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
var offlineViewModel: OfflineViewModel = OfflineViewModel(OfflineInteractorImpl())
fun setup() {
// this.offlineViewModel = OfflineViewModel(OfflineInteractorImpl())
fun testParseToList() {
val test = offlineViewModel.parseTextToList("dried bonito extract,\n" +
" ketchup,\n" +
" millet,\n" +
" corn & wheat protein")
val a = "dried bonito extract"
val b = "ketchup"
val c = "millet"
val d = "corn & wheat protein"
val expectedResult = listOf(a, b, c, d)
assertEquals(expectedResult, test)
class OfflineViewModel(private val offlineInteractor: OfflineInteractor): ViewModel() {
init {
fun parseTextToList(firebaseVisionTextString: String): MutableList<String> {
Log.d("here it is", firebaseVisionTextString)
return offlineInteractor.parseTextToList(firebaseVisionTextString)
fun readCsvFromAssetFolder(inputStream: InputStream): List<String>{
return offlineInteractor.readCsvFromAssetFolder(inputStream)
class OfflineInteractorImpl: OfflineInteractor {
override fun parseTextToList(firebaseVisionTextString: String): MutableList<String> {
val ingredientsList: MutableList<String> = firebaseVisionTextString.split(",").map { it.trim() }.toMutableList()
return ingredientsList
override fun readCsvFromAssetFolder(inputStream: InputStream): List<String> {
val csvLine: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList()
var content: Array<String>?
val br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(inputStream))
for (line in br.lines())
content = line.split((",").toRegex()).dropLastWhile{ it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray()
catch (e: IOException) {
return csvLine
Test Results
Expected :[dried bonito extract, ketchup, millet, corn & wheat protein]
Actual :[]

Like second said, since you mocked offlineViewModel it is going to return an empty string, unless you define something for it to return using when().
Source: https://github.com/mockito/mockito/wiki/FAQ#what-values-do-mocks-return-by-default


Coroutine testing fails with "This job has not completed yet"

I'm following Craig Russell's blog post about testing coroutines: https://craigrussell.io/2019/11/unit-testing-coroutine-suspend-functions-using-testcoroutinedispatcher/ but I can't get this test to pass:
fun multipleLaunch() = runBlockingTest {
var result = 0
val jobs = mutableListOf<Job>()
for (j in 0 until 10) {
val job = launch(testDispatcherProvider.io()) {
jobs.forEach { job ->
assertEquals(10, result)
Basically I'm launching a bunch of parallel jobs and want to get the result once all of them are finished.
I'm getting this, by now classical exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: This job has not completed yet
Please advise how to get this to work as intended.
My complete code:
class LaunchTest {
var coroutinesTestRule = CoroutineTestRule()
val testDispatcherProvider = object : DispatcherProvider {
override fun io(): CoroutineDispatcher = coroutinesTestRule.testDispatcher
fun multipleLaunch() = runBlockingTest {
var result = 0
val jobs = mutableListOf<Job>()
for (j in 0 until 10) {
val job = launch(testDispatcherProvider.io()) {
jobs.forEach { job ->
assertEquals(10, result)
class CoroutineTestRule constructor(val testDispatcher: TestCoroutineDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()) : TestWatcher() {
override fun starting(description: Description?) {
override fun finished(description: Description?) {
I totally blame Android Studio's auto-completion for this. :)
I simply ran the wrong "runBlockingTest()".
Replace this line:
fun multipleLaunch() = runBlockingTest {
with this line:
fun multipleLaunch() = coroutinesTestRule.testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
Instead of runBlockingTest{} I used runBlocking{} because of Issue 1204

mock retrofit suspend function infinite response

I would like to test case when server does not return response, and we trigger the next network call ( like for example search query).
So we basically have a method inside ViewModel and Retrofit method
interface RetrofitApi {
#GET("Some Url")
suspend fun getVeryImportantStuff(): String
class TestViewModel(private val api: RetrofitApi) : ViewModel() {
private var askJob: Job? = null
fun load(query: String) {
askJob = viewModelScope.launch {
val response = api.getVeryImportantStuff()
And I would like to test case when new query is asked, and the old one didn't returns.
for case when response returns test is easy
fun testReturnResponse() {
runBlockingTest {
val mockApi:RetrofitApi = mock()
val viewModel = TestViewModel(mockApi)
val response = "response from api"
val query = "fancy query"
//verify what happens
But I don't know how to mock suspend function that did't come back, and test case when new request is triggered like this
fun test2Loads() {
runBlockingTest {
val mockApi:RetrofitApi = mock()
val viewModel = TestViewModel(mockApi)
val response = "response from api"
val secondResponse = "response from api2"
val query = "fancy query"
.thenReturn(/* Here return some fancy stuff that is suspend* or something like onBlocking{} stub but not blocking but dalayed forever/)
//verify that first response did not happens , and only second one triggered all the stuff
Any ideas ?
EDIT: I'm not really attached to mockito, any mock library will be good :)
I came up with kind of solution to the problem, but slightly different than I was thinking at the beginning
interface CoroutineUtils {
val io: CoroutineContext
interface RetrofitApi {
#GET("Some Url")
suspend fun getVeryImportantStuff(query: String): String
class TestViewModel(private val api: RetrofitApi,
private val utils: CoroutineUtils) : ViewModel() {
private val text = MutableLiveData<String>()
val testStream: LiveData<String> = text
private var askJob: Job? = null
fun load(query: String) {
askJob = viewModelScope.launch {
val response = withContext(utils.io) { api.getVeryImportantStuff(query) }
And the test scenario would look like this
class TestViewModelTest {
val coroutineScope = MainCoroutineScopeRule()
val instantTaskExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
lateinit var retrofit: RetrofitApi
lateinit var utils: CoroutineUtils
val tottalyDifferentDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
lateinit var viewModel: TestViewModel
fun setup() {
retrofit = mock()
utils = mock()
viewModel = TestViewModel(retrofit, utils)
fun test2Loads() {
runBlockingTest {
val response = "response from api"
val response2 = "response from api2"
val query = "fancy query"
val query2 = "fancy query2"
val mutableListOfStrings = mutableListOf<String>()
viewModel.testStream.observeForever {
mutableListOfStrings shouldHaveSize 1
mutableListOfStrings[0] shouldBe response2
verify(retrofit, times(1)).getVeryImportantStuff(query2)
It is not exactly what I wanted, because retrofit call is not triggered when load method is called for the first time, but it is the closest solution.
What would be a perfect test for me will be assertion that retrofit was called twice , but only the second one returned to ViewModel. Solution for that will be to wrap Retrofit around method that returns suspend function like this
interface RetrofitWrapper {
suspend fun getVeryImportantStuff(): suspend (String)->String
class TestViewModel(private val api: RetrofitWrapper,
private val utils: CoroutineUtils) : ViewModel() {
private val text = MutableLiveData<String>()
val testStream: LiveData<String> = text
private var askJob: Job? = null
fun load(query: String) {
askJob = viewModelScope.launch {
val veryImportantStuff = api.getVeryImportantStuff()
val response = withContext(utils.io) {
and test for it
fun test2Loads() {
runBlockingTest {
val response = "response from api"
val response2 = "response from api2"
val query = "fancy query"
val query2 = "fancy query2"
val mutableListOfStrings = mutableListOf<String>()
.thenReturn(suspendCoroutine {
it.resume { response }
whenever(retrofit.getVeryImportantStuff()).thenReturn(suspendCoroutine {
it.resume { response2 }
viewModel.testStream.observeForever {
mutableListOfStrings shouldHaveSize 1
mutableListOfStrings[0] shouldBe response2
verify(retrofit, times(2)).getVeryImportantStuff()
But in my opinion it is a little bit too much in interference in code only to be testable. But maybe I'm wrong :P
Looks like you want to test scenario when you have unreachable server, timeout or something similar.
In this case while doing your mock you can say that on first try it returns object and then on second executions throws exception like java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out.
.thenThrow(ConnectException("timed out"))
And this this should work but you will have to do try/catch block in ViewModel witch is not ideal. I would suggest you to add additional abstraction.
You could you Repository or UseCase or whatever pattern/name you like to move the network call there. Then introduce sealed class Result to encapsulate behaviour and make your ViewModel more readable.
class TestViewModel(val repo: Repo): ViewModel() {
private var askJob: Job? = null
fun load(query: String) {
askJob = viewModelScope.launch {
when (repo.getStuff()) {
is Result.Success -> TODO()
is Result.Failure -> TODO()
class Repo(private val api: Api) {
suspend fun getStuff() : Result {
return try {
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
sealed class Result {
data class Success<out T: Any>(val data: T) : Result()
data class Failure(val error: Throwable) : Result()
interface Api {
suspend fun getVeryImportantStuff() : String
With that level of abstraction your ViewModelTest only checks what happens in two cases.
Hope that's helpful!

How to do a Mockito Unit Testing on ViewModel in Kotlin

I am so clueless of my submission with is the Mockito Unit Testing for the Live Data from the ViewModels in Kotlin language. Here are some codes. I hope that I could test the live data from inside of the viewmodel using verify on change with observers.
class NextMatchViewModel : ViewModel() {
val nextMatchList = MutableLiveData<ArrayList<Events>>()
fun setNextMatchList(id: Int) {
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
val api = retrofit.create(ApiService::class.java)
api.getNextMatch(id).enqueue(object : Callback<EventsArray> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<EventsArray>, response: Response<EventsArray>) {
val results = response.body()
val eventsList: ArrayList<Events>?
eventsList = results!!.events as ArrayList<Events>?
override fun onFailure(call: Call<EventsArray>, t: Throwable) {
Log.d("ysuf", "onFailure " + t.message)
fun getLiveData(): MutableLiveData<ArrayList<Events>> {
return nextMatchList
Thank you very much for the answer !

Mocking suspend function with Mockito returns null

I have the following classes
interface CarsApi {
suspend fun fetchCar() : Car
class FetchCarUseCase(private val carsApi: CarsApi) {
suspend fun execute: Car = withContext(dispatcherProvider.io()) {
class ViewModel(private val fetchCarUseCase: FetchCarUseCase) {
private var car: Car
suspend fun retrieveCar() {
car = fetchCarUseCase.execute()
I want to write an ermetic test for the viewModel and the useCase:
fun testCarFetching() = runBlockingTest {
val aCar = Car()
val mockApi = mock<CarsApi>()
val fetchCarUseCase = FetchCarUseCase(mockApi)
val viewModel = ViewModel(fetchCarUseCase)
/* assert stuff on viewModel.car*/
But the viewModel.car always seems to be null. Inside the test body mockApi.fetchCar() does retrieve the provided value, but inside the FetchCarUseCase it does not. Also if I remove the suspend keyword from the interface, the mocking seems to be working fine.
At the moment, due to some other conditions I cannot use Mockk library, so I'm stuck with Mockito.
Am I missing something?
The used dependencies:
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.28.2'
testImplementation('com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2:mockito-kotlin:2.1.0') {
exclude module: 'mockito-core'
testImplementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:1.3.2
In case anyone else has to deal with this problem, here is the infrastructure I have build.
First, in all the classes that launch threads inject through the constructor or property a kotlinx.coroutines.DispatcherProvider. In my case it was just the useCase, but the viewModel might require it, as well.
class FetchCarUseCase(private val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
private val carsApi: CarsApi) {
suspend fun execute: Car = withContext(dispatcher) {
In the unit tests project, add a helper rule-class, in order to extract some functionality:
class CoroutineTestRule(val testDispatcher: TestCoroutineDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()) : TestWatcher() {
val testDispatcherProvider = object : DispatcherProvider {
override fun default(): CoroutineDispatcher = testDispatcher
override fun io(): CoroutineDispatcher = testDispatcher
override fun main(): CoroutineDispatcher = testDispatcher
override fun unconfined(): CoroutineDispatcher = testDispatcher
override fun starting(description: Description?) {
override fun finished(description: Description?) {
And finally the unit test looks like this:
class ViewModelTest {
var coroutinesTestRule = CoroutineTestRule()
fun testCarFetching() = coroutinesTestRule.testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
val aCar = Car()
val mockApi = mock<CarsApi>()
val fetchCarUseCase = FetchCarUseCase(mockApi)
val viewModel = ViewModel(fetchCarUseCase)
/* assert stuff on viewModel.car*/
fun testCarFetchingError() = coroutinesTestRule.testDispatcher.runBlockingTest {
val aCar = Car()
val mockApi = mock<CarsApi>()
`when`(mockApi.fetchCar()).then {
throw Exception()
val fetchCarUseCase = FetchCarUseCase(mockApi)
val viewModel = ViewModel(fetchCarUseCase)
/* assert stuff on erros*/
This way all the code in the unit tests runs on the same thread and in the same context.

Unit test with Coroutines and Retrofit

I created an App using coroutines and retrofit and it works fine. The problem comes when I try to create UT for the Presenter. Here how I made the presenter:
class MainPresenter : ViewModel() {
private val compositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable()
private val heroesRepository: HeroesRepository = heroesRepositoryModel.instance()
private lateinit var listener: ActivityStatesListener
fun setActivityListener(listener: ActivityStatesListener) {
this.listener = listener
fun getHeroesFromRepository(page: Int) {
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
try {
val response = heroesRepository.getHeroes(page)
} catch (e: HttpException) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
override fun onCleared() {
I started to make the UT for it and I made a small test but is giving me the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Module with the Main dispatcher had failed to initialize
class HeroesDataSourceTest {
val heroesRepository: HeroesRepository = mock(HeroesRepository::class.java)
lateinit var activityListener: ActivityStatesListener
val hero = Heroes.Hero(1, "superman", "holasuperman", 1, null, null)
val results = Arrays.asList(hero)
val data = Heroes.Data(results)
val dataResult = Heroes.DataResult(data)
private val mainPresenter = MainPresenter()
fun initTest() {
fun testLoadInitialSuccess() = runBlocking(Dispatchers.Main) {
Is clear that Dispatcher.Main is giving problems but I have no clue how to solve it.
The repository used is the following:
class HeroesRepository {
val privateKey = "5009bb73066f50f127907511e70f691cd3f2bb2c"
val publicKey = "51ef4d355f513641b490a80d32503852"
val apiDataSource = DataModule.create()
val pageSize = 20
suspend fun getHeroes(page: Int): Heroes.DataResult {
val now = Date().time.toString()
val hash = generateHash(now + privateKey + publicKey)
val offset: Int = page * pageSize
return apiDataSource.getHeroes(now, publicKey, hash, offset, pageSize).await()
fun generateHash(variable: String): String {
val md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
val digested = md.digest(variable.toByteArray())
return digested.joinToString("") {
String.format("%02x", it)
I assume that heroesRepository.getHeroes(page) marked as suspend, so it will suspend the coroutine and not block the Main thread.
Try to follow the next approach:
// add `CoroutineContext` to the constructor to be replaceable from the tests
class MainPresenter(private val uiContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main)
: ViewModel(), CoroutineScope {
private var job: Job = Job()
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = uiContext + job
fun getHeroesFromRepository(page: Int) {
// use local scope to launch a coroutine
launch {
try {
val response = heroesRepository.getHeroes(page)
} catch (e: HttpException) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
override fun onCleared() {
// ...
In the test class replace uiContext with another CoroutineContext:
class HeroesDataSourceTest {
// ... initializations
fun testLoadInitialSuccess() = runBlocking {
mainPresenter = MainPresenter(Dispatchers.Unconfined).apply {
// ... your tests here