Roslyn / IPropertySymbol / arrary return type - roslyn

I'm trying to return all the properties of a class, and the return type of each property using Roslyn (not reflection..)
I've gotten close, but then I hit a property that returns an array of strings (or perhaps an enumeration?) I'm fighting with how to find out the type within the array/collection...
public class msgClass // part of a larger class, and referenced as Roslyn Document
string[] Lines {get; set;} //property in larger class of properties
var DocumentsInProject = await roslynUtilities.GetMembers<BasePropertyDeclarationSyntax>(msgClass);
foreach (var itemClassProperty in DocumentsInProject)
var itemDeclaredSymbol = semanticModelOfDoc
.GetDeclaredSymbol(itemClassProperty) as IPropertySymbol;
if (itemDeclaredSymbol == null)
throw new Exception($"property: {itemClassProperty}");
var name = itemDeclaredSymbol.Name;
//what does it return?
string returnType = string.Empty;
if (itemDeclaredSymbol.Type.IsReferenceType)
var typeofKind = itemDeclaredSymbol.Type.TypeKind;
var typeincollection = itemDeclaredSymbol.Type.BaseType;
var containingType = itemDeclaredSymbol.Type.ContainingType.Name;
returnType = itemDeclaredSymbol.Type.Name;
If it isn't obvious this is isn't production code - I'm hacking as I'm new to Roslyn, and I'm working on building a Visual Studio add-in that is reviewing classes in a project.

You actually need to convert property type symbol to INamedTypeSymbol or to IArrayTypeSymbol. You can check that the type is generic [un]bound type by INamedTypeSymbol and try to figure out the generic type parameters. It will allow to you receive collection's element type if type not just generic type, but collection. Casting to IArrayTypeSymbol will allow to you get array's element type. So your code should look like this:
if (itemDeclaredSymbol.Type is INamedTypeSymbol namedType && namedType.IsGenericType)
// use namedType.TypeArguments if type is bound generic or namedType.TypeParameters if isn't
else if (itemDeclaredSymbol.Type is IArrayTypeSymbol arrayType)
// use arrayType.ElementType as you want


Mock Generic Method with Type Variable - NSubstitute

I have a client interface that looks like this:
public interface IDiscosClient
public Task<DiscosResponse<T>?> Get<T>(string queryUrl) where T : DiscosModelBase;
// The rest
And DiscosResponse<T> looks like this:
public record DiscosResponse<T> where T: DiscosModelBase
public DiscosResponse()
internal DiscosResponse(T attributes)
Attributes = attributes;
public ResponseType Type { get; init; }
// TODO - This is wrong an probably needs renaming to something like Object
public T Attributes { get; init; }
public int Id { get; init; }
I want to be able to be able to dynamically create a Substitute.For<T>() of this interface that will always build and return an instance of T.
So I know how to construct and call a generic method. I also have AutoFixture set up so that I can create new instances of T on demand.
What I don't know, however, is how to then go about telling NSubstitute to return this new instance when this constructed method is called.
For reference, the usual syntax for doing this without reflection would be:
MyType myMock = Substitute.For<MyType>();
I've had to put a pin in the AutoFix part of this because it was causing recursion issues. However, I've now come up with this, which seems to work right up until I try and set the return value on the invocation:
private IDiscosClient CreateSubstituteClient(Type type)
IDiscosClient client = Substitute.For<IDiscosClient>();
MethodInfo getMethod = typeof(IDiscosClient).GetMethod(nameof(client.Get), new [] {typeof(string)}) ?? throw new MethodAccessException();
MethodInfo constructedGetMethod = getMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type);
Type constructedReturnType = typeof(DiscosResponse<>).MakeGenericType(type);
const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
object returnValue = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedReturnType, flags, null, new [] {Activator.CreateInstance(type)}, culture); // Not using AutoFix as it will cause recursion issues
constructedGetMethod.Invoke(client, new object?[] {Arg.Any<string>()}).Returns(Task.FromResult(returnValue));
return client;
At which point it throws this error:
Can not return value of type Task1 for IDiscosClient.Get (expected type Task1).
Which is confusing because the type of returnValue is:
DISCOSweb-Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=null]], DISCOSweb-Sdk, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
And constructedGetMethod.ReturnParameter is:
Which, AFIACT match once I wrap the former in a Task.FromResult
Task.FromResult(returnValue) results in runtime type of Task<object> while your method expects Task<DiscosResponse<T>?>. NSubstitute checks compatibility of returned type with(among others) IsAssignableFrom so it throws exception. In this particular case you need to do sth like this
var methodInfo = typeof(Task).GetMethod(nameof(Task.FromResult), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
var fromResult = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(constructedReturnType).Invoke(null, new []{ returnValue});
constructedGetMethod.Invoke(client, new object?[] {Arg.Any<string>()}).Returns(fromResult);
in order for runtime types to be the same.

How to override KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> in C#?

I want to override the default structure of KeyValuePair in C#, so that I can make a KeyValuePair to accept a 'var' types.
Something like this :
List<KeyValuePair<string, var>> kvpList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, var>>()
new KeyValuePair<string, var>("Key1", 000),
new KeyValuePair<string, var>("Key2", "value2"),
new KeyValuePair<string, var>("Key3", 25.45),
Even if its possible for dictionary, then also it will solve my problem.
You could use object as your type, and then cast to/from object to desired outcomes. However, it's important to note that this is very much the opposite of object oriented programming, and generally indicates an error in your design and architecture.
Hmm I am wondering if this might help you: To have a list as you want, it is really possible BUT the "var" type (as you named it) must be the same for all KeyValuePair instances. For having whatever type you must use object or dynamic (use Haney's answer).
So considering that you want a single type for all KeyValuePair instances, here is a solution:
Firstly, create this helper class:
public static class KeyValuePairExtentions
public static List<KeyValuePair<string, T>> GetNewListOfType<T>(Expression<Func<T>> type)
return new List<KeyValuePair<string, T>>();
public static void AddNewKeyValuePair<T>(this List<KeyValuePair<string, T>> #this, string key, T element)
#this.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, T>(key, element));
To consume these functions, here is an example:
var lst = KeyValuePairExtentions.GetNewListOfType(() => new {Id = default (int), Name = default (string)});
lst.AddNewKeyValuePair("test1", new {Id = 3, Name = "Keith"});
The ideea is to rely on the powerfull type inference feature that we have in C#.
Some notes:
1) if T is anonymous and you create a new instance of a list in an assembly and consume it in another assembly it is VERY possible that this will NOT work due to the fact that an anonymous type is compiled per assembly (in other words, if you have a variable var x = new { X = 3 } in an assembly and in another var y = new { X = 3 } then x.GetType () != y.GeTType () but in the same assembly types are the same.)
2) If you are wondering whether an instance it's created or not by calling GetNewListOfType, the answer is NO because it is an expression tree function and the function is not even compiled. Even with a Func will work because I am not calling the function in my code. I am using the function just for type inference.

Trouble using Autofixture's CreateProxy to use Likeness, SemanticComparison features

In an earlier question I asked about Autofixture's CreateProxy method, a potential bug was identified.
I don't think this failing test is as a result of that, but rather my continued confusion about how the Likeness.Without(...).CreateProxy() syntax works. Consider the following failing test in which I make the original test ever so slightly more complex by creating a new instance of the object, considering its creation to be the SUT:
public void Equality_Behaves_As_Expected()
// arrange: intent -> use the fixture-created Band as Object Mother
var template = new Fixture().Create<Band>();
// act: intent -> instantiated Band *is* the SUT
var createdBand = new Band {Brass = template.Brass,
Strings = template.Brass};
// intent -> specify that .Brass should not be considered in comparison
var likeness = template.AsSource().OfLikeness<Band>().
Without(x => x.Brass).CreateProxy(); // Ignore .Brass property
// per [] explicity assign
// properties to likeness
likeness.Strings = template.Strings;
likeness.Brass = "foo"; // should be ignored
// assert: intent -> check equality between created Band & template Band
// to include all members not excluded in likeness definition
likeness.Should().Be(createdBand); // Fails
likeness.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(createdBand); // Fails
Assert.True(likeness.Equals(createdBand)); // Fails
Here's the Band:
public class Band
public string Strings { get; set; }
public string Brass { get; set; }
My earlier question wasn't sufficiently complex to help me understand what the Source of the Likeness should be in general.
Should the source be the output of the SUT, in which case it would be compared to the template instance created by AutoFixture?
Or should the source be the template instance created by AutoFixture, in which case it would be compared to the output of the SUT?
EDIT: Corrected an error in the test
I realized that I had incorrectly assigned the template.Brass property to both the Brass and the Strings property of the new Band instance. The updated test reflects the correction with var createdBand = new Band {Brass = template.Brass, Strings = template.Strings} and all six assertions pass now.
public void Equality_Behaves_As_Expected()
// arrange: intent -> use the fixture-created Band as Object Mother
var template = new Fixture().Create<Band>();
// act: intent -> instantiated Band *is* the SUT
var createdBand = new Band {Brass = template.Brass, Strings = template.Strings};
// likeness of created
var createdLikeness = createdBand.AsSource().OfLikeness<Band>().
Without(x => x.Brass).CreateProxy(); // .Brass should not be considered in comparison
// (explicity assign properties to likeness)
createdLikeness.Strings = createdBand.Strings;
createdLikeness.Brass = "foo"; // should be ignored
// likeness of template
var templateLikeness = template.AsSource().OfLikeness<Band>()
.Without(x => x.Brass)
templateLikeness.Strings = template.Strings;
templateLikeness.Brass = "foo";
// assert: intent -> compare created Band to template Band
What you mean is:
likeness.Should().BeAssignableTo<Band>(); // Returns true.
In the example provided, the proxy generated from Likeness is a type deriving from Band, overriding Equals using the Semantic Comparison algorithm.
Using Reflection that is:
createdBand.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(likeness.GetType()) // Returns true.
The createBand and template instances are not affected by the CreateProxy method. Why they should?
With Likeness CreateProxy you basically create a Custom Equality Assertion that allows you to do:
Assert.True(likeness.Equals(createdBand)); // Passed.
Without it, the original Equality Assertion would fail:
Assert.True(template.Equals(createdBand)); // Failed.
However, the following will also fail:
It fails because the Strings value is the one from the createdBand instance.
This behavior is expected, and you can verify it using Likeness directly:
.Without(x => x.Brass).ShouldEqual(template);
The provided value `Band` did not match the expected value `Band`. The following members did not match:
- Strings.

Spark List in Actionscript: Passing Layout & itemRenderer in construtctor

I am trying to create a generic List, where I can pass the layout & item renderer as parameters.
Since it is not possible to pass parameters to a MXML component's Constructor, I figured I should create my List in Actionscript.
I figured it would go something like this:
public class GenericList extends List {
public function GenericList(iR:ItemRenderer, ac:ArrayCollection, layout:LayoutBase) {
this.dataProvider = ac;
this.layout = ... // don't even have access to this.layout
this.itemRenderer = iR // Cannot pass itemRender
I would prefer to have the List in MXML (because It will be easier using states later), but If I am forced to use pure Actionscript so I can instantiate it and pass in parameters, any help would go a long way.
You cannot set the itemRenderer property of a list must implement IClassFactory. So your assignment would look like this:
public function GenericList(cf:ClassFactory, ac:ArrayCollection, layout:LayoutBase) {
And the instantiation would be:
var myList:GenericList = new GenericList( new ClassFactory(, ....);
Regarding the layout:
List essentially wraps DataGroup, so it is the datagroup's layout that you need to access. However, dataGroup will not necessarily be instantiated yet. So you might have to create a private property that you then utilize in commitProperties.
private var _myLayout:LayoutBase; (populate in constructor via getter/setter)
protected var layoutInvalidated:Boolean;
public function set myLayout( layout:LayoutBase):void {
_myLayout = layout;
layoutInvalidated = true;
override protected function commitProperties():void {
if( layoutInvalidated && dataGroup && dataGroup.layout ) {
layoutInvalidated = false;
dataGroup.layout = _myLayout;

RegExpValidator never matches

I've got a class that's meant to validate input fields to make sure the value is always a decimal. I've tested the regex here:, and it looks like it does the right thing, but in my app, I can't seem to get it to match to a number format.
Class Definition:
public class DecimalValidator {
//------------------------------- ATTRIBUTES
public var isDecimalValidator:RegExpValidator;
//------------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS
public function DecimalValidator() {
isDecimalValidator = new RegExpValidator();
isDecimalValidator.expression = "^-?(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)$";
isDecimalValidator.flags = "g";
isDecimalValidator.required = true; = "text";
isDecimalValidator.triggerEvent = FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT;
isDecimalValidator.noMatchError = "Float Expected";
Setting the source here:
public function registerDecimalInputValidator(inputBox:TextInput, valArr:Array):void {
// Add Validators
var dValidator:DecimalValidator = new DecimalValidator();
dValidator.isDecimalValidator.source = inputBox;
dValidator.isDecimalValidator.trigger = inputBox;
inputBox.restrict = "[0-9].\\.\\-";
inputBox.maxChars = 10;
And Calling it here:
registerDecimalInputValidator(textInput, validatorArr);
Where textInput is an input box created earlier.
Clearly I'm missing something simple yet important, but I'm not entirely sure what! Any help would be much appreciated.
I don't know ActionScript, but as far as I know it's an ECMAScript language, so I expect you need to escape the backslashes if you use a string to define a regex:
isDecimalValidator.expression = "^-?(\\d+\\.\\d*|\\.\\d+)$";
This strikes me as wrong; but I can't quite put my finger on it. For your DecimalValidator instead of composing a RegExpValidator; why not extend it?
public class DecimalValidator extend RegExpValidator{
//------------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS
public function DecimalValidator() {
this.expression = "^-?(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)$";
this.flags = "g";
this.required = true; = "text";
this.triggerEvent = FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT;
this.noMatchError = "Float Expected";
How when is the registerdecimalInputValidator called? I have a slight worry about the Validator instance is a local variable to a method instead of 'global' property to the function.
protected var dValidator:DecimalValidator = new DecimalValidator();
public function registerDecimalInputValidator(inputBox:TextInput):void {
dValidator.isDecimalValidator.source = inputBox;
dValidator.isDecimalValidator.trigger = inputBox;
I'm not sure why you are setting restrictions on the TextInput in the registerDecimalInputValidator method; that should be done when you create the method (in createChildren() or possibly in response to public properties changing, in commitProperties . It is also not obvious to me what the validatorArr does. If you're expecting to access values inside the validatorArrray outside of the method; it would often be a common practice to return that value from the method. Without looking it up; I'm not sure if Arrays are passed by value or reference in Flex.