How to create custom legends in Power bi? - powerbi

I just need to move my legends in top left corner. But there is no option for that.
So is any way I can create maybe a table with one column color shape and the other column the description?
Something like that:
And then just use it as Legends for the chart?

Depending on your visual you have under the format tab a legend option. For example if you use a pie chart you can toggle the legend on or off. Also you can position the legend (top, top left, bottom, etc...).
The second way is to use a custom visual with your desired needs.
And the third way is, like you already stated, a table which acts as legend. Either you enter your legend text in a separate table manually or you use a query. For example a distinct count to get the unique values.


In Power Bi, how do I show a second value label in a stacked column chart?

I've only been able to accomplish this with a tooltip, but I need to paste the final viz into PowerPoint, so hovering is not an option for the audience.
You can't with native visuals. There may possibly be a way with calculation groups and custom format strings but it would be a hack. If you want more control over your visualisations, I can recommend Deneb.

Power BI - formatting matrix table column headers

Is it possible to format the column headers on a matrix table to appear at the bottom instead of the top? So instead, the values (remote, possible, likely) would appear on the bottom like a chart?
You could do this little work around:
Make the Column Header text white so that it doesn't appear on the page.
Make text boxes for each column and put them on the bottom of the matrix.

PowerBI, Conditional Formatting for Stacked Column Chart

I'm a geologist and trying to create a "Stratigraphic Column" to visualize the progress of Drilling Rig and I realized that Stacked Column Chart is suitable for that visualization.
Everything is perfect expect colors. Every lithology has their own color but PowerBI assign random colros to them. There is no any "Conditional Formatting" button in chart properties. That project is very critical for me, is there any code for that or is there any other tool to create something like Stratigraphic Column in PowerBI?
Thats what I want to create similar;
This is my final progress in PowerBI;
This is databse where I get data for chart;
Check if "Sankey Chart" helps.
As I see, there is a Source and Destination.

Why can't I sort this PowerBI chart?

I have charts I want to sort descending. I've read there's a "more options" option if you click on the chart, which should give you ability to sort.
In chart below, there is no sorting option:
Here is the field the chart is based on (it's a single field):
And here's the way I set up the chart:
I click 'more options' and yet see no option to sort. Who knew such a simple task could be that difficult in PowerBI.
My best guess at this point is that you are using two different fields for Male and Female numbers. If this is the case, you won't get the sorting option since the values are coming from two different fields. If you simply want to interchange the position, you can do so in the values section. If this is not the case, please provide further details, so that we can look into it further.
I don't think there is a sorting option without having a value in Axis. However, you can adjust the Inner Padding of the Y-axis (in the formatting pane), to get the visual you are looking for. Setting inner padding to 0% will remove all the gap between the two bars. Also, you can do the sorting now, since there is a value in the Axis box.
Note: If you want different colors, add the field in legend as well.
You are using a clustered bar chart. The columns are arranged alphabetically and can't be changed.
If you want to sort the bars by their values, use a regular stacked bar chart and put the "demo_female" in the Axis, not the Legend.

Displaying labels for grouped datasets in ChartJS clustered column graph

Not sure how to even define this question, so bear with me!
First, I want to display multiple unrelated datasets, side by side.
Second, for each dataset, I'd like to have column-based lables (default for each column), then an overall "grouped" label for the dataset.
I can "fake" the appearance of this chart by entering a "zero" column entry, creating the gap between the "datasets" I have (even though in ChartJS is just one dataset).
The text line one is default behaviour with ChartJS to display the column label. However getting a "grouped" label to appear is beating me! What I've ended up doing is generating the chart label-less, then doing some funky HTML hacks to get the labels back with the grouped text I need. This approach is not scalable.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for this? Doesn't have to be ChartJS powered.