Filling GL_LINE_STRIP gaps when thickness > 1 destroys transparency - opengl

I am using GL_LINE_STRIP and glLineWidth to draw lines.
However, this leads to gaps between the single, straight segments of the strip.
I had mitigated the problem by using Catmull-Rom Splines and thus the segments where smooth enough to not notice the gaps anymore:
But now I noticed the gaps are different depending on the OpenGL implementation. Mesa introduces larger gaps than my graphic card, notice the gaps in the upper part and how the lower part with much smaller segments is noticeably darker due to more gaps:
Please note that image 1 and 2 are the same render code, the opacity is 255 in both cases, just the used opengl32.dll differs.
I then added the drawing of every joint as point:
for (auto p : interpolatedPoints) {
glVertex2f(p.x, p.y);
for (auto p : interpolatedPoints) {
glVertex2f(p.x, p.y);
This works for opacity 255 but not if I want to reduce the objects transparency. What happens then, is that the transparent point overlays the transparent line strip, thus increasing the opacity especially in areas with very short strips:
Solution 1: Polyline quadstrip
Ditching GL_LINE_STRIP altogether and triangulate the line strip ourselves seems the solution here but this looks like a larger rewrite for me - either I need a new shader or I need to calculate the triangles.
Solution 2: Blending
Wanting to avoid the rewrite, I was wondering: can blending solve the issue? Currently I use
Is there a blending configuration which would prevent the points to add on the alpha channels of the lines? I tried some other constants here but I had no success. Please note also that the black background in the screenshots may not be black at all but contain other objects and textures which should be "correctly" overlayed by the semi-transparent line.

As a potential easy fix, you could try setting glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) and see if that helps.
If you want your lines to look nice when drawn transparently, I suggest drawing all your lines onto a separate framebuffer than the rest of your scene, reusing the same depth buffer, and with full opacity. Then draw the lines framebuffer onto the rest-of-your-scene framebuffer with partial transparency.


OpenGL: Drawing very thin triangles with TriangleList turn into points

I'm using TriangleList to output my primitives. Most all of the time I need to draw rectangles, triangles, circles. From time to time I need to draw very thin triangles (width=2px for example). I thought it should look like a line (almost a line) but it looks like separate points :)
Following picture shows what I'm talking about:
First picture at the left side shows how do I draw a rectangle (counter clockwise, from top right corner). And then you can see the "width" of the rectangle which I call "dx".
How to avoid this behavior? I would it looks like a straight (almost straight) line, not as points :)
As #BrettHale mentions, this is an aliasing problem. For example,
Without super/multisampling, the triangle only covers the centre of the bottom right pixel and only it will receive colour. Real pixels have area and in a perfect situation, would receive a portion of the colour equal to the area covered. "Antialiasing" techniques reduce aliasing effects caused by not integrating colour across pixels.
Getting it to look right without being incredibly slow is hard. OpenGL provides GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH, which conservatively rasterizes triangles and draws the correct percentages of colour to each pixel using blending. This works well until you have overlapping triangles and you hit the problem of transparency sorting where order-independent transparency is needed. A simple and more brute force solution is to render to a much bigger texture and then downsample. This is essentially what supersampling does, except the samples can be "anisotropic" (irregular) which gives a nicer result. Multisampling techniques are adaptive and a bit more efficient, e.g. supersample pixels only at triangle edges. It is fairly straightforward to set this up with OpenGL.
However, as the triangle area approaches zero the area will too and it'll still disappear entirely even with antialiasing (although will fade out rather than become pixelated). Although not physically correct, you may instead be after a minimum 1-pixel width triangle so you get the lines you want even if it's a really thin triangle. This is where doing your own conservative rasterization may be of interest.
This is the problem of skinny triangles in general. For example, in adaptive subdivision when you have skinny T-junctions, it happens all the time. One solution is to draw the edges (you can use GL_LINE_STRIP) with having antialiasing effect on You can have:
before drawing the lines so you get lines when your triangle is very small...
This is called a subpixel feature, when geometry gets smaller than a single pixel. If you animated the very thin triangle, you would see the pixels pop in and out.
Try turning multi-sampling on. Most GL windowing libraries support multisampled back buffer. You can also force it on in your graphics driver settings.
If the triangle is generated by geometry shader, then you can make the triangle area dynamic.
For example, you can make the triangle width always greater than 1px.
// ndc coord is range from -1.0 to 1.0 and the screen width is 1920.
float pixel_unit = 2.0 / 1920.0;
vec2 center = 0.5 * (triangle[0].xy + triangle[1].xy );
// Remember to divide the w component.
float triangle_width = (triangle[0].xy - center)/triangle[0].w;
float scale_ratio = pixel_unit / triangle_width;
if (scale_ratio > 1.0){
triagle[0].xy = (triangle[0].xy - center) * scale_ratio + center;
triagle[1].xy = (triangle[1].xy - center) * scale_ratio + center;
This issue can also be addressed via conservative rasterisation. The following summary is reproduced from the documentation for the NV_conservative_raster OpenGL extension:
This extension adds a "conservative" rasterization mode where any pixel
that is partially covered, even if no sample location is covered, is
treated as fully covered and a corresponding fragment will be shaded.
Similar extensions exist for the other major graphics APIs.

transparency in opengl (using FLTK)

I'm drawing some 3D structures in a Fl_Gl_Window in FLTK's implementation of opengl. This images are drawn and rotated so the code looks something like
for (int side=0;side<num_sides;side++){
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
//draw shape
and it almost works apart from at different angles the transparency doesn't work properly. For example, if I draw a cube from one side it will look transparent all the way through without being able to discern the two sides but from the other one side will appear darker as it is supposed to. It's as if it calculates the transparency too 'early' as in before the rotation. Am I doing something wrong? Should I move the rotation to below the transparency effects (i.e. before them in execution) or does the order of the triangles matter?
The order of the triangles matters. To get the desired effect for transparency you need to render the triangles in back to front order because the hardware blending works by reading the color for the fragment in the depth buffer and blending it with the fragment currently being shaded. That's why you are getting different results when you rotate your cube since you are not changing the order of the triangles in the cube. You may also want to look into Order Independent Transparency techniques.
Depending on how many triangles you have sorting them every frame can get really expensive. One approximation technique is to presort the triangles along the x, y, and z axes and then choose the sorted ordered that most closely matches your viewing direction. This only works to a certain extent. One popular type of order independent transparency technique is depth peeling. Here's a tutorial with some code for implementing it: You might also want to read the original paper to get a better understanding of the technique:

How to draw smooth lines in 2D scene with OpenGL without using GL_LINE_SMOOTH?

Since GL_LINE_SMOOTH is not hardware accelerated, nor supported on all GFX cards, how do you draw smooth lines in 2D mode, which would look as good as with GL_LINE_SMOOTH ?
Edit2: My current solution is to draw a line from 2 quads, which fade to zero transparency from edges and the colors in between those 2 quads would be the line color. it works good enough for basic smooth lines rendering and doesnt use texturing and thus is very fast to render.
So, you want smooth lines without:
line smoothing.
full-screen antialiasing.
Your best bet is to use Valve's Alpha-Tested Magnification technique. The basic idea, for your needs, is to create a texture that represents the distance from the line, with the center of the texture being a distance of 1.0. This could probably be a 1D texture.
Then using the techniques described in the paper (many of which work with fixed-function, including the antialiased version), draw a quad that represents your lines. Obviously you'll need alpha blending (and thus it isn't order-independent). You use your line width to control the distance at which it becomes the appropriate color, thus allowing you to make narrow or wide lines.
Doing this with shaders is virtually identical to the above, except without the texture. Instead of accessing a distance texture, the distance is passed and interpolated from the vertex shader. For the left-edge of the quad, the vertex shader passes 0. For the right edge, it passes 1. You multiply this by 2, subtract 1, and take the absolute value.
That's your distance from the line (the line being the center of the quad). Then just use that distance exactly as Valve's algorithm does.
Turning on full-screen anti-aliasing and using a quad would be my first choice.
Currently I am using 2 or 3 quads to do this, it is the simpliest way to do it.
If line thickness <= 1px, then you need only 2 quads.
If line thickness > 1px, then you need to add third quad in the middle.
The fading edge quads thickness must not change if the line thickness >= 1px.
In the image below you can see the quads with blue borders. White color means full opacity and black color means zero opacity (=fully transparent).

Sub pixel drawing with opengl

I am drawing lots of small black rectangles to the white screen and as they move about and zoom it doesn't look very graceful.
How can I draw them so if the edge lies between pixels, the pixels will be grey rather than black?
Sub-pixel rendering is actually more complicated than regular anti-aliasing. If you're using a display with pixels in RGB format, then a gray shape ending halfway through a pixel might be rendered as yellow or as cyan, depending on which side of the pixel the shape lies. This can look strange when the resulting image is not drawn in native resolution or on a display with a different layout than expected, but otherwise it can look quite nice.
Here is a sample of sub-pixel rendering applied to text; the left panel is color, the center panel is the displayed version of the color, and the right panel is the perceived brightness. Notice that accuracy in hue is exchanged for accuracy in brightness.
One approach might be to render each channel separately, each slightly offset in rendering space by the appropriate amount, so that the combined image is in full color. Each of the channels must be the same resolution as the resulting image; each channel is rendered with anti-aliasing the same way as the original would have been, except the other colors are ignored. Once the channels are created, they can be combined with simple addition. I don't know of a "pure" solution like the glEnable/glHint versions available for normal anti-aliasing, but it may exist or may in the future.
glEnable(GL_SMOOTH); should do it.
What you are effectively asking for is anti-aliasing,and there are numerous ways of doing it. One way is summarized in this gamedev topic:

opengl - blending with previous contents of framebuffer

I am rendering to a texture through a framebuffer object, and when I draw transparent primitives, the primitives are blended properly with other primitives drawn in that single draw step, but they are not blended properly with the previous contents of the framebuffer.
Is there a way to properly blend the contents of the texture with the new data coming in?
EDIT: More information requsted, I will attempt to explain more clearly;
The blendmode I am using is GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA. (I believe that is typically the standard blendmode)
I am creating an application that tracks mouse movement. It draws lines connecting the previous mouse position to the current mouse position, and as I do not want to draw the lines over again each frame, I figured I would draw to a texture, never clear the texture and then just draw a rectangle with that texture on it to display it.
This all works fine, except that when I draw shapes with alpha less than 1 onto the texture, it does not blend properly with the texture's previous contents. Let's say I have some black lines with alpha = .6 drawn onto the texture. A couple draw cycles later, I then draw a black circle with alpha = .4 over those lines. The lines "underneath" the circle are completely overwritten. Although the circle is not flat black (It blends properly with the white background) there are no "darker lines" underneath the circle as you would expect.
If I draw the lines and the circle in the same frame however, they blend properly. My guess is that the texture just does not blend with it's previous contents. It's like it's only blending with the glclearcolor. (Which, in this case is <1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f>)
I think there are two possible problems here.
Remember that all of the overlay lines are blended twice here. Once when they are blended into the FBO texture, and again when the FBO texture is blended over the scene.
So the first possibility is that you don't have blending enabled when drawing one line over another in the FBO overlay. When you draw into an RGBA surface with blending off, the current alpha is simply written directly into the FBO overlay's alpha channel. Then later when you blend the whole FBO texture over the scene, that alpha makes your lines translucent. So if you have blending against "the world" but not between overlay elements, it is possible that no blending is happening.
Another related problem: when you blend one line over another in "standard" blend mode (src alpha, 1 - src alpha) in the FBO, the alpha channel of the "blended" part is going to contain a blend of the alphas of the two overlay elements. This is probably not what you want.
For example, if you draw two 50% alpha lines over each other in the overlay, to get the equivalent effect when you blit the FBO, you need the FBO's alpha to be...75%. (That is, 1 - (1-.5) * (1-0.5), which is what would happen if you just drew two 50% alpha lines over your scene. But when you draw the two 50% lines, you'll get 50% alpha in the FBO (a blend of 50% with...50%.
This brings up the final issue: by pre-mixing the lines with each other before you blend them over the world, you are changing the draw order. Whereas you might have had:
blend(blend(blend(background color, model), first line), second line);
now you will have
blend(blend(first line, second line), blend(background color, model)).
In other words, pre-mixing the overlay lines into an FBO changes the order of blending and thus changes the final look in a way you may not want.
First, the simple way to get around this: don't use an FBO. I realize this is a "go redesign your app" kind of answer, but using an FBO is not the cheapest thing, and modern GL cards are very good at drawing lines. So one option would be: instead of blending lines into an FBO, write the line geometry into a vertex buffer object (VBO). Simply extend the VBO a little bit each time. If you are drawing less than, say, 40,000 lines at a time, this will almost certainly be as fast as what you were doing before.
(One tip if you go this route: use glBufferSubData to write the lines in, not glMapBuffer - mapping can be expensive and doesn't work on sub-ranges on many drivers...better to just let the driver copy the few new vertices.)
If that isn't an option (for example, if you draw a mix of shape types or use a mix of GL state, such that "remembering" what you did is a lot more complex than just accumulating vertices) then you may want to change how you draw into the VBO.
Basically what you'll need to do is enable separate blending; initialize the overlay to black + 0% alpha (0,0,0,0) and blend by "standard blending" the RGB but additive blending the alpha channels. This still isn't quite correct for the alpha channel but it's generally a lot closer - without this, over-drawn areas will be too transparent.
Then, when drawing the FBO, use "pre-multiplied" alpha, that is, (one, one-minus-src-alph).
Here's why that last step is needed: when you draw into the FBO, you have already multiplied every draw call by its alpha channel (if blending is on). Since you are drawing over black, a green (0,1,0,0.5) line is now dark green (0,0.5,0,0.5). If alpha is on and you blend normally again, the alpha is reapplied and you'l have 0,0.25,0,0.5.). By simply using the FBO color as is, you avoid the second alpha multiplication.
This is sometimes called "pre-multiplied" alpha because the alpha has already been multiplied into the RGB color. In this case you want it to get correct results, but in other cases, programmers use it for speed. (By pre-multiplying, it removes a mult per pixel when the blend op is performed.)
Hope that helps! Getting blending right when the layers are not mixed in order gets really tricky, and separate blend isn't available on old hardware, so simply drawing the lines every time may be the path of least misery.
Clear the FBO with transparent black (0, 0, 0, 0), draw into it back-to-front with
and draw the FBO with
to get the exact result.
As Ben Supnik wrote, the FBO contains colour already multiplied with the alpha channel, so instead of doing that again with GL_SRC_ALPHA, it is drawn with GL_ONE. The destination colour is attenuated normally with GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.
The reason for blending the alpha channel in the buffer this way is different:
The formula to combine transparency is
resultTr = sTr * dTr
(I use s and d because of the parallel to OpenGL's source and destination, but as you can see the order doesn't matter.)
Written with opacities (alpha values) this becomes
1 - rA = (1 - sA) * (1 - dA)
<=> rA = 1 - (1 - sA) * (1 - dA)
= 1 - 1 + sA + dA - sA * dA
= sA + (1 - sA) * dA
which is the same as the blend function (source and destination factors) (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) with the default blend equation GL_FUNC_ADD.
As an aside:
The above answers the specific problem from the question, but if you can easily choose the draw order it may in theory be better to draw premultiplied colour into the buffer front-to-back with
and otherwise use the same method.
My reasoning behind this is that the graphics card may be able to skip shader execution for regions that are already solid. I haven't tested this though, so it may make no difference in practice.
As Ben Supnik said, the best way to do this is rendering the entire scene with separate blend functions for color and alpha. If you are using the classic non premultiplied blend function try glBlendFuncSeparateOES(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_ONE) to render your scene to FBO. and glBlendFuncSeparateOES(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) to render the FBO to screen.
It is not 100% accurate, but in most of the cases that will create no unexpected transparency.
Keep in mind that old Hardware and some mobile devices (mostly OpenGL ES 1.x devices, like the original iPhone and 3G) does not support separated blend functions. :(