How to insert "k" number of points between two points in C++? - c++

I have two curves with an equal number of data points. I want to connect the corresponding points on the curves with "k" equally spaced points to form a straight line.
How it should look
I have tried to use the following formula to calculate both x's and y's lying on the path between the points:
for(int j = 1; j<=num_k; j++) {
for (int i = 2; i <= (num_points-1); i++) {
x[i][j] = x[i][1] * (1. - j/num_k) + x[i][num_points] * j/num_k;
y[i][j] = y[i][1] * (1. - j/num_k) + y[i][num_points] * j/num_k;
The data points of the curve are stored in the first and last columns of 2D arrays x and z.
num_k is the number of intervals I want. num_points is the number of points on both the curves.
But this is not giving me the result that I need - this gives me the points, but they are not between the two input points as given. Am I using the right technique or is there something else I should be using? Also, are there any special cases?

(1. - j/num_k) will almost always evaluate to 1, because j/num_k is done using integer math, which will mean it will be zero except on the last iteration.
Use (1. - double(j)/num_k) instead.


Increase the resolution of a geometry shape

The task is to increase the resolution of a geometry shape like this:
So that the shape becomes this by adding data points:
The shape is define by data points which has x and y coordinates and a index. The index represent the order to connect them.
What type of algorithm should I use to achieve this?
You can use linear interpolation between segment ends.
It is not clear yet - how many new points you want to insert in every segment. Does it depend on segment length or other reasons? Seems your picture shows mixed approach: n is at least nmin, part length is at most lmax like this
n = max(nmin, int(seglength / lmax)) ;
For XStart, XEnd referring to starting and ending coordinates of segment, we insert n-1 points, dividing segment into n equal parts:
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
X[i] = XStart + (XEnd - XStart) * i / n;
Y[i] = YStart + (YEnd - YStart) * i / n;

Find the summation of forces between all possible pairs of points?

There are n points with each having two attributes:
1. Position (from axis)
2. Attraction value (integer)
Attraction force between two points A & B is given by:
Attraction_force(A, B) = (distance between them) * Max(Attraction_val_A, Attraction_val_B);
Find the summation of all the forces between all possible pairs of points?
I tried by calculating and adding forces between all the pairs
for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++) {
force += abs(P[i].pos - P[j].pos) * max(P[i].attraction_val, P[j].attraction_val);
Points P1 P2 P3
Points distance: 2 3 4
Attraction Val: 4 5 6
Force = abs(2 - 3) * max(4, 5) + abs(2 - 4) * max(4, 6) + abs(3 - 4) * max(5, 6) = 23
But this takes O(n^2) time, I can't think of a way to reduce it further!!
Scheme of a solution:
Sort all points by their attraction value and process them one-by-one, starting with the one with lowest attraction.
For each point you have to quickly calculate sum of distances to all previously added points. That can be done using any online Range Sum Query problem solution, like segment tree or BIT. Key idea is that all points to the left are really not different and sum of their coordinates is enough to calculate sum of distances to them.
For each newly added point you just multiply that sum of distances (obtained on step 2) by point's attraction value and add that to the answer.
Intuitive observations that I made in order to invent this solution:
We have two "bad" functions here (somewhat "discrete"): max and modulo (in distance).
We can get rid of max by sorting our points and processing them in a specific order.
We can get rid of modulo if we process points to the left and to the right separately.
After all these transformations, we have to calculate something which, after some simple algebraic transformations, converts to an online RSQ problem.
An algorithm of:
is optimal, because you need the actual distance between all possible pairs.

Improving C++ algorithm for finding all points within a sphere of radius r

Language/Compiler: C++ (Visual Studio 2013)
Experience: ~2 months
I am working in a rectangular grid in 3D-space (size: xdim by ydim by zdim) where , "xgrid, ygrid, and zgrid" are 3D arrays of the x,y, and z-coordinates, respectively. Now, I am interested in finding all points that lie within a sphere of radius "r" centered about the point "(vi,vj,vk)". I want to store the index locations of these points in the vectors "xidx,yidx,zidx". For a single point this algorithm works and is fast enough but when I wish to iterate over many points within the 3D-space I run into very long run times.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can improve the implementation of this algorithm in C++? After running some profiling software I found online (very sleepy, Luke stackwalker) it seems that the "std::vector::size" and "std::vector::operator[]" member functions are bogging down my code. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Note: Since I do not know a priori how many voxels are within the sphere, I set the length of vectors xidx,yidx,zidx to be larger than necessary and then erase all the excess elements at the end of the function.
void find_nv(int vi, int vj, int vk, vector<double> &xidx, vector<double> &yidx, vector<double> &zidx, double*** &xgrid, double*** &ygrid, double*** &zgrid, int r, double xdim,double ydim,double zdim, double pdim)
double xcor, ycor, zcor,xval,yval,zval;
xyz[0] = xgrid[vi][vj][vk];
xyz[1] = ygrid[vi][vj][vk];
xyz[2] = zgrid[vi][vj][vk];
int counter = 0;
// Confine loop to be within boundaries of sphere
int istart = vi - r;
int iend = vi + r;
int jstart = vj - r;
int jend = vj + r;
int kstart = vk - r;
int kend = vk + r;
if (istart < 0) {
istart = 0;
if (iend > xdim-1) {
iend = xdim-1;
if (jstart < 0) {
jstart = 0;
if (jend > ydim - 1) {
jend = ydim-1;
if (kstart < 0) {
kstart = 0;
if (kend > zdim - 1)
kend = zdim - 1;
// Begin iterating through all points
for (int k = 0; k < kend+1; ++k)
for (int j = 0; j < jend+1; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < iend+1; ++i)
if (i == vi && j == vj && k == vk)
xcor = pow((xgrid[i][j][k] - xyz[0]), 2);
ycor = pow((ygrid[i][j][k] - xyz[1]), 2);
zcor = pow((zgrid[i][j][k] - xyz[2]), 2);
double rsqr = pow(r, 2);
double sphere = xcor + ycor + zcor;
if (sphere <= rsqr)
zidx[counter] = k;
counter = counter + 1;
//cout << "counter = " << counter - 1;
// erase all appending zeros that are not voxels within sphere
xidx.erase(xidx.begin() + (counter), xidx.end());
yidx.erase(yidx.begin() + (counter), yidx.end());
zidx.erase(zidx.begin() + (counter), zidx.end());
return 0;
You already appear to have used my favourite trick for this sort of thing, getting rid of the relatively expensive square root functions and just working with the squared values of the radius and center-to-point distance.
One other possibility which may speed things up (a) is to replace all the:
xyzzy = pow (plugh, 2)
calls with the simpler:
xyzzy = plugh * plugh
You may find the removal of the function call could speed things up, however marginally.
Another possibility, if you can establish the maximum size of the target array, is to use an real array rather than a vector. I know they make the vector code as insanely optimal as possible but it still won't match a fixed-size array for performance (since it has to do everything the fixed size array does plus handle possible expansion).
Again, this may only offer very marginal improvement at the cost of more memory usage but trading space for time is a classic optimisation strategy.
Other than that, ensure you're using the compiler optimisations wisely. The default build in most cases has a low level of optimisation to make debugging easier. Ramp that up for production code.
(a) As with all optimisations, you should measure, not guess! These suggestions are exactly that: suggestions. They may or may not improve the situation, so it's up to you to test them.
One of your biggest problems, and one that is probably preventing the compiler from making a lot of optimisations is that you are not using the regular nature of your grid.
If you are really using a regular grid then
xgrid[i][j][k] = x_0 + i * dxi + j * dxj + k * dxk
ygrid[i][j][k] = y_0 + i * dyi + j * dyj + k * dyk
zgrid[i][j][k] = z_0 + i * dzi + j * dzj + k * dzk
If your grid is axis aligned then
xgrid[i][j][k] = x_0 + i * dxi
ygrid[i][j][k] = y_0 + j * dyj
zgrid[i][j][k] = z_0 + k * dzk
Replacing these inside your core loop should result in significant speedups.
You could do two things. Reduce the number of points you are testing for inclusion and simplify the problem to multiple 2d tests.
If you take the sphere an look at it down the z axis you have all the points for y+r to y-r in the sphere, using each of these points you can slice the sphere into circles that contain all the points in the x/z plane limited to the circle radius at that specific y you are testing. Calculating the radius of the circle is a simple solve the length of the base of the right angle triangle problem.
Right now you ar testing all the points in a cube, but the upper ranges of the sphere excludes most points. The idea behind the above algorithm is that you can limit the points tested at each level of the sphere to the square containing the radius of the circle at that height.
Here is a simple hand draw graphic, showing the sphere from the side view.
Here we are looking at the slice of the sphere that has the radius ab. Since you know the length ac and bc of the right angle triangle, you can calculate ab using Pythagoras theorem. Now you have a simple circle that you can test the points in, then move down, it reduce length ac and recalculate ab and repeat.
Now once you have that you can actually do a little more optimization. Firstly, you do not need to test every point against the circle, you only need to test one quarter of the points. If you test the points in the upper left quadrant of the circle (the slice of the sphere) then the points in the other three points are just mirror images of that same point offset either to the right, bottom or diagonally from the point determined to be in the first quadrant.
Then finally, you only need to do the circle slices of the top half of the sphere because the bottom half is just a mirror of the top half. In the end you only tested a quarter of the point for containment in the sphere. This should be a huge performance boost.
I hope that makes sense, I am not at a machine now that I can provide a sample.
simple thing here would be a 3D flood fill from center of the sphere rather than iterating over the enclosing square as you need to visited lesser points. Moreover you should implement the iterative version of the flood-fill to get more efficiency.
Flood Fill

Improve minimum distance filter for pointset

I create a minimum distance filter for points.
The function takes a stream of points (x1,y1,x2,y2...) and removes the corresponding ones.
void minDistanceFilter(vector<float> &points, float distance = 0.0)
float p0x, p0y;
float dx, dy, dsq;
float mdsq = distance*distance; // minimum distance square
unsigned i, j, n = points.size();
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
p0x = points[i];
p0y = points[i+1];
for(j=0; j<n; j+=2)
//if (i == j) continue; // discard itself (seems like it slows down the algorithm)
dx = p0x - points[j]; // delta x (p0x - p1x)
dy = p0y - points[j+1]; // delta y (p0y - p1y)
dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy; // distance square
if (dsq < mdsq)
auto del = points.begin() + j;
n = points.size(); // update n
j -= 2; // decrement j
The only problem that is very slow, due to it tests all points against all points (n^2).
How could it be improved?
kd-trees or range trees could be used for your problem. However, if you want to code from scratch and want something simpler, then you can use a hash table structure. For each point (a,b), hash using the key (round(a/d),round(b/d)) and store all the points that have the same key in a list. Then, for each key (m,n) in your hash table, compare all points in the list to the list of points that have key (m',n') for all 9 choices of (m',n') where m' = m + (-1 or 0 or 1) and n' = n + (-1 or 0 or 1). These are the only points that can be within distance d of your points that have key (m,n). The downside compared to a kd-tree or range tree is that for a given point, you are effectively searching within a square of side length 3*d for points that might have distance d or less, instead of searching within a square of side length 2*d which is what you would get if you used a kd-tree or range tree. But if you are coding from scratch, this is easier to code; also kd-trees and range trees are kinda overkill if you only have one universal distance d that you care about for all points.
Look up range tree, e.g. . You can use this structure to store 2-dimensional points and very quickly find all the points that lie inside a query rectangle. Since you want to find points within a certain distance d of a point (a,b), your query rectangle will need to be [a-d,a+d]x[b-d,b+d] and then you test any points found inside the rectangle to make sure they are actually within distance d of (a,b). Range tree can be built in O(n log n) time and space, and range queries take O(log n + k) time where k is the number of points found in the rectangle. Seems optimal for your problem.

Generate Non-Degenerate Point Set in 2D - C++

I want to create a large set of random point cloud in 2D plane that are non-degenerate (no 3 points in a straight line in the whole set). I have a naive solution which generates a random float pair P_new(x,y) and checks with every pair of points (P1, P2) generated till now if point (P1, P2, P) lie in same line or not. This takes O(n^2) checks for each new point added to the list making the whole complexity O(n^3) which is very slow if I want to generate more than 4000 points (takes more than 40 mins).
Is there a faster way to generate these set of non-degenerate points?
Instead of checking the possible points collinearity on each cycle iteration, you could compute and compare coefficients of linear equations. This coefficients should be store in container with quick search. I consider using std::set, but unordered_map could fit either and could lead to even better results.
To sum it up, I suggest the following algorithm:
Generate random point p;
Compute coefficients of lines crossing p and existing points (I mean usual A,B&C). Here you need to do n computations;
Trying to find newly computed values inside of previously computed set. This step requires n*log(n^2) operations at maximum.
In case of negative search result, add new value and add its coefficients to corresponding sets. Its cost is about O(log(n)) too.
The whole complexity is reduced to O(n^2*log(n)).
This algorithm requires additional storing of n^2*sizeof(Coefficient) memory. But this seems to be ok if you are trying to compute 4000 points only.
O(n^2 log n) algorithm can be easily constructed in the following way:
For each point P in the set:
Sort other points by polar angle (cross-product as a comparison function, standard idea, see 2D convex hull gift-wrapping algorithm for example). In this step you should consider only points Q that satisfy
Q.x > P.x || Q.y >= P.y
Iterate over sorted list, equal points are lying on the same line.
Sorting is done in O(n log n), step 2. is O(n). This gives O(n^2 log n) for removing degenerate points.
Determining whether a set of points is degenerate is a 3SUM-hard problem. (The very first problem listed is determining whether three lines contains a common point; the equivalent problem under projective duality is whether three points belong to a common line.) As such, it's not reasonable to hope that a generate-and-test solution will be significantly faster than n2.
What are your requirements for the distribution?
generate random point Q
for previous points P calculate (dx, dy) = P - Q
and B = (asb(dx) > abs(dy) ? dy/dx : dx/dy)
sort the list of points P by its B value, so that points that form a line with Q will be in near positions inside the sorted list.
walk over the sorted list checking where Q forms a line with the current P value being considered and some next values that are nearer than a given distance.
Perl implementation:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Math::Vector::Real;
use Math::Vector::Real::Random;
use Sort::Key::Radix qw(nkeysort);
use constant PI => 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510;
#ARGV <= 2 or die "Usage:\n $0 [n_points [tolerance]]\n\n";
my $n_points = shift // 4000;
my $tolerance = shift // 0.01;
$tolerance = $tolerance * PI / 180;
my $tolerance_arctan = 3 / 2 * $tolerance;
# I got to that relation using no so basic maths in a hurry.
# it may be wrong!
my $tolerance_sin2 = sin($tolerance) ** 2;
sub cross2d {
my ($p0, $p1) = #_;
$p0->[0] * $p1->[1] - $p1->[0] * $p0->[1];
sub line_p {
my ($p0, $p1, $p2) = #_;
my $a0 = $p0->abs2 || return 1;
my $a1 = $p1->abs2 || return 1;
my $a2 = $p2->abs2 || return 1;
my $cr01 = cross2d($p0, $p1);
my $cr12 = cross2d($p1, $p2);
my $cr20 = cross2d($p2, $p0);
$cr01 * $cr01 / ($a0 * $a1) < $tolerance_sin2 or return;
$cr12 * $cr12 / ($a1 * $a2) < $tolerance_sin2 or return;
$cr20 * $cr20 / ($a2 * $a0) < $tolerance_sin2 or return;
return 1;
my ($c, $f1, $f2, $f3) = (0, 1, 1, 1);
my #p;
GEN: for (1..$n_points) {
my $q = Math::Vector::Real->random_normal(2);
$f1 += #p;
my #B = map {
my ($dx, $dy) = #{$_ - $q};
abs($dy) > abs($dx) ? $dx / $dy : $dy / $dx;
} #p;
my #six = nkeysort { $B[$_] } 0..$#B;
for my $i (0..$#six) {
my $B0 = $B[$six[$i]];
my $pi = $p[$six[$i]];
for my $j ($i + 1..$#six) {
last if $B[$six[$j]] - $B0 > $tolerance_arctan;
my $pj = $p[$six[$j]];
if (line_p($q - $pi, $q - $pj, $pi - $pj)) {
say "BAD: $q $pi-$pj";
redo GEN;
push #p, $q;
say "GOOD: $q";
my $good = #p;
my $ratiogood = $good/$c;
my $ratio12 = $f2/$f1;
my $ratio23 = $f3/$f2;
print STDERR "gen: $c, good: $good, good/gen: $ratiogood, f2/f1: $ratio12, f3/f2: $ratio23 \r";
print STDERR "\n";
The tolerance indicates the acceptable error in degrees when considering if three points are in a line as π - max_angle(Q, Pi, Pj).
It does not take into account the numerical instabilities that can happen when subtracting vectors (i.e |Pi-Pj| may be several orders of magnitude smaller than |Pi|). An easy way to eliminate that problem would be to also require a minimum distance between any two given points.
Setting tolerance to 1e-6, the program just takes a few seconds to generate 4000 points. Translating it to C/C++ would probably make it two orders of magnitude faster.
O(n) solution:
Pick a random number r from 0..1
The point added to the cloud is then P(cos(2 × π × r), sin(2 × π × r))