Creating Columns From Stacked Data - sas

Piggy backing on a similar question I asked
(Summing a Column By Group In a Dataset With Macros)...
I have the following dataset:
Month Cost_Center Account Actual Annual_Budget
May 53410 Postage 23 134
May 53420 Postage 7 238
May 53430 Postage 98 743
May 53440 Postage 0 417
May 53710 Postage 102 562
May 53410 Phone 63 137
May 53420 Phone 103 909
May 53430 Phone 90 763
June 53410 Postage 13 134
June 53420 Postage 0 238
June 53430 Postage 48 743
June 53440 Postage 0 417
June 53710 Postage 92 562
June 53410 Phone 73 137
June 53420 Phone 103 909
June 53430 Phone 90 763
I would like to "splice" it so each month has its own respective column for Actual while summing the numeric values by Account.
So for example, I want the output to look like the following:
Account May_Actual_Sum June_Actual_Sum Annual_Budget
Postage 14562 37960 255251
Phone 4564 2660 32241
The code below provided by a fellow user works great when not needing to further dis-aggregated by month; however, I'm not sure if it's possible to do so (I tired adding a 'by month clause' - didn't work).
proc means data=Test N SUM NWAY STACKODS;
class Account_Description;
var Actual annual_budget;
by month;
ods output summary = summary_stats1;
output out = summary_stats2 N = SUM= / AUTONAME;
data want;
set summary_stats2;

Use PROC MEANS to get summaries - same as last time. Please read up the documentation on PROC MEANS to understand how the CLASS statements works and how you can control the different levels of output.
Use PROC TRANSPOSE to flip the data wide. Since the budget amount is consistent across rows you'll be fine.
I'm guessing your next set of question will then be how to sort the columns correctly because your months won't sort and how to reference them dynamically to calculate the month to date changes. Which are some of the reasons why this data structure is not recommended.
data have;
input Month $ Cost_Center $ Account $ Actual Annual_Budget;
May 53410 Postage 23 134
May 53420 Postage 7 238
May 53430 Postage 98 743
May 53440 Postage 0 417
May 53710 Postage 102 562
May 53410 Phone 63 137
May 53420 Phone 103 909
May 53430 Phone 90 763
June 53410 Postage 13 134
June 53420 Postage 0 238
June 53430 Postage 48 743
June 53440 Postage 0 417
June 53710 Postage 92 562
June 53410 Phone 73 137
June 53420 Phone 103 909
June 53430 Phone 90 763
proc means data=have noprint nway;
class account month;
var actual annual_budget;
output out=temp sum=actual_total budget_total;
proc transpose data=temp out=want prefix=Month_;
by account budget_total;
var actual_total;
id month;

I cannot think of a way to generate this report using just one PROC. You will need to do some post processing of PROC MEANS or PROC SUMMARY results to get to this:
proc means data=have SUM ;
class Account month;
var Actual annual_budget;
output out = summary_stats SUM=;
/* Look at summary_stats to understand it's structure here */
/* Otherwise you will not understand the following code */
proc sort data = summary_stats;
where _type_ in (2,3);
by account;
data want;
set summary_stats;
by account ;
retain May_Actual_Sum June_Actual_Sum Annual_Budget_sum;
if first.account then Annual_Budget_sum = Annual_Budget;
else do;
when ('May') May_Actual_Sum = actual;
when ('June') June_Actual_Sum = actual;
/* List other months also here. Can use some macros here to make the code compact and expandable for future enhancements */
if last.account then output;
keep account May_Actual_Sum June_Actual_Sum Annual_Budget_sum;


Data step - unexpected performance behaviour in where-clause

As the title suggests, I experience some unexpected performance behaviour while working with a datastep.
A. The following code executes in 0.01 sec. So far so good.
data policen_roh;
set dwhprod.tbwh_kdu_detail_hi(
kdu_dt_id police_nr record_typ kdnr bag betrag_akt ursp_beginn_dt beginn_dt ablauf_dt storno_dt
and record_typ='P'
B. Additionally I have to filter a date, which is stored in a date-id, starting at 1 for 01/01/1850. Since I created formats to convert the date-id to a year (integer), I added the line input(put(kdu_dt_id, tag_id2jahr.),best.) ge 2017.
Works as expected. No problem here. I get my 15 expected records, and execution time increases marginally to 0.02 sec:
data policen_roh;
set dwhprod.tbwh_kdu_detail_hi(
kdu_dt_id police_nr record_typ kdnr bag betrag_akt ursp_beginn_dt beginn_dt ablauf_dt storno_dt
and input(put(kdu_dt_id, tag_id2jahr.),best.) ge 2017
and record_typ='P'
C. Now here is the problem: In an effort to speed up my code for larger datasets, I replaced
input(put(kdu_dt_id, tag_id2jahr.),best.) ge 2017
kdu_dt_id gt 60997 - the equivalent of 01/01/2017.
To my understanding, this should be way faster, since there is no put/input calculation required. However, while this returns the same result as B., execution time increases to roughly 30.00 seconds.
What is did I miss?
Appendix: Log for further reference
1 The SAS System 13:56 Wednesday, February 7, 2018
1 ;*';*";*/;quit;run;
4 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH='R:\Projekte\20180125 Erneuerungsprovisionen\Erneuerungsprovisionen.egp';
5 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME='Erneuerungsprovisionen.egp';
13 ENCODING='utf-8'
14 STYLE=HtmlBlue
15 STYLESHEET=(URL="file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SASHOME/x86/SASEnterpriseGuide/7.1/Styles/HtmlBlue.css")
19 GPATH=&sasworklocation
20 ;
NOTE: Writing HTML(EGHTML) Body file: EGHTML
23 data policen_roh;
24 set dwhprod.tbwh_kdu_detail_hi(
25 keep=
26 kdu_dt_id police_nr record_typ kdnr bag betrag_akt ursp_beginn_dt beginn_dt ablauf_dt storno_dt
27 where=(
28 police_nr=406045267
29 and kdu_dt_id gt 60997
30 and record_typ='P'
31 )
32 )
33 ;
34 run;
NOTE: There were 14 observations read from the data set DWHPROD.TBWH_KDU_DETAIL_HI.
WHERE (police_nr=406045267) and (kdu_dt_id>60997) and (record_typ='P');
NOTE: The data set WORK.POLICEN_ROH has 14 observations and 10 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.POLICEN_ROH increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 1:10.44
cpu time 0.03 seconds
42 ;*';*";*/;quit;run;
2 The SAS System 13:56 Wednesday, February 7, 2018
My guess is that your underlying table is on a database, and the removal of the input / put functions changed the query execution such that it is no longer making use of available indexes.
A bit counterintuitive, but try removing kdu_dt_id gt 60997 from your where clause and put it in a gating if statement instead.
data policen_roh;
set dwhprod.tbwh_kdu_detail_hi(
kdu_dt_id police_nr record_typ kdnr bag betrag_akt ursp_beginn_dt beginn_dt ablauf_dt storno_dt
and record_typ='P'
if kdu_dt_id gt 60997;
Alternatively speak to your dba about tuning your database if this is a query you will run often.
For more information, you could re-write your query using proc sql, with the _tree option (to view the execution plan). You could then use the _method option to play around / tune that plan.
Also, check out options sastrace=',,,d' sastraceloc=saslog; to show your dba more info on what is being sent to the database in terms of the underlying SQL query.

SAS using Datalines - "observation read not used"

I am a complete newb to SAS and I only know is basic sql. Currently taking Regression class and having trouble with SAS code.
I am trying to input two columns of data where x variable is State; y variable is # of accidents for a simple regression.
I keep getting this:
ERROR: No valid observations are found.
Number of Observations Read 51
Number of Observations Used 0
Number of Observations with Missing Values 51
Is it because datalines only read numbers and not charcters?
Here is the code as well as the datalines:
Data Firearm_Accidents_1999_to_2014;
ods graphics on;
Input State Sum_OF_Deaths;
Alabama 526
Alaska 0
Arizona 150
Arkansas 246
California 834
Colorado 33
Connecticut 0
Delaware 0
District_of_Columbia 0
Florida 350
Georgia 413
Hawaii 0
Idaho 0
Illinois 287
Indiana 288
Iowa 0
Kansas 44
Kentucky 384
Louisiana 562
Maine 0
Maryland 21
Massachusetts 27
Michigan 168
Minnesota 0
Mississippi 332
Missouri 320
Montana 0
Nebraska 0
Nevada 0
New_Hampshire 0
New_Jersey 85
New_Mexico 49
New_York 218
North_Carolina 437
North_Dakota 0
Ohio 306
Oklahoma 227
Oregon 41
Pennsylvania 465
Rhode_Island 0
South_Carolina 324
South_Dakota 0
Tennessee 603
Texas 876
Utah 0
Vermont 0
Virginia 203
Washington 45
West_Virginia 136
Wisconsin 64
Wyoming 0
run; proc print;
proc reg data = Firearm_Accidents_1999_to_2014;
model State = Sum_OF_Deaths;
ods graphics off;
run; quit;
OK, some different levels of issues here.
ODS GRAPHICS go before and after procs, not inside them.
When reading a character variable you need to tell SAS using an informat.
This allows you to read in the data. However your regression has several issues. For one, State is a character variable and you can do regression with a character variable. I think that issue is beyond this forum. Review your regression basics and check what you're trying to do.
Data Firearm_Accidents_1999_to_2014;
informat state $32.;
Input State Sum_OF_Deaths;
Alabama 526
Alaska 0
Arizona 150
Arkansas 246
California 834
Colorado 33

Sas calculation program doesn't run

I have the following data set:
Date jobboardid Sales
Jan05 3 256
Jan05 6 70
Jan05 54 90
Feb05 32 456
Feb05 11 89
Feb05 16 876
Jan06 6 678
Jan06 54 87
Jan06 13 56
Feb06 McDonald 67
Feb06 11 281
Feb06 16 876
Jan07 6 567
Jan07 54 76
Jan07 34 87
Feb07 10 678
Feb07 11 765
Feb07 16 67
I am trying to calculate a 12 month growth rate for Sales column when jobboardid column has the same value 12 months apart. I have the following code:
data Want;
set Have;
by Date jobboardid;
format From Till monyy7.;
from = lag12(Date);
oldsales = lag12(sales);
if lag12 (jobboardid) EQ jobboardid
and INTCK('month', from, Date) EQ 12 then do;
till = Date;
rate = (sales - oldsales) / oldsales;
However I keep getting the following error message:
Note: Missing values were created as a result of performing operation on missing values.
But when I checked my dataset, there aren't any missing values. What's the problem?
Note: My date column is in monyy7. format. jobboardid is numeric value and so does the Sales.
The NOTE is being thrown by the INTCK() function. When you say from=lag12(date) the first 12 records will have a missing value for from. And then INTCK('month', from, Date) will throw the NOTE. Even though INTCK is not used in an assignment statement, it still throws the NOTE because one of its arguments has a missing value. Below is an example. The log reports that missing values were created 12 times, because I used lag12.
77 data have;
78 do Date=1 to 20;
79 output;
80 end;
81 run;
NOTE: The data set WORK.HAVE has 20 observations and 1 variables.
82 data want;
83 set have;
84 from=lag12(Date);
85 if intck('month',from,today())=. then put 'Missing: ' (_n_ Date)(=);
86 else put 'Not Missing: ' (_n_ Date)(=);
87 run;
Missing: _N_=1 Date=1
Missing: _N_=2 Date=2
Missing: _N_=3 Date=3
Missing: _N_=4 Date=4
Missing: _N_=5 Date=5
Missing: _N_=6 Date=6
Missing: _N_=7 Date=7
Missing: _N_=8 Date=8
Missing: _N_=9 Date=9
Missing: _N_=10 Date=10
Missing: _N_=11 Date=11
Missing: _N_=12 Date=12
Not Missing: _N_=13 Date=13
Not Missing: _N_=14 Date=14
Not Missing: _N_=15 Date=15
Not Missing: _N_=16 Date=16
Not Missing: _N_=17 Date=17
Not Missing: _N_=18 Date=18
Not Missing: _N_=19 Date=19
Not Missing: _N_=20 Date=20
NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values.
Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column).
12 at 85:6
NOTE: There were 20 observations read from the data set WORK.HAVE.
NOTE: The data set WORK.WANT has 20 observations and 2 variables.
One way to avoid the problem would be to add another do block something like (untested):
if lag12 (jobboardid) EQ jobboardid and _n_> 12 then do;
if INTCK('month', from, Date) EQ 12 then do;
till = Date;
rate = (sales - oldsales) / oldsales;

Applying cutoff to data set with IDs

I am using SAS and managed to run proc logistic, which gives me a table like so.
Classification Table
Prob Correct Incorrect Percentages
Level Event Non- Event Non- Correct Sensi- Speci- FALSE FALSE
Event Event tivity ficity POS NEG J
0 33 0 328 0 9.1 100 0 90.9 . 99
0.02 33 62 266 0 26.3 100 18.9 89 0 117.9
0.04 31 162 166 2 53.5 93.9 49.4 84.3 1.2 142.3
0.06 26 209 119 7 65.1 78.8 63.7 82.1 3.2 141.5
How do I include IDs for the rows of data in lib.POST_201505_PRED below that have at least 0.6 probability?
proc logistic data=lib.POST_201503 outmodel=lib.POST_201503_MODEL descending;
model BUYER =
Score data=lib.POST_201505 out=lib.POST_201505_PRED outroc=lib.POST_201505_ROC;
I've been reading the documentation and searching online but haven't found anything on it. I must be searching for the wrong keywords, as I presume this is a frequently used process.
You just need an id-statement to tell SAS your ID-variable identifies your observations;
proc logistic data=lib.POST_201503 outmodel=lib.POST_201503_MODEL descending;
id ID;
model BUYER = age tenure usage payment loyalty_card
Score data=lib.POST_201505
Now your output contains all you need.
For instance to print the IDs that get had probability of at least 0.6 assigned of being a BUYER to them;
proc print data=lib.POST_201505_PRED (where=(P_1 GE 0.6));
var ID P_1;
You find these id yourKey; statements throughout the statistical procedures in SAS, for instance ;
proc univariate data=psydata.stroop;
id Subject;
var ReadTime;
** will report the most extreme values of ReadTime as
Turns out I just had to include the ids in lib.POST_201505

How to subset automatically in SAS?

I am new to SAS, so this might be a silly type of question.
Assume there are several datasets with similar structure but different column names. I want to get new datasets with the same number of rows but only a subset of columns.
In the following example, Data_A and Data_B are original datasets and SubA and SubBare what I want. What is the efficient way of deriving SubA and SubB?
DATA A_auto;
LENGTH A_make $ 20;
INPUT A_make $ 1-17 A_price A_mpg A_rep78 A_hdroom A_trunk A_weight A_length A_turn A_displ A_gratio A_foreign;
AMC Concord 4099 22 3 2.5 11 2930 186 40 121 3.58 0
AMC Pacer 4749 17 3 3.0 11 3350 173 40 258 2.53 0
Audi Fox 6295 23 3 2.5 11 2070 174 36 97 3.70 1
DATA B_auto;
LENGTH make $ 20;
INPUT B_make $ 1-17 B_price B_mpg B_rep78 B_hdroom B_trunk B_weight B_length B_turn B_displ B_gratio B_foreign;
Toyota Celica 5899 18 5 2.5 14 2410 174 36 134 3.06 1
Toyota Corolla 3748 31 5 3.0 9 2200 165 35 97 3.21 1
VW Scirocco 6850 25 4 2.0 16 1990 156 36 97 3.78 1
set A_auto;
keep A_make A_price;
set B_auto;
keep B_make B_price;
Here's my new answer. This introduces quite a few concepts, but all are necessary to complete this task.
First of all I would store the required part variable names (the suffixes that are common to all datasets) in a new dataset. This keeps them all in one place and makes it easier to change if required.
The next step is to create a regular expression (regex) search string that combines all the names, separated by a pipe (|), which is the regex symbol for or. I've also added a $ symbol to end of the names, this ensures only variables ending with the part names will be selected.
select into :[macroname] is the method to create macro variables within proc sql
Then I set up a macro to extract the specific variable names for the current dataset and use those names to create a view (like my original answer)
The dictionary library referenced in the proc sql is a metadata library that contains information on all active libraries, tables, columns etc, so is a good source of identifying what the actual variable names are called (based on the regex search string created earlier).
You won't need the proc print in your code, I just put it in to show everything is working as expected.
Let me know if this works for you
/* create intial datasets */
DATA A_auto;
LENGTH A_make $ 20;
INPUT A_make $ 1-17 A_price A_mpg A_rep78 A_hdroom A_trunk A_weight A_length A_turn A_displ A_gratio A_foreign;
AMC Concord 4099 22 3 2.5 11 2930 186 40 121 3.58 0
AMC Pacer 4749 17 3 3.0 11 3350 173 40 258 2.53 0
Audi Fox 6295 23 3 2.5 11 2070 174 36 97 3.70 1
DATA B_auto;
LENGTH B_make $ 20;
INPUT B_make $ 1-17 B_price B_mpg B_rep78 B_hdroom B_trunk B_weight B_length B_turn B_displ B_gratio B_foreign;
Toyota Celica 5899 18 5 2.5 14 2410 174 36 134 3.06 1
Toyota Corolla 3748 31 5 3.0 9 2200 165 35 97 3.21 1
VW Scirocco 6850 25 4 2.0 16 1990 156 36 97 3.78 1
/* create dataset containing partial name of variables to keep */
data keepvars;
input part_name $ :20.;
/* create regular expression search string from partial names */
proc sql noprint;
cats(part_name,'$') /* '$' matches end of string */
:name_str separated by '|' /* '|' is an 'or' search operator in regular expressions */
%put &name_str.; /* print search string to log */
/* macro to create views from datasets */
%macro create_views (dsname, vwname); /* inputs are dataset name being read in and view name being created */
/* extract specific variable names to be kept, based on search string */
proc sql noprint;
:vars separated by ' '
libname = 'WORK'
and memname = upper("&dsname.")
and prxmatch("/&name_str./",strip(name))>0; /* prxmatch is regular expression search function */
%put &vars.; /* print variables to keep to log */
/* create views */
data &vwname. / view=&vwname.;
set &dsname. (keep=&vars.);
/* test view by printing */
proc print data=&vwname.;;
%mend create_views;
/* run macro for each dataset */
%create_views(A_auto, SubA);
%create_views(B_auto, SubB);