How to Sync Django HTTP Login Session with Websocket Session/Cookie? - django

I am using Django DjangoChannelsGraphqlWs which is Graphene version of Django Channels. ( It allows me to transfer data using graphql style. I wrote a login login on my mutation schema.
class Login(graphene.Mutation):
class Arguments:
email = graphene.String()
password = graphene.String()
ok = graphene.Boolean()
user = graphene.Field(UserType)
def mutate(root, info, email, password, **kwargs):
ok = False
user = authenticate(info.context, username=email, password=password)
if user is not None:
login(info.context, user)
ok = True
return Login(ok=ok, user=user)
return Login(ok=ok)
And I wrote my client side Websocket using Apollo-client like this:
class WebSocketService {
static instance = null;
callbacks = {};
static getInstance() {
if (!WebSocketService.instance)
WebSocketService.instance = new WebSocketService();
return WebSocketService.instance;
constructor() {
this.socketRef = null;
connect() {
const client = new SubscriptionClient(BASE_URL + '/graphql/', {
reconnect: true,
const link = new WebSocketLink(client);
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
this.socketRef = new ApolloClient({
query = (query, variables={}, context={}, fetchPolicy='no-cache', errorPolicy='all') =>
query: gql`${query}`,
mutate = (mutation, variables={}, context={}, fetchPolicy='no-cache', errorPolicy='all') =>
mutation: gql`${mutation}`,
const WebSocketInstance = WebSocketService.getInstance();
export default WebSocketInstance;
Lastly, here is my consumer.
class MyGraphqlWsConsumer(channels_graphql_ws.GraphqlWsConsumer):
"""Channels WebSocket consumer which provides GraphQL API."""
schema = schema
send_keepalive_every = 60
I attempted to log in using the WebSocketInstance. However, Django's login function fails when I hand over info.context and authenticate(info.context, user) parameters. It throws error saying "types.SimpleNamespace' object has no attirbute 'META'". After stumbling upon with the error, I gave up with logging in with a websocket and decided to just use axios and normal http request.
But here is another issue. The session and cookies are not synced. When I use axios and normal http request, the login itself does work well, but websocket connection does not reflect the logged in session/cookies.
I found that it takes some time to reflect the change and it happens after disconnecting and reconnecting the websocket.
How should I sync the login information?

try overing the graphl_jwt
class ObtainJSONWebToken(graphql_jwt.JSONWebTokenMutation):
user = graphene.Field(UserType)
session = graphene.String()
def resolve(cls, root, info, **kwargs):
if user:
if session.session_key:
return cls(user=user,session=session.session_key)
raise Exception('try it again')
in mutation
class Mutation(graphene.ObjectType):


Access a view which is for logged in users in django testing

Im trying to create some tests for my django project. I get multiple errors when trying to do the views tests. Most of my views depend on a user to be logged in and I cant find the way to log in . Im using the deafult django built-in AUTH system.
def fields(request):
if request.user.profile.user_package == "Livestock":
raise PermissionDenied()
field_list = Field.objects.filter(user = request.user)
context = {
"title": "Fields",
"field_list" : field_list,
template = 'agriculture/fields.html'
return render(request, template, context)
class TestViews(TestCase):
#factory.django.mute_signals(signals.pre_save, signals.post_save, signals.pre_delete, signals.post_delete)
def setUpTestData(cls):
# Create new user
test_user = User.objects.create(username='test_user',password='1XISRUkwtuK')
c = Client()
profile = Profile.objects.get_or_create(user = test_user, user_package = 'hybrid')
c.login(username = test_user.username, password = test_user.password)
def test_logged_in_user(self):
login = self.client.login(username='test_user', password='1XISRUkwtuK')
response = self.client.get(reverse('agriculture:fields'))
# Check our user is logged in
self.assertEqual(str(response.context['user']), 'test_user')
# Check that we got a response "success"
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
path: path('fields', views.fields, name='fields')
and settings if they provide any help :
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = 'dashboard:index'
LOGIN_URL = 'login'
On my tests i get the error TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable when im checking if user is logged in. If i try to get the response I get AssertionError: 302 != 200.
When creating User in Django you should not use create method of user manager, because that sets the password to plain text instead of enrypting it. Try creating user using create_user method, like that:
test_user = User.objects.create_user(username='test_user',password='1XISRUkwtuK')
And if you don't want to use this method, you can always use force_login client method to login user without having to specify login nor password like that:

testing stripe on-boarding django with mock

i am having trouble trying to mock test the on-boarding process of stripe connect. I am just learning how to use mock and i am struggling with the StripeAuthorizeCallbackView. the process is as follows: A user reaches the StripeAuthorizeView which sends them to the stripe api to sign up for an account. Once they successfully sign up for an account their redirected back to my platform and stripe sends a temporary code which i then send back to stripe with my api keys. Once i have sent the information back to stripe they then return me credentials for the user being the stripe_user_id.
Here is the two views in question:
import urllib
import requests
class StripeAuthorizeView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
def get(self, request):
url = ''
user = self.request.user
if user.account_type == 'Business':
business_type = 'company'
business_type = 'individual'
params = {
'response_type': 'code',
'scope': 'read_write',
'client_id': settings.STRIPE_CONNECT_CLIENT_ID,
'redirect_uri': f'',
'stripe_user[email]' :,
'stripe_user[business_type]' : business_type,
'stripe_user[url]' : '',
url = f'{url}?{urllib.parse.urlencode(params)}'
return redirect(url)
lass StripeAuthorizeCallbackView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
def get(self, request):
code = request.GET.get('code')
if code:
data = {
'client_secret': settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY,
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'client_id': settings.STRIPE_CONNECT_CLIENT_ID,
'code': code
url = ''
resp =, params=data)
stripe_user_id = resp.json()['stripe_user_id']
stripe_access_token = resp.json()['access_token']
stripe_refresh_token = resp.json()['refresh_token']
user = self.request.user
user.stripe_access_token = stripe_access_token
user.stripe_user_id = stripe_user_id
user.stripe_refresh_token = stripe_refresh_token
notify.send(sender=user, recipient=user,
verb='You have succesfully linked a stripe account. You can now take payments for sales.',
redirect_url = reverse('account', kwargs={'pk':})
response = redirect(redirect_url)
return response
user = self.request.user
notify.send(sender=user, recipient=user,
verb='Your attempt to link a stripe account failed. Please contact customer support.',
url = reverse('account', kwargs={'pk':})
response = redirect(url)
return response
I am not very worried about testing the StripeAuthorizeView a lot. I am more trying to figure out how to test the StripeAuthorizeCallbackView. All i can figure out is that i will need to mock both the code returned and then mock the following This test is important to confirm my platform is linking the users credentials after the on-boarding process. Any help on this will be greatly appricated.
So far i have the following :
def setUpTestData(cls):
cls.test_user = User.objects.create_user(
full_name='test name',
address='1 test st',
contact_number='0433335333' )
def test_authorizecallback_creates_stripe_details(self, get_mock):
code = requests.get('code')
user = self.test_user
self.client.login(email='', password='test')
mocked = ({'stripe_user_id' : '4444','stripe_access_token' : '2222',
'stripe_refresh_token' : '1111' })
with mock.patch('', mock.Mock(return_value=mocked)):
response = self.client.get('/accounts/stripe/oauth/callback/',
{'code' : '1234'})
self.assertEqual(user.stripe_access_token, '222')
message = list(response.context.get('messages'))[0]
however i keep getting:
File "C:\Users\typef\Desktop\Projects\python_env\fox-listed\Fox-Listed\fox-listed\user\", line 142, in get
stripe_user_id = resp.json()['stripe_user_id']
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'json'
the actual response that the StripeAuthorizeCallBackView gives is:
{'access_token': 'sk_test_1KyTG74Ouw65KYTR1O03WjNA00viNjcIfO', 'livemode': False, 'refresh_token': 'rt_H3Vrhd0XbSH7zbmqfDyMNwolgt1Gd7r4ESBDBr5a4VkCzTRT', 'token_type': 'bearer', 'stripe_publishable_key': 'pk_test_**********', 'stripe_user_id': 'acct_1GVOpAF7ag87i2I6', 'scope': 'express'}
Looks like i got it, if there is a flaw here let me know but here is what i have:
class TestStripeAuthorizeCallbackView:
def test_authorizecallback_creates_stripe_details(self, requests_mock):
json = { 'stripe_user_id' : '4444', 'access_token' : '2222', 'refresh_token' : '1111'} = json
user = mixer.blend('user.CustomUser', stripe_user_id=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None)
req = RequestFactory().get('/', data={'code' : '1234'})
middleware = SessionMiddleware()
messages = FallbackStorage(req)
setattr(req, '_messages', messages)
req.user = user
resp = StripeAuthorizeCallbackView.as_view()(req)
assert resp.status_code == 302 ,'should redirect to success url'
assert user.stripe_user_id == '4444', 'should assign stripe_user_id to user'
assert user.stripe_access_token == '2222', 'should assign an access_token'
assert user.stripe_refresh_token == '1111', 'should assign a refresh_token'
What you're describing isn't mocking so much as it is end-to-end testing, connecting actual test accounts, which you can do.
As long as you're using a test client_id then when you are redirected to Stripe to create the account you can skip the form via a link and get directed back to your site with a real (test mode) oauth code.
Essentially you can set this up and actually go through the flow to create & connect new disposable test Stripe accounts.

Django AJAX login without re-direct

Yes, there is a similar question without resolution to the actual question.
My users may be trying out the app and then decide to register for an account to save. Once registered I need to log them in without redirecting or reloading the page. I've got the registration working and logging them in is no problem, but what do I return to the client in order for the logged in session to be active in the browser? I'm not looking to add any other frameworks or libraries to the stack, please.
Django View (some omitted)
class CheckAuthTokenAjaxView(FormView):
form_class = AuthTokenForm
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
form = self.form_class(self.request.POST)
u = get_user_model().objects.filter(email=email).first()
u.email_confirmed = True
login(self.request, u)
# What should I be sending back?
return JsonResponse({"success": True}, status=200)
Doc.Register.checkAuthTokenForm = function(event) {
var form = document.getElementById('authtoken-form');
var data = new FormData(form);
d3.json('/users/ajax/checkAuthToken/', {
method: 'post',
body: data,
headers: {
// "Content-type": "charset=UTF-8",
"X-CSRFToken": Doc.CSRF,
.then(result => {
if (result.hasOwnProperty('errors')) {
// ...
} else {

Django backend receives one less param than sent by frontend

I have a small web app with AngularJS front-end and Django ReST in the back. There's a strange hitch going on when I make POST request to the web service: the browser console clearly shows 3 parameters being sent, but the backend logging reports only 2 params received. The result is that the server throws a code 500 error due to a bad database lookup.
Here's the code:
var b = newQuesForm.username.value;
$'/myapp/questions/new', {username:b,title:q.title,description:q.description}).
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.questions = data;
q = null;
}).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
Both my manual logging and the dev console show a string like:
{"username":"admin","description":"What's your name?","title":"question 1"}
class CreateQuestionSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
author = UserSerializer(required=False)
title = serializers.CharField(max_length=150)
description = serializers.CharField(max_length=350)
def create(self, data):
q= Question()
d = data
q.title = d.get('title')
q.description = d.get("description") = User.objects.get(username=d.get('username'))
return q
Server-side logging shows the username parameter never succeeds in making the trip, and thus I end up with code 500 and error message:
User matching query does not exist. (No user with id=none)
What's causing some of the data to get lost?
So it turns out the problem was really with the serialization of fields, as #nikhiln began to point out. I followed his lead to refactor the code, moving the create() method to, rather than, and stopped relying altogether on the client-side data for the user's identity, something that was a bit silly in the first place (passing User to a hidden input in the view, and then harvesting the username from there and passing it back to the server in the AJAX params). Here's the new code, that works perfectly:
class QuestionCreate(generics.CreateAPIView):
model = Question
serializer_class = CreateQuestionSerializer
def create(self, request,*args,**kwargs):
q= Question()
d =
q.title = d.get('title')
q.description = d.get("description") = request.user
return Response({'id','author'}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
return Response({'error':'record not created'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
So here, I do it the right way: pull the User from the request param directly in the backend.

Get Django sessions on Node.js

I'm trying to add Node.js to my web application in Django to have real time.
I'm doing the functionality of "like" as in facebook, when users click "like" AJAX will post the ID of song to (Node.js server).
I have the user ID on a session variable, but i don't know how to access to this session variable from Node.js.
Here is my code:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.send("ID user: " + req.session.user_id);
console.log("Working under 3000")
def auth(request):
if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST':
email = request.POST.get('username', '')
password = request.POST.get('password', '')
autenti = JayapalBackend()
auth = autenti.authenticate(email, password)
if auth is not None:
id_usuario = Usuario.objects.get(email=email).getId()
request.session['user_id'] = id_usuario
return HttpResponse('1')
return HttpResponse("-1")
return HttpResponse("-1")
I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'user_id' of undefined