CSS grid to ignore column if column doesn't exist - css-grid

If I have
grid-template-columns: 20vw 20vw 20vw 20vw;
But only 3 items, can I get the 3 items to center ignoring the 4th space? Or is that the wrong tool for this job and I should use another method like flexbox.


How to Adjust Column Width Using .. hlist:: directive in rst

Is there a way to adjust the column width using the .. hlist:: directive? I've looked around and haven't found a simple solution.
For example, I'm using a a list with two columns, but want there to be less space between the columns.
Please see below:
.. hlist::
:columns: 2
Thank you.

Row divider igx Grid

I have an igx Grid with sorted rows. The rows are sorted by date (this is a column from the grid). So I have multiple rows with the same date. How can I put a divider between the rows where the date is changed? Here is an example:
Row Date Some stuff
1 01.01.2021 some data
2 01.01.2021 some data
3 01.01.2021 some data
4 03.01.2021 other data
5 03.01.2021 other data
So from the 4. row the date is changed, how can I put a divider (something like in this tutorial: https://www.infragistics.com/products/ignite-ui-angular/angular/components/divider) before the 4. row programmatically? How can I do this in Typescript?
Since the Ignite UI for Angular Grid is virtualized and thus its record rendering is entirely data driven, there's no way to inset arbitrary elements in-between rows that I can think of. It'll mess with both rendering/scroll and navigation as you can imagine, so the templatable areas are controlled.
On first glance, your example can probably be achieved with a simple border style through some data manipulation and Conditional Row Styling. You can provide a callback for each row to trigger a class or custom styles.
However, seeing as you already sort by the date it really looks like the scenario you're describing is something that can be handled by Grouping. Group By is already an extension of sorting with the added groups with templatable headers and expand-collapse functionality. Actually, there's an example of this exact type of group under the custom group by example:
What you should be looking at is the expression, the DaySortingStrategy if the default isn't enough, but mostly the groupingComparer which determines if items belong in the same group. Here's a simplified version from the sample:
this.sortingStrategy = DaySortingStrategy.instance(); // or DefaultSortingStrategy.instance()
this.initialExpr = [{
dir: SortingDirection.Asc,
fieldName: 'OrderDate',
ignoreCase: true,
strategy: this.sortingStrategy,
groupingComparer: (a, b) => {
const dateA = this.sortingStrategy.getParsedDate(a);
const dateB = this.sortingStrategy.getParsedDate(b);
return dateA.day === dateB.day && dateA.month === dateB.month ? 0 : -1;
which is bound to the Grid's groupingExpressions:
<igx-grid #grid1 [data]="data" [groupingExpressions]="initialExpr">
I suspect the groupingComparer can even be simplified further depending on your data.

Hide a column in Grafana panel

I have a query:
Select * from my table
That gives me 20 fields.
There is 3 columns that all begin with index in column name that I want to hide.
I could explicit all fields in query, but for 17 fields, it might not be the best solution.
In Options,
I use this regex, /index(.*)/
When I change the column header, I can see the header of the 3 columns is changing which means my regex is OK.
But when I change the type from String to Hidden, all my column except time disappear.
Is there something I am missing ?

How to make chart ignore filter in matrix headers?

I am trying to make a chart with indicators that are alsoe headers of a matrix. My dataset has 4 variables (Date, Indicators (A,B,C,D), Currency and Value). I have a matrix where the rows are the "Currency", the columns are the Indicators A and B and the values are "Value". In my chart, the x axis is Indicators (C and D), the legend is the "Currency" and the values is "Values". I want to make this chart ignore what is selected in the matrix columns but I need it to be responsive to the matrix rows (currency). I tried some filters but it didn work.
In the Fig 1 (link below) we can see the screen if no filter is selected. And I want to select a currency (row) or a value in the matrix. But if I do it, my chat turns blank (Fig 2) where I want to see the values of C and D for the selected currency.
How can I do it?
All data and pibx are here!
Look at using the All() function, this restricts filters from affecting your measures

Expression to set cell spacing with SQL Report Builder 3.0

I want an expression tho show the square box around every entry inside a column.
I am getting a normal table view right now. I just want to seperate each row borders.
.i.e. Cell spacing.
Please help me in using cell spacing with report builder 3.0
In addition to resolve this issue do the following steps:
Add one more row above & below to the Data Row & adjust the height for row as 0.2 in(Approximately - Can you add it more as your wishlist).
Then set the background Color using the expression where you want to display a square box as follows,
If you want to match any conditions,
=Switch(Condition = Value_1, "Red",Condition = Value_2, "#D2D2D2",True, "No Color")
otherwise specify color names or code, red, etc.