Compare node_modules for each releases - compare

Looking for a way to compare package changes between releases.
I need a script or something that when run will show the difference (what packages are new, deleted or updated) between master tagged releases, by comparing the node_modules.
List with all changed or new packages/modules within tree of node_modules.

just came back from holiday, so this is the way I attempted a solution:
const checker = require('license-checker')
const compareVersions = require('compare-versions')
const rimraf = require('rimraf')
const { WebClient } = require('#slack/web-api')
const { exec } = require('child_process')
// An access token (from your Slack app or custom integration - xoxp, xoxb)
const token =
const channel = 'where_to_post_report'
let prevReleasePackets
let currReleasePackets
function comparerVersion(otherArray) {
return current =>
otherArray.filter(other => === === 0
function comparerVersionNo(otherArray) {
return current =>
other => === &&
compareVersions(other.version, current.version) === -1
).length === 0
function mapToData(libs) {
return Object.keys(libs)
.filter(key => key.indexOf('sm-web') === -1 && key.indexOf('debug') === -1)
.map(key => {
const lib = libs[key]
const name =
.replace(/#/g, '_')
.replace(/\./g, '_')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
const version = lib.version.replace(/#/g, '_').replace(/\//g, '_')
return {
function groupBy(objectArray, property) {
return objectArray.reduce((acc, obj) => {
const key = obj[property]
if (!acc[key]) {
acc[key] = []
return acc
}, {})
function getPackets(path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
start: path,
production: true,
customFormat: {
name: '',
version: '',
(err, packages) => {
if (err) {
// Handle error
} else {
// The sorted package data
const packagesReduced = groupBy(mapToData(packages), 'name')
const higerVerionList = []
Object.keys(packagesReduced).forEach(key => {
const versions = packagesReduced[key]
const descVersions = versions.sort(compareVersions).reverse()
higerVerionList.push({ name: key, version: descVersions[0] })
function clonePrevious(tag) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
`git clone https://bitbucket.path_to_repo.git prevVersion && cd prevVersion && git checkout tags/${tag} && yarn && cd ..`,
async (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
if (stdout) {
const prevPacks = await getPackets('./prevVersion')
} else {
async function sendReportToSlack(report) {
const web = new WebClient(token)
const res = await{
text: report,
// `res` contains information about the posted message
console.log('Report sent: ', res.ts)
const readline = require('readline').createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
console.log('Deleting prevVersion folder')
rimraf('prevVersion', async () => {
console.log('Done deleting prevVersion folder')
`What's the version tag for previous release?`,
async tag => {
console.log(`Start cloning and shit the release ${tag}!`)
prevReleasePackets = await clonePrevious(tag)
currReleasePackets = await getPackets('./')
const update = currReleasePackets.filter(
const deleted = prevReleasePackets.filter(
const newPacks = currReleasePackets.filter(
const slackMessage =
`*Packages changes from ${tag}*:\n\n` +
`*--Updated--*: ${JSON.stringify(
)},\n\n *--Deleted--*: ${JSON.stringify(
)} \n\n *--New--*: ${JSON.stringify(newPacks)}`
await sendReportToSlack(slackMessage)


Cannot POST when sending request in Postman

I am having a small issue. I am trying to send a request in Postman, but I receive "
Cannot POST /api/logTemp/1/25
Here is my app.js:
const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const cors= require('cors')
const fs= require('fs')
const path= require('path')
const morgan = require('morgan')
const router = require('./routes/route')
const app = express()
// parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false}))
// parse application/json
//create a write stream (in append mode)
var accessLogStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, '/logs/access.log'), {flags: 'a'})
//setup the logger
app.use(morgan('combined', {stream: accessLogStream}))
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello World!')
const port = 3000
//app.listen(process.env.PORT || port, (err) => {
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log('Server started running on :' + port)
and here is my controller file:
const { getEnabledCategories } = require('trace_events');
const mysql = require('../database/db')
class MainController {
async logTemp(req, res){
if(req.params.deviceID != null && req.params.temperature != null){
let deviceID = req.params.deviceID
let temperature = req.params.temperature;
var sql = `insert into log_temp (log_date, device_id, temp) values (now(),${deviceID}, ${temperature});`
mysql.query(sql, (error,data,fields) => {
} else{
status: 200,
message: "Log uploaded successfully",
affectedRows: data.affectedRows
} else {
res.send('Por favor llena todos los datos!')
async getLogs(req, res){
console.log("Get Logs")
let deviceID = req.params.deviceID;
var sql = `SELECT * FROM log_temp where device_id=${deviceID}`
mysql.query(sql, (error, data, fields) => {
if(error) {
} else {
const tempController = new MainController()
module.exports = tempController;
The code above was made in Visual Studio. It is odd because getLogs does work but logTemp does not. What I intend to do with logTemp is add a new value (which is the value temperature) to MySQL database. The connection to the database worked just fine, as well as localhost. If you need any more info in order to help me find a solution, please let me know and I will be more than happy to provide it. Also, i'm sorry for any grammar errors, english is not my first language :)

Geocoding API and Geocoder Class - different result for same address

So, sounds like this question was asked before, but actually this one is different.
The problem is that Geocoding API is modifying the given address.
address = '750,West Broadway,Vancouver,V5Z 1H2,British Columbia,Canada';
Response from Geocoding Static API url:
formatted_address: '750 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1J4, Canada',
place_id: 'ChIJ_RRP_8NzhlQRVS9i9yqSAKY'
Response from Geocoder Class with the same address:
formatted_address: '750 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1H2, Canada',
place_id: 'ChIJxQEI2cJzhlQRf44wwGpQBNQ'
Different place_id and Post Code.
This creates a problem when using the place id with other services like Directions, StreetView.
const getGoogleMapAndStreetView = async (placeId) => {
const geocoder = new map.Geocoder();
const streetViewService = new map.StreetViewService();
const directionsService = new map.DirectionsService();
const geoResult = await geocoder.geocode(
placeId: placeId,
(geoResult, status) => {
if (status === "OK") {
return geoResult;
const origin = { placeId: geoResult.results[0].place_id };
const directionsResult = await directionsService.route(
origin: origin,
destination: origin,
travelMode: map.TravelMode.DRIVING,
(directionsResult, status) => {
if (status === "OK") {
return directionsResult;
const panoResult = await streetViewService.getPanorama(
location: directionsResult.routes[0].legs[0].start_location,
source: map.StreetViewSource.OUTDOOR,
radius: 50,
(panoResult, status) => {
if (status === "OK") {
return panoResult;
const newHeading = map.geometry.spherical.computeHeading(
new map.LatLng(,
new map.LatLng(geoResult.results[0].geometry.location)
return {
lat: geoResult.results[0],
lng: geoResult.results[0].geometry.location.lng(),
heading: newHeading,

AWS Lambda targerting CloudWatch Logs

I tried to follow Using DynamoDB with Custom Alexa Skills - Dabble Lab #226 - YouTube video, had some issues that mostly I was able to fix. I guess I am just to new to AWS and Lambda. But I wonder if someone is able to explain me why I don't have CloudWatch Logs as target, as shown in the video and how I can fix that. When I try to save a movietitle alexa sais 'we cannot save your movie right now. Try again!'. Would be amazing If someone here could help me : )
My lambda code:
/* eslint-disable func-names */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
const Alexa = require('ask-sdk');
const dbHelper = require('./helpers/dbHelper');
const GENERAL_REPROMPT = "What would you like to do?";
const dynamoDBTableName = "dynamodb-starter";
const LaunchRequestHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest';
handle(handlerInput) {
const speechText = 'Hello there. What is your favourite movie? You can say add moviename to add your favourite movie or say list my movies to get your favourite movies.';
const repromptText = 'What would you like to do? You can say HELP to get available options';
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const InProgressAddMovieIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && === 'AddMovieIntent' &&
request.dialogState !== 'COMPLETED';
handle(handlerInput) {
const currentIntent = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent;
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const AddMovieIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'AddMovieIntent';
async handle(handlerInput) {
const {responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
const userID = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
const slots = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots;
const movieName = slots.MovieName.value;
return dbHelper.addMovie(movieName, userID)
.then((data) => {
const speechText = `You have added movie ${movieName}. You can say add to add another one or remove to remove movie`;
return responseBuilder
.catch((err) => {
console.log("Error occured while saving movie", err);
const speechText = "we cannot save your movie right now. Try again!"
return responseBuilder
const GetMoviesIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'GetMoviesIntent';
async handle(handlerInput) {
const {responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
const userID = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
return dbHelper.getMovies(userID)
.then((data) => {
var speechText = "Your movies are "
if (data.length == 0) {
speechText = "You do not have any favourite movie yet, add movie by saving add moviename "
} else {
speechText += => e.movieTitle).join(", ")
return responseBuilder
.catch((err) => {
const speechText = "we cannot get your movie right now. Try again!"
return responseBuilder
const InProgressRemoveMovieIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest' && === 'RemoveMovieIntent' &&
request.dialogState !== 'COMPLETED';
handle(handlerInput) {
const currentIntent = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent;
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const RemoveMovieIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'RemoveMovieIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
const {responseBuilder } = handlerInput;
const userID = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.context.System.user.userId;
const slots = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.intent.slots;
const movieName = slots.MovieName.value;
return dbHelper.removeMovie(movieName, userID)
.then((data) => {
const speechText = `You have removed movie with name ${movieName}, you can add another one by saying add`
return responseBuilder
.catch((err) => {
const speechText = `You do not have movie with name ${movieName}, you can add it by saying add`
return responseBuilder
const HelpIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'AMAZON.HelpIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
const speechText = 'You can introduce yourself by telling me your name';
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const CancelAndStopIntentHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& ( === 'AMAZON.CancelIntent'
|| === 'AMAZON.StopIntent');
handle(handlerInput) {
const speechText = 'Goodbye!';
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const SessionEndedRequestHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'SessionEndedRequest';
handle(handlerInput) {
console.log(`Session ended with reason: ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.reason}`);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder.getResponse();
const ErrorHandler = {
canHandle() {
return true;
handle(handlerInput, error) {
console.log(`Error handled: ${error.message}`);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.speak('Sorry, I can\'t understand the command. Please say again.')
.reprompt('Sorry, I can\'t understand the command. Please say again.')
const skillBuilder = Alexa.SkillBuilders.standard();
exports.handler = skillBuilder
The code when deployed:
lucasfalkowsky#Lucass-MacBook-Pro kneipe-temp % ask deploy -p ______
Deploy configuration loaded from ask-resources.json
Deploy project for profile [____]
==================== Deploy Skill Metadata ====================
[Warn]: The hash of current skill package folder does not change compared to the last deploy hash result, CLI will skip the deploy of skill package.
Skill ID: ___________
==================== Build Skill Code ====================
npm WARN dynamodb-starter#1.0.0 No repository field.
audited 18 packages in 1.094s
found 0 vulnerabilities
Skill code built successfully.
Code for region default built to /Users/___/Desktop/___/___/___/___/___/.ask/lambda/custom/ successfully with build flow NodeJsNpmBuildFlow.
==================== Deploy Skill Infrastructure ====================
✔ Deploy Alexa skill infrastructure for region "default"
Skill infrastructures deployed successfully through #ask-cli/lambda-deployer.
==================== Enable Skill ====================
Skill is already enabled, skip the enable process.
The Original Project on Git Hub
As far as I understand you are missing the lambda logs in cloudwatch. So for them to enable you need to have an IAM Role with managed polciy AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole.
That gives following permissions to lambda to log to cloudwatch:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

I am mocking two functions exactly the same way. In one case the mock value is returned and in another case the real function is called. Why?

I have a file that exports some functions:
function getNow() {
console.log('real now');
return dayjs();
function groupProducts(productInfos, now) {
console.log('real group');
return productInfos.reduce((groups, productInfo) => {
const groupKey = dayjs(productInfo.saleStartDate) > now ? dayjs(productInfo.saleStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD') : dayjs(now).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
let group = groups[groupKey];
if (!group) {
group = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
groups[groupKey] = group;
return groups;
}, {});
async function fetchProducts(client, productInfos, now) {
const products = [];
const groups = groupProducts(productInfos, now);
for (const [date, ids] of Object.entries(productQueryGroups)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const productBatch = await fetchResources(
articleIds: ids,
timestamp: date,
return products;
module.exports = {
test: {
I run my tests with:
package.json script
"testw": "npx ../node_modules/.bin/jest --watch",
cli command:
npm run testw -- filename
In this test I exercise groupProducts and mock getNow. The real getNow is never called and the test passes.
describe('groupProducts', () => {
it('groups productInfo ids into today or future date groups', () => {
// Arrange
const nowSpy = jest.spyOn(test, 'getNow').mockReturnValue(dayjs('2001-02-03T04:05:06.007Z'));
const expectedMap = {
'2001-02-03': ['Art-Past', 'Art-Today'],
'2002-12-31': ['Art-Future-1', 'Art-Future-2'],
'2003-12-31': ['Art-Other-Future'],
const productInfos = [{
itemId: 'Art-Past',
saleStartDate: '1999-01-01',
}, {
itemId: 'Art-Today',
saleStartDate: '2001-02-03',
}, {
itemId: 'Art-Future-1',
saleStartDate: '2002-12-31',
}, {
itemId: 'Art-Future-2',
saleStartDate: '2002-12-31',
}, {
itemId: 'Art-Other-Future',
saleStartDate: '2003-12-31',
// Assert
const dateToIds = test.groupProductInfosByTodayOrFutureDate(productInfos, test.getNow());
// Expect
// Restore
In this test I exercise fetchProducts and mock groupProducts. The real groupProducts is called and the causes the test to fail.
describe('fetchProducts', () => {
it.only('calls fetchResources with the timestamp and date for every product query group', async () => {
// Arrange
const productQueryGroups = {
[test.PRICE_GROUPS.CURRENT]: ['Art-Past', 'Art-Today'],
[test.PRICE_GROUPS.FUTURE]: ['Art-Future-1', 'Art-Future-2', 'Art-Other-Future'],
const groupProductsSpy = jest.spyOn(test, 'groupProducts').mockReturnValue( productQueryGroups);
const fetchResourcesSpy = jest.spyOn(test, 'fetchResources').mockResolvedValue([]);
// Act
await test.fetchProducts();
// Expect
expect(test.fetchResources).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ articleIds: [productQueryGroups[test.PRICE_GROUPS.CURRENT]], timestamp: test.PRICE_GROUPS.CURRENT }));
// Restore
Error message
98 | function groupProducts(productInfos, now) {
> 99 | return productInfos.reduce((groups, productInfo) => {
| ^
100 | const groupKey = dayjs(productInfo.saleStartDate) > now ? dayjs(productInfo.saleStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD') : dayjs(now).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
101 |
102 | let group = groups[groupKey];
Why is the real groupProducts called? To me it looks completely analogous to the previous example.

Google Cloud functions (with Pubsub) error

We are using GCP with Cloud functions (with Pubsub topic triggers), and though it works fine most of the time, we do see it often throwing the following authentication error:
Error: Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See
at (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/pubsub/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:569)
Has anyone seen this or know what causes it or how to fix?
Cloud function code:
const datastore = require('#google-cloud/datastore')()
const pubsub = require('#google-cloud/pubsub')()
const promiseRetry = require('promise-retry')
const elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch')
const SupplierSearchManager = require('shared-managers').SupplierSearchManager
const BaseManager = require('shared-managers').BaseManager
const Util = require('shared-managers').Util
const StatsManager = require('shared-managers').StatsManager
var unitTestMode = false
var searchManagerMock, pubsubMock
exports.setUnitTestMode = (searchManagerMockP, pubsubMockP) => {
unitTestMode = true
searchManagerMock = searchManagerMockP
pubsubMock = pubsubMockP
exports.updateElastic = event => {
let dataObject
try {
dataObject = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString())
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
const baseManager = new BaseManager(datastore, new Util('base-manager'), pubsub)
const statsManager = new StatsManager(baseManager, new Util('stats-manager'))
let supplierId = dataObject.supplierId
let retryCount = dataObject.retryCount
let refresh = dataObject.refresh === true
if (!retryCount) retryCount = 0
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let elasticClient = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: process.env.ELASTIC_HOST,
httpAuth: process.env.ELASTIC_AUTH
const supplierSearchManager = unitTestMode ? searchManagerMock : new SupplierSearchManager(elasticClient, baseManager, statsManager)
supplierSearchManager.indexSupplier(process.env.ELASTIC_INDEX, supplierId, refresh).then(resolve, err => {
if (retryCount < 2) {
const topic = unitTestMode ? pubsubMock : pubsub.topic(process.env.PUBSUB_PREFIX + process.env.PUBSUB_TOPIC_ELASTIC)
promiseRetry({retries: 4, maxTimeout: 8000}, (retry, number) => {
return topic.publish({ supplierId: supplierId, retryCount: retryCount + 1 }).catch(err => {
}).then(resolve, err => {
} else {