Emacs recursive search/replace on Windows without Cygwin - replace

To answer "where did I also use this identifier?" -questions, I run on macOS and the linuxes
followed by either of:
On Windows I can get by using Emacs as my IDE without Cygwin, except for dired recursive search/replace.
Does Projectile
offer commands that will search/replace an identifier recursively without requiring Cygwin?
Does any other package make recursive search/replace possible on Windows without Cygwin?
I'm not concerned about the speed, because even after installing Cygwin, the recursive invocation of Cygwin's grep from within Emacs is painfully slow.
Recursive search/replace seems to be available in both
If true, then my question is:
Is the feature available on Windows without Cygwin?
The list of requires in my .emacs is already excessive. What is a light package that will do recursive search/replace (without Cygwin on Windows)?
OK. Success. [Thanks to Drew] With a .emacs containing nothing but (require 'dired+), I can search-and-replace in marked files using M-+ Q on Windows without having Cygwin installed. I'm guessing that this will also work on linux/macOS, although perhaps not quite as quickly as delegating to grep. (The "Act on ALL files [] in and UNDER this dir?" confirmation message will start to get tedious, but that's a separate question.)
For the present question one issue needs clarification. dired+ augments the built-in dired family of commands. Is there a way for it to take over ordinary dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace? That's because with the one-liner .emacs, and with a few marked files in a directory listing, I get
File not found - GREP
File not found - -I
File not found - NUL
File not found - ;
indicating that grep is still being invoked. How can tell dired+ "I'm on Windows and I won't install Cygwin; please take over A and Q?" (mapped by default dired-do-find-regexp and the aforementioned command).
Editorial: dired+ seems a bit overwhelming, but if it solves this one problem (eliminate the need for Cygwin on Windows), it will be well-worth figuring out how to move from the usual dired commands to dired+.

I think you're looking for a way to search files and get a list of those that match a regexp. If tags-query-replace works for you on MS Windows (without Cygwin), and I think it should, then you can use command diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive, bound to M-+ Q by default, available from Dired+.
That acts on all marked files in the current Dired buffer, and on all marked files in all of the buffer's marked subdirs, and so on, recursively.
With a non-negative prefix arg it acts on all files in the current buffer and all files in all subdirs, and so on, recursively. (That is, any marks are ignored, and the effect is as if everything were marked.)
If, instead of finding files that match a regexp, you want to search through files then you can use command diredp-do-isearch-regexp-recursive, bound to M-+ M-s a C-M- by default, also available from Dired+. The files to access are defined similarly (all Dired+ dired[p]-do...-recursive commands act similarly wrt which files are identified to act on). That definitely does not require any Cygwin etc. commands - it's just Isearch.


Emacs support for VS2012 builds

I'm trying to get my .emacs set up so I can do builds of VS2012 projects from inside Emacs.
I followed the instructions on Emacswiki for doing this. It worked in the past for me with VS2005.
The problem is that this new version of VS appends a CPU designation on the front of every error/warning line, and emacs' C++ compiler parsing is getting confused and thinking that's part of the file name. For example, the error:
5>c:\dev\proj\my_class.h(35): warning C4100: 'command' : unreferenced formal parameter (my_class.cpp)
When visited with "next error", instead of bringing up the file and line, gives me the prompt:
Find this error in (default 5>my_class.h): ~/dev/proj/
Is there a tweak I can make in my .emacs (or perhaps the C and C++ modes) to fix this? Alternatively, is there a newer version of Emacs (or the mode .el files) that deals with VS2012 better? I'm currently using GNU Emacs 24.2.1
I think I've tracked this down.
The issue was not that GNU Emacs didn't try to support VS2012 compiler messages, the issue was that it had a couple of bugs in its support (in 24.2.1).
A bit of background: All the regexps Emacs uses to recognize errors and warnings are in a variable with the enchantingly redundant name of compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist. This is declared inside of the compile.el elisp file.
The main issue is that the first match found in the list is used, not the largest. There's a regexp on that list for edg-1 (Edison Design Group's front end for LLVM) that happens to match VS2012 errors and warnings. It was earlier in the list than the msft, so it was being used instead. Presto: bad directory match.
The issue was discussed in this thread on the emacs dev list, and fixed with a patch on 10/14/2012.
There are two fairly easy solutions.
Upgrade to Emacs 24.3 or later. This should have the patch.
(for the handy) Edit your lisp/progmodes/compile.el file. Find the "msft" entry in compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist, and move it somewhere in front of the offending "edg-1" entry. While you are at it, you may want to add a ? at the end of the first regexp line before the backslash (see the diff link). Then byte-compile the file and restart emacs.

Running NotePad++ from Command line with Compare Plugin showing compare result

I am trying to find a way to call notepad++ from command line with compare plugin showing the compare result providing I pass 2 files name which I want to compare.
Think like I have a batch file, which does some work and result is opening notepad++ showing 2 files in compare mode. (Yes, compare plugin is installed)
If anyone has any other suggestion to using any other editor or software also welcome..
The command is Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin\compare.exe file1 file2.
Download the compare plugin https://bitbucket.org/uph0/compare/downloads/ComparePlugin.v1.5.6.6.bin.zip. Installing the compare plugin from the plugin manager within Notepad++ does not install the requisite exe. I assume you could also build from source to obtain the exe.
Follow the manual installation instructions in the readme:
To install manually, copy ComparePlugin.dll and ComparePlugin subfolder
into the plugins directory C:\Program Files\Notepad++\Plugins.
For a portable Notepad++ installation, you need to run the command from a directory above the notepad++ directory (or with absolute path of exe), otherwise you get an error that Notepad++.exe is not found.
The commands look like this:
>cd C:\portapps\Notepad++
>cd ..
>Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin\compare.exe C:\files\file1.txt C:\files\file2.txt
ufo's answer put me on the right track but it did not contain the commands to run.
There's a tool called NppCompareLoader doing exactly what you want. Simply drop it in the N++ installation folder. I'm using it since many years as a diff viewer for TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit, thus you should certainly be able to call it right from command line.
Since the (unofficial) Compare-plug-in version the additional loader mentioned above isn't required anymore. There's already one included in the plug-in. Here's the regarding change-log fragment:
NEW: Loader for using N++ as an external diff viewer (e.g. in TortoiseSVN, TortoiseGit, ..)

Emacs as an IDE for large C++ projects

I am a Emacs newbie. I have to trying to search on how to use Emacs for use with large C++ projects particularly to index code and auto-complete function names and behave Eclipse-like. I had been using Vim for some time where I used ctags to index code in my project and Vim used to try auto-completing my code using a drop down menu of options. I am trying to achieve the same with Emacs now. But, during my search, results pointed to CEDET and auto-complete and other 3rd party plugins.
I tried to use ctags with ctags -e -R . and etags, but with no success.
Am I missing a default way of Emacs to achieve the same behavior? Which is the best and easiest way to achieve what I want?
I use CEDET with autocomplete successfully. Basically, autocomplete is the drop-down box provider, and it takes its sources from various things, most interestingly from CEDET (but also from etags and Gnu Global, which I recommend too).
A good starting point for CEDET is http://alexott.net/en/writings/emacs-devenv/EmacsCedet.html
Alex Ott's emacs config is there: https://github.com/alexott/emacs-configs -- it's an useful resource.
Note that you'll need to grab CEDET from bzr, and install/configure autocomplete correctly. I strongly recommend el-get to install autocomplete (and some other stuff too). You'll need to set up generic projects for EDE to have autocompletion working for random C/C++ files not part of a structured EDE project.
You'll have to spend some time to configure emacs, but it pays off. The tool is amazingly productive once set up correctly.
You might want to use GNU/global instead of ctags: it supports C++ and is in my opinion more efficient with large projects (especially since you can update the index instead of rebuilding it from scratch). And it still is a lot simpler to use that CEDET/Semantic (which is also a fantastic tool if you spend the time to set it up).
Example use:
$ cd sources
$ gtags -v # create the index
$ cd subdirectory
$ [hack hack hack]
$ global -u # update the index (can be called from anywhere in the project)
In Emacs, activate gtags-mode in the source code buffers to get access to the gtags commands:
gtags-find-tag (M-.) : find the definition of the specified tag in your source files (gtags lets you choose between all possible definitions if there are several, or directly jumps if there is only one possibility)
gtags-pop-stack (M-*) : return to the previous location
gtags-find-rtag : find all uses of the specified tag in the source files
Below is my configuration for gtags, which automatically activates gtags-mode if an index is found:
;; gtags-mode
(eval-after-load "gtags"
(define-key gtags-mode-map (kbd "M-,") 'gtags-find-rtag)))
(defun ff/turn-on-gtags ()
"Turn `gtags-mode' on if a global tags file has been generated.
This function asynchronously runs 'global -u' to update global
tags. When the command successfully returns, `gtags-mode' is
turned on."
(let ((process (start-process "global -u"
"*global output*"
"global" "-u"))
(buffer (current-buffer)))
`(lambda (process event)
(when (and (eq (process-status process) 'exit)
(eq (process-exit-status process) 0))
(with-current-buffer ,buffer
(message "Activating gtags-mode")
(gtags-mode 1)))))))
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'ff/turn-on-gtags)
Automatic completion
I don't know of any better tool than auto-complete. Even if it is not included within Emacs, it is very easily installable using the packaging system (for example in the marmalade or melpa repositories).
It depends what you are looking for in an IDE. I have been using Emacs for a fairly large C++ project. Of course you need to configure emacs to work as you want it to work in a greater extent they any other IDE.
But yes CEDET is a start, even though it is not perfect.
However there is a very good auto complete mode for Emacs http://cx4a.org/software/auto-complete/ it is not intelisense but it should integrate with CEDET in some way to give you a farily good auto complete.
Another important feature that I often use is the function ff-find-other-file to easy jump from header and implementation files.
Then of course you need to roll your own bulid. CEDET has some support for projects, but I have not tested it. However Emacs integrate well with command-line build tools such as make. Errors are printed in a buffer and you can jump to the correct line easily within Emacs.
GDB is also integrates well with Emacs M-x gdb, then just remember the gdb-many-windows command.
I recommend to watch Atila Neves lightning talk at CppCon 2015 titled Emacs as a C++ IDE.
For for details, see my answer to this related question.
See https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/26518/sequence-of-packages-to-be-installed-to-make-emacs-an-ide-for-c-c
I use GNU Global and two popular Emacs plugins:
company for code completion
emacs-helm-gtags for code navigation

how to install cc-mode-5.32.3? (hightling in C++ mode of emacs)

I am editting my C++ program on a unix cluster by using emacs. I wanna emacs to highlight key words in C++. After searching online, I decide to install cc-mode-5.3.3. But I stuck here:
follow the readme instruction at http://cc-mode.sourceforge.net/src/README
After byte compiling, I don't understand
Put the compiled files somewhere (X)Emacs will find them, i.e. in
some path that's in the load-path variable. You must make sure
they are found before any CC Mode files which are distributed with
(X)Emacs. A directory has higher precendence than all directories
after it in the load-path list.
GNU Emacs comes together with cc-mode installed by default, so you don't need to install it manually. To enable symbols hightlighting, you need to set variable global-font-lock-mode to true value, for example, by using M-x customize-variable global-font-lock-mode, switching it to t, and pressing Apply and Save.
P.S. Are you running Emacs in console, or in graphical mode? If in console, then you could be need to setup corresponding font-lock faces. Use the M-x customize-face command to set faces whose names are starting with font-lock-

How to bundle C/C++ code with C-shell-script?

I have a C shell script that calls two
C programs - one after the another
with some file handling before,
in-between and afterwards.
Now, as such I have three different files - one C shell script and 2 .c files.
I need to give this script to other users. The problem is that I have to distribute three files - which the users must keep in the same folder and then execute the script.
Is there some better way to do this?
[I know I can make one C code file out of those two... but I will still be left with a shell script and a C code. Actually, the two C codes do entirely different things... so I want them to be separate]
Sounds like you're worried that your users aren't savy enough to figure out how to resolve issues like command not found errors and the like. If absolutely MUST hide "complexity" of a collection of files you could have your script create the other files. In most other circumstances I would suggest that this approach is only going to increase your support workload since semi-experienced users are less likely to know how to troubleshoot the process.
If you choose to rely on the presence of a compiler on the system that you are running on you can store the C code as a collection of cat $STRING >> file.c commands to to create your two C files, which you then compile and use.
If you would want to use pre-compiled programsn instead then the same basic process can be used except instead use xxd to both generate the strings in your script and reverse the conversion process to give you working binaries. Note: Remember to chmod the binary so that it is executable.
use shar command to create self-extracting archive.
or better yet use unzipsfx with AUTORUN option.
This provides users with ONE file, and only ONE command to execute (as opposed to one for untarring and one for execution).
NOTE: The unzip command to run should use "-n" option, that way only the first run would extract the files and the subsequent would skip the extraction.
Use a zip or tar file? And you do realize that .c files aren't executable, you need to compile & link them first?
You can include the c code inside the shell script as a here document:
cat > code.c << EOF
line #1
line #2
# compile
# execute
If you want to get fancy, you can test for the existence of the executable and skip compiling them if they exists.
If you are doing much shell programming, the rest of the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide is worth looking at as well.