How to use Amazon ALB port forwarding to run multiple services on a single EC2 instance - amazon-web-services

I have multiple services running on multiple ports on a single AWS EC2 instances. I've been using two ALBs to run these services, but I'd like to combine them into a single ALB that forwards to the correct service based on the host name. One service is a node app running port 80 and the other is a flask app running on port 5001.
As of now, I have a target group setup as mywebsite for the node app on port 80, and api-service for my flask app on port 5001.
I added those target groups to an ALB, my-alb, and set up forwarding rules so that port 80 and 5001 will forward to port 443. On port 443 I set up forwarding rules so that if the host matches api.* it will forward to the target group api-service otherwise it will default to my-website.
I have also set up my alb as the alias for and on route 53 as well as setting up the certificate. All the health checks are passing for both my target groups.
Here's the issue: works properly. I get forwarded to the https version of the site and everything looks fine. When I try to use it doesn't load and I get a 504 Bad Gateway error.
To summarize, here are the steps I've completed:
Setup two target groups for my services on port 80 and 5001
Added those two target groups to ALB and set routing rules to redirect to port 443
Set forwarding rules for route 443 to forward to the service on port 5001 if the host matches api.* else route to the service on port 80.
Set the ALB as the alias for and www.mywebsite.comin route 53.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
EDIT: Got it working.
I had configured my security group incorrectly. That is the step I was missing :D. Once I added port 5001 to the security group assigned to my ALB and EC2 it began to work properly.


502 Bad Gateway in elasticbeanstalk of AWS

I have deployed a spring boot application in elasticbeanstalk.
In the "" file, I have set,
I have added a RDS db and set the following environment properties.
I have also added an inbound rule in the security group of the environment as shown in the image below:
I am still getting the 502 Bad Gateway error when I click on the URL.
Your rule is incorrect. means that you accept traffic only from the IP address which basically doesn't exist.
What you want to do is allow traffic from which means accept traffic from anywhere in the world.
In case of Elastic Beanstalk, in your instance there is an nginx reverse proxy, which accepts HTTP connections on port 80 and proxies these connections to port 5000.
In your security group inbound rule you should accept HTTP connections on port 80 from everywhere (

AWS Application Load Balancer not working

I have a EC2 cluster with just one EC2 instance, where two services are running:
api1, listening at port 8080
api2, listening at port 9090
If I make requests against EC2 instance and those ports, both APIs work fine.
Now, I want to create a load balancer so I can make requests against http://{load_balancer_ip}/api1 and http://{load_balancer_ip}/api2, but I'm not able to.
I have created two target groups, both with just one instance (the only one I have)
TargetGroup1: Port 8080 and the EC2 instance registered on port 8080
TargetGroup2: Port 9090 and the EC2 instance registered on port 9090
Then, I have created a load balancer with one listener on port 80 and these two path rules:
When /api1, forward to TargetGroup1
When /api2, forward to TargetGroup2
When I make requests against http://{load_balancer_ip}/api1 or http://{load_balancer_ip}/api2 nothing happens; I don't get any response.
What am I missing?
Ok, I found what's happening thanks to this question's first comment:
AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) path based routing not functioning as expected
Load balancer is not rewriting the URL and my APIs are listening at /, but load balancer is redirecting all the path /api1.
(I couldn't mark it as duplicated because question above does not have any accepted answer)

How can I troubleshoot an AWS Application Load Balancer giving 504, while the EC2 instance behind it gives 200?

I have an EC2 instance with a few applications successfully deployed onto it, listening for connections on ports 3000/3001/3002. I can correctly load a web page from it by connecting to its public DNS or public IP on the given port. I.e. curl http://<ec2-ip-address>:3000 works. So I know that the apps are running, and I know that the port bindings/firewall rules/EC2 security groups are all set up correctly to receive connections from the outside world.
I also have an Application Load Balancer, which is supposed to route traffic to the 3 apps depending on the host name, but it always gives me "504 Gateway Time-out". I've checked all the settings but I can't see what's wrong and I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot it from here.
The ALB has a single HTTPS/443 listener, with a cert that's valid for,,,
The listener has 3 rules, plus the default rule:
Host == => app1-target-group
Host == => app2-target-group
Host == => app3-target-group
Default action (last resort) => default-target-group
Each target group contains only the single EC2 instance, over HTTP, with the following ports:
app1-target-group: 3000
app2-target-group: 3001
app3-target-group: 3002
default-target-group: 3000
Given that I can access the app directly, I'm sure it must be a problem with the way I've configured the ALB/listener/target groups. But the 504 doesn't give me much to go on.
I've tried to turn on access logs to an S3 bucket, but it doesn't seem to be writing anything there. There's a single object called ELBAccessLogTestFile, and no actual logs in the bucket.
EDIT: Some more information... I actually have nginx installed on the EC2 instance, which is where I was previously doing the SSL termination and hostname-to-port mapping/routing. If I change the default-target-group above to point to port 443 over HTTPS, then it works!
So for some reason, routing traffic
- from the ALB to the EC2 instance over HTTPS on port 443 -> OK!
- from the ALB to the EC2 instance over HTTP on port 3000 -> Broken!
But again, I can hit the instance directly on HTTP/3000 from my laptop.
Communication between resources in the same security group is not open by default. Security group membership alone does not provide special access. You still need to open the ports in the security group to allow other resources in the security group to access those ports. You can specify the security group ID in the rule's source field if you don't want to open it up beyond the resources in the security group.

VM Instance group to configure to listen on port 80 and 8080

I have configure my VM in such a way that I have 2 application running on one VM.
First App listen on ip:80 port
Second App listen on ip:8080 port
I have enabled ports on VM instances group like this.
I have my Load Balancer configured with two front rules like this.
I want to map ip1:80 to my 80 port application and ip2:8080 to 8080 application
when I tried accessing my application using load balancers IP address it always show me 8080 port application.
I have two backend service running
help me here google team. I m newb
If you want to use IP addresses but not URLs/Domain(s) to reach to your web applications, then URL Maps cannot help to implement your design, as URL map forwards the request to the correct backend service using host values ( and path values (/path) in the destination URL.
That being said, you can add one more Target Proxy to your LB resources to route incoming requests directly to the desired backend services. This will allow you to keep your minimum number of instances as one VM.
For more information, visit this article.
I had similar problem and I had to add second backend.
So I have two backends: one for 80 port, other for 8080. And I have on managed group.

AWS forward port 8000 from elb to port 8000 of EC2

I have en ELB with multiple EC2 instances registered in target groups. I am using port a php application which is running properly. It has SSL.
I want to use port 8000 for my node application. What I would like to do is I want to forward my-elb-address:8000 to any-ec2-ip:8000. So when i access the domain attached to ELB witjh port 8000 it would forward that to ec2 with port 8000. How can I accomplish this? Is their any other way of ELB listening and forwarding multiple ports?
I have added listener for port 80,443 and 8000 in my ELB. Please help
Classic ELB
Using the "classic" ELB you can define custom rules for forwarding the ports in the AWS dashboard:
Mind that the requests will be forwarded to all the available instances, which means in the example above (supposing php is running on the 80, node.js on the 8000) all the instances must have both the services running. If the services are instead on different instances you will need two different load balancers, one per port.
Application ELB
Another option is to use an "application" ELB (ALB).
This option will allow to have single load balancer with fine-grained rules that will allow, for each protocol, to forward the request to a set of instances.
create a "default" ALB
add a new target group (see entry under the Load Balancing section in the sidebar) listening on your custom port
register the instances running your node.js application (right click on the target group)
bind the target group to the listeners of your ALB
Another solution could be, specifying path-based rules, to use only one port (443) and forward only the requests under /to_nodejs to the port 8000.