TravelFailure on Unreal Engine 4 - multiplayer

Hello i am working on a project at my company. We have built an game for VR environment and we want to make it multiplayer. Everything is working but when we are joining a session it gives the "TravelFailure"
I have already looked on google they suggested some changes on defaultengine.ini file like adding this
line or
+NetDriverDefinitions=(DefName="GameNetDriver",DriverClassName="OnlineSubsystemSteam.SteamNetDriver",DriverClassNameFallback="OnlineSubsystemUtils.IpNetDriver") this line
but it didn't worked.
and here is the message log:
TravelFailure: LoadMapFailure, Reason for Failure: 'Failed to load
package '/Game/MultiUserViewer/Maps/UEDPIE_0_map''
. Shutting down PIE.

Joining another session from PIE is not fully supported and often troublesome. The reason is the PIE prefix you see in the map name - this is appended by the engine to the temporary map that is copied just for youe PIE session. You should either do networking tests in PIE starting with multiple users, or run different PCs in standalone and have them connect.


Logging into a specific file in Tizen?

Before asking this question I searched a lot about Logging (the terminal Debug Log) into a file for Tizen Application. I figured out some other ways to implement using several alternatives a bit complex pathway for this problem. But I want something straightforward, simple and builtin for Tizen Applications.
So here is what I want -
I will run a Tizen application written in C/C++. It will generate response logs on the terminal based on the several queries I ask to the app.
I want to save those logs into a specific file like file_name.log .
That file_name.log will be saved somewhere within my PC. Developer can change the location as my own.
Is there any command or an existing system for Tizen apps ?
Thank you in advance.
Read about Tizen's built-in logging system.
As stated in the page, the logs can be also retrieved from the command line using sdb shell dlogutil [options...] [TAG], or simply sdb dlog [options...] [TAG]. So if you want to save the output as a file, simply do sdb dlog [-d] MY_APP > file_name.log. If this is not what you are searching for, please be more specific in your question.

How to generate Data Matrix Barcode from Nav 2015?

I searched a lot regarding the Data Matrix Code generation from Nav 2015 but could not get any proper solution for that though, i got some code from below link but still, some of the automation variables is not there in Navision, so I need you guys help on this, is there any Code Unit or any object or any other way in Nav..
It depends on how much time you have to get the barcode.
If it's a back end job, like a report, you can call a command line tool to create the barcode and import the generated image file into a BLOB of a table variable. This table field is then printable within the report.
Another way I use in production is running a web service that creates the barcode and then let Navision create a web page that is opened in a browser window..
I suggest using a dll (written in C# with ZXING.NET) to generate it and then importing it in NAV.

Saving offline map atlas inside osmdroid

Is there a solution to save the map tiles inside the app like the Mobile Atlas Creator works on the desktop?
I only found a way by using PC application.
There sure is. It probably needs some more testing, but the example is located here:
Essentially, when you fire up an instance of CacheManager, it gets the map view's IFileSystemCache instance, which is normally the Sqlite tile cache (the kind that expires). This example feeds in an alternate implementation that produces a permanent sql tile archive (no expiration dates in it).
Use it with caution has many tile sources do not allow you to do this in their terms of service and you can get banned for doing so
Edit: there's more info the wiki

How to use sqlite database with Osmdroid?

While it is said that sqlite database is recommended format for offline map tiles ( there is no really example how to use it. I have my sqlite file generated with mobac app but how to load it?
Any example would be helpful!
My environment is Xamarin, VS, Android.
Well I can't speak for Xamarin, but to use sqlite databases with osmdroid, simply get the file on device at /sdcard/osmdroid/yourfile.sqlite
then start osmdroid or whatever app it's running in
Then you need to tell osmdroid to display whatever tile source is in the sqlite's 'provider' column. This is documented at the following links
I agree, the wiki could use some clarification on this. In short, osmdroid runs a routine to discover all tile sources available offline when it starts up (with the default tile provider). Then when you switch tile sources, it will attempt to fulfill the tile request with all available sources until trying online source.
To summarize,
prepare your sqlite file
transfer to device /sdcard/osmdroid/
tell osmdroid to use a tile source that matches the 'provider' column in the database (and optionally set offline mode mapview.setUseDataConnection(false))
start it up

InterBase ToGo trial license does not work

(Interbase ToGo is an embedded version of the InterBase sql database.)
I am doing a simple evaluation of InterBase ToGo by accessing it from a Windows 7 app. However, when I run my application I get a popup saying "product INTERBASE is not licenced.". Dismissing the popup terminates my application.
I have carefully examined the files being opened using Sysinternal's Process Monitor tool, and as far as I can see the license files I got from Embarcadero (the company behind InterBase) are being read from the correct paths.
I also have over 80 days left of my 90-day trial license for IB ToGo, so that should not be a problem.
Has anyone gotten InterBase ToGo to work lately when using a trial license?
This works after all. The problem may likely have been that only one connection may be active at a time on an InterBase ToGo database. I may have had the database open in Rad Studio at the same time as I was trying to use it from a running application.
In this case I created a simple application with Rad Studio XE3. I used VCL and dbExpress for creating the application. The steps were:
Create database file with the IBConnect tool. This ensures texts are UTF-8 encoded (non-english texts). Make sure char/nchar columns have charset utf8 for good measure.
Create project in XE3
Add TSQLConnection and TSQLDataSet components to VCL form. Setup references amongst them.
Ensure "server charset" is utf8 on the connection.
Add a TStringGrid to the form
Create a livebinding from the Grid to to the Data Set.
Add an SQL statement to the Data Set, e.g. select * from customers
Ensure DataSet's Open() function is called.
The grid should now be filled with (example) data!