How to put format code the right way in Python? - python-2.7

I try to learn Python via LPTHW (Learn Python The Hard Way), on the ex05 (its about format code), the code that he give isn't working, I need to use different code to get the same result.
I already tried deleting the parentheses, give space between f and the double quote.
At last I use the % (%s and %d) not the f (f"bla bla {bla}") one
What LPTHW expect is the first code to give the same result as the second one, yet it give me invalid syntax. There's no way the computer wrong right?
So what is the problem? Because when I try to find this problem, no one have the same problem as me.
I'm sure I type it right, because after that I tried to copy the exact code from the page and it still not working.


Why do I get 'No matches in call to initialiser' error when using Text?

A tad confused here, still very much learning obviously.
Running Xcode, with SwiftUI.
I have data which is being read (successfully) from a JSON file, and when I try to use Text() to output an Int, I get the dreaded "No exact matches in call to initialiser' error, yet all of the other items output to the screen perfectly fine.
The data items are declared correctly as either String or Int, but I get this error only when trying to output the Int.
Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Text has quite a lot of initializers. Out of these, one of them accepts a string.
However, none of them accept an Int.
To work around this you can use string concatenation.
Text("\(correctAnswer)") /// assuming correctAnswer is an Int

Untranslatable character when extracting dates from strings

I am attempting to extract dates from a free-text field (because our process is awesome like that :\ ) and keep hitting Teradata error 6706. The regex I'm using is: REGEXP_SUBSTR(original_field,'(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})',1) AS new_field. I'm unsure of the field's type HELP TABLE has a blank in the Type column for the field.
I've already tried converting using TRANSLATE(col USING LATIN_TO_UNICODE), as well as UNICODE_TO_LATIN, those both actually cause the error by themselves. A straight CAST(original_field AS VARCHAR(255)) doesn't fix the issue, though that cast does work. I've also tried stripping various special characters (new-line, carriage return, etc.) from the field before letting the REGEXP_SUBSTR take a crack at it, both by itself and with the CAST & TRANSLATEs I already mentioned.
At this point I'm not sure what the issue could be, and could use some guidance on additional options to try.
The final version that worked ended up being
REGEXP_SUBSTR(TRANSLATE(field USING LATIN_TO_UNICODE),'(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})',1)
END AS Ref_Date
For whatever reason, using a TRIM inside the TRANSLATE seems to cause an issue. Only once I striped any and all functions from inside the TRANSLATE did the TRANSLATE, and thus the REGEXP_SUBSTR, work.

trying to stem a string in natural language using python-2.7

I am importing from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer
and I have a string as follows:
text_string="Hi Everyone If you can read this message youre properly using parseOutText Please proceed to the next part of the project"
I run this code on it:
words = " ".join(stemmer.stem(word) for word in text_string.split(" "))
and I get the following which has a couple of 'e' missing. Can't figure out what is causing it. Any suggestions? Thanks for the feedbacks
"hi everyon if you can read this messag your proper use parseouttext pleas proceed to the next part of the project"
You're using it correctly; it's the stemmer that's acting weird. It could be caused by too little training data, or the wrong balance, or simply the wrong conclusion by the stemmer's statistical algorithm. We can't expect perfection, but it's annoying when it happens with common words. It's also stemming "everything" to "everyth", as if it's a verb. At least here it's clear what it's doing. But "-e" is not a suffix in English...
The stemmer allows the option ignore_stopwords=True, which will suppress stemming of words in the stopword list (these are common words, usually irregular, that Porter thought fit to exclude from the training set because he got worse results when they are included.) Unfortunately it doesn't help with the particular examples you ask about.

Alternative for "capture" which doesn't suppress the output if the code works

I have a question concerning Stata. I'm executing a loop in which there might be an error. Whether the error occurs depends on the data at hand. Unfortunately I do not know exactly how the data, which my code is used for, looks like. I only know the variables which are in the data. So I use the command capture to let my do-file run even if an error occurs. But if I use this command, Stata also suppresses the output if the command sometimes works in my loop. Of course, that is not what I want.
My command looks like:
capture list year JCage`x' numberfirmsage`x' AvSizeAge`x'
and is part of a loop. So what can I do in order to solve the problem?
The help for capture tells you that this is done by capture noisily.

Finding type of break in icu::BreakIterator

I'm trying to understang how to use icu::BreakIterator to find specific words.
For example I have following sentence:
To be or not to be? That is the question...
Word instance of break iterator would put breaks there:
|To| |be| |or| |not| |to| |be|?| |That| |is| |the| |question|.|.|.|
Now, not every pair of break points is actual word.
In derived class icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator there is a "getRuleStatus()" that returns some kind of information about break, and it gives "Word status at following points (marked "/")"
|To/ |be/ |or/ |not/ |to/ |be/?| |That/ |is/ |the/ |question/.|.|.|
But... It all depends on specific rules, and there is absolutely no documentation to understand it (unless I just try), but what would happend with different locales and languages where dictionaries are used? what happens with backware iteration?
Is there any way to get "Begin of Word" or "End of Word" information like in Qt QTextBoundaryFinder:
How should I solve such problem in ICU correctly?
Have you tried the ICU documentation? It appears to explain everything you are asking about including handling of internationalisation, reverse iteration, and the rules, both default and how to create your own custom set. They also have code snippets to help.