Apache SuperSet is very slow - apache-superset

Any recommendation on how to make superset faster?
Cache seems to load full data from the cache, I thought it load only old data from the cache, and real-time data from the database, isn't it like this?
What about some parallel processing?

This answer is valid as of Superset 0.37.0.
At the moment, dashboard performance is affected by a few different factors. I'll enumerate them below along with methods to improve performance:
Database concurrency limits can have an impact on dashboard performance. Dashboards load their information in parallel via concurrent web requests. Make sure that the database user provided allows enough concurrency that queries aren't being queued at the database layer.
Cache performance your caching layer should be able to return multiple results, if not in parallel, extremely quickly. We've had success leveraging S3 for our cache.
Cache hit percentage Superset will hit the cache only for queries that exactly match one that has been run recently. Otherwise the full query will fall through to the underlying analytical DB (Druid in this case). You can reduce the query load on Druid by using a less granular resolution on your dashboard - if it's possible to have it update less frequently, say a couple of times a day rather than in real-time, this can hit cache for all requests other than the first request in the new period under consideration.
Python Web Process Concurrency Limits make sure that your web application server can handle enough parallel requests. The browser will request multiple charts' data at the same time, and the system will need to be able to handle these requests in parallel.
Chart Query Performance As data is frequently requested, especially for real-time data from a database like Druid, optimizing the queries run by the charts can be very useful. I'd take a look at any virtual datasources that are being leveraged to see if they can be materialized or made more efficient.
Web browser concurrent request limits By default most web browsers limit the number of concurrent requests that can be made to the same FQDN. If you have more than 6 charts on the same dashboard, it can be helpful to balance requests across multiple FQDNs running Superset to get around this browser limitation. There's more information on the approach to that in the issue history on Github, but Superset does support this type of configuration.
The community is very interested in improving performance over time, and as such there have been recommendations to move all analytical queries to Celery as well as making other architectural changes to improve performance. I hope this description helps and that something in here will help you track down the issue!


General guidance around Bigtable performance

I'm using a single node Bigtable cluster for my sample application running on GKE. Autoscaling feature has been incorporated within the client code.
Sometimes I experience slowness (>80ms) for the GET calls. In order to investigate it further, I need some clarity around the following Bigtable behaviour.
I have cached the Bigtable table object to ensure faster GET calls. Is the table object persistent on GKE? I have learned that objects are not persistent on Cloud Function. Do we expect any similar behaviour on GKE?
I'm using service account authentication but how frequently auth tokens get refreshed? I have seen frequent refresh logs for gRPC Java client. I think Bigtable won't be able to serve the requests over this token refreshing period (4-5 seconds).
What if client machine/instance doesn't scale enough? Will it cause slowness for GET calls?
Bigtable client libraries use connection pooling. How frequently connections/channels close itself? I have learned that connections are closed after minutes of inactivity (>15 minutes or so).
I'm planning to read only needed columns instead of entire row. This can be achieved by specifying the rowkey as well as column qualifier filter. Can I expect some performance improvement by not reading the entire row?
According to GCP official docs you can get here the cause of slower performance of Bigtable. I would like to suggest you to go through the docs that might be helpful. Also you can see Troubleshooting performance issues.

Using Apache Spark to serve real time web services queries

We have a use case, where we are downloading large volumes (order of 100 gigabytes per day) of data from hundreds of data sources, massaging and processing this data and then exposing this data to our customers via RESTful API. Today the base data size is ca. 20TB and expected to grow heavily in the future.
For the massaging/processing part, we believe spark can be a very good choice for us. Now for exposing processed/massaged data through an API, one option is to store processed data to a read only database like ElephantDB and make web services to talk to ElephantDB (at least this is how Nathan has proposed in his Big Data book). I was just wondering what would be the implication of we make web services implementation to use SparkSQL to access processed data from Spark. What could be the architecture/design dangers in this case?
Every body is talking about Spark is fast and what not and using SparkSQL for interactive queries. But is it already in a stage to serve large volume of web services queries via SparkSQL where we have very strict SLA for latency serve hundreds and thousands of web services requests per second? If Apache Spark could handle this, we could avoid maintaining yet another system like ElephantDB or Cassandra or what not.
Would like to hear from the experts on this board.
If the results are stored in files, you have no indexes, and SparkSQL also doesn't create indexes. The only thing that can be somewhat fast is reading columns from Parquet files and caching tables.
But in general it's not a good use case to use SparkSQL to serve web requests simply because Spark wasn't made for that.
So you're batch processing the raw data, yes?
The ideal way would be to store the outcome on a key-value format, as you mention with ElephandDB, and also project Voldemort has been shown to be a good fit as read-only storage.
I recommend you to read this article (combining batch and realtime layers) by Nathan Marz: How to beat the CAP theorem
It has however been questioned by Jay Kreps in his article Questioning the Lambda Architecture. The main concern (with the lambda architecture) is that there is problematic to maintain the "same" system logic in different distributed systems to produce the same result.
But since you are using Spark, you can use the same logic with Spark Streaming. Which was not "in the market" when Nathan Marz and Jay Kreps wrote their articles.
You can still use SparkSQL to query the raw data interactively, but since Spark was first implemented as scheduled batch jobs, this will not be the perfect use case. But as you've probably noticed, is that it takes some time to submit spark jobs, this is an overhead that "kills" the idea of fast queries.
Please look into github.com/spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver, the job-server supports sub-second low-latency jobs via long-running job contexts. And can share Spark RDDs between different jobs, which can be proved to be very optimized for different interactive logic on the same dataset. Combine machine learning result and ad-hoc (SparkSQL) queries via HTTP requests. Read more about spark job-server, there are some talks about it online on different Spark Summits.

Sitecore performance enhancements

We need our Sitecore web application to process 60-80 web requests per second. We are using Sitecore 7.0. We have tried a 1 Webserver + 1 Database server deployment, but it only processes 20-25 requests per second. Web server queues up all the other requests in the Memory. As we increase the load, memory fills up.(We did all Sitecore performance enhancements recommended). We need 4X performance to reach the goal :).
Will it be possible to achieve this goal by upgrading the existing server, or do we have to add more web servers in production environment.
Note: We are using Lucene indexing as well.
Here are some things you can consider without changing overall architecture of your deployment
CDN to offload media and static asset requests
This leaves your content delivery server available to handle important content queries and display logic.
Example www.cloudflare.com
Configure and use Sitecore's built-in caching
This is from the guide:
Investigation and configuration of the Sitecore Caches is broken down
into multiple tasks. This way each task is more focused and
simplified. The focus is on configuration and tuning of the Sitecore
Database Caches (prefetch, data, and item caches.)
For configuration
of the output rendering caching properties, the customer should be
made aware of both the Sitecore Cache Configuration Reference and the
Sitecore Presentation Component Reference as to how properly enable
and the properties to expire these caches.
Check out the Sitecore Tuning Guide
Find Slow Queries or Controls
It sounds like your application follows Sitecore best practices, but I leave this note in for anyone that might find this answer. Use Sitecore's built-in Debug mode to identify the slowest running controls and sublayouts. Additionally, if you have Analytics set up there is a "Slow Pages" report that might give you some information on where your application is slowing down.
Those things being said, if you're prepared to provision additional servers and set up a load-balanced environment then read on.
Separate Content Delivery and Content Management
To me the first logical step before load-balancing content delivery servers is to separate the content management from the equation. This is pretty easy and the Scaling Guide walks you through getting the HistoryEngine set up to keep those Lucene indexes up to date.
Set up Load Balancer with 2 or more Content Delivery servers
Once you've done the first step this can be as easy as cloning your content delivery server and adding it to your load balancer "pool". There are a couple of things to consider here like: Does your web application allow users to log in? So you'll need to worry about sticky sessions or machine keys. Does your web application use file media instead of blob media? I haven't had to deal with this, but I understand that's another consideration.
Scale your SQL solution
I've seen applications with up to four load balanced content delivery servers and the SQL Server did not have a problem - I think this will be unique to each case depending on a lot of factors: horsepower and tuning of SQL Server, content model of your application, complexity of your queries, caching configuration on content delivery servers, etc. Again, the Scaling Guide covers SQL Mirroring and Failover, so that is going to be your first stop on getting that going.
Finally, I would say contact Sitecore. These guys have probably seen more of what's gone right and what's gone wrong with installations and could get you on the right path. Good luck!
This answer written from a Sitecore developer perspective:
Bottom line: You need to figure out exactly where your performance bottleneck is. That is going to take some digging, but will be very worthwhile. You should definitely be able to serve 60-80 requests/s without any trouble... but of course that makes a lot of assumptions about the nature of your site and the requests.
For my site, I found Sitecore's caching implementation to be sub-par... I created some very simple and aggressive application-specific caches in my app and this made all the difference in the world. For instance, we have 900+ "Partner" items where our sites' advertisements live... and simply putting all these objects in an array in the Application object sped up page requests significantly. Finding an object in a Hashtable indexed by its Item.Name or ID is going to be a lot faster than Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/itempath") or a SelectItems() call (at least, that's my experience). If your architecture and data set will allow this strategy, we've had good experience with it.
Another thing to watch out for is XSLT renderings. Personally, I avoid them completely in favor of ASP.NET UserControls. The XSLT rendering is just slow. As much as 10x slower than a native UserControl rendering the same HTML. So if you have a few of these... replace with some custom code and you'll see a world of difference.

Using Redis as intermediary cache for REST API

We have an iOS app that talks to a django server via REST API. Most of the data consists of rather large Item objects that involve a few related models that render into single flat dictionary, and this data changes rarely.
We've found, that querying this is not a problem for Postgres, but generating JSON responses takes a noticeable amount of time. On the other hand, item collections vary per-user.
I thought about a rendering system, where we just build a dictionary for Item object and save it into redis as JSON string, this way we can serve API directly from redis (e.g. HMGET(id of items in user library), which is fast, and makes it relatively easy to regenerate "rendered instances", basically just a couple of post_save signals.
I wonder how good this design is, are there any major flaws in it? Maybe there's a better way for the task?
Sure, we do the same at our firm, using Redis to store not JSON but large XML strings which are generated from backend databases for RESTful requests, and it saves lots of network hops and overhead.
A few things to keep in mind if this is the first time you're using Redis...
Dedicated Redis Server
Redis is single-threaded and should be deployed on a dedicated server with sufficient CPU power. Don't make the mistake of deploying it on your app or database server.
High Availability
Set up Redis with Master/Slave replication for high availability. I know there's been lots of progress with Redis cluster, so you may want to check on that too for HA.
Cache Hit/Miss
When checking Redis for a cache "hit", if the connection is dead or any exception occurs, don't fail the request, just default to the database; caching should always be 'best effort' since the database can always be used as a last resort.

Django-based app might grow out of control - how can I scale it?

I need some guidance in the realm of server architecture for Django.
My current Django-based web app stats (reached in two weeks - run on one VPS w/ Apache, mod_wsgi, mysql):
10,000 users total
20 avg requests/user/day
200,000 requests/day
8,000 users access site daily
Where the app could reach (where I'd be panicking - this assumes approx linear growth):
200,000 users total
20 avg requests/user/day
4,000,000 requests/day
160,000 users access site daily
The issue here is really just handling page requests. I only store short strings of text-based data, so DB size shouldn't be an issue.
What sort of server architecture should I be setting up from a hardware and software perspective? I need to think about caching, load balancing, multiple processing servers, multiple DB servers, etc, but don't know where to start.
You're projected growth of ~45 / requests per second really isn't that intensive. I think using a standard nginx load balancer in front of your web servers will handle everything. If your DB access isn't very intense you will probably do fine with just 1 DB machine.
I really think the most important thing is not to do any premature optimization. Deal with issues as they come, or else you may end up wasting a lot of time.
There are tons of caching, multiple server configurations, and load balancing tutorials.
Google is a good place to start.
Growing traffic is a standard problem, there are no lack of tutorials on these things.