UnboundLocalError: local variable 'team_members' referenced before assignment - django

I am getting the following error:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'team_members' referenced before
Slug values in my model by default are 1.
This is the function:
def single_slug(request, single_slug):
team = [c.infraTeam_slug for c in infraTeam.objects.all()]
if single_slug in team:
team_members = TeamMember.objects.filter(infra_team__infraTeam_slug=single_slug)
series_urls = {}
for m in team_members.all():
part_one = vulnerability.objects.filter(member_name__member_name=m.member_name).earliest("vulnerabilty_date")
series_urls[m] = part_one.vulnerability_slug
return render(request=request,
context={"member_name": team_members, "part_ones": series_urls})
Please help me to solve this problem.


Browser shows variable refered before assign

here is the image of error that i am getting in the browser
I am new to python and hardly tried to figure out the problem of usese of variable from another if statement in the same function
here is my code:
def post(self, request, **kwargs):
selected_membership_type = request.POST.get('membership_type')
user_membership = get_user_membership(request)
user_subscription = get_user_subscription(request)
selected_membership_qs = Membership.objects.filter(
if selected_membership_qs.exists():
selected_membership = selected_membership_qs.first()
# selected_membership = selected_membership_qs.first()
if user_membership.membership == selected_membership:
if user_subscription == None:
messages.info(request,"You already have this membership.Your \
next payment is due {}".format('get this value from stripe'))
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'))
The problem is the following:
if selected_membership_qs.exists():
selected_membership = selected_membership_qs.first()
You are only assigning selected_membership if the if is True.
So in your case you are getting the Variable referenced before assignment error because the if is False.
Therefore selected_membership is never assigned.
If you do something like this
selected_membership = None
if selected_membership_qs.exists():
selected_membership = selected_membership_qs.first()
it should work.

Django: Not fetching the same object

I have a form where i am entering four details 'Persona Name', 'Persona Key' ,'Persona Key Label' and 'Persona Key Value' and on entering these values i am pressing Submit button which generates a GET request on my server.
Following are django views:-
def PersonaSave(request):
persona_name = request.GET.get('persona_name',)
persona_key = request.GET.get('key_name',)
persona_key_value = request.GET.get('key_value',)
persona_key_label = request.GET.get('key_label',)
persona_submit = request.GET.get('Save',)
return( persona_name , persona_key , persona_key_label , persona_key_value , persona_submit )
def TestPageView(request):
persona_name = x[0]
persona_key = x[1]
if(persona_name is None and persona_key is None and persona_key_label is None and persona_key_value is None):
return render(request, 'dashboard/test_page.html')
elif TestPersonaName.objects.filter(name=persona_name).exists():
t= TestPersonaName.objects.get(pk=persona_name)
testpersona = TestPersona.objects.get(name=t)
if testpersona.key == persona_key:
testpersona.label= persona_key_label
testpersona.value = persona_key_value
testpersona = TestPersona(name=t,key=persona_key,label=persona_key_label,value=persona_key_value)
return render(request,'dashboard/test_page.html')
I am rewriting codes of lines where updation and new persona formation starts to maintain the clarity of question.
Update Function starts from here-----
elif TestPersonaName.objects.filter(name=persona_name).exists():
t= TestPersonaName.objects.get(pk=persona_name)
testpersona = TestPersona.objects.get(name=t)
if testpersona.key == persona_key:
testpersona.label= persona_key_label
testpersona.value = persona_key_value
-----This is where update function ends
If persona name is different then complete new TestPersonaName object and TestPersona object will be formed.
For this the function starts here----
testpersona = TestPersona(name=t,key=persona_key,label=persona_key_label,value=persona_key_value)
----and ends here.
Now the problem is for the same persona name and same persona key two different TestPersona objects are being formed. For e.g If I enter persona_name = Ankit,
key = 'city' and value = 'New Delhi' and later i want to change city so i enter
name='Ankit' , key = 'city' and name = 'Lucknow'. On pressing submit two different TestPersona objects are being formed. i.e
object1(name='Ankit',key='city', value='New Delhi') and
Ideally it should be:-
object1(name='Ankit', key='city', value='Lucknow')
Following are TestPersonaName and TestPersona models:-
class TestPersonaName(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100,primary_key=True)
class TestPersona(models.Model):
name = models.ForeignKey('TestPersonaName',on_delete=models.CASCADE)
key = models.CharField(max_length=200)
label = models.CharField(max_length=200,null=True,blank=True)
value = models.CharField(max_length=200)
elif TestPersonaName.objects.filter(name=persona_name).exists():
t= TestPersonaName.objects.get(pk=persona_name)
testpersona = TestPersona.objects.get(name=t)
if testpersona.key == persona_key:
testpersona.label= persona_key_label
testpersona.value = persona_key_value
You need too save the persona and return here as in the if above. Otherwise the interpreter exits this block and continues with
testpersona = TestPersona(name=t,key=persona_key,label=persona_key_label,value=persona_key_value)
which replaces the value of t with a new persona that gets saved to DB. After every attempt to edit you'll keep ending up with a new record.

Replacement for django `render_options`

So I am implementing this answer: Country/State/City dropdown menus inside the Django admin inline, but the def render piece of code needs to be redone.... I have managed to redo it, but I am struggling to find a replacement (or the correct code) for the self.render_options method (which was deprecated on 1.11) of the Widget class.
I am on Django 2.1.
What should I change?
Here is my code:
class StateChoiceWidget(widgets.Select):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, renderer=None):
self.choices = [(u"", u"---------")]
if value is None:
value = ''
model_obj = self.form_instance.instance
if model_obj and model_obj.country:
for m in model_obj.country.state_set.all():
self.choices.append((m.id, smart_text(m)))
obj = State.objects.get(id=value)
for m in State.objects.filter(country=obj.country):
self.choices.append((m.id, smart_text(m)))
final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
output = ['<select%s>' % flatatt(final_attrs)]
for option in self.choices:
output.append('<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (option[0], option[1]))
return mark_safe(''.join(output))
Original poster updated the sample code, so now it doesn't show the code in the question: see previous revision https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/52174508/1
So I figured out the answer. Will post it here in case someone runs into the same issue.
class StateChoiceWidget(widgets.Select):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, renderer=None):
self.choices = [(u"", u"---------")]
if value is None or value == '':
value = ''
model_obj = self.form_instance.instance
if model_obj and model_obj.country:
for m in model_obj.country.state_set.all():
self.choices.append((m.id, smart_text(m)))
obj = State.objects.get(id=value)
for m in State.objects.filter(country=obj.country):
self.choices.append((m.id, smart_text(m)))
final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs)
s = widgets.Select(choices=self.choices)
select_html = s.render(name=name,value=value,attrs=attrs)
return mark_safe(''.join(select_html))

local variable 'instance' referenced before assignment error

Now I've read all the posts on SO regarding this error, and I can conclude that my error is quite a different case.
The error:
Local variable 'instance' referenced before assignment
[21/Jun/2018 09:05:58] "POST /details/create/ HTTP/1.1" 400 54
Now here's the code where I initialize instance:
def create(request):
if request.method == "POST":
params = post_data(request)
instance = Sales_detail.objects.get(id = params.get("id",None))
params["item"] = instance.item.pk
params["price"] = instance.price.pk
params["sales"] = instance.sales.pk
detail_form = Detail_form(params, instance = instance)
except Sales_detail.DoesNotExist:
params["item"] = instance.item.pk
params["price"] = instance.price.pk
params["sales"] = instance.sales.pk
detail_form = Detail_form(params)
if detail_form.is_valid():
return success("Details successfully saved.")
except Exception as e:
return error(e)
return redirect("dashboard")
I have no idea what I'm missing, clearly instance is initialized before doing anything with it.
An error occurs when this line
instance = Sales_detail.objects.get(id = params.get("id",None))
is executed. The code isn't enecuted completely. So the instance hasn't been definited. And then the code goes to
params["item"] = instance.item.pk
Since the instance hasn't been definited, the Error
The error: Local variable 'instance' referenced before assignment

Passing constructor parameter to a function that generates default value fails

I am very new to Python so I assume I am doing something terribly wrong, but I don't see what and Google has not helped this far too. What is wrong with this ?
def lookup_permille(name):
# TODO: implement a permille lookup table
return 0
def lookup_known_product(name):
# TODO: implement a known product lookup table
return 0
class ProductEntry:
def __init__(self, source, name, price, volume, permille = lookup_permille(name), known_product_id = lookup_known_product(name), category = 0):
self.source = source
self.name = name
self.price = price
self.volume = volume
self.permille = permille
self.price_per_permille = self.permille / self.price;
self.category = category
self.known_product_id = known_product_id
Calling the constructor of ProductEntry fails with:
def __init__(self, source, name, price, volume, permille = lookup_permille(name), known_product_id = lookup_known_product(name), category = 0):
NameError: name 'name' is not defined
The expressions defining default arguments are evaluated when the function is defined, not when it is called. At the point when __init__ is being defined, name does not exist, so it cannot be used in an expression to calculate a default argument.
The usual way to do something like this is to have a stand-in value as your default argument, and replace it with whatever value you actually want inside the body of your function.
def __init__(self, source, name, price, volume,
permille=None, known_product_id=None, category=0):
if permille is None:
permille = lookup_permille(name)
if known_product_id is None:
known_product_id = lookup_known_product(name)