TopN, Grouping, Show Others at the bottom POWERBI-DAX - powerbi

I have the following formula which creates the table in the screenshot below on the left (names of actual tables are different - also it combines 2 separate tables in one) -
Top 11 Jun =
IF (
[Type Rank Jun] <= 11,
[Total Jun],
IF (
HASONEVALUE ( Partners[partner_group] ),
IF (
VALUES ( Partners[partner_group] ) = "Others",
FILTER ( ALL ( Partners[partner_group] ), [Type Rank Jun] > 11 ),
[Total Jun]
Now i'm stuck on how to combine the "Null" and "Others" under "Others" and put "Others" at the bottom.i can combine the "Null" & "Others" at each table level, i'm just not sure how.

The DAX solution:
To get the Other and blank (at least that is how I read your null) together, you can create a new column on the table (is easiest).
newProducts = IF(fruits[product] = BLANK(); "Other";fruits[product])
A better solution is to replace your blanks (or NULL) in the Query language:
Go to: Edit Query:
Select your table and the product column and press on the bar the "Replace values"
Do the replace and save and close the editor.
Last step
It is not relevant in which order you have the rows in the table because you can control this in the visual self.
Below example:
As you can see, I filtered other out, this is not needed when you want to count them in your top N.
If you want to show all four, we need to make a new Table:
Tabel =
var Top3 = TOPN(3;FILTER(fruits;fruits[product] <> "Other") ;fruits[July Avail])
var prioTop3 = ADDCOLUMNS(Top3;"Order"; CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(fruits);FILTER(Top3; fruits[July Avail] <= EARLIER(fruits[July Avail]))))
var Other = ADDCOLUMNS(GROUPBY(FILTER(fruits;fruits[product] = "Other");fruits[product];"June Avail"; SUMX(CURRENTGROUP();fruits[June Avail]); "July Avail"; SUMX(CURRENTGROUP();fruits[July Avail]));"Order";0)
return UNION(prioTop3; Other)


DAX Measure: case based on other column text values

I have a big model in PowerBI where there are many different aggregation and grouping based on columns being displayed or not on the final table.
Simplifying: I need to do a conditional statement doing the sum if the value of column 1 is A1 but doing the MAX() if the value of column 1 is A2.
I need to have that information in the same column of the final output.
How would you go for this one?
Thank you very much for your help!
if you have only two values you can do a simple IF like this :
Measure = IF ( SELECTEDVALUE('Table'[Column1]) = "A1", SUM('Table'[Column2]), MAX('Table'[Column2]))
Please try this code:
TblMeasure =
VAR TblSummary =
VALUES ( FactTable[Column1] ),
IF (
FactTable[Column1] = "A1",
SUM ( FactTable[Column2] ),
MAX ( FactTable[Column2] )
SUMX ( TblSummary, [Test] )
If we test it on a table visual:

DAX function to count if a cell value begins with a certain character

I need a function that allows me to count how many rows, for a specific column, start with a specific letter.
For example:
I have a table with columns A, B, and C.
I want to count how many rows have a value starting with M in column B.
I am new to this and need to develop a DAX function.
Any idea of how to do that?
Count =
'Table' ,
LEFT ( 'Table'[column B] , 1 ) = "M" )
You could make a temp table by filtering the column using a regex to match the first character. Then count the rows in the temp table.
[test] = VAR tempTable =
FILTER ( 'Table', IsMatch('Table'[B],"^M",MatchOptions.Contains)))
COUNTROWS ( tempTable )

How can I select the value of the nth row in a column in Powerbi?

I am fairly new to PowerBi,
I am trying to select the top 3 values from a table but only use specific column values. My instinct is to create a measure for each row. Here is a sample table of the data.
I've tried this but don't know enough of DAX to know how to go any further. I am able to select the top 1 value, but if I change N to 3 it doesnt work. Even if I can choose the second value instead of just the first one would help. Some sort of row index or number in an array fashion.
LowestSpenders =
"The lowest spenders for the day are "
TOPN(1, Top3Low, Top3Low[Spent], DESC)
I have also tried this
LowestSpenders =
"The lowest spenders for the day are "
I want to select the names of the people based on their positions in the table and include them in a dynamic text measure.
Something like this.
"The lowest spenders for the day are: Bob, John and Mark"
How about something like this? Rank all the names and then pick out whatever ranks you want.
LowestSpenders =
VAR Summary =
"Rank", RANK.EQ ( Top3Low[Spent], Top3Low[Spent], 1 )
FILTER ( Summary, [Rank] IN { 1, 2, 3 } ),
", "
Instead of [Rank] IN { 1, 2, 3 }, you can substitute whatever criterion you want, for example, [Rank] = 2 or [Rank] > 2 && [Rank] < 5.
You're nearly there.
Use TOPN to identify the lowest n spenders, and use CONCATENATEX to iterate over this table and concatenate the names:
LowestSpenders =
", "

DAX create empty table with specific column names and no rows

How to create a table with a specified column name and no rows at all. The following oneliner does what I want but shows error message that there should be second argument in ROW function.
EmptyTable = ROW ("Product")
I would like to use it for making bridge tables with desired column name. For example I want Product_bridge table to have a column "Product".
Product_bridge = DISTINCT(
DISTINCT( Sales[Prod_Name] )
,DISTINCT( Dictionary[Prod_DifferntName])
,DISTINCT( PriceList[P] )
The code above gets me the name of the first table, in this case Prod_Name.
You could just filter it. Or select TOPN 0.
Table = TOPN(0;DATATABLE("Product";STRING;{{}}))
Table = FILTER(DATATABLE("Product";STRING;{{}});0)
This is how I create empty DAX tables:
EmptyTable = DATATABLE (
"Other Measures", INTEGER,
{ 0 }
I would like to add to mxix answer a few useful oneliners for making one-column empty table with desired name:
OneLiner1 = TOPN(0, ROW("Product", "Apple"))
OneLiner2 = FILTER(ROW("Product", "Apple"), 1=2)
Or if you want to define column type:
OneLiner3 = TOPN(0, DATATABLE("Product", STRING,{{"Apple"}}) )
So the snipped for bridge table is:
Product_bridge = DISTINCT(
TOPN(0, ROW("Product", "Apple"))
,DISTINCT( Sales[Prod_Name] )
,DISTINCT( Dictionary[Prod_DifferntName])
,DISTINCT( PriceList[P] )

Intersection of Customer product purchase (powerBI)

I need help with producing a count of the intersections between customers and which items they have purchased. For example, if there are 5 products, a customer can purchase any single product or any combination of the 5. Customers can also re-purchase a product at any date - this is where my problem arises as an end user wants to be able to see the intersections for any selected date range.
I have managed to come up with a solution which includes the use of parameters but this is not ideal as the end user does not have access to change any parameters of the report.
I'm open to any solution that does not involve parameters, ideally a slicer with dates would be the best solution
The fields I have on the table are customer_ID, date_ID, and product
Example Data
customer_id date_id product
1 9/11/2018 A
1 10/11/2018 A
1 10/11/2018 B
1 11/11/2018 C
1 11/11/2018 A
2 9/11/2018 C
2 10/11/2018 D
2 11/11/2018 E
2 11/11/2018 A
3 10/11/2018 A
3 10/11/2018 B
3 11/11/2018 A
3 11/11/2018 B
3 11/11/2018 B
4 10/11/2018 A
4 11/11/2018 A
5 9/11/2018 A
5 10/11/2018 B
5 10/11/2018 E
5 10/11/2018 D
5 11/11/2018 C
5 11/11/2018 A
6 9/11/2018 A
6 10/11/2018 A
6 11/11/2018 A
Possible output with different slicer selections
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated
This is pretty tricky since I can't think of a way to use the values of a dynamically calculated table as a field in a visual. (You can create calculated tables, but those aren't responsive to slicers. You can also create dynamically calculated tables inside of a measure, but measures don't return tables, just single values.)
The only way I can think of to do this requires creating a table for every possible product combination. However, if you have N products, then this table has 2N rows and that blows up fast.
Here's a calculated table that will output all the combinations:
Table2 =
VAR N = DISTINCTCOUNT(Table1[product])
VAR Products = SUMMARIZE(Table1,
VAR BinaryString =
MOD( TRUNC( [Value] / POWER(2, [Bit]-1) ), 2)
CONCATENATEX(Products, IF(MID([Binary],[Rank],1) = "1", [product], ""), "")
Then add a calculated column to get the column delimited version:
Delimited =
VAR Length = LEN(Table2[Combination])
MID(Table2[Combination], [Value], 1),
If you put Delimited the Rows section on a matrix visual and the following measure in the Values section:
customers =
VAR Summary = SUMMARIZE(Table1,
CONCATENATEX(VALUES(Table1[product]), Table1[product], ","))
RETURN SUMX(Summary, IF([ProductList] = MAX(Table2[Delimited]), 1, 0))
And filter out any 0 customer values, you should get something like this:
So yeah... not a great solution, especially when N gets big, but maybe better than nothing?
In order to work for longer product names, let's use a delimiter in the Combination concatenation:
CONCATENATEX(Products, IF(MID([Binary],[Rank],1) = "1", [product], ""), ",")
(Note the "" to "," change at the end.)
And then rewrite the Delimited calculated column to remove excess commas.
Delimited =
VAR RemoveMultipleCommas =
SUBSTITUTE(Table2[Combination], ",,", ","),
",,", ","),
",,", ","),
",,", ",")
VAR LeftComma = (LEFT(Table2[Combination]) = ",")
VAR RightComma = (RIGHT(Table2[Combination]) = ",")
IF(RemoveMultipleCommas <> ",",
1 + LeftComma,
LEN(RemoveMultipleCommas) - RightComma - LeftComma
), "")
Finally, let's modify the customers measure a bit so it can subtotal.
customers =
VAR Summary = SUMMARIZE(Table1,
CONCATENATEX(VALUES(Table1[product]), Table1[product], ","))
VAR CustomerCount = SUMX(Summary, IF([ProductList] = MAX(Table2[Delimited]), 1, 0))
VAR Total = IF(ISFILTERED(Table2[Delimited]), CustomerCount, COUNTROWS(Summary))
RETURN IF(Total = 0, BLANK(), Total)
The Total variable gives the total customer count for the total. Note that I've also set zeros to return as blank so that you don't need to filter out zeros (it will automatically hide those rows).
You can also try this measure to calculate the result.
[Count Of Customers] :=
VAR var_products_selection_count = DISTINCTCOUNT ( Sales[product] )
VAR var_customers = VALUES ( Sales[customer_id] )
VAR var_customers_products_count =
VAR var_products_count =
CALCULATETABLE ( VALUES ( Sales[product] ) ),
RETURN var_products_count
[products_count] = var_products_selection_count
I think I've found a better solution/workaround that doesn't require precomputing all possible combinations. The key is to use a rank/index as a base column and then built off of that.
Since the customer_id is already nicely indexed starting from 1 with no gaps, in this case, I will use that, but if it weren't, then you'd want to create an index column to use instead. Note that there cannot be more distinct product combinations within a given filter context than there are customers since each customer only has a single combination.
For each index/rank we want to find the product combination that is associated with it and the number of customers for that combination.
ProductCombo =
VAR PerCustomer =
CONCATENATEX ( VALUES ( Table1[product] ), Table1[product], "," )
VAR ProductSummary =
DISTINCTCOUNT ( Table1[customer_id] )
VAR Ranked =
[Customers] + (1 - 1 / RANKX ( ProductSummary, [ProductList] ) )
VAR CurrID =
SELECTEDVALUE ( Table1[customer_id] )
MAXX ( FILTER ( Ranked, [Rank] = CurrID ), [ProductList] )
What this does is first create a summary table that computes the product list for each customer.
Then you take that table and summarize over the distinct product lists and counting the number of customers that have each particular combination.
Then I add a ranking column to the previous table ordering first by the number of customers and tiebreaking using a dictionary order of the product list.
Finally, I extract the product list from this table where the rank matches the index/rank of the current row.
You could do a nearly identical measure for the customer count, but here's the measure I used that's a bit simpler and handles 0 values and the total:
Customers =
VAR PerCustomer =
CONCATENATEX ( VALUES ( Table1[product] ), Table1[product], "," )
VAR ProductCombo = [ProductCombo]
VAR CustomerCount =
SUMX ( PerCustomer, IF ( [ProductList] = ProductCombo, 1, 0 ) )
IF (
ISFILTERED ( Table1[customer_id] ),
IF ( CustomerCount = 0, BLANK (), CustomerCount ),
DISTINCTCOUNT ( Table1[customer_id] )
The result looks like this