How to call a function after an animation ends? - c++

So I've recently started dabbling a bit with the Qt animation framework and I'd say everything goes pretty well, however now I'd like to make it so that a function gets called after an animation finishes, is this possible?
I've already tried executing the function after the animation starts, however this doesn't seem to work (I presume because Qt animations are ran on a separate thread)
The way I've tried this is very simply like this:
I've tried looking through the Qt documentation but to no avail, seeing that pretty much everything about animation and Qt is in QML which I don't use.

You'll need to listen to the finished() signal from your animation. Here's how you'd connect the signal:
QObject::connect(AnimIn, &QAbstractAnimation::finished, this, &YourClass::OnAnimFinished);
where OnAnimFinished() is obviously a slot in your current class. When the animation finishes, the signal will be emitted and the slot will be invoked. Then in the body of the OnAnimFinished() function you can call MyFunction().


What does QTimer::singleShot(0, object SLOT(obj_slot())) do?

I'm beginner learning Qt, and trying to understand a Qt provided example for download operation. In downloadmanager.cpp, a member function is the following:
void DownloadManager::append(const QUrl &url)
if (downloadQueue.isEmpty())
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(startNextDownload()));
I'm confused to why, if downloadQueue is empty, it will need to activate the startNextDownload() before adding the url. (note that: startNextDownload() ends the program if the downloadQueue is empty)
I'm unsure why: QTimer::signleShot(x, y, z) has been used at all. As I understand it to be, a timer that activates the slot with delay of 0 millisecond.
I could not figure out from looking at Qt Assistant whether singleShot is a one time setup for repeated activation to the slot at given millisecond interval or whether it is one time
I'm a beginner and in examples like:
I'm used to seeing statement1 running and finishing before moving on to working on statement2. But trying to learn Qt and reading the given example, I see the SLOT(startNextDownload()) being activated after downloadQueue.enqueue(url); has taken place. I am trying to understand why does this work.
This queues a callback in the message queue.
The timer immediately elapses, and a message is posted to the message queue. When the process reaches the main loop for the next time, the startNextDownload() function is called. By this time, the URL is in the queue.
The startNextDownload() function is called from the dispatch context, where it is safe to change window contents. This way, the DownloadManager class can be used from a multithreaded application, where the thread starting the download might be running concurrently with the handler for a Paint event. By invoking it from the same thread that would handle Paint events you can be sure that no such event is being processed, and you can update widgets safely.
If a widget needs to be repainted afterwards, it then asks to be repainted, and the OS will send a Paint event if the widget is currently visible.
Answer to current question title
Every call to QTimer::singleShot(...) is executed on the event loop of the thread where it is invoked **. If invoked from the main thread, it'll be the event loop started with app.exec().
According to the Qt-Network-Manager-Example, this function is called after the network-manager is filled with the URL's so the single-shot will be processed after the queue has been completely filled. Poorly the qt documentation isn't that clear about this topic yet, so for more information about event processing etc please look here.
Answer for old question title
Before I start, the timer is for having the download in an extra thread. So the GUI keeps responsive.
The complete downloadNext() method is recursive. It will be only called once and called till the queue is empty.
See this:
void DownloadManager::append(const QStringList &urlList)
foreach (QString url, urlList)
append(QUrl::fromEncoded(url.toLocal8Bit())); //Call for only one URL
void DownloadManager::append(const QUrl &url)
if (downloadQueue.isEmpty())
//I'm only called if the queue is empty! And I will be called after the next line. Not instantly!
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(startNextDownload()));
After the queue is empty each method returns and at least the message that the download is done will be printed.
So why does this work?
Please see first chapter below.
you can understand things about Class QTimer before you end up with a solution as you desire, please have a look here for your understanding

Qt add function call to event loop from other thread

I've stumbled across a problem I can't solve on an elegant way right now.
The situation: I have a callback function which is called from outside my application. The callback function has to update some gui object.. Since I can't call (for example) repaint() from within another thread, I have to finde some way to add a function call to the main event loop so the task gets executed at some time.
One possible way would be to use this:
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(object, "functionName", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(float, value));
However, this just gives me the response that no such Method "Object::functionName". (which is obviously a lie!)
I've also read about connecting a signal to a slot which will be called from the event loop by setting the connection type to Qt::QueuedConnection. However, using QOjbect.:connect() won't work since I don't knwo which object the signal needs to get. Nice would be something like
QObject::emit(object, SIGNAL(function(flaot)), arg);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod is usually what you should use in this kind of situation. Make sure that:
object is a QObject subclass with the Q_OBJECT macro at the top
functionName is either declared in the slots section or has the Q_INVOKABLE macro

Changing QLineEdit TextBox's inside of loop dynamically

I'm building some code where I'm running a while loop and, within the loop, am trying to change the contents of a couple of textboxes with QLineEdit's setText(). However, merely calling setText within the loop does not work; the textboxes only change their actual value once the code has run through, instead of at each iteration.
I have little experience with C++ or Qt, but the project I'm working on must use them. Any help?
EDIT: I'm guessing this must be something simple that I simply am having troubles because of my lack of familiarity/knowledge, but if more information is needed I'll gladly provide it!
The problem is that QT needs control to return to the UI thread's event loop in order to update the QLineEdit's visual appearance. The quick and dirty way to run the event loop is to add QCoreApplication::processEvents() after each call to setText(). The proper way to fix it is to move the blocking process that sets the value of the text box into another thread, expose an updateText(QString text) signal, connect it to the TextBox's setText(const QString & text) slot and emit that signal whenever you want the text to be updated.
Please see my answer to a similar question for more detail: unexplained delay after QProgressBar finish loading
You might also want to check out some of the documentation on QThreads and the Qt signal slot system:
In my case, calling only repaint() or processEvents() won't do the job.
Within your function loop, call both QCoreApplication::processEvents(); and repaint();:
for (i;...)
//do your calculations
Calling ui->mywidget->update() didn't make any different as well.
(Tested for Qt4.8.3 on Kubuntu 12.10 and Qt5.0.1 on Windows XP)

How do I use GTK and glut together?

I know that in order to write a GTK application, I write a bunch of code which describes what is put in the main window, then I call:
Any code statements after this do not get executed.
Now let's suppose I'd like my GTK app to display something I wrote with glut, which itself contains a bunch of statements about what graphics need to be set etc. then ends with the statement:
Anything after this is not executed.
So my problem is that either of these two statements prevents me from calling the other.
Is there a way to execute a glut main loop inside a GTK widget ?
Is there a way to write a code that could somehow simultaneously call both a GTK main loop and a glut main loop (but called from the main program and rendered in a separate X window, not within a widget)? I've got a feeling this could be done with "threads"...
You don't. There's generally no point to it.
GLUT is a library for creating and managing OpenGL windows. GTK already has an OpenGL window in it. If you're using GTK, then there's no point in using GLUT. It's like having two vector math libraries or something.
You are running the main loops. gtk_main() runs until gtk_quit() is called.
gtk_main() at
Runs the main loop until gtk_main_quit() is called. You can nest calls to gtk_main(). In that case gtk_main_quit() will make the innermost invocation of the main loop return.
Also, glutMainLoop() works the same way, it processes GL events forever.
glutMainLoop() at
glutMainLoop() enters the GLUT event processing loop. This routine should be called at most once in a GLUT program. Once called, this routine will never return. It will call as necessary any callbacks that have been registered.
So, you you wan't both of these things to execute at the same time (I think they might interfere with each other so you might get unexpected results) then you will need to call gtk_main_iteration() from inside glut.
gtk_main_iteration() at
Runs a single iteration of the mainloop. If no events are waiting to be processed GTK+ will block until the next event is noticed. If you don't want to block look at gtk_main_iteration_do() or check if any events are pending with gtk_events_pending() first.
Now.. GLUT doesn't have an equivalent to gtk_main_iteration() so you are going to need to register GLUT callbacks.
You could register a callback with GLUT that runs gtk_main_iteration() using glutIdleFunc(void (*func)(void)) which will run a callback for every frame - glutIdleFunc()..
Or you could give a callback to glutTimerFunc(unsigned int msecs,
void (*func)(int value), value) to call and check the return value of gtk_main_iteration() every 200msec or so.
I'd probably experiment with both, glutIdleFunc() might not always get called regularly enough for good responsiveness.
It really is worth looking at driving GTK's GL support though.

QT Repaint/Redraw/Update/Do Something

I'm New to QT. I understand that you can force a display refresh, but I've pulled all my hair out trying to figure out how. Here is what I'm specifically trying to do.
I press a button (onClick signal event), which runs code that changes an image (QLabel) on the display, waits for input, and then proceeds by changing a new image (different QLabel). I've tried everything and the display doesn't refresh until the onclick signal event code is complete. Right now, I'm not waiting for user input, I'm using usleep(~500 ms) for testing purposes.
From what I read, QT is event driven meaning that I'm basically creating a bunch of events, that get put in a que, and executed when the (onClick signal event) returns to the (main loop)/(event handler). I don't want to wait until the function is complete, it's going to make programming extremely painful if I have to accomplish this routine entirely based on events.
How can I force the QLabel pixmap to refresh. I've tried everything. Below is all the code I have tried in my onClick signal event handler. (upButton is the name of the QLabel which is a pixmap)
QPaintEvent paintevent(ui->upButton->childrenRegion());
QPaintEvent * test = &paintevent;
As you can see, I'm just shooting in the dark at this point. I've tried to look at sample code and do all my homework, but I'm lost. Appreciate any help, advice, and or sample code.
I was using sleep to emulate a brief amount of time the computer was waiting for something to happen.
As I stated in my question, I didn't want to use events because it's a whole lot of unnecessary work to accomplish something extremely simply.
Also, the 'event' that needs to take place for the program to continue, is a USB event. Since I'm using an HID class device, there is no way to set an event to happen without a wait loop. USB HID classes don't permit setting interrupts, the OS claims the device.
I managed to get the above to work. I walked through the debugger and noticed the display would refresh before the sleep function. Running the program independently, I got random results with the display refreshing 1% of the time. I got rid of the sleep function, and added some other code in it's place to emulate a delay, and it was fine.
Just for everyone's knowledge, this is possible, it's not forbidden, and it's easy to do with the following:
qApp is a global external variable in the QApplication header.
Because this USB event is making my flow tricky, I stumbled upon the QWaitCondition Class. I was going to start a process waiting for the USB event. I would wait until the process releases the wait condition for my routine to continue.
But if anyone thinks this is a bad idea, please, speak out. I really do appreciate your feedback PiedPiper and Hostile Fork.
Thank you.
I noticed sometimes when you have multiple layered widgets, or widgets inside of widgets it helps to call their repaint() events.
For example
This is far easier then pushing out any processing to another Thread, or creating additional event handlers.
You shouldn't be waiting for input in your event handler. You need to rethink the logic of your program to use events the way they were intended. All the update() and repaint() calls in your code are unnecessary if you return to the event loop.
If i understood correctly, you have a slot and in this slot, you update the image shown in a QLabel. But you want this change to be displayed before the slot finishes.
If that is the case, issue an update() event, and call qApp->processEvents(). This method processes events that are waiting in the event queue and then returns, therefore this may be what you are after.
PS: an update() may not be necessary at all, i am not sure.