How is managed current path with _findfirst? - c++

Supposing to use _findfirst in one of the two cases below
struct _finddata_t fd;
intptr_t search_handle;
// Either
search_handle = _findfirst( "file*.txt", &fd );
// Or
search_handle = _findfirst( ".\\file*.txt", &fd );
does the two have differences in result?
I didn't find yet if the first form can follow a specific search strategy other that the GetCurrentDirectory() one.
Can it make a difference with some filesystems (like with Unicode special names)?
From what I tested on a few PCs and different versions of Windows, it looked to be the same, but on a remote system that I can't access it looks like there can be some reason for it to fail -- maybe when the file name selected is long enough, however it's just a supposition I can't prove right now, and I still doubt it exceeds _MAX_PATH.


Is it good to use ntdll.dll in a win32 console application?

In my c++ project i need to read/write extended file properties. I managed it with using alternate data streams (ADS). My problem is, for opening the ADS i need to use the CreateFile API. But it is not fulfilling my needs. NtCreateFile will fullfill all my needs. (Or alternatively NtSetEaFile and NtQueryEaFile) But NtCreateFile is not directly accessible from a win32 console application.
I know i can use this function easily via GetProcAdress. But i like to know the opinion of you all, if i did miss something? Some other libs are using this pattern already, for example Chromium ( function: ResolveNTFunctionPtr)
But im uncertain, because the c++ project is not a hobby project and i ask myself if it is dangerous or not.
I guess NtCreateFile is maybe the securest way to do, because it is well documented and supported by winternl.h header. Especially because this method is unchanged since windows 2000. But what is with NtSetEaFile, NtQueryEaFile which are fitting my needs perfectly. They are only half documented. A documentation for ZwSetEaFile and ZwQueryEaFile exist (unchanged since windows 2000).
Reason why i want to do that:
I want to write and read extended properties from files via ADS. But in case of writing the extended property of a given file the first time, i need to open the file with OPEN_ALWAYS. In case of file is not existing it will create a new file, even if i only access not the content stream of the file. To avoid this i get first the handle of the original file and check with this HANDLE if the file still exist.
But i dont want to blog any file with reduced access rights, because from my point of view that is a very bad pattern. The user needs to have full access to any file any time. Because of that we open all HANDLES with the flag FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE. And now i have the race.
auto hFile = CreateFileW(originalPath, …, FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, …).
// this is the little race: if somebody at least rename originalPath the
// second CreateFileW call will cause the creation of a empty file with the
// path originalPath (the old path).
auto hADS = CreateFileW(originalPath + adsName, …, FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, OPEN_ALWAYS, …).
This is a main issue, especially because this happens from time to time in our tests. NtCreateFile will fix it, because i can create the second HANDLE with the help of the first HANDLE. Because of that no race. Or NtSetEaFile and NtQueryEaFile will help, because i only need one HANDLE.
The thing is, that the application needs not to be save for the future, because ADS works only on NTFS anyway. And who knows when NTFS will be exchanged. But i dont want a flaky behaviour. I want to trust this Methods. I I am fine if the API will change in the future and the software needs to adapt to it. But i want to be sure, that all Windows higher or equal then 7 can deal with it. Somebody some experience to share? I would like to hear them very much.
This question is wrong. Your proposed solution for your problem, is not using NtCreateFile, but use CreateFile with dwCreationDisposition set to the OPEN_EXISTING.
From documentation:
Opens a file or device, only if it exists. If the specified file or
device does not exist, the function fails and the last-error code is
Simply open file if exists and set whatever you want. If file is renamed, CreateFile returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
Now, to your proposed solution, what is better method or why is not possible use ntdll.dll in win32 console application (???).
Again, your "better" method - GetProcAddress is "wrong" same as using linking against ntdll.dll. In Windows 11, or Windows 12 or Windows 3030 the function may be removed and both solutions (statical vs. dynamical import) will be fail.
It is not really unsecure to use this kind of APIs if their is a documentation. In case of NtSetEaFile, NtQueryEaFile and NtCreateFile you can find a description inside of Microsoft's Doc. (keep in mind NtXxx == ZwXxx)
But this API can change in the future and Microsoft does not guarantee that it will provides the same methods in the next Windows version. If you can, use the public API, because then you are safe. If not it is a case by case decision. In this case the three methods from the API are unchanged since Windows2000. Plus for example NtSetEaFile and NtQueryEaFile is used by Microsoft for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). And especially NtCreateFile is used by a wide range of OpenSource Projects. So it is very unlikely that this API will change.
In my use case another aspect is important. Because I wanted to use ADS, but ADS is only supported by NTFS. So using ADS does not ensure future compatibility as well. So it was very clear for me using NtSetEaFile and NtQueryEaFile.
But how you can use this kind of APIs? Dynamic or static linking is possible. It depends on your needs what is better. In case of static linking you need to download the last WDK (Windows Driver Kit) and link against the ntdll.lib. In case of dynamic linking you can access the dll directly via GetModuleHandle and finding out the address of the method with GetProcAddress. Under Windows ntdll.dll is accessible from any application. In both cases you don't have directly a header file. You have to define the header file by yourself or use WDK to get them.
In my project dynamic linking was the best choice. The reason was, that on every windows the right implementation will be choosen and in case the method is not available i have the chance to deactivate the feature in my software instead of crash. Microsoft is recommending the dynamic way, because of the last reason.
Simple PseudoCode (dynamic case):
typedef struct _FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION {
ULONG NextEntryOffset;
UCHAR Flags;
UCHAR EaNameLength;
USHORT EaValueLength;
CHAR EaName[1];
typedef struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK {
union {
PVOID Pointer;
ULONG_PTR Information;
typedef NTSTATUS(WINAPI *NtSetEaFileFunction)(IN HANDLE FileHandle,
IN PVOID Buffer,
IN ULONG Length);
HMODULE ntdll = GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll");
NtSetEaFileFunction function = nullptr;
FARPROC *function_ptr = reinterpret_cast<FARPROC *>(&function);
*function_ptr = GetProcAddress(ntdll, "NtQueryEaFile");
// function could be used normally.
The other answer is incorrect. The reason is that the reason of my problem is, that I need to use OPEN_ALWAYS. Of course, if you don't need this flag, everything is fine. But in my case there is a point where I needed to create the ADS. And it will not be created without the OPEN_ALWAYS flag.

GetDiskFreeSpaceEx with NULL Directory Name failing

I'm trying to use GetDiskFreeSpaceEx in my C++ win32 application to get the total available bytes on the 'current' drive. I'm on Windows 7.
I'm using this sample code:
And it works! Well, almost. It works if I provide a drive, such as:
szDrive[0] = 'C'; // <-- specifying drive
szDrive[1] = ':';
szDrive[2] = '\\';
szDrive[3] = '\0';
pszDrive = szDrive;
fResult = pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx ((LPCTSTR)pszDrive,
fResult becomes true and i can go on to accurately calculate the number of free bytes available.
The problem, however, is that I was hoping to not have to specify the drive, but instead just use the 'current' one. The docs I found online (Here) state:
lpDirectoryName [in, optional]
A directory on the disk. If this parameter is NULL, the function uses the root of the current disk.
But if I pass in NULL for the Directory Name then GetDiskFreeSpaceEx ends up returning false and the data remains as garbage.
fResult = pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx (NULL,
//fResult == false
Is this odd? Surely I'm missing something? Any help is appreciated!
As per JosephH's comment, I did a GetLastError() call. It returned the DWORD for:
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
2nd EDIT
Buried down in the comments I mentioned:
I tried GetCurrentDirectory and it returns the correct absolute path, except it prefixes it with \\?\
it returns the correct absolute path, except it prefixes it with \\?\
That's the key to this mystery. What you got back is the name of the directory with the native api path name. Windows is an operating system that internally looks very different from what you are familiar with winapi programming. The Windows kernel has a completely different api, it resembles the DEC VMS operating system a lot. No coincidence, David Cutler used to work for DEC. On top of that native OS were originally three api layers, Win32, POSIX and OS/2. They made it easy to port programs from other operating systems to Windows NT. Nobody cared much for the POSIX and OS/2 layers, they were dropped at XP time.
One infamous restriction in Win32 is the value of MAX_PATH, 260. It sets the largest permitted size of a C string that stores a file path name. The native api permits much larger names, 32000 characters. You can bypass the Win32 restriction by using the path name using the native api format. Which is simply the same path name as you are familiar with, but prefixed with \\?\.
So surely the reason that you got such a string back from GetCurrentDirectory() is because your current directory name is longer than 259 characters. Extrapolating further, GetDiskFreeSpaceEx() failed because it has a bug, it rejects the long name it sees when you pass NULL. Somewhat understandable, it isn't normally asked to deal with long names. Everybody just passes the drive name.
This is fairly typical for what happens when you create directories with such long names. Stuff just starts falling over randomly. In general there is a lot of C code around that uses MAX_PATH and that code will fail miserably when it has to deal with path names that are longer than that. This is a pretty exploitable problem too for its ability to create stack buffer overflow in a C program, technically a carefully crafted file name could be used to manipulate programs and inject malware.
There is no real cure for this problem, that bug in GetDiskFreeSpaceEx() isn't going to be fixed any time soon. Delete that directory, it can cause lots more trouble, and write this off as a learning experience.
I am pretty sure you will have to retrieve the current drive and directory and pass that to the function. I remember attempting to use GetDiskFreeSpaceEx() with the directory name as ".", but that did not work.

Get a file's size through `IShellItem`

I've implemented a directory walking algorithm for the Windows Shell using IShellItem, IShellFolder, IStorage, IStream, etc. All is well and good. I can even walk inside shell namespace extensions (e.g. .zip) files.
However, I have problems extracting (regular) file sizes when files are being used by some other program with exclusive access.
AFAIK, there is nothing but the STATSTG structure that gives more information than the file's name. There are essentially 3 ways to get a hold of a STATSTG for a IShellItem:
Iterate using IEnumSTATSTG instead of IEnumIDList. Instead of invoking IShellFolder::EnumObjects(), get the IStorage for the folder and invoke IStorage::EnumElements(). You now get STATSTG structures directly.
Get the IStorage for the IShellItem and invoke IStorage::Stat().
Get the IStream for the IShellItem and invoke IStream::Stat().
I would really like to use #1 because it would give me all the information I need. However, I cannot get it to enumerate folder contents. I successfully extract the IStorage for the folder: it's own Stat() gives me the proper folder name. I successfully extract the IEnumSTATSTG, but the first call to Next(1, &item, NULL) returns S_FALSE and terminates the enumeration.
I would fallback to use #2 as it is still not so bad, but extracting the IStorage for regular disk files produces an error using both of IShellItem::BindToHandler(0, BHID_Storage, ...) and IShellFolder::BindToStorage(child, ...).
I finally tried #3 although it just plains seems wrong and it succeeds as long as files are not being used with exclusive access by another program.
I've googled around a bit and found several code snippets that use approach #3.
Question: Can anyone explain how I'm supposed to get the file's STATSTG without using approach #3?
Should approach #1 work, or does the IStorage implementation for regular folders simply not produce listings? Should approach #2 work or is the IStorage implementation simply not implemented for regular files?
Environment: Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit, Visual Studio 2008 Express. Using C++, no ATL, all custom COM wrappers (in-house, may be suitably modified assuming somwthing is wrong there).
Have you tried getting hold of the IShellItem2 interface, and then querying for the value of the PKEY_Size property?
Even with the accepted answer, it took some doing.
The first thing you need is the Windows Properties reference. From there you have to know that you want to go into System.Size. From there you get the two important pieces of information:
The system-provided file system size of the item, in bytes.
shellPKey = PKEY_Size
type = UInt64
Knowing that it's a UInt64, you can then get ahold of the IShellItem2 interface, in order to use one of the many property-getting methods:
//Get the IShellItem2 interface out of the IShellItem object
IShellItem2 si2 = shellItem as IShellItem2;
//Get the file fize (in bytes)
UInt64 fileSize;
si2.GetUInt64(PKEY_Size, ref fileSize);

Is a Program Running in Compatibility Mode

Is there a C++ .NET function that I can call that will detect if my program is running in compatibility mode? If there is not one, could someone show me the code for one? Thanks.
For example:
Program loads up
Compatibility Mode check
if true then exit
else run
From another forum
After a few google searches went in
vain, I decided to experiment myself.
I found that the compatibility
settings for each executable are
stored - as I thought it would be - in
the windows registry.
The key where the settings are stored
For each application that has its
compatibility settings specified,
there exists a value under that key
whose name is the path to the
executable and the data is a string
consisting of the compatibility
The keywords in the string that
specify the compatibility settings
are: WIN95 WIN98 NT4SP5
WIN2000 256COLOR 640X480
If multiple settings are specified (or
are to be specified), the data
consists of the settings above
separated by a space each. The first
four settings are mutually exclusive,
i.e. only one of them is to be
specified (if at all). I haven't
tested the consequences of specifying
multiple operating systems.
So, back to addressing your problem.
To check if an executable (let's say,
"C:\path\executable.exe") is set to
run in 256 color mode, there would be
a value named "C:\path\executable.exe"
(without the quotes, even if the path
contains spaces) under the key
and the data associated with the value
would contain the string "256COLOR".
If it is also set to run in
compatibility mode under Windows
98/ME, the data would be "WIN98
So, the approach is simple. Test if
there is a value with the full path of
the executable under the key I
mentioned above. If there isn't, the
executable has not been specified any
compatibility settings. If the value
exists, retrieve its data and check
for the presence of "256COLOR" in the
data. Accordingly, the presence of
"WIN95" or "WIN98" or "NT4SP5" or
"WIN2000" would mean that the
executable is set to run in
compatibility mode for that particular
operating system.
Get the version of the operation system that is returned from GetVersionEx and compare it to the file version on kernel32.dll. When in application compatibility mode GetVersionEx will always return the version of the operating system that is being 'emulated'. If both versions are different then you are in application compatibility mode.
The answer above helped me to get a "solution" for the question at hand. It is probably not the most elegant, but seems to work. Obviously you can get a bit more creative on the return type. Booleon does not suffice here. I think a native API would be good.
typedef VOID (NTAPI* TRtlGetNtVersionNumbers)(LPDWORD pdwMajorVersion, LPDWORD pdwMinorVersion, LPDWORD pdwBuildNumber);
bool IsRunningCompatMode()
TRtlGetNtVersionNumbers RtlGetNtVersionNumbers = (TRtlGetNtVersionNumbers)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "RtlGetNtVersionNumbers");
osInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
DWORD dwMajorVersion;
DWORD dwMinorVersion;
DWORD dwBuildNumber;
RtlGetNtVersionNumbers(&dwMajorVersion, &dwMinorVersion, &dwBuildNumber);
dwBuildNumber &= 0x0000FFFF;
if(osInfo.dwBuildNumber != dwBuildNumber)
return true;
return false;

Check whether a string is a valid filename with Qt

Is there a way with Qt 4.6 to check if a given QString is a valid filename (or directory name) on the current operating system ? I want to check for the name to be valid, not for the file to exist.
// Some valid names
// Some specific names
colon:name // valid under UNIX OSes, but not on Windows
what? // valid under UNIX OSes, but still not on Windows
How would I achieve this ? Is there some Qt built-in function ?
I'd like to avoid creating an empty file, but if there is no other reliable way, I would still like to see how to do it in a "clean" way.
Many thanks.
This is the answer I got from Silje Johansen - Support Engineer - Trolltech ASA (in March 2008 though)
However. the complexity of including locale settings and finding
a unified way to query the filesystems on Linux/Unix about their
functionality is close to impossible.
However, to my knowledge, all applications I know of ignore this
(read: they aren't going to implement it)
Boost doesn't solve the problem either, they give only some vague notion of the maximum length of paths, especially if you want to be cross platform. As far as I know many have tried and failed to crack this problem (at least in theory, in practice it is most definitely possible to write a program that creates valid filenames in most cases.
If you want to implement this yourself, it might be worth considering a few not immediately obvious things such as:
Complications with invalid characters
The difference between file system limitations and OS and software limitations. Windows Explorer, which I consider part of the Windows OS does not fully support NTFS for example. Files containing ':' and '?', etc... can happily reside on an ntfs partition, but Explorer just chokes on them. Other than that, you can play safe and use the recommendations from Boost Filesystem.
Complications with path length
The second problem not fully tackled by the boost page is length of the full path. Probably the only thing that is certain at this moment is that no OS/filesystem combination supports indefinite path lengths. However, statements like "Windows maximum paths are limited to 260 chars" are wrong. The unicode API from Windows does allow you to create paths up to 32,767 utf-16 characters long. I haven't checked, but I imagine Explorer choking equally devoted, which would make this feature utterly useless for software having any users other than yourself (on the other hand you might prefer not to have your software choke in chorus).
There exists an old variable that goes by the name of PATH_MAX, which sounds promising, but the problem is that PATH_MAX simply isn't.
To end with a constructive note, here are some ideas on possible ways to code a solution.
Use defines to make OS specific sections. (Qt can help you with this)
Use the advice given on the boost page and OS and filesystem documentation to decide on your illegal characters
For path length the only workable idea that springs to my mind is a binary tree trial an error approach using the system call's error handling to check on a valid path length. This is quite aloof, but might be the only possibility of getting accurate results on a variety of systems.
Get good at elegant error handling.
Hope this has given some insights.
Based on User7116's answer here:
How do I check if a given string is a legal/valid file name under Windows?
I quit being lazy - looking for elegant solutions, and just coded it. I got:
bool isLegalFilePath(QString path)
if (!path.length())
return false;
// Anything following the raw filename prefix should be legal.
if (path.left(4)=="\\\\?\\")
return true;
// Windows filenames are not case sensitive.
path = path.toUpper();
// Trim the drive letter off
if (path[1]==':' && (path[0]>='A' && path[0]<='Z'))
path = path.right(path.length()-2);
QString illegal="<>:\"|?*";
foreach (const QChar& c, path)
// Check for control characters
if (c.toLatin1() >= 0 && c.toLatin1() < 32)
return false;
// Check for illegal characters
if (illegal.contains(c))
return false;
// Check for device names in filenames
static QStringList devices;
if (!devices.count())
devices << "CON" << "PRN" << "AUX" << "NUL" << "COM0" << "COM1" << "COM2"
<< "COM3" << "COM4" << "COM5" << "COM6" << "COM7" << "COM8" << "COM9" << "LPT0"
<< "LPT1" << "LPT2" << "LPT3" << "LPT4" << "LPT5" << "LPT6" << "LPT7" << "LPT8"
<< "LPT9";
const QFileInfo fi(path);
const QString basename = fi.baseName();
foreach (const QString& d, devices)
if (basename == d)
// Note: Names with ':' other than with a drive letter have already been rejected.
return false;
// Check for trailing periods or spaces
if (path.right(1)=="." || path.right(1)==" ")
return false;
// Check for pathnames that are too long (disregarding raw pathnames)
if (path.length()>260)
return false;
// Exclude raw device names
if (path.left(4)=="\\\\.\\")
return false;
// Since we are checking for a filename, it mustn't be a directory
if (path.right(1)=="\\")
return false;
return true;
Probably faster than using regexes
Checks for illegal characters and excludes device names (note that '' is not illegal, since it can be in path names)
Allows drive letters
Allows full path names
Allows network path names
Allows anything after \\?\ (raw file names)
Disallows anything starting with \\.\ (raw device names)
Disallows names ending in "\" (i.e. directory names)
Disallows names longer than 260 characters not starting with \\?\
Disallows trailing spaces and periods
Note that it does not check the length of filenames starting with \\?, since that is not a hard and fast rule. Also note, as pointed out here, names containing multiple backslashes and forward slashes are NOT rejected by the win32 API.
I don't think that Qt has a built-in function, but if Boost is an option, you can use Boost.Filesystem's name_check functions.
If Boost isn't an option, its page on name_check functions is still a good overview of what to check for on various platforms.
Difficult to do reliably on windows (some odd things such as a file named "com" still being invalid) and do you want to handle unicode, or subst tricks to allow a >260 char filename.
There is already a good answer here How do I check if a given string is a legal / valid file name under Windows?
see example (from Digia Qt Creator sources) in:
I'd just create a simple function to validate the filename for the platform, which just searches through the string for any invalid characters. Don't think there's a built-in function in Qt. You could use #ifdefs inside the function to determine what platform you're on. Clean enough I'd say.