ECIES 1363a-2004 implementation in openssl - c++

I'm using openssl library to implement an ETSI standard and, more specifically, to realize communications with a PKI.
To do that I must use the ECIES encryption scheme but it isn't implemented in openssl.
I have found this piece of code here in the crypto++ google group:
int curve_id = EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(EC_KEY_get0_group((EC_KEY*)m_pPrivKey));
EC_KEY* temp_key = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(curve_id);
size_t uPubLen = i2o_ECPublicKey((EC_KEY*)m_pPrivKey, NULL);
o2i_ECPublicKey(&temp_key, (const byte**)&pCiphertext, uPubLen); // warnign this moves the pCiphertext pointer
uCiphertextSize -= uPubLen;
size_t SecLen = (EC_GROUP_get_degree(EC_KEY_get0_group((EC_KEY*)m_pPrivKey)) + 7) / 8;
byte* pSec = new byte[SecLen];
int ret = ECDH_compute_key(pSec, SecLen, EC_KEY_get0_public_key(temp_key), (EC_KEY*)m_pPrivKey, NULL);
ASSERT(ret == SecLen);
CHashFunction GenFx(CHashFunction::eSHA1); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
uPlaintextSize = (uCiphertextSize > GenFx.GetSize()) ? (uCiphertextSize - GenFx.GetSize()) : 0;
int mac_key_len = 16;
int GenLen = uPlaintextSize + mac_key_len;
uint32 counter = 1;
CBuffer GenHash;
while(GenHash.GetSize() < GenLen)
GenFx.Add(pSec, SecLen);
CBuffer Buff;
Buff.WriteValue<uint32>(counter++, true);
GenHash.AppendData(GenFx.GetKey(), GenFx.GetSize());
GenHash.SetSize(GenLen); // truncate
delete pSec;
byte* key = GenHash.GetBuffer();
byte* macKey = key + uPlaintextSize;
unsigned char* result;
size_t mac_len = uCiphertextSize - uPlaintextSize;
ASSERT(mac_len == 20);
byte* mac_result = new byte[mac_len];
HMAC_Init_ex(&ctx, macKey, mac_key_len, EVP_sha1(), NULL);
HMAC_Update(&ctx, pCiphertext, uPlaintextSize);
HMAC_Final(&ctx, mac_result, &mac_len);
Ret = memcmp(pCiphertext + uPlaintextSize, mac_result, mac_len) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
delete mac_result;
ASSERT(pPlaintext == NULL);
pPlaintext = new byte[uPlaintextSize];
for(int i=0; i < uPlaintextSize; i++)
pPlaintext[i] = pCiphertext[i] ^ key[i];
But I am not sure that it works correctly and I don't know how use this piece of code.
Have anyone already implemented this scheme?


How to send data simultaneously to 2 HID device which have the same VendorID and ProductID with HID API?

1. About the problem
I'm trying to send data store in a array called UxbTx[64] to 2 Hid devices that have the same VendorID(VID) and ProductID(PID) but differ in SerialNum (this differnce help me to enumerate 2 devices) and connect to PC via Usb Hub . I have successfully recognized two device and use hid_write() to send data but just 1 device acting right with my data config. For example, i want to turn on 2 devices but device 1 ON whereas the device 2 still remain OFF.
2. What I have tried
At first I thought that I have failed to send to the second device but it not. I use res=hid_write() and it return 0 which means successfully send for both devices.
This is the code that i use:
static hid_device** id_device;
static int max_size;
int res;
struct device_info
wchar_t* serial_num;
int id;
std::vector<device_info> devEnum(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id)
std::vector<device_info> device;
int count = 0, total = 0, res = 0,i=0;
hid_device_info* dev = NULL, * cur_dev = NULL;
hid_device* temp_handle = NULL;
std::vector<wchar_t*> string;
wchar_t wstr[MAX_STR], temp[MAX_STR];
device_info inf;
hid_enumerate(vendor_id, product_id);
res = hid_init();
dev = hid_enumerate(0x461, 0x20);
for (cur_dev = dev; cur_dev != NULL; cur_dev = cur_dev->next)
memcpy(temp, cur_dev->serial_number, MAX_STR);
wcsncpy(temp, cur_dev->serial_number, MAX_STR);
temp[MAX_STR - 1] = L'\0';
inf.serial_num = cur_dev->serial_number; = count;
max_size = device.size();
return device;
int NhgIsOpen(wchar_t* Manufacturer, wchar_t* Product, wchar_t* SerialNumber, std::vector<device_info> devices) {
int length = devices.size();
int res = 0;
id_device = new hid_device * [length];
wchar_t KeyManufacturer[MAX_STR] = L"test";
wchar_t KeyProduct[MAX_STR] = L"device test";
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
id_device[i] = hid_open(0x123, 0x15, devices[i].serial_num);
if (!id_device[i])
return -2;
hid_set_nonblocking(id_device[i], 0);
res = hid_get_manufacturer_string(id_device[i], Manufacturer, MAX_STR);
if (wcscmp(Manufacturer, KeyManufacturer) != 0)
return -3; //Manufacturer not match
res = hid_get_product_string(id_device[i], Product, MAX_STR);
if (wcscmp(Product, KeyProduct) != 0)
return -4; // KeyProdeuct not match
return 0;
INT32 IoControl(UINT16 IoState, int axis_id) {
UINT8 UsbTx[64];
//clear TX buffer
std::fill_n(UsbTx, 64, 0);
//report byte
UsbTx[0] = 0x01;
//USB user define cmd
UsbTx[1] = 0x00;
UsbTx[2] = 0x15; // turn on device
UsbTx[11] = 0x00;
UsbTx[12] = (0xFF) & IoState;
res = hid_write(id_device[axis_id], UsbTx, 64);
if (res < 0)
return -5; //can't write
return 0;
3. Question
If i can enumerate 2 devices does it means i can talk to 2 devices simultaneously?
Does the Report ID in firmware is the problem? I mean does i have to re-config Report ID in the Descriptor of the device so they can read the data at the same time?

Pass Byte Array as std::vector<char> from Node.js to C++ Addon

I have some constraints where the addon is built with nan.h and v8 (not the new node-addon-api).
The end function is a part of a library. It accepts std::vector<char> that represents the bytes of an image.
I tried creating an image buffer from Node.js:
const img = fs.readFileSync('./myImage.png');
I am not really sure how to continue from here. I tried creating a new vector with a buffer, like so:
std::vector<char> buffer(data);
But it seems like I need to give it a size, which I am unsure how to get. Regardless, even when I use the initial buffer size (from Node.js), the image fails to go through.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
[1] 16021 abort (core dumped)
However, when I read the image directly from C++, it all works fine:
std::ifstream ifs ("./myImage.png", std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate);
std::ifstream::pos_type pos = ifs.tellg();
std::vector<char> buffer(pos);
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);[0], pos);
// further below, I pass "buffer" to the function and it works just fine.
But of course, I need the image to come from Node.js. Maybe Buffer is not what I am looking for?
Here is an example based on N-API; I would also encourage you to take a look similar implementation based on node-addon-api (it is an easy to use C++ wrapper on top of N-API)
#include <assert.h>
#include "addon_api.h"
#include "stdio.h"
napi_value CArrayBuffSum(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_status status;
const size_t MaxArgExpected = 1;
napi_value args[MaxArgExpected];
size_t argc = sizeof(args) / sizeof(napi_value);
status = napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, args, nullptr, nullptr);
assert(status == napi_ok);
if (argc < 1)
napi_throw_error(env, "EINVAL", "Too few arguments");
napi_value buff = args[0];
napi_valuetype valuetype;
status = napi_typeof(env, buff, &valuetype);
assert(status == napi_ok);
if (valuetype == napi_object)
bool isArrayBuff = 0;
status = napi_is_arraybuffer(env, buff, &isArrayBuff);
assert(status == napi_ok);
if (isArrayBuff != true)
napi_throw_error(env, "EINVAL", "Expected an ArrayBuffer");
int32_t *buff_data = NULL;
size_t byte_length = 0;
int32_t sum = 0;
napi_get_arraybuffer_info(env, buff, (void **)&buff_data, &byte_length);
assert(status == napi_ok);
printf("\nC: Int32Array size = %d, (ie: bytes=%d)",
(int)(byte_length / sizeof(int32_t)), (int)byte_length);
for (int i = 0; i < byte_length / sizeof(int32_t); ++i)
sum += *(buff_data + i);
printf("\nC: Int32ArrayBuff[%d] = %d", i, *(buff_data + i));
napi_value rcValue;
napi_create_int32(env, sum, &rcValue);
return (rcValue);
The JavaScript code to call the addon
'use strict'
const myaddon = require('bindings')('mync1');
function test1() {
const array = new Int32Array(10);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
array[i] = i * 5;
const sum = myaddon.ArrayBuffSum(array.buffer);
console.log(`js: Sum of the array = ${sum}`);
The Output of the code execution:
C: Int32Array size = 10, (ie: bytes=40)
C: Int32ArrayBuff[0] = 0
C: Int32ArrayBuff[1] = 5
C: Int32ArrayBuff[2] = 10
C: Int32ArrayBuff[3] = 15
C: Int32ArrayBuff[4] = 20
C: Int32ArrayBuff[5] = 25
C: Int32ArrayBuff[6] = 30
C: Int32ArrayBuff[7] = 35
C: Int32ArrayBuff[8] = 40
C: Int32ArrayBuff[9] = 45
js: Sum of the array = 225

C++ WINAPI Create Multiple Partitions on Mounted VHD

I managed to create a VHD and attached it. Afterwards, I created a disk(IOCTL CREATE_DISK) and set its layout using IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX. Now, when I examine disk through Disk Management. I have a 14MB with a 7 MB partition, expectedly.
int sign = 80001;
disk.Mbr.Signature = sign;
disk.PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR;
auto res = DeviceIoControl(device_handle, IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK, &disk, sizeof(disk), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
res = DeviceIoControl(device_handle, IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
LARGE_INTEGER partition_size;
partition_size.QuadPart = 0xF00;
DWORD driver_layout_ex_len = sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX);
memset(&driver_layout_info, 0, sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX));
driver_layout_info.Mbr.Signature = sign;
driver_layout_info.PartitionCount = 1;
driver_layout_info.PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR;
part_info.StartingOffset.QuadPart = 32256;
part_info.RewritePartition = TRUE;
part_info.PartitionLength.QuadPart = partition_size.QuadPart/2 * 4096;
part_info.PartitionNumber = 1;
part_info.PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR;
mbr_info.BootIndicator = TRUE;
mbr_info.HiddenSectors = 32256 / 512;
mbr_info.PartitionType = PARTITION_FAT32;
mbr_info.RecognizedPartition = 1;
part_info.Mbr = mbr_info;
driver_layout_info.PartitionEntry[0] = part_info;
auto res_layout = DeviceIoControl(device_handle, IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX, &driver_layout_info, sizeof(driver_layout_info), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
Now, how do I partitionize this disk into two partitions? I want to create another partition out of the unpartitioned part of the disk(the other half basically). It says in the documentation is that PartitionEntry is an array of variable size(No, it is not it is an array of size 1.) Do I call set layout IOCTL for every partition I want to create? If so, how do you go about that? Is multi-partitioning possible through WINAPI interface?
P.S: I am aware that people usually invoke diskpart for this line of work.
Adding second partition two layout was messing my stack up so I took another route (heap).
DWORD driver_layout_ex_len = sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX) + sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX); // one layout+partition + partition
PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX driver_layout_info = (PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX) std::calloc(1, driver_layout_ex_len);
driver_layout_info->Mbr.Signature = sign;
driver_layout_info->PartitionCount = 2;
driver_layout_info->PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR;
// omitted here..
part_info2.StartingOffset.QuadPart = 32256 + part_info.PartitionLength.QuadPart;
part_info2.RewritePartition = TRUE;
part_info2.PartitionLength.QuadPart = partition_size.QuadPart / 2 * 4096;
part_info2.PartitionNumber = 2;
part_info2.PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR;
part_info2.Mbr = mbr_info;
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[0] = part_info;
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[1] = part_info2;
auto res_layout = DeviceIoControl(device_handle, IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX, driver_layout_info, driver_layout_ex_len, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
auto res_err = GetLastError();
Since it was overriding my device_handle I could not IOCTL at all. This improvement eliminated that. Do not forget to pass driver_layout_info instead of &driver_layout_info after this change.
It says in the documentation is that PartitionEntry is an array of
variable size(No, it is not it is an array of size 1.)
"Some Windows structures are variable-sized,
beginning with a fixed header, followed by
a variable-sized array. When these structures
are declared,
they often declare an array of size 1 where the
variable-sized array should be." Refer to #Raymond blog.
Here DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX structure is an example:
DWORD PartitionStyle;
DWORD PartitionCount;
union {
With this declaration, you would allocate memory for one such
variable-sized DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX structure like this:
You would initialize the structure like this (Use 2 partitions as example):
DWORD NumberOfPartitions = 2;
LARGE_INTEGER partition_size;
partition_size.QuadPart = 0xF00;
mbr_info.BootIndicator = TRUE;
mbr_info.HiddenSectors = 32256 / 512;
mbr_info.PartitionType = PARTITION_FAT32;
mbr_info.RecognizedPartition = TRUE;
for (DWORD Index = 0; Index < NumberOfPartitions ; Index++) {
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[Index].PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR;
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[Index].PartitionNumber = Index + 1;
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[Index].RewritePartition = TRUE;
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[Index].PartitionLength.QuadPart = partition_size.QuadPart / 2 * 4096;
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[Index].Mbr = mbr_info;
driver_layout_info->Mbr.Signature = sign;
driver_layout_info->PartitionCount = 1;
driver_layout_info->PartitionStyle = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR;
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[0].StartingOffset.QuadPart = 32256;
driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry[1].StartingOffset.QuadPart = 32256 + driver_layout_info->PartitionEntry->StartingOffset.QuadPart;
Call free(driver_layout_info); after you use completely.

C++ - EncryptMessage not encrypting the correct data

I've been following this tutorial for SSL/TLS online (well its more of reading the guys source code and following along) but I've hit a bumpy road with this EncryptMessage part because it pushes the data out of the way and encrypts the wrong info.
The pbloBuffer that I send it is:
GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n
But when I do pbMessage = pbloBuffer + Sizes.cbHeader; I end up with (even the microsoft websites says to do this)
Now pbMessage is the code above, and that's inserted under SECBUFFER_DATA so it's not even getting the full data. From what I understand SECBUFFER_DATA is the "user" data that the Webserver will decode and process.
Can you find out how to fix this and properly send the encrypted data?
Full source: (This code is experimental as I am trying to understand it before I makes changes)
int Adaptify::EncryptSend(PBYTE pbloBuffer, int Size) {
SecBufferDesc Message{ 0 };
SecBuffer Buffers[4]{ 0 };
DWORD cbMessage = 0, cbData = 0;
PBYTE pbMessage = nullptr;
SecPkgContext_StreamSizes Sizes = { 0 };
QueryContextAttributesW(&hContext, SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES, &Sizes);
pbMessage = pbloBuffer + Sizes.cbHeader;
cbMessage = (DWORD)strlen((const char*)pbMessage);
Buffers[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_STREAM_HEADER;
Buffers[0].cbBuffer = Sizes.cbHeader;
Buffers[0].pvBuffer = pbloBuffer;
Buffers[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA;
Buffers[1].pvBuffer = pbMessage;
Buffers[1].cbBuffer = cbMessage;
Buffers[2].cbBuffer = Sizes.cbTrailer;
Buffers[2].pvBuffer = pbMessage + cbMessage;
Buffers[3].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY;
Buffers[3].cbBuffer = SECBUFFER_EMPTY;
Buffers[3].pvBuffer = SECBUFFER_EMPTY;
Message.cBuffers = 4;
Message.pBuffers = Buffers;
Message.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
scRet = EncryptMessage(&hContext, 0, &Message, 0);
if (send(hSocket, (const char*)pbloBuffer, Buffers[0].cbBuffer + Buffers[1].cbBuffer + Buffers[2].cbBuffer, 0) < 0) {
MessageBox(0, L"Send error", 0, 0);
return 0;
first - you need call QueryContextAttributesW only once after InitializeSecurityContextW return SEC_E_OK - no sense call it every time, when you need send data. and save result. say inherit your class from SecPkgContext_StreamSizes - class Adaptify : SecPkgContext_StreamSizes; and call on end handshake (once) QueryContextAttributesW(&hContext, SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES, this);
about send send data - in your case Buffers[1].pvBuffer of course must point to your actual data pbloBuffer but not to pbloBuffer + Sizes.cbHeader code can be like this:
int Adaptify::EncryptSend(PBYTE pbloBuffer, int Size) {
if (PBYTE Buffer = new BYTE[cbHeader + Size + cbTrailer]) {
memcpy(Buffer + cbHeader, pbloBuffer, Size);
SecBuffer sb[4] = {
{ Size, SECBUFFER_DATA, Buffer + cbHeader},
{ cbTrailer, SECBUFFER_STREAM_TRAILER, Buffer + cbHeader + Size},
SecBufferDesc sbd = {
if (SEC_E_OK == (ss = ::EncryptMessage(this, 0, &sbd, 0)))) {
if (SOCKET_ERROR == send(hSocket, (const char*)Buffer, sb[0].cbBuffer+sb[1].cbBuffer+sb[2].cbBuffer+sb[3].cbBuffer, 0))
ss = WSAGetLastError();
delete [] Buffer;
return ss;
so you need allocate new buffer with cbHeader + Size + cbTrailer size (wher Size is your actual message Size and copy your message at Buffer + cbHeader

vp9 encoder returns a null packet

i using this code to encode video stream using vp8 and i decided to give vp9 a try so i changed every thing with starts with vp_* from 8 to 9.
but the vp9 encoder always return a null packet although the encoder doesn't return any error.
here is the code i'am using for configuring.
vpx_codec_err_t error = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &enc_cfg, 0);
if(error != VPX_CODEC_OK)
return error;
enc_cfg.g_timebase.den = fps;
enc_cfg.rc_undershoot_pct = 95;
enc_cfg.rc_target_bitrate = bitrate;
enc_cfg.g_error_resilient = 1;
enc_cfg.kf_max_dist = 999999;
enc_cfg.rc_buf_initial_sz = 4000;
enc_cfg.rc_buf_sz = 6000;
enc_cfg.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 5000;
enc_cfg.rc_end_usage = VPX_CBR;
enc_cfg.g_h = height;
enc_cfg.g_w = width;
enc_cfg.rc_min_quantizer = 4;
enc_cfg.rc_max_quantizer = 56;
enc_cfg.g_threads = 4;
enc_cfg.g_pass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS;
error = vpx_codec_enc_init(&codec, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &enc_cfg, 0);
if(error != VPX_CODEC_OK)
return error;
vpx_img_alloc(&vpx_image,VPX_IMG_FMT_I420 , width, height, 1);
configured = true;
return VPX_CODEC_OK;
and the code for the encoding
libyuv::RAWToI420(frame, vpx_image.d_w * 3, vpx_image.planes[VPX_PLANE_Y],vpx_image.stride[VPX_PLANE_Y],
vpx_image.planes[VPX_PLANE_U], vpx_image.stride[VPX_PLANE_U], vpx_image.planes[VPX_PLANE_V],
vpx_image.stride[VPX_PLANE_V], vpx_image.d_w, vpx_image.d_h);
const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt;
vpx_codec_err_t error = vpx_codec_encode(&codec, &vpx_image, 0, 1, 0, VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY);
if(error != VPX_CODEC_OK)
return vector<byte>();
vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL;
if((pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(&codec, &iter)))//always return null ?
if(pkt->kind == VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT)
int length = pkt->;
byte* buf = (byte*) pkt->data.frame.buf;
vector<byte> data(buf, buf + length);
return data;
return vector<byte>();
return vector<byte>();
the code is fully working if i'am using vp8 instead of 9, any help is welcomed
Just came across this post because I faced the same problem. Just for other to know: I solved it with setting
enc_cfg.g_lag_in_frames = 0;
This basically disallows the encoder to consume up to default 25 frames until it produces any output.